db_Select_gen($query)) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $ret['parent'] = $row['parent']; } return $ret; } function update_lastpost($type, $id, $update_threads = FALSE) { global $sql, $tp; $sql2 = new db; if ($type == 'thread') { $id = intval($id); $thread_info = $this->thread_get_lastpost($id); list($uid, $uname) = explode(".", $thread_info['thread_user'], 2); if ($thread_info) { if($thread_info['user_name'] != "") { $thread_lastuser = $uid.".".$thread_info['user_name']; } else { $tmp = explode(chr(1), $thread_info['thread_user']); $thread_lastuser = $tmp[0]; } $sql->db_Update('forum_t', "thread_lastpost = ".intval($thread_info['thread_datestamp']).", thread_lastuser = '".$tp -> toDB($thread_lastuser, true)."' WHERE thread_id = ".intval($id)); } return $thread_info; } if ($type == 'forum') { if ($id == 'all') { if ($sql->db_Select('forum', 'forum_id', 'forum_parent != 0')) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $parentList[] = $row['forum_id']; } foreach($parentList as $id) { // echo "Updating forum #{$id}
"; $this->update_lastpost('forum', $id, $update_threads); } } } else { $id = intval($id); $forum_lp_user = ''; $forum_lp_info = ''; if($update_threads == TRUE) { if ($sql2->db_Select('forum_t', 'thread_id', "thread_forum_id = $id AND thread_parent = 0")) { while ($row = $sql2->db_Fetch()) { $this->update_lastpost('thread', $row['thread_id']); } } } if ($sql->db_Select("forum_t", "*", "thread_forum_id='$id' ORDER BY thread_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,1")) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $tmp = explode(chr(1), $row['thread_user']); $forum_lp_user = $tmp[0]; $last_id = $row['thread_parent'] ? $row['thread_parent'] : $row['thread_id']; $forum_lp_info = $row['thread_datestamp'].".".$last_id; } $sql->db_Update('forum', "forum_lastpost_user = '{$forum_lp_user}', forum_lastpost_info = '{$forum_lp_info}' WHERE forum_id={$id}"); } } } function forum_markasread($forum_id) { global $sql; if ($forum_id != 'all') { $forum_id = intval($forum_id); $extra = " AND thread_forum_id='{$forum_id}' "; } $qry = "thread_lastpost > ".USERLV." AND thread_parent = 0 {$extra} "; if ($sql->db_Select('forum_t', 'thread_id', $qry)) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $u_new .= $row['thread_id']."."; } $u_new .= USERVIEWED; $t = array_unique(explode('.',$u_new)); // Filter duplicates $u_new = implode('.',$t); $sql->db_Update("user", "user_viewed='{$u_new}' WHERE user_id='".USERID."' "); header("location:".e_SELF); exit; } } function thread_markasread($thread_id) { global $sql; $thread_id = intval($thread_id); $u_new = USERVIEWED.".".$thread_id; return $sql->db_Update("user", "user_viewed='$u_new' WHERE user_id='".USERID."' "); } function forum_getparents() { global $sql; if ($sql->db_Select('forum', '*', "forum_parent='0' ORDER BY forum_order ASC")) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $ret[] = $row; } return $ret; } return FALSE; } function forum_getmods($uclass = e_UC_ADMIN) { global $sql; if($uclass == e_UC_ADMIN || trim($uclass) == '') { $sql->db_Select('user', 'user_id, user_name',"user_admin = 1"); } else { $regex = "(^|,)(".str_replace(",", "|", $uclass).")(,|$)"; $sql->db_Select("user", "user_id, user_name", "user_class REGEXP '{$regex}'"); } while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $ret[$row['user_id']] = $row['user_name']; } return $ret; } function forum_getforums($type = 'all') { global $sql; $qry = " SELECT f.*, u.user_name FROM #forum AS f LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(f.forum_lastpost_user,'.',1) = u.user_id WHERE forum_parent != 0 AND forum_sub = 0 ORDER BY f.forum_order ASC "; if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { if($type == 'all') { $ret[$row['forum_parent']][] = $row; } else { $ret[] = $row; } } return $ret; } return FALSE; } function forum_getsubs($forum_id = "") { global $sql; $where = ($forum_id != "" && $forum_id != 'bysub' ? "AND forum_sub = ".intval($forum_id) : ""); $qry = " SELECT f.