'LAN_USER_60',// Email Address 'LAN_138' => 'LAN_USER_52', // Registered members 'LAN_139' => 'LAN_USER_57', // Order "LAN_142" => "LAN_USER_58", // Member "LAN_145" => "LAN_USER_59", // Joined "LAN_146" => "LAN_USER_66", // Visits since... "LAN_147" => "LAN_USER_67", // Chatbox posts "LAN_148" => "LAN_USER_68", // Comments posted "LAN_149" => "LAN_USER_69", // Forum posts "LAN_308" => "LAN_USER_63", // Real Name "LAN_403" => "LAN_USER_64", // Site Stats "LAN_404" => "LAN_USER_65", // Last visit "LAN_419" => "LAN_USER_70", // Show "LAN_425" => "LAN_USER_62" // Send Private Message ); e107::getLanguage()->bcDefs($bcList); if(e_AJAX_REQUEST) { if(vartrue($_POST['q'])) { $q = filter_var($_POST['q'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $l = vartrue($_POST['l']) ? intval($_POST['l']) : 10; $db = e107::getDb(); if($db->select("user", "user_id,user_name", "user_name LIKE '". $q."%' ORDER BY user_name LIMIT " . $l)) { $data = array(); while($row = $db->fetch()) { $data[] = array( 'value' => $row['user_id'], 'label' => $row['user_name'], ); } if(count($data)) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($data); } } } exit; } // require_once(e_CORE."shortcodes/batch/user_shortcodes.php"); require_once(e_HANDLER."form_handler.php"); if (isset($_POST['delp'])) { $tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY); if ($tmp[0]=="self") { $tmp[1]=USERID; } if (USERID == $tmp[1] || (ADMIN && getperms("4"))) { $sql->select("user", "user_sess", "user_id='". USERID."'"); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); @unlink(e_AVATAR_UPLOAD.$row['user_sess']); $sql->update("user", "user_sess='' WHERE user_id=".intval($tmp[1])); header("location:".e_SELF."?id.".$tmp[1]); exit; } } $qs = explode(".", e_QUERY); $self_page =($qs[0] == 'id' && intval($qs[1]) == USERID); $USER_TEMPLATE = e107::getCoreTemplate('user'); e107::scStyle($sc_style); if(empty($USER_TEMPLATE)) // BC Fix for loading old templates. { e107::getMessage()->addDebug( "Using v1.x user template"); include_once(e107::coreTemplatePath('user')); //correct way to load a core template. } else { $USER_FULL_TEMPLATE = $USER_TEMPLATE['view']; $USER_SHORT_TEMPLATE_START = $USER_TEMPLATE['list']['start'] ; $USER_SHORT_TEMPLATE = $USER_TEMPLATE['list']['item'] ; $USER_SHORT_TEMPLATE_END = $USER_TEMPLATE['list']['end']; } $TEMPLATE = str_replace('{USER_EMBED_USERPROFILE}','{USER_ADDONS}', $TEMPLATE); // BC Fix $user_shortcodes = e107::getScBatch('user'); $user_shortcodes->wrapper('user/view'); /* if (file_exists(THEME."user_template.php")) { require_once(THEME."user_template.php"); } else { require_once(e_BASE.$THEMES_DIRECTORY."templates/user_template.php"); } */ $user_frm = new form; require_once(HEADERF); if (!defined("USER_WIDTH")){ define("USER_WIDTH","width:95%"); } $full_perms = getperms("0") || check_class(varset($pref['memberlist_access'], 253)); // Controls display of info from other users if (!$full_perms && !$self_page) { $ns->tablerender(LAN_ERROR, "