isInstalled('forum')) { header('Location: '.SITEURL); exit; } //include_lan(e_PLUGIN.'forum/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'/lan_forum_viewforum.php'); // now uses English_front.php define('NAVIGATION_ACTIVE','forum'); if (isset($_POST['fjsubmit'])) { // TODO - load from DB and find forum_name header('location:'.e107::getUrl()->create('forum/forum/view', array('id'=>(int) $_POST['forumjump']), '', 'full=1&encode=0')); exit; } if (!e_QUERY) { header('Location:'.e107::getUrl()->create('forum/forum/main', array(), 'full=1&encode=0')); exit; } require_once(e_PLUGIN.'forum/forum_class.php'); $forum = new e107forum; //$view = 25; $view = $forum->prefs->get('threadspage', 25); if(!$view) { $view = 25; } $page = (varset($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : 1); $threadFrom = ($page - 1) * $view; global $forum_info, $FORUM_CRUMB; $fVars = new e_vars; $fVars->STARTERTITLE = LAN_FORUM_1004; $fVars->THREADTITLE = LAN_FORUM_1003; $fVars->REPLYTITLE = LAN_FORUM_0003; $fVars->LASTPOSTITLE = LAN_FORUM_0004; $fVars->VIEWTITLE = LAN_FORUM_1005; $forumId = (int)$_REQUEST['id']; if(!$forumId && e_QUERY) // BC Fix for old links. { list($id,$from) = explode(".",e_QUERY); $forumId = intval($id); $threadFrom = intval($from); unset($id,$from); } if (!$forum->checkPerm($forumId, 'view')) { header('Location:'.e107::getUrl()->create('forum/forum/main')); exit; } $forumInfo = $forum->forumGet($forumId); $threadsViewed = $forum->threadGetUserViewed(); if (!vartrue($FORUM_VIEW_START)) { if (file_exists(THEME.'forum_viewforum_template.php')) { require_once(THEME.'forum_viewforum_template.php'); } elseif (file_exists(THEME.'forum_template.php')) { require_once(THEME.'forum_template.php'); } else { require_once(e_PLUGIN.'forum/templates/forum_viewforum_template.php'); } } if(is_array($FORUM_VIEWFORUM_TEMPLATE) && deftrue('BOOTSTRAP',false)) // New v2.x bootstrap Template. { $FORUM_VIEW_START_CONTAINER = $FORUM_VIEWFORUM_TEMPLATE['start']; $FORUM_VIEW_START = $FORUM_VIEWFORUM_TEMPLATE['header']; $FORUM_VIEW_FORUM = $FORUM_VIEWFORUM_TEMPLATE['item']; $FORUM_VIEW_FORUM_STICKY = $FORUM_VIEWFORUM_TEMPLATE['item-sticky']; $FORUM_VIEW_FORUM_ANNOUNCE = $FORUM_VIEWFORUM_TEMPLATE['item-announce']; $FORUM_VIEW_END = $FORUM_VIEWFORUM_TEMPLATE['footer']; $FORUM_VIEW_END_CONTAINER = $FORUM_VIEWFORUM_TEMPLATE['end']; $FORUM_VIEW_SUB_START = $FORUM_VIEWFORUM_TEMPLATE['sub-header']; $FORUM_VIEW_SUB = $FORUM_VIEWFORUM_TEMPLATE['sub-item']; $FORUM_VIEW_SUB_END = $FORUM_VIEWFORUM_TEMPLATE['sub-footer']; $FORUM_IMPORTANT_ROW = $FORUM_VIEWFORUM_TEMPLATE['divider-important']; $FORUM_NORMAL_ROW = $FORUM_VIEWFORUM_TEMPLATE['divider-normal']; } $forumInfo['forum_name'] = $tp->toHTML($forumInfo['forum_name'], true, 'no_hook, emotes_off'); $forumInfo['forum_description'] = $tp->toHTML($forumInfo['forum_description'], true, 'no_hook'); $_forum_name = (substr($forumInfo['forum_name'], 0, 1) == '*' ? substr($forumInfo['forum_name'], 1) : $forumInfo['forum_name']); define('e_PAGETITLE', $_forum_name.' / '.LAN_FORUM_1001); // SEO - meta description (auto) if(!empty($forumInfo['forum_description'])) { define("META_DESCRIPTION", $tp->text_truncate( str_replace( array('"', "'"), '', strip_tags($tp->toHTML($forumInfo['forum_description'])) ), 250, '...')); } //define('MODERATOR', $forum_info['forum_moderators'] != '' && check_class($forum_info['forum_moderators'])); //$modArray = $forum->forum_getmods($forum_info['forum_moderators']); $modArray = $forum->forumGetMods($thread->forum_info['forum_moderators']); define('MODERATOR', (USER && is_array($modArray) && in_array(USERID, array_keys($modArray)))); $message = ''; if (MODERATOR) { if ($_POST) { require_once(e_PLUGIN.'forum/forum_mod.php'); $message = forum_thread_moderate($_POST); } } if(e_AJAX_REQUEST && MODERATOR) // see javascript above. { $forum->ajaxModerate(); } if(varset($pref['track_online'])) { $member_users = $sql->db_Count('online', '(*)', "WHERE online_location REGEXP('$forumId\$') AND online_user_id != 0"); $guest_users = $sql->db_Count('online', '(*)', "WHERE online_location REGEXP('$forumId\$') AND online_user_id = 0"); $users = $member_users+$guest_users; } require_once(HEADERF); $text=''; // TODO - message batch shortcode if ($message) { //$ns->tablerender('', $message, array('forum_viewforum', 'msg')); //e107::getMessage()->add($thread->message); $fVars->MESSAGE = $message; } $threadCount = $forumInfo['forum_threads']; if ($threadCount > $view) { $pages = ceil($threadCount/$view); } else { $pages = false; } if ($pages) { if(strpos($FORUM_VIEW_START, 'THREADPAGES') !== false || strpos($FORUM_VIEW_END, 'THREADPAGES') !== false) { //if(!$page) $page = 1; $urlparms = $forumInfo; $urlparms['page'] = '[FROM]'; $url = rawurlencode(e107::getUrl()->create('forum/forum/view', $urlparms)); $parms = "total={$pages}&type=page¤t={$page}&url=".$url."&caption=off"; $fVars->THREADPAGES = $tp->parseTemplate("{NEXTPREV={$parms}}"); unset($urlparms); } } if($forum->checkPerm($forumId, 'post')) { $fVars->NEWTHREADBUTTON = " $forumId))."'>".IMAGE_newthread.''; $fVars->NEWTHREADBUTTONX = newthreadjump(e107::getUrl()->create('forum/thread/new', array('id' => $forumId))); // "New Thread"; } if(!BOOTSTRAP) { $fVars->NEWTHREADBUTTONX = $fVars->NEWTHREADBUTTON; } if(substr($forumInfo['forum_name'], 0, 1) == '*') { $forum_info['forum_name'] = substr($forum_info['forum_name'], 1); $container_only = true; } else { $container_only = false; } if(substr($forum_info['sub_parent'], 0, 1) == '*') { $forum_info['sub_parent'] = substr($forum_info['sub_parent'], 1); } $forum->set_crumb(true, '', $fVars); // set $BREADCRUMB (and $BACKLINK) $fVars->FORUMTITLE = $forumInfo['forum_name']; $fVars->MODERATORS = LAN_FORUM_1009.': '.implode(', ', $modArray); $fVars->BROWSERS = ''; if(varset($pref['track_online'])) { $fVars->BROWSERS = $users.' '.($users == 1 ? LAN_FORUM_0059 : LAN_FORUM_0060).' ('.$member_users.' '.($member_users == 1 ? LAN_FORUM_0061 : LAN_FORUM_0062).", ".$guest_users." ".($guest_users == 1 ? LAN_FORUM_0063 : LAN_FORUM_0064).')'; } $fVars->ICONKEY = "
".IMAGE_new_small." ".LAN_FORUM_0039." ".IMAGE_nonew_small." ".LAN_FORUM_0040." ".IMAGE_sticky_small." ".LAN_FORUM_1011." ".IMAGE_announce_small." ".LAN_FORUM_1013."