*, u.user_name FROM #forum AS f LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(f.forum_lastpost_user,'.',1) = u.user_id WHERE forum_sub != 0 {$where} ORDER BY f.forum_order ASC "; if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { if($forum_id == "") { $ret[$row['forum_parent']][$row['forum_sub']][] = $row; } elseif($forum_id == 'bysub') { $ret[$row['forum_sub']][] = $row; } else { $ret[] = $row; } } return $ret; } return FALSE; } function forum_newflag_list() { if (!USER) return FALSE; // Can't determine new threads for non-logged in users global $sql; $viewed = ""; if(USERVIEWED) { $viewed = preg_replace("#\.+#", ".", USERVIEWED); $viewed = preg_replace("#^\.#", "", $viewed); $viewed = preg_replace("#\.$#", "", $viewed); $viewed = str_replace(".", ",", $viewed); } if($viewed != "") { $viewed = " AND thread_id NOT IN (".$viewed.")"; } $_newqry = " SELECT DISTINCT ff.forum_sub, ft.thread_forum_id FROM #forum_t AS ft LEFT JOIN #forum AS ff ON ft.thread_forum_id = ff.forum_id WHERE thread_parent = 0 AND thread_lastpost > '".USERLV."' {$viewed} "; if($sql->db_Select_gen($_newqry)) { while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $ret[] = $row['thread_forum_id']; if($row['forum_sub']) { $ret[] = $row['forum_sub']; } } return $ret; } else { return FALSE; } } function thread_user($post_info) { if($post_info['user_name']) { return $post_info['user_name']; } else { $tmp = explode(".", $post_info['thread_user'], 2); return $tmp[1]; } } function untrack($thread_id, $from) { $thread_id = intval($thread_id); global $sql; $tmp = str_replace("-".$thread_id."-", "", USERREALM); return $sql->db_Update("user", "user_realm='$tmp' WHERE user_id='".USERID."' "); } function track($thread_id, $from) { $thread_id = intval($thread_id); global $sql; return $sql->db_Update("user", "user_realm='".USERREALM."-".$thread_id."-' WHERE user_id='".USERID."' "); } function forum_get($forum_id) { $forum_id = intval($forum_id); $qry = " SELECT f.*, fp.forum_class as parent_class, fp.forum_name as parent_name, fp.forum_id as parent_id, fp.forum_postclass as parent_postclass, sp.forum_name AS sub_parent FROM #forum AS f LEFT JOIN #forum AS fp ON fp.forum_id = f.forum_parent LEFT JOIN #forum AS sp ON f.forum_sub = sp.forum_id AND f.forum_sub > 0 WHERE f.forum_id = {$forum_id} "; global $sql; if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { return $sql->db_Fetch(); } return FALSE; } function forum_get_allowed() { global $sql; $qry = " SELECT f.forum_id, f.forum_name FROM #forum AS f LEFT JOIN #forum AS fp ON fp.forum_id = f.forum_parent WHERE f.forum_parent != 0 AND fp.forum_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") AND f.forum_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") "; if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $ret[$row['forum_id']] = $row['forum_name']; } } return $ret; } function thread_update($thread_id, $newvals) { global $sql, $tp; foreach($newvals as $var => $val) { $var = $tp -> toDB($var); $val = $tp -> toDB($val); $newvalArray[] = "{$var} = '{$val}'"; } $newString = implode(', ', $newvalArray)." WHERE thread_id=".intval($thread_id); return $sql->db_Update('forum_t', $newString); } function forum_get_topics($forum_id, $from, $view) { $forum_id = intval($forum_id); global $sql; $qry = " SELECT t.*, u.user_name, lpu.user_name AS lastpost_username from #forum_t as t LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(t.thread_user,'.',1) = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #user AS lpu ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(t.thread_lastuser,'.',1) = lpu.user_id WHERE t.thread_forum_id = $forum_id AND t.thread_parent = 0 ORDER BY t.thread_s DESC, t.thread_lastpost DESC, t.thread_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($view)." "; $ret = array(); if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $ret[] = $row; } } return $ret; } function thread_get_lastpost($forum_id) { $forum_id = intval($forum_id); global $sql; if ($sql->db_Count('forum_t', '(*)', "WHERE thread_parent = {$forum_id} ")) { $where = "WHERE t.thread_parent = $forum_id "; } else { $where = "WHERE t.thread_id = $forum_id "; } $qry = " SELECT