<?php /* * e107 website system * * Copyright (C) 2008-2017 e107 Inc (e107.org) * Released under the terms and conditions of the * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * Printer Friendly * */ require_once("class2.php"); //include_lan(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE.'/lan_'.e_PAGE); e107::coreLan('print'); $qs = explode(".", e_QUERY,2); if ($qs[0] == "") { header("location:".e_BASE."index.php"); exit; } $CSS = <<<CSS body { background: #fff; color: #000 } @media print { img { display: block; } img, table, ul, ol, .code-snippet { page-break-inside: avoid; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; } a[href]:after { content: none; } } CSS; e107::css('inline',$CSS); define('e_IFRAME', true); $source = preg_replace('/[^\w\d_\:]/',"", $qs[0]); $parms = varset($qs[1],''); unset($qs); if(strpos($source,'plugin:') !== FALSE) { $plugin = substr($source,7); if(file_exists(e_PLUGIN.$plugin."/e_emailprint.php")) { include_once(e_PLUGIN.$plugin."/e_emailprint.php"); $print_text = print_item($parms); // define("e_PAGETITLE", $plugin); } else { echo LAN_FILE_NOT_FOUND; exit; } } else { //$con = new convert; // $id = intval($parms); /** @var e_news_item $nws */ $nws = e107::getObject('e_news_item'); $row = $nws->load($parms)->toArray(); $newsUrl = e107::getUrl()->create('news/view/item', $row, 'full=1'); $tmp = e107::getTemplate('news', 'news', 'view'); if(empty($tmp)) { $newsViewTemplate = !empty($row['news_template']) ? $row['news_template'] : 'default'; $tmp = e107::getTemplate('news', 'news_view', $newsViewTemplate); } $title = $tp->toText($row['news_title']); define('e_PAGETITLE', '[print] '. $title); e107::meta('robots', 'noindex'); $template = $tmp['item']; unset($tmp); // ob_start(); require_once(e_HANDLER."news_class.php"); $ix = new news; $print_text = $ix->render_newsitem($row, 'return', '', $template, null); //$print_text = ob_get_flush(); $print_text .= "<br /><br /><hr />". LAN_PRINT_303."<b>".SITENAME."</b> <br /> ".$newsUrl." "; } if(defined("TEXTDIRECTION") && TEXTDIRECTION == "rtl"){ $align = 'right'; }else{ $align = 'left'; } // Header down here to give us a chance to set a page title require_once(HEADERF); //temporary solution - object of future cahges if(is_readable(THEME.'print_template.php')) { $PRINT_TEMPLATE = ''; include_once(THEME.'print_template.php'); echo $tp->parseTemplate($PRINT_TEMPLATE); } else { echo " <div style='background-color:white'> <div style='text-align:".$align."'>".$tp->parseTemplate("{LOGO: h=100}", TRUE)."</div><hr /> <div style='text-align:".$align."'>".$print_text."</div><br /><br /> <form action='#'><div class='hidden-print' style='text-align:center'><input class='btn btn-primary ' type='button' value='".LAN_PRINT_307."' onclick='window.print()' /></div></form></div>"; } require_once(FOOTERF); ?>