".IMAGE_new_popular_small." ".LAN_FORUM_0039." ".LAN_FORUM_1010." ".IMAGE_nonew_popular_small." ".LAN_FORUM_0040." ".LAN_FORUM_1010." ".IMAGE_stickyclosed_small." ".LAN_FORUM_1012." ".IMAGE_closed_small." ".LAN_FORUM_1014."
"; $fVars->SEARCH = "

"; if($forum->checkPerm($forumId, 'post')) { $fVars->PERMS = LAN_FORUM_0043.' - '.LAN_FORUM_0045.' - '.LAN_FORUM_0047; } else { $fVars->PERMS = LAN_FORUM_0044.' - '.LAN_FORUM_0046.' - '.LAN_FORUM_0048; } $sticky_threads = 0; $stuck = false; $reg_threads = 0; $unstuck = false; $threadList = $forum->forumGetThreads($forumId, $threadFrom, $view); $subList = $forum->forumGetSubs(vartrue($forum_id)); $gen = new convert; $fVars->SUBFORUMS = ''; if(is_array($subList) && isset($subList[$forumInfo['forum_parent']][$forumId])) { $newflag_list = $forum->forumGetUnreadForums(); $sub_info = ''; foreach($subList[$forumInfo['forum_parent']][$forumId] as $sub) { $sub_info .= parse_sub($sub); } $fVars->SUBFORUMS = $FORUM_VIEW_SUB_START.$sub_info.$FORUM_VIEW_SUB_END; } if (count($threadList) ) { foreach($threadList as $thread_info) { if($thread_info['thread_options']) { $thread_info['thread_options'] = unserialize($thread_info['thread_options']); } else { $thread_info['thread_options'] = array(); } if ($thread_info['thread_sticky']) { $sticky_threads ++; } if ($sticky_threads > 0 && !$stuck && $forum->prefs->get('hilightsticky')) { if($FORUM_IMPORTANT_ROW) { $forum_view_forum .= $FORUM_IMPORTANT_ROW; } else { $forum_view_forum .= " ".LAN_FORUM_1006.""; } $stuck = true; } if (!$thread_info['thread_sticky']) { $reg_threads ++; } if ($reg_threads == '1') // Removed as not needed in new template. && !$unstuck && $stuck { if($FORUM_NORMAL_ROW) { $forum_view_forum .= $FORUM_NORMAL_ROW; } else { $forum_view_forum .= " ".LAN_FORUM_1007.""; } $unstuck = true; } $forum_view_forum .= parse_thread($thread_info); } } else { $forum_view_forum .= "".LAN_FORUM_1008.""; } $fVars->FORUMJUMP = forumjump(); $fVars->TOPLINK = "".LAN_GOTO.''; // FIXME - TOPLINK not used anymore? if($container_only) { $FORUM_VIEW_START = ($FORUM_VIEW_START_CONTAINER ? $FORUM_VIEW_START_CONTAINER : $FORUM_VIEW_START); $FORUM_VIEW_END = ($FORUM_VIEW_END_CONTAINER ? $FORUM_VIEW_END_CONTAINER : $FORUM_VIEW_END); $forum_view_forum = ''; } $forum_view_start = $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_VIEW_START, $fVars); $forum_view_end = $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_VIEW_END, $fVars); if ($forum->prefs->get('enclose')) { $ns->tablerender($forum->prefs->get('title'), $forum_view_start.$forum_view_subs.$forum_view_forum.