t.thread_user, t.thread_datestamp, u.user_name FROM #forum_t AS t LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(t.thread_user,'.',1) = u.user_id {$where} ORDER BY t.thread_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,1 "; if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { return $sql->db_Fetch(); } return FALSE; } function forum_get_topic_count($forum_id) { global $sql; return $sql->db_Count("forum_t", "(*)", " WHERE thread_forum_id='".intval($forum_id)."' AND thread_parent='0' "); } function thread_getnext($thread_id, $forum_id, $from = 0, $limit = 100) { global $sql; $forum_id = intval($forum_id); global $sql; $ftab = MPREFIX.'forum_t'; while (!$found) { $qry = " SELECT t.thread_id from #forum_t AS t WHERE t.thread_forum_id = $forum_id AND t.thread_parent = 0 ORDER BY t.thread_s DESC, t.thread_lastpost DESC, t.thread_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($limit); if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { $i = 0; while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $threadList[$i++] = $row['thread_id']; } if (($id = array_search($thread_id, $threadList)) !== FALSE) { if ($id != 99) { return $threadList[$id+1]; } else { return $this->thread_getnext($thread_id, $forum_id, $from+99, 2); } } } else { return FALSE; } $from += 100; } } function thread_getprev($thread_id, $forum_id, $from = 0, $limit = 100) { global $sql; $forum_id = intval($forum_id); global $sql; $ftab = MPREFIX.'forum_t'; while (!$found) { $qry = " SELECT t.thread_id from #forum_t AS t WHERE t.thread_forum_id = $forum_id AND t.thread_parent = 0 ORDER BY t.thread_s DESC, t.thread_lastpost DESC, t.thread_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($limit); if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { $i = 0; while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $threadList[$i++] = $row['thread_id']; } if (($id = array_search($thread_id, $threadList)) !== FALSE) { if ($id != 0) { return $threadList[$id-1]; } else { if ($from == 0) { return FALSE; } return $this->thread_getprev($thread_id, $forum_id, $from-1, 2); } } } else { return FALSE; } $from += 100; } } function thread_get($thread_id, $start = 0, $limit = 10) { $thread_id = intval($thread_id); global $sql; $ftab = MPREFIX.'forum_t'; $utab = MPREFIX.'user'; if ($start === "last") { $tcount = $this->thread_count($thread_id); $start = max(0, $tcount-$limit); } $start = max(0, $start); if ($start != 0) { $array_start = 0; } else { $limit--; $array_start = 1; } $sortdir = "ASC"; $qry = " SELECT t.*, u.*, ue.* FROM #forum_t as t LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(t.thread_user,'.',1) = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(t.thread_user,'.',1) = ue.user_extended_id WHERE t.thread_parent = $thread_id ORDER by t.thread_datestamp {$sortdir} LIMIT ".intval($start).",".intval($limit); $ret = array(); if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { $i = $array_start; while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $ret[$i] = $row; $i++; } } $qry = " SELECT t.*,u.*,ue.* from #forum_t AS t LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(t.thread_user,'.',1) = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(t.thread_user,'.',1) = ue.user_extended_id WHERE t.thread_id = $thread_id LIMIT 0,1 "; if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $ret['head'] = $row; if (!array_key_exists(0, $ret)) { $ret[0] = $row; } } return $ret; } function thread_count($thread_id) { $thread_id = intval($thread_id); global $sql; return $sql->db_Count('forum_t', '(*)', "WHERE thread_parent = $thread_id")+1; } function thread_count_list($thread_list) { global $sql, $tp; $qry = " SELECT t.thread_parent, t.COUNT(*) as thread_replies FROM #forum_t AS t WHERE t.thread_parent IN ".$tp -> toDB($thread_list, true)." GROUP BY t.thread_parent "; if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $ret[$row['thread_parent']] = $row['thread_replies']; } } return $ret; } function thread_incview($thread_id) { $thread_id = intval($thread_id); global $sql; return $sql->db_Update("forum_t", "thread_views=thread_views+1 WHERE thread_id='$thread_id' "); } function thread_get_postinfo($thread_id, $head = FALSE) { $thread_id = intval($thread_id); global $sql; $ret = array(); $qry = " SELECT t.