db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_path = 'list_new' AND plugin_installflag = '1' ")){ require_once(HEADERF); $ns -> tablerender("", LIST_PLUGIN_6); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } require_once($listplugindir."list_shortcodes.php"); require_once($listplugindir."list_class.php"); $rc = new listclass; require_once(e_HANDLER."form_handler.php"); $rs = new form; e107_require_once(e_HANDLER.'arraystorage_class.php'); $eArrayStorage = new ArrayData(); unset($text); require_once(HEADERF); global $tp; // check query if(e_QUERY){ $qs = explode(".", e_QUERY); if($qs[0] == "new"){ $mode = $qs[0]; } } if(isset($mode) && $mode == "new"){ $mode = "new_page"; }else{ $mode = "recent_page"; //default to 'page' } $list_pref = $rc -> getListPrefs(); $sections = $rc -> prepareSection($mode); $arr = $rc -> prepareSectionArray($mode, $sections); $text = ""; $timelapse = 0; if(isset($qs[0]) && $qs[0] == "new"){ if(isset($list_pref['new_page_timelapse']) && $list_pref['new_page_timelapse']){ if(isset($list_pref['new_page_timelapse_days']) && is_numeric($list_pref['new_page_timelapse_days'])){ $days = $list_pref['new_page_timelapse_days']; }else{ $days = "30"; } if(isset($qs[1]) && is_numeric($qs[1]) && $qs[1] <= $days){ $timelapse = $qs[1]; } $url = e_PLUGIN."list_new/list.php?new"; $selectjs = "onchange=\"if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value != 'none'){ return document.location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; }\""; $LIST_TIMELAPSE = LIST_MENU_6; $LIST_TIMELAPSE .= $rs -> form_select_open("timelapse", $selectjs).$rs -> form_option(LIST_MENU_5, 0, $url); for($a=1; $a<=$days; $a++){ $LIST_TIMELAPSE .= $rs -> form_option($a, ($timelapse == $a ? "1" : "0"), $url.".".$a); } $LIST_TIMELAPSE .= $rs -> form_select_close(); $text .= preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $LIST_TIMELAPSE_TABLE); } } //display the sections $LIST_COL_COLS = $list_pref[$mode."_colomn"]; $LIST_COL_CELLWIDTH = round((100/$list_pref[$mode."_colomn"]),0); $text .= $LIST_COL_START; if($list_pref[$mode."_welcometext"]){ $LIST_COL_WELCOMETEXT = $tp -> toHTML($list_pref[$mode."_welcometext"]); $text .= preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $LIST_COL_WELCOME); } $k=0; for($i=0;$i show_section_list($arr[$i], $mode); if($sectiontext != ""){ if( intval($k/$list_pref[$mode."_colomn"]) == $k/$list_pref[$mode."_colomn"] ){ $rowswitch = $LIST_COL_ROWSWITCH; } $text .= (isset($rowswitch) ? $rowswitch : ""); $text .= preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $LIST_COL_CELL_START); $text .= $sectiontext; $text .= $LIST_COL_CELL_END; $k++; } } } $text .= $LIST_COL_END; $caption = (isset($list_pref[$mode."_caption"]) && $list_pref[$mode."_caption"] ? $list_pref[$mode."_caption"] : LIST_MENU_1); $ns -> tablerender($caption, $text); unset($text); require_once(FOOTERF); ?>