$forum_view_end, array('forum_viewforum', 'main1')); } else { echo $forum_view_start.$forum_view_forum.$forum_view_end; } echo ""; require_once(FOOTERF); function parse_thread($thread_info) { global $forum, $FORUM_VIEW_FORUM, $FORUM_VIEW_FORUM_STICKY, $FORUM_VIEW_FORUM_ANNOUNCE, $gen, $menu_pref, $threadsViewed; $tp = e107::getParser(); $tVars = new e_vars; $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $text = ''; $threadId = $thread_info['thread_id']; $forumId = $thread_info['thread_forum_id']; $tVars->VIEWS = $thread_info['thread_views']; $tVars->REPLIES = $thread_info['thread_total_replies']; $badge = ($thread_info['thread_views'] > 0) ? "badge-info" : ""; $tVars->REPLIESX = "".$thread_info['thread_total_replies'].""; $tVars->VIEWSX = "".$thread_info['thread_views'].""; if ($tVars->REPLIES) { $lastpost_datestamp = $gen->convert_date($thread_info['thread_lastpost'], 'forum'); if($thread_info['lastpost_username']) { // XXX hopefully & is not allowed in user name - it would break parsing of url parameters, change to array if something wrong happens $url = e107::getUrl()->create('user/profile/view', "name={$thread_info['lastpost_username']}&id={$thread_info['thread_lastuser']}"); $tVars->LASTPOST = "".$thread_info['lastpost_username'].""; $tVars->LASTPOSTUSER = "".$thread_info['lastpost_username'].""; } else { if(!$thread_info['thread_lastuser']) { $tVars->LASTPOST = $tp->toHTML($thread_info['thread_lastuser_anon']); $tVars->LASTPOSTUSER = $tp->toHTML($thread_info['thread_lastuser_anon']); } else { $tVars->LASTPOST = LAN_FORUM_1015; $tVars->LASTPOSTUSER = LAN_FORUM_1015; } } $tVars->LASTPOST .= '
'.$lastpost_datestamp; $tVars->LASTPOSTDATE .= $gen->computeLapse($thread_info['thread_lastpost'],time(), false, false, 'short'); } $newflag = (USER && $thread_info['thread_lastpost'] > USERLV && !in_array($thread_info['thread_id'], $threadsViewed)); $tVars->THREADDATE = $gen->convert_date($thread_info['thread_datestamp'], 'forum'); $tVars->THREADTIMELAPSE = $gen->computeLapse($thread_info['thread_datestamp'],time(), false, false, 'short'); // convert_date($thread_info['thread_datestamp'], 'forum'); $tVars->ICON = ($newflag ? IMAGE_new : IMAGE_nonew); if ($tVars->REPLIES >= $forum->prefs->get('popular', 10)) { $tVars->ICON = ($newflag ? IMAGE_new_popular : IMAGE_nonew_popular); } $tVars->THREADTYPE = ''; if ($thread_info['thread_sticky'] == 1) { $tVars->ICON = ($thread_info['thread_active'] ? IMAGE_sticky : IMAGE_stickyclosed); $tVars->THREADTYPE = '['.LAN_FORUM_1011.']
'; } elseif($thread_info['thread_sticky'] == 2) { $tVars->ICON = IMAGE_announce; $tVars->THREADTYPE = '['.LAN_FORUM_1013.']