*, u.user_name, u.user_id, u.user_email from #forum_t AS t LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(t.thread_user,'.',1) = u.user_id WHERE t.thread_id = $thread_id LIMIT 0,1 "; if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { $ret[0] = $sql->db_Fetch(); } else { return FALSE; } if ($head == FALSE) { return $ret; } $parent_id = $ret[0]['thread_parent']; if ($parent_id == 0) { $ret['head'] = $ret[0]; } else { $qry = " SELECT t.*, u.user_name, u.user_id from #forum_t AS t LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(t.thread_user,'.',1) = u.user_id WHERE t.thread_id = ".intval($parent_id)." LIMIT 0,1 "; if ($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $ret['head'] = $row; } } return $ret; } function _forum_lp_update($lp_type, $lp_user, $lp_info, $lp_forum_id, $lp_forum_sub) { global $sql; $sql->db_Update('forum', "{$lp_type}={$lp_type}+1, forum_lastpost_user='{$lp_user}', forum_lastpost_info = '{$lp_info}' WHERE forum_id='".intval($lp_forum_id)."' "); if($lp_forum_sub) { $sql->db_Update('forum', "forum_lastpost_user = '{$lp_user}', forum_lastpost_info = '{$lp_info}' WHERE forum_id='".intval($lp_forum_sub)."' "); } } function thread_insert($thread_name, $thread_thread, $thread_forum_id, $thread_parent, $thread_poster, $thread_active, $thread_s, $forum_sub) { $post_time = time(); global $sql, $tp, $pref, $e107; $forum_sub = intval($forum_sub); $ip = $e107->getip(); //Check for duplicate post if ($sql->db_Count('forum_t', '(*)', "WHERE thread_thread='$thread_thread' and thread_datestamp > ".($post_time - 180))) { return -1; } $post_user = $thread_poster['post_userid'].".".$thread_poster['post_user_name']; $thread_post_user = $post_user; if($thread_poster['post_userid'] == 0) { $thread_post_user = $post_user.chr(1).$ip; } $post_last_user = ($thread_parent ? "" : $post_user); $vals = "'0', '{$thread_name}', '{$thread_thread}', '".intval($thread_forum_id)."', '".intval($post_time)."', '".intval($thread_parent)."', '{$thread_post_user}', '0', '".intval($thread_active)."', '$post_time', '$thread_s', '0', '{$post_last_user}', '0'"; $newthread_id = $sql->db_Insert('forum_t', $vals); if(!$newthread_id) { echo "thread creation failed!
Values sent were: ".htmlentities($vals)."

Please save these values for dev team for troubleshooting."; exit; } // Increment user thread count and set user as viewed this thread if (USER) { $new_userviewed = USERVIEWED.".".($thread_parent ? intval($thread_parent) : $newthread_id); $sql->db_Update('user', "user_forums=user_forums+1, user_viewed='{$new_userviewed}' WHERE user_id='".USERID."' "); } //If post is a reply if ($thread_parent) { $forum_lp_info = $post_time.".".intval($thread_parent); $gen = new convert; // Update main forum with last post info and increment reply count $this->_forum_lp_update("forum_replies", $post_user, $forum_lp_info, $thread_forum_id, $forum_sub); // Update head post with last post info and increment reply count $sql->db_Update('forum_t', "thread_lastpost={$post_time}, thread_lastuser='{$post_user}', thread_total_replies=thread_total_replies+1 WHERE thread_id = ".intval($thread_parent)); $parent_thread = $this->thread_get_postinfo($thread_parent); global $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY; $thread_name = $tp->toText($parent_thread[0]['thread_name']); $datestamp = $gen->convert_date($post_time, "long"); $email_post = $tp->toHTML($thread_thread, TRUE); $mail_link = "".SITEURL.$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY."forum/forum_viewtopic.php?".$thread_parent.".last"; if(!isset($pref['forum_eprefix'])) { $pref['forum_eprefix'] = "[forum]"; } // Send email to originator if 'notify' set $email_addy = ''; if ($pref['email_notify'] && $parent_thread[0]['thread_active'] == 99 && $parent_thread[0]['user_id'] != USERID) { $gen = new convert; $email_name = $parent_thread[0]['user_name']; $email_addy = $parent_thread[0]['user_email']; $message = LAN_384.SITENAME.".

