"canonical", 'href'=> SITEURL."credits.php"]); e107::title('e107 Development Credits and Sponsors'); e107::meta('description', 'e107 bootstrap content management system development credits and sponsors.'); e107::meta('og:image', SITEURLBASE.e_IMAGE_ABS.'admin_images/credits_logo.png'); e107::meta('og:url', SITEURL."credits.php"); require_once(HEADERF); } $text ='
CaMer0n, Moc, Deltik.
A complete list of the past and present contributors can be found here.
jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, FontAwesome, HybridAuth, PhpMailer, Intervention, Minify, MagpieRSS, PCLZip, PCLTar, TinyMCE, Nuvolo Icons, TCPDF, PHP UTF8