'; } elseif(!$thread_info['thread_active']) { $tVars->ICON = IMAGE_closed; } $thread_name = strip_tags($tp->toHTML($thread_info['thread_name'], false, 'no_hook, emotes_off')); if(isset($thread_info['thread_options']['poll'])) { $thread_name = '['.LAN_FORUM_1016.'] ' . $thread_name; } // if (strtoupper($THREADTYPE) == strtoupper(substr($thread_name, 0, strlen($THREADTYPE)))) // { // $thread_name = substr($thread_name, strlen($THREADTYPE)); // } if ($forum->prefs->get('tooltip')) { $thread_thread = strip_tags($tp->toHTML($thread_info['thread_thread'], true, 'no_hook')); $tip_length = $forum->prefs->get('tiplength', 400); if (strlen($thread_thread) > $tip_length) { //$thread_thread = substr($thread_thread, 0, $tip_length).' '.$menu_pref['newforumposts_postfix']; $thread_thread = $tp->text_truncate($thread_thread, $tip_length, $menu_pref['newforumposts_postfix']); // Doesn't split entities } $thread_thread = str_replace("'", ''', $thread_thread); $title = "title='".$thread_thread."'"; } else { $title = ''; } $tVars->THREADNAME = " $threadId, 'name' => $thread_name))."'>{$thread_name}"; // FIXME - pages -> convert to nextprev shortcode $pages = ceil(($tVars->REPLIES)/$forum->prefs->get('postspage')); $urlparms = $thread_info; if ($pages > 1) { if($pages > 6) { for($a = 0; $a <= 2; $a++) { $aa = $a + 1; $tVars->PAGES .= $tVars->PAGES ? ' ' : ''; $urlparms['page'] = $aa; $url = e107::getUrl()->create('forum/thread/view', $urlparms); $tVars->PAGES .= "{$aa}"; } $tVars->PAGES .= ' ... '; for($a = $pages-3; $a <= $pages-1; $a++) { $aa = $a + 1; $tVars->PAGES .= $tVars->PAGES ? ' ' : ''; $urlparms['page'] = $aa; $url = e107::getUrl()->create('forum/thread/view', $urlparms); $tVars->PAGES .= "{$aa}"; } } else { for($a = 0; $a <= ($pages-1); $a++) { $aa = $a + 1; $tVars->PAGES .= $tVars->PAGES ? ' ' : ''; $urlparms['page'] = $aa; $url = e107::getUrl()->create('forum/thread/view', $urlparms); $tVars->PAGES .= "{$aa}"; } } $tVars->PAGES = LAN_GOTO.' [ '.$tVars->PAGES.' ]'; } else { $tVars->PAGES = ''; } $tVars->PAGESX = fpages($thread_info, $tVars->REPLIES); if (MODERATOR) { // FIXME _URL_ thread name // e107::getUrl()->create('forum/forum/view', "id={$thread_info['thread_forum_id']}") // USED self instead $tVars->ADMIN_ICONS = "
".($thread_info['thread_sticky'] == 1 ? " " : " ")." ".($thread_info['thread_active'] ? " " : " "). " ".IMAGE_admin_move.'
'; $tVars->ADMINOPTIONS = fadminoptions($thread_info); } $text .= " ".$THREADDATE.'
'; // $tmp = explode('.', $thread_info['thread_user'], 2); if($thread_info['user_name']) { $tVars->POSTER = " $thread_info['thread_user'], 'name' => $thread_info['user_name']))."'>".$thread_info['user_name'].""; } else { if($thread_info['thread_user_anon']) { $tVars->POSTER = $tp->toHTML($thread_info['thread_user_anon']); } else { $tVars->POSTER = LAN_FORUM_1015; } } if (!$tVars->REPLIES) { $tVars->REPLIES = '0'; $tVars->REPLIESX = "0"; $tVars->LASTPOST = ' - '; $tVars->LASTPOSTDATE = ' - '; } switch($thread_info['thread_sticky']) { case 1: $_TEMPLATE = ($FORUM_VIEW_FORUM_STICKY ? $FORUM_VIEW_FORUM_STICKY : $FORUM_VIEW_FORUM); break; case 2: $_TEMPLATE = ($FORUM_VIEW_FORUM_ANNOUNCE ? $FORUM_VIEW_FORUM_ANNOUNCE : $FORUM_VIEW_FORUM); break; default: $_TEMPLATE = $FORUM_VIEW_FORUM; break; } if(substr($_TEMPLATE,0,4) == '') // Inject id into table row. //XXX Find a better way to do this without placing in