". LAN_382.$datestamp."
". LAN_94.": ".$thread_poster['post_user_name']."

". LAN_385.$email_post."

". LAN_383."

".$mail_link; include_once(e_HANDLER."mail.php"); sendemail($email_addy, $pref['forum_eprefix']." '".$thread_name."', ".LAN_381.SITENAME, $message, $email_name); } // Send email to all users tracking thread - except the one that's just posted if ($pref['forum_track'] && $sql->db_Select("user", "user_id, user_email, user_name", "user_realm REGEXP('-".intval($thread_parent)."-') ")) { include_once(e_HANDLER.'mail.php'); $message = LAN_385.SITENAME.".

". LAN_382.$datestamp."
". LAN_94.": ".$thread_poster['post_user_name']."

". LAN_385.$email_post."

". LAN_383."

".$mail_link; while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { // Don't sent to self, nor to originator of thread if they've got 'notify' set if ($row['user_email'] && ($row['user_email'] != $email_addy) && ($row['user_id'] != USERID)) // (May be wrong, but this could be faster than filtering current user in the query) { sendemail($row['user_email'], $pref['forum_eprefix']." '".$thread_name."', ".LAN_381.SITENAME, $message, $row['user_name']); } } } } else { //post is a new thread $forum_lp_info = $post_time.".".$newthread_id; $this->_forum_lp_update("forum_threads", $post_user, $forum_lp_info, $thread_forum_id, $forum_sub); } return $newthread_id; } function post_getnew($count = 50, $userviewed = USERVIEWED) { global $sql; $viewed = ""; if($userviewed) { $viewed = preg_replace("#\.+#", ".", $userviewed); $viewed = preg_replace("#^\.#", "", $viewed); $viewed = preg_replace("#\.$#", "", $viewed); $viewed = str_replace(".", ",", $viewed); } if($viewed != "") { $viewed = " AND ft.thread_id NOT IN (".$viewed.")"; } $qry = " SELECT ft.*, fp.thread_name as post_subject, fp.thread_total_replies as replies, u.user_id, u.user_name, f.forum_class FROM #forum_t AS ft LEFT JOIN #forum_t as fp ON fp.thread_id = ft.thread_parent LEFT JOIN #user as u ON u.user_id = SUBSTRING_INDEX(ft.thread_user,'.',1) LEFT JOIN #forum as f ON f.forum_id = ft.thread_forum_id WHERE ft.thread_datestamp > ".USERLV. " AND f.forum_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") {$viewed} ORDER BY ft.thread_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0, ".intval($count); if($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { $ret = $sql->db_getList(); } return $ret; } function forum_prune($type, $days, $forumArray) { global $sql; $prunedate = time() - (intval($days) * 86400); $forumList = implode(",", $forumArray); if($type == 'delete') { //Get list of threads to prune if ($sql->db_Select("forum_t", "thread_id", "thread_lastpost < $prunedate AND thread_parent=0 AND thread_s != 1 AND thread_forum_id IN ({$forumList})")) { $threadList = $sql->db_getList(); foreach($threadList as $thread) { //Delete all replies $reply_count += $sql->db_Delete("forum_t", "thread_parent='".intval($thread['thread_id'])."'"); //Delete thread $thread_count += $sql->db_Delete("forum_t", "thread_id = '".intval($thread['thread_id'])."'"); //Delete poll if there is one $sql->db_Delete("poll", "poll_datestamp='".intval($thread['thread_id']).""); } foreach($forumArray as $fid) { $this->update_lastpost('forum', $fid); $this->forum_update_counts($fid); } return FORLAN_8." ( ".$thread_count." ".FORLAN_92.", ".