'news.php', 'title' => ADLAN_0); $front_page['download'] = array('page' => 'download.php', 'title' => ADLAN_24); $front_page['wmessage'] = array('page' => 'index.php', 'title' => ADLAN_28); if ($sql -> db_Select("page", "*", "page_theme=''")) { $front_page['custom']['title'] = 'Custom Page'; while ($row = $sql -> db_Fetch()) { $front_page['custom']['page'][] = array('page' => 'page.php?'.$row['page_id'], 'title' => $row['page_title']); } } // Now let any plugins add to the options - must append to the $front_page array as above foreach($pref['e_frontpage_list'] as $val) { if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$val."/e_frontpage.php")) { require_once(e_PLUGIN.$val."/e_frontpage.php"); } } // Now sort out list of rules for display (based on $pref data to start with) $gotpub = FALSE; if (is_array($pref['frontpage'])) { $i = 1; foreach ($pref['frontpage'] as $class => $val) { if ($class == 'all') { $class = e_UC_PUBLIC; $gotpub = TRUE; } if ($val) { // Only add non-null pages $fp_settings[$i] = array('order' => $i, 'class' => $class, 'page' => $val,'force' => varset($pref['frontpage_force'][$class],'')); $i++; } } } else { // Legacy stuff to convert $fp_settings = array(); $fp_settings[] = array('order' => 0, 'class' => e_UC_PUBLIC, 'page' => varset($pref['frontpage'],'news.php'),'force' => ''); } if (!$gotpub) { // Need a 'default' setting - usually 'all' $fp_settings[] = array('order' => $i, 'class' => e_UC_PUBLIC, 'page' => varset($pref['frontpage']['all'],'news.php'),'force' => ''); } $fp_update_prefs = FALSE; if (isset($_POST['fp_inc'])) { $mv = intval($_POST['fp_inc']); if (($mv > 1) && ($mv <= count($fp_settings))) { $temp = $fp_settings[$mv-1]; $fp_settings[$mv-1] = $fp_settings[$mv]; $fp_settings[$mv] = $temp; $fp_update_prefs = TRUE; } } elseif (isset($_POST['fp_dec'])) { $mv = intval($_POST['fp_dec']); if (($mv > 0) && ($mv < count($fp_settings))) { $temp = $fp_settings[$mv+1]; $fp_settings[$mv+1] = $fp_settings[$mv]; $fp_settings[$mv] = $temp; $fp_update_prefs = TRUE; } } // Edit an existing rule if (isset($_POST['fp_edit_rule'])) { $_POST['type'] = (isset($_POST['edit']['all'])) ? 'all_users' : 'user_class'; $_POST['class'] = key($_POST['edit']); } // Cancel Edit if (isset($_POST['fp_save_new'])) { // Add or edit an existing rule here. // fp_order - zero for a new rule, non-zero if editing an existing rule // class - user class for rule // frontpage - radio button option indicating type of page (for home page) // frontpage_multipage[] - the other information for custom pages and similar - array index matches value of 'frontpage' when selected // frontpage_other - URL for 'other' home page // fp_force_page - radio button option indicating type of page (for post-login page) // fp_force_page_multipage[] - the other information for custom pages and similar - array index matches value of 'frontpage' when selected // fp_force_page_other - URL for forced post-login 'other' page if ($_POST['frontpage'] == 'other') { $_POST['frontpage_other'] = trim($tp -> toForm($_POST['frontpage_other'])); $frontpage_value = $_POST['frontpage_other'] ? $_POST['frontpage_other'] : 'news.php'; } else { if (is_array($front_page[$_POST['frontpage']]['page'])) { $frontpage_value = $front_page[$_POST['frontpage']]['page'][$_POST['frontpage_multipage'][$_POST['frontpage']]]['page']; } else { $frontpage_value = $front_page[$_POST['frontpage']]['page']; } } if ($_POST['fp_force_page'] == 'other') { $_POST['fp_force_page_other'] = trim($tp -> toForm($_POST['fp_force_page_other'])); $forcepage_value = $_POST['fp_force_page_other']; // A null value is allowable here } else { if (is_array($front_page[$_POST['fp_force_page']]['page'])) { $forcepage_value = $front_page[$_POST['fp_force_page']]['page'][$_POST['fp_force_page_multipage'][$_POST['fp_force_page']]]['page']; } else { $forcepage_value = $front_page[$_POST['fp_force_page']]['page']; } } $temp = array('order' => intval($_POST['fp_order']), 'class' => $_POST['class'], 'page' => $frontpage_value,'force' => trim($forcepage_value)); if ($temp['order'] == 0) { // New index to add $ind = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= count($fp_settings); $i++) { if ($fp_settings[$i]['class'] == $temp['class']) $ind = $i; } if ($ind) { unset($fp_settings[$ind]); // Knock out duplicate definition for class echo "duplicate definition for class: ".$ind."
"; } array_unshift($fp_settings,$temp); // Deliberately add twice array_unshift($fp_settings,$temp); // ....because re-indexed from zero unset($fp_settings[0]); // Then knock out index zero $fp_update_prefs = TRUE; } elseif (array_key_exists($temp['order'],$fp_settings)) { $fp_settings[$temp['order']] = $temp; $fp_update_prefs = TRUE; } else { // Someone playing games $ns -> tablerender(LAN_UPDATED, "
"."Software error"."