template. . { $_TEMPLATE = "".substr($_TEMPLATE,4); } if(!BOOTSTRAP) { $tVars->REPLIESX = $tVars->REPLIES; $tVars->VIEWSX = $tVars->VIEWS; $tVars->ADMINOPTIONS = $tVars->ADMIN_ICONS; } return $tp->simpleParse($_TEMPLATE, $tVars); } function parse_sub($subInfo) { global $FORUM_VIEW_SUB, $gen, $newflag_list; $tp = e107::getParser(); $tVars = new e_vars; $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $forumName = $tp->toHTML($subInfo['forum_name'], true); $tVars->SUB_FORUMTITLE = "{$forumName}"; $tVars->SUB_DESCRIPTION = $tp->toHTML($subInfo['forum_description'], false, 'no_hook'); $tVars->SUB_THREADS = $subInfo['forum_threads']; $tVars->SUB_REPLIES = $subInfo['forum_replies']; $badgeReplies = ($subInfo['forum_replies']) ? "badge-info" : ""; $badgeThreads = ($subInfo['forum_replies']) ? "badge-info" : ""; $tVars->SUB_THREADSX = "".$subInfo['forum_threads'].""; $tVars->SUB_REPLIESX = "".$subInfo['forum_replies'].""; // $tVars->REPLIESX = "".$thread_info['thread_total_replies'].""; // $tVars->VIEWSX = "".$thread_info['thread_views'].""; if(USER && is_array($newflag_list) && in_array($subInfo['forum_id'], $newflag_list)) { $tVars->NEWFLAG = "".IMAGE_new.''; } else { $tVars->NEWFLAG = IMAGE_nonew; } if($subInfo['forum_lastpost_info']) { $tmp = explode('.', $subInfo['forum_lastpost_info']); $lp_thread = " $tmp[1]))."'>".IMAGE_post2.''; $lp_date = $gen->convert_date($tmp[0], 'forum'); if($subInfo['user_name']) { $lp_name = " $subInfo['forum_lastpost_user'], 'name' => $subInfo['user_name']))."'>{$subInfo['user_name']}"; } else { $lp_name = $subInfo['forum_lastpost_user_anon']; } $tVars->SUB_LASTPOST = $lp_date.'
'.$lp_name.' '.$lp_thread; $tVars->SUB_LASTPOSTDATE = $gen->computeLapse($tmp[0], time(), false, false, 'short'); $tVars->SUB_LASTPOSTUSER = $lp_name; } else { $tVars->SUB_LASTPOST = '-'; $tVars->SUB_LASTPOSTUSER = ''; $tVars->SUB_LASTPOSTDATE = ''; } return $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_VIEW_SUB, $tVars); } function forumjump() { global $forum; $jumpList = $forum->forumGetAllowed('view'); $text = "


"; return $text; } function fadminoptions($thread_info) { $tVars = new e_vars; $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $tp = e107::getParser(); // $text = "
"; $text .= '
"; // $text .= "
"; return $text; } function fpages($thread_info, $replies) { global $forum; $pages = ceil(($replies)/$forum->prefs->get('postspage')); $urlparms = $thread_info; if ($pages > 1) { if($pages > 6) { for($a = 0; $a <= 2; $a++) { $aa = $a + 1; $text .= $text ? ' ' : ''; $urlparms['page'] = $aa; $url = e107::getUrl()->create('forum/thread/view', $urlparms); $opts[] = "{$aa}"; //FIXME LAN_GOPAGE syntax? } $text .= ' ... '; for($a = $pages-3; $a <= $pages-1; $a++) { $aa = $a + 1; $text .= $text ? ' ' : ''; $urlparms['page'] = $aa; $url = e107::getUrl()->create('forum/thread/view', $urlparms); $opts[] = "{$aa}"; //FIXME LAN_GOPAGE syntax? } } else { for($a = 0; $a <= ($pages-1); $a++) { $aa = $a + 1; $text .= $text ? ' ' : ''; $urlparms['page'] = $aa; $url = e107::getUrl()->create('forum/thread/view', $urlparms); $opts[] = "{$aa}"; //FIXME LAN_GOPAGE syntax? } } if(deftrue('BOOTSTRAP')) { $text = ""; $text .= ""; } else { $text = implode("",$opts); // .""; } } else { $text = ''; } return $text; } function newthreadjump($url) { global $forum; $jumpList = $forum->forumGetAllowed('view'); $text = '
'; return $text; } ?>