$reply_count." ".FORLAN_93." )"; } else { return FORLAN_9; } } if($type == 'make_inactive') { $pruned = $sql->db_Update("forum_t", "thread_active=0 WHERE thread_lastpost < $prunedate AND thread_parent=0 AND thread_forum_id IN ({$forumList})"); return FORLAN_8." ".$pruned." ".FORLAN_91; } } function forum_update_counts($forumID, $recalc_threads = false) { global $sql; if($forumID == 'all') { $sql->db_Select('forum', 'forum_id', 'forum_parent != 0'); $flist = $sql->db_getList(); foreach($flist as $f) { $this->forum_update_counts($f['forum_id']); } return; } $forumID = intval($forumID); $threads = $sql->db_Count("forum_t", "(*)", "WHERE thread_forum_id=$forumID AND thread_parent = 0"); $replies = $sql->db_Count("forum_t", "(*)", "WHERE thread_forum_id=$forumID AND thread_parent != 0"); $sql->db_Update("forum", "forum_threads='$threads', forum_replies='$replies' WHERE forum_id='$forumID'"); if($recalc_threads == true) { $sql->db_Select("forum_t", "thread_parent, count(*) as replies", "thread_forum_id = $forumID GROUP BY thread_parent"); $tlist = $sql->db_getList(); foreach($tlist as $t) { $tid = $t['thread_parent']; $replies = intval($t['replies']); $sql->db_Update("forum_t", "thread_total_replies='$replies' WHERE thread_id='$tid'"); } } } function get_user_counts() { global $sql; $qry = " SELECT u.user_id AS uid, count(t.thread_user) AS cnt FROM #forum_t AS t LEFT JOIN #user AS u on SUBSTRING_INDEX(t.thread_user,'.',1) = u.user_id WHERE u.user_id > 0 GROUP BY uid "; if($sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { $ret = array(); while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $ret[$row['uid']] = $row['cnt']; } return $ret; } return FALSE; } /* * set bread crumb * $forum_href override ONLY applies when template is missing FORUM_CRUMB * $thread_title is needed for post-related breadcrumbs */ function set_crumb($forum_href=FALSE,$thread_title="") { global $FORUM_CRUMB,$forum_info,$thread_info,$tp; global $BREADCRUMB,$BACKLINK; // Eventually we should deprecate BACKLINK if(is_array($FORUM_CRUMB)) { $search = array("{SITENAME}", "{SITENAME_HREF}"); $replace = array(SITENAME, "href='".e_BASE."index.php'"); $FORUM_CRUMB['sitename']['value'] = str_replace($search, $replace, $FORUM_CRUMB['sitename']['value']); $search = array("{FORUMS_TITLE}", "{FORUMS_HREF}"); $replace = array(LAN_01, "href='".e_PLUGIN."forum/forum.php'"); $FORUM_CRUMB['forums']['value'] = str_replace($search, $replace, $FORUM_CRUMB['forums']['value']); $search = "{PARENT_TITLE}"; $replace = $tp->toHTML($forum_info['parent_name']); $FORUM_CRUMB['parent']['value'] = str_replace($search, $replace, $FORUM_CRUMB['parent']['value']); if($forum_info['sub_parent']) { $search = array("{SUBPARENT_TITLE}", "{SUBPARENT_HREF}"); $forum_sub_parent = (substr($forum_info['sub_parent'], 0, 1) == "*" ? substr($forum_info['sub_parent'], 1) : $forum_info['sub_parent']); $replace = array($forum_sub_parent, "href='".e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_viewforum.php?{$forum_info['forum_sub']}'"); $FORUM_CRUMB['subparent']['value'] = str_replace($search, $replace, $FORUM_CRUMB['subparent']['value']); } else { $FORUM_CRUMB['subparent']['value'] = ""; } $search = array("{FORUM_TITLE}", "{FORUM_HREF}"); $tmpFname = $forum_info['forum_name']; if(substr($tmpFname, 0, 1) == "*") { $tmpFname = substr($tmpFname, 1); } $replace = array($tmpFname,"href='".e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_viewforum.php?