"); } } if (isset($_POST['fp_delete_rule'])) { if (isset($fp_settings[key($_POST['fp_delete_rule'])])) { unset($fp_settings[key($_POST['fp_delete_rule'])]); $fp_update_prefs = TRUE; } } if ($fp_update_prefs) { // Save the two arrays $fp_list = array(); $fp_force = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= count($fp_settings); $i++) { $fp_list[$fp_settings[$i]['class']] = $fp_settings[$i]['page']; // $fp_force[$fp_settings[$i]['class']] = intval($fp_settings[$i]['force']); $fp_force[$fp_settings[$i]['class']] = $fp_settings[$i]['force']; } // if (($fp_list != $pref['frontpage']) || ($fp_force != $pref['frontpage_force'])) // { $pref['frontpage'] = $fp_list; $pref['frontpage_force'] = $fp_force; save_prefs(); $ns -> tablerender(LAN_UPDATED, "
"); // } // else // { // $ns -> tablerender(LAN_UPDATED, "
"); // } } /* For reference: define("e_UC_PUBLIC", 0); define("e_UC_MAINADMIN", 250); define("e_UC_READONLY", 251); define("e_UC_GUEST", 252); define("e_UC_MEMBER", 253); define("e_UC_ADMIN", 254); define("e_UC_NOBODY", 255); */ $fp = new frontpage; if (isset($_POST['fp_add_new'])) { $fp->edit_rule(array('order' => 0, 'class' => e_UC_PUBLIC, 'page' => 'news.php','force' => FALSE)); // Display edit form as well $fp -> select_class(FALSE); } elseif (isset($_POST['fp_edit_rule'])) { $fp->edit_rule($fp_settings[key($_POST['fp_edit_rule'])]); // Display edit form as well $fp -> select_class(FALSE); } else { // Just show existing rules $fp -> select_class(TRUE); } class frontpage { function select_class($show_button = TRUE) { // Display existing data global $fp_settings, $rs, $ns, $front_page, $imode; // List of current settings $text = "
"; foreach ($fp_settings as $order => $current_value) { $title = r_userclass_name($current_value['class']); $text .= ""; } if ($show_button) { $text .= ""; } $text .= "
".FRTLAN_40." ".FRTLAN_53." ".FRTLAN_49." ".FRTLAN_35." ".LAN_EDIT."
".$order." ".$title." ".$this->lookup_path($current_value['page'])." ".$this->lookup_path($current_value['force'])."
".$rs -> form_button('submit', 'fp_add_new', FRTLAN_42)."
"; $ns -> tablerender(FRTLAN_33, $text); } function edit_rule($rule_info) { // Display form to add/edit rules global $front_page, $rs, $ns; // $rule_info contains existing data as an array, or a set of defaults otherwise ('order', 'class', 'page', 'force') $is_other_home = TRUE; $is_other_force = TRUE; $force_checked = $rule_info['force'] ? " checked='checked'" : ''; $text = "
"; foreach ($front_page as $front_key => $front_value) { $type_selected = FALSE; $text .= "".$this->show_front_val('frontpage',$front_key,$front_value,$is_other_home,$rule_info['page']); $text .= ""; // Spacer $text .= $this->show_front_val('fp_force_page',$front_key,$front_value,$is_other_force,$rule_info['force']).""; } // Now add in the 'other' URL box $text .= "".$this->add_other('frontpage', $is_other_home, $rule_info['page'])."". $this->add_other('fp_force_page', $is_other_force, $rule_info['force']).""; // 'Save' and 'Cancel' buttons $text .= "
".($rule_info['order'] ? FRTLAN_46 : FRTLAN_42)."
".FRTLAN_43.r_userclass('class', $rule_info['class'], 'off', 'guest,member,admin,main,classes')."
".FRTLAN_49."  ".FRTLAN_35."
"; $text .= $rs -> form_hidden('fp_order', $rule_info['order']); $text .= $rs -> form_button('submit', 'fp_save_new', FRTLAN_12)."    ".$rs -> form_button('submit', 'fp_cancel', LAN_CANCEL); $text .= "

"; $ns -> tablerender(FRTLAN_13, $text); } // Given a path string, returns the 'type' (title) for it function lookup_path($path) { global $front_page; foreach ($front_page as $front_key => $front_value) { if (is_array($front_value['page'])) { // Its a URL with multiple options foreach ($front_value['page'] as $multipage) { if ($path == $multipage['page']) { // return $front_value['title'].":".$path; return $front_value['title'].":".$multipage['title']; } } } else { if ($path == $front_value['page']) { return $front_value['title']; } } } if (strlen($path)) return FRTLAN_51.":".$path; // 'Other' else return FRTLAN_52; // 'None' } function show_front_val($ob_name, $front_key, $front_value, &$is_other, $current_setting) { global $rs; $type_selected = FALSE; $text = ''; if (is_array($front_value['page'])) { // Its a URL with multiple options foreach ($front_value['page'] as $multipage) { if ($current_setting == $multipage['page']) { $type_selected = TRUE; $is_other = FALSE; } } } else { if ($current_setting == $front_value['page']) { $type_selected = TRUE; $is_other = FALSE; } } $text .= ""; $text .= $rs -> form_radio($ob_name, $front_key, $type_selected); $text .= ""; if (is_array($front_value['page'])) { // Multiple options for same page name $text .= "".$front_value['title'].""; $text .= ""; $text .= $rs -> form_select_open($ob_name.'_multipage['.$front_key.']'); foreach ($front_value['page'] as $multipage_key => $multipage_value) { $sub_selected = ($current_setting == $multipage_value['page']) ? TRUE : FALSE; $text .= $rs -> form_option($multipage_value['title'], $sub_selected, $multipage_key); } $text .= $rs -> form_select_close(); $text .= ""; } else { // Single option for URL $text .= "".$front_value['title'].""; } return $text; } function add_other($ob_name, $cur_val, $cur_page) { global $rs; return "".$rs -> form_radio($ob_name, 'other', $cur_val)." ".FRTLAN_15." ".$rs -> form_text($ob_name.'_other', 50, ($cur_val ? $cur_page : ''),100)." "; } } require_once('footer.php'); ?>