adminarea = (bool) $adminarea; $this->legacyThemeClass = e107::getPref('sitetheme') . '_theme'; // disabled at the moment. $this->adminThemeClass = e107::getPref('admintheme') . '_admintheme'; // Check for a class. $this->load(); } // Called in header_default.php. /** * @return void|null */ public function init() { if(empty($this->thm) || !method_exists($this->thm, 'init')) { if(deftrue('FONTAWESOME')) { e107::getParser()->setFontAwesome(FONTAWESOME); } if(deftrue('BOOTSTRAP')) { e107::getParser()->setBootstrap(BOOTSTRAP); } return null; } ob_start(); // don't allow init() to echo. $this->thm->init(); ob_end_clean(); } /** * Load theme class if necessary. * * @return null */ private function load() { if(!empty($this->thm)) { return null; } if(($this->adminarea === true)) { /** @var e_theme_render $thm */ if(class_exists($this->adminThemeClass)) { $this->thm = new $this->adminThemeClass(); } else { echo "

COULDN'T FIND ".$this->adminThemeClass." CLASS

"; } } elseif(class_exists($this->themeClass)) // v2.3.0+ { if(ADMIN && $this->hasLegacyCode()) // debug - no translation needed. { echo "
Please place all theme code inside the theme class.
"; } /** @var e_theme_render $thm */ $this->thm = new $this->themeClass(); if(ADMIN && !$this->thm instanceof e_theme_render) { // debug - no need to translate. echo "
class " . $this->themeClass . " is missing 'implements e_theme_render'. Make sure there is an init() method also!
"; } } elseif(class_exists($this->legacyThemeClass)) // legacy v2.x { /** @var e_theme_render $thm */ $this->thm = new $this->legacyThemeClass(); } return null; } /** * Return content options for the main render that uses {SETSTYLE=default} or {SETSTYLE=main} * * @return array */ private function getMainRender() { if(isset($this->mainRenders[0])) { return $this->mainRenders[0]; } return array(); } /** * Return the first caption rendered with {SETSTYLE=default} or {SETSTYLE=main} * * @return string|null */ public function getMainCaption() { if(isset($this->mainRenders[0]['caption'])) { return $this->mainRenders[0]['caption']; } return null; } /** * @return array */ function getMagicShortcodes() { $ret = array(); $val = $this->getMainRender(); $types = array('caption') + $this->contentTypes; foreach($types as $var) { $sc = '{---' . strtoupper($var) . '---}'; $ret[$sc] = isset($val[$var]) ? (string) $val[$var] : null; } if($tmp = e107::callMethod('theme_shortcodes', 'sc_caption', varset($val['caption']))) { $ret['{---CAPTION---}'] = $tmp; } $bread = e107::breadcrumb(); if($tmp = e107::callMethod('theme_shortcodes', 'sc_breadcrumb', $bread)) { $ret['{---BREADCRUMB---}'] = $tmp; } else { $ret['{---BREADCRUMB---}'] = e107::getForm()->breadcrumb($bread, true); } return $ret; } /** * Set the style mode for use in tablestyle() method/function * * @param string $style */ public function setStyle($style) { $this->eSetStyle = (string) $style; } /** * Set a unique id for use in tablestyle() method/function * * @param string $id * @return e_render */ public function setUniqueId($id) { $this->uniqueId = !empty($id) ? eHelper::dasherize($id) : null; return $this; } /** * Set Advanced Page/Menu content (beyond just $caption and $text) * * @param string|array $type header|footer|text|title|image|list * @param string $val * @return bool|e_render */ public function setContent($type, $val) { if(is_array($type)) { foreach($this->contentTypes as $t) { $this->content[$t] = (string) $type[$t]; } } if(!in_array($type, $this->contentTypes, true)) { return false; } if($this->uniqueId !== null) { $key = $this->uniqueId; } else { $key = '_generic_'; e107::getDebug()->log("Possible issue: Missing a Unique Tablerender ID. Use \$ns->setUniqueId() in the plugin script prior to setContent(). See 'source code' for more information."); // debug only, no LAN. } $this->content[$key][$type] = (string) $val; return $this; } /** * Return the value of custom content * * @param string $type header|footer|text|title|image|list * @return array */ public function getContent($type = '') { $key = ($this->uniqueId !== null) ? $this->uniqueId : '_generic_'; if(empty($type)) { return $this->content[$key]; } return $this->content[$key][$type]; } /** * Return the current value of {SETSTYLE} * * @return mixed */ public function getStyle() { return $this->eSetStyle; } /** * Return the currenty set uniqueId. * * @return mixed */ public function getUniqueId() { return $this->uniqueId; } /** * @param string $caption caption text * @param string $text * @param string $mode unique identifier * @param boolean $return : return the html instead of echo it. * @return null */ public function tablerender($caption, $text, $mode = 'default', $return = false) { $override_tablerender = e107::getSingleton('override', e_HANDLER . 'override_class.php')->override_check('tablerender'); if($override_tablerender) { $result = $override_tablerender($caption, $text, $mode, $return); if($result === 'return') { return ''; } extract($result); } if($return) { if(!empty($text) && $this->eMenuArea) { $this->eMenuCount++; } ob_start(); $this->tablestyle($caption, $text, $mode); return ob_get_clean(); } if(!empty($text) && $this->eMenuArea) { $this->eMenuCount++; } $this->tablestyle($caption, $text, $mode); return ''; } /** * @return bool */ private function hasLegacyCode() { $legacy = ['VIEWPORT', 'THEME_DISCLAIMER', 'IMODE', 'HTMLTAG', 'BODYTAG', 'COMMENTLINK', 'OTHERNEWS_LIMIT', 'PRE_EXTENDEDSTRING', 'COMMENTOFFSTRING', 'CORE_CSS', 'TRACKBACKSTRING', 'TRACKBACKBEFORESTRING']; foreach($legacy as $const) { if(defined($const)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Output the styled template. * * @param $caption * @param $text * @param $mode */ private function tablestyle($caption, $text, $mode) { $text = (string) $text; // Automatic list detection . $isList = (strncmp(ltrim($text), 'setContent('list', $isList); $options = $this->getContent(); $options['uniqueId'] = (string) $this->uniqueId; $options['menuArea'] = (int) $this->eMenuArea; $options['menuCount'] = $this->eMenuCount; $options['menuTotal'] = (int) varset($this->eMenuTotal[$this->eMenuArea]); $options['setStyle'] = (string) $this->eSetStyle; $options['caption'] = e107::getParser()->toText($caption); if($this->eSetStyle === 'default' || $this->eSetStyle === 'main') { $this->mainRenders[] = $options; } if(!empty($this->eSetStyle)) { if(!isset($this->styleCount[$this->eSetStyle])) { $this->styleCount[$this->eSetStyle] = 0; } $this->styleCount[$this->eSetStyle]++; } $options['styleCount'] = varset($this->styleCount[$this->eSetStyle]); //XXX Optional feature may be added if needed - define magic shortcodes inside $thm class. eg. function msc_custom(); if(!empty($this->thm) && is_object($this->thm)) { $this->thm->tablestyle($caption, $text, $mode, $options); } elseif(function_exists('tablestyle')) { tablestyle($caption, $text, $mode, $options); } $key = ($this->uniqueId !== null) ? $this->uniqueId : '_generic_'; $this->content[$key] = array(); $this->uniqueId = null; } }