{$forum_info['forum_id']}'"); $FORUM_CRUMB['forum']['value'] = str_replace($search, $replace, $FORUM_CRUMB['forum']['value']); if(strlen($thread_title)) { $search = array("{THREAD_TITLE}"); $replace = array($thread_title); $FORUM_CRUMB['thread']['value'] = str_replace($search, $replace, $FORUM_CRUMB['thread']['value']); } else { $FORUM_CRUMB['thread']['value'] = ""; } $FORUM_CRUMB['fieldlist'] = "sitename,forums,parent,subparent,forum,thread"; $BREADCRUMB = $tp->parseTemplate("{BREADCRUMB=FORUM_CRUMB}", true); } else { $dfltsep = " :: "; $BREADCRUMB = "".SITENAME."".$dfltsep."".LAN_01."".$dfltsep; if($forum_info['sub_parent']) { $forum_sub_parent = (substr($forum_info['sub_parent'], 0, 1) == "*" ? substr($forum_info['sub_parent'], 1) : $forum_info['sub_parent']); $BREADCRUMB .= "{$forum_sub_parent}".$dfltsep; } $tmpFname = $forum_info['forum_name']; if(substr($tmpFname, 0, 1) == "*") { $tmpFname = substr($tmpFname, 1); } if ($forum_href) { $BREADCRUMB .= "".$tp->toHTML($tmpFname, TRUE, 'no_hook,emotes_off').""; } else { $BREADCRUMB .= $tmpFname; } if(strlen($thread_title)) { $BREADCRUMB .= $dfltsep.$thread_title; } } $BACKLINK = $BREADCRUMB; } } /** * @return string path to and filename of forum icon image * * @param string $filename filename of forum image * @param string $eMLANG_folder if specified, indicates its a multilanguage image being processed and * gives the subfolder of the image path to the eMLANG_path() function, * default = FALSE * @param string $eMLANG_pref if specified, indicates that $filename may be overridden by the * $pref with $eMLANG_pref as its key if that pref is TRUE, default = FALSE * * @desc checks for the existence of a forum icon image in the themes forum folder and if it is found * returns the path and filename of that file, otherwise it returns the path and filename of the * default forum icon image in e_IMAGES. The additional $eMLANG args if specfied switch the process * to the sister multi-language function eMLANG_path(). * * @access public */ function img_path($filename) { global $pref; $multilang = array("reply.png","newthread.png","moderator.png","main_admin.png","admin.png"); $ML = (in_array($filename,$multilang)) ? TRUE : FALSE; if(file_exists(THEME.'forum/'.$filename) || is_readable(THEME.'forum/'.e_LANGUAGE."_".$filename)) { $image = ($ML && is_readable(THEME.'forum/'.e_LANGUAGE."_".$filename)) ? THEME.'forum/'.e_LANGUAGE."_".$filename : THEME.'forum/'.$filename; } else { if(defined("IMODE")) { if($ML) { $image = (is_readable(e_PLUGIN."forum/images/".IMODE."/".e_LANGUAGE."_".$filename)) ? e_PLUGIN."forum/images/".IMODE."/".e_LANGUAGE."_".$filename : e_PLUGIN."forum/images/".IMODE."/English_".$filename; } else { $image = e_PLUGIN."forum/images/".IMODE."/".$filename; } } else { if($ML) { $image = (is_readable(e_PLUGIN."forum/images/lite/".e_LANGUAGE."_".$filename)) ? e_PLUGIN."forum/images/lite/".e_LANGUAGE."_".$filename : e_PLUGIN."forum/images/lite/English_".$filename; } else { $image = e_PLUGIN."forum/images/lite/".$filename; } } } return $image; } if (file_exists(THEME.'forum/forum_icons_template.php')) { require_once(THEME.'forum/forum_icons_template.php'); } else if (file_exists(THEME.'forum_icons_template.php')) { require_once(THEME.'forum_icons_template.php'); } else { require_once(e_PLUGIN.'forum/templates/forum_icons_template.php'); } ?>