<?php /* * e107 website system * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 e107 Inc (e107.org) * Released under the terms and conditions of the * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * On-the-fly thumbnail generator * * $URL$ * $Id$ */ /** * @package e107 * @subpackage core * @author secretr * * * On-the-fly thumbnail generator */ define('e107_INIT', true); function thumbExceptionHandler(Exception $exception) { http_response_code(500); echo "Fatal Thumbnail Error\n"; echo $exception->getMessage(); } function thumbErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { switch($errno) { case E_USER_ERROR: echo "<b>My ERROR</b> [$errno] $errstr<br />\n"; echo " Fatal error on line $errline in file $errfile"; echo ", PHP " . PHP_VERSION . " (" . PHP_OS . ")<br />\n"; echo "Aborting...<br />\n"; thumbExceptionHandler(new Exception); exit(1); break; default: } } set_exception_handler('thumbExceptionHandler'); // disable to troubleshoot. set_error_handler("thumbErrorHandler"); // disable to troubleshoot. // error_reporting(0); // suppress all errors or image will be corrupted. ini_set('gd.jpeg_ignore_warning', 1); //require_once './e107_handlers/benchmark.php'; //$bench = new e_benchmark(); //$bench->start(); /** * Class e_thumbpage * @todo Simplify all this, e.g. e107::getInstance()->initMinimal($path_to_e107_config); */ class e_thumbpage { function __construct() { $self = realpath(__DIR__); $e_ROOT = $self."/"; if ((substr($e_ROOT,-1) !== '/') && (substr($e_ROOT,-1) !== '\\') ) { $e_ROOT .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // Should function correctly on both windows and Linux now. } define('e_ROOT', $e_ROOT); $mySQLdefaultdb = ''; $HANDLERS_DIRECTORY = ''; $mySQLprefix = ''; // Config include($self.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'e107_config.php'); // support early include feature if(isset($CLASS2_INCLUDE) && !empty($CLASS2_INCLUDE)) { require_once(realpath(__DIR__ .'/'.$CLASS2_INCLUDE)); } ob_end_clean(); // Precaution - clearout utf-8 BOM or any other garbage in e107_config.php if(empty($HANDLERS_DIRECTORY)) { $HANDLERS_DIRECTORY = 'e107_handlers/'; // quick fix for CLI Unit test. } $tmp = $self.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$HANDLERS_DIRECTORY; //Core functions - now API independent @require($tmp.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'core_functions.php'); //e107 class @require($tmp.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'e107_class.php'); $e107_paths = compact( 'ADMIN_DIRECTORY', 'FILES_DIRECTORY', 'IMAGES_DIRECTORY', 'THEMES_DIRECTORY', 'PLUGINS_DIRECTORY', 'HANDLERS_DIRECTORY', 'LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY', 'HELP_DIRECTORY', 'DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY', 'UPLOADS_DIRECTORY', 'MEDIA_DIRECTORY', 'CACHE_DIRECTORY', 'LOGS_DIRECTORY', 'WEB_DIRECTORY', 'SYSTEM_DIRECTORY', 'CORE_DIRECTORY' ); // $sql_info = array(); //compact('mySQLserver', 'mySQLuser', 'mySQLpassword', 'mySQLdefaultdb', 'mySQLprefix', 'mySQLcharset'); //e107::getInstance()->initCore($e107_paths, $self, $sql_info, varset($e107_CONFIG, array())); $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $e107->site_path = substr(md5($mySQLdefaultdb.".".$mySQLprefix),0,10); $e107->prepare_request(); $e107->setDirs($e107_paths, varset($E107_CONFIG, array())); $e107->set_constants(); $e107->set_paths(); $e107->file_path = $e107->fix_windows_paths($self)."/"; $e107->set_base_path(); $e107->set_request(false); unset($tmp, $self); $e107->set_urls(false); // basic Admin area detection - required for proper path parsing define('ADMIN', strpos(e_SELF, ($e107->getFolder('admin')) !== false || strpos(e_PAGE, 'admin') !== false)); // Next function call maintains behavior identical to before; might not be needed // See https://github.com/e107inc/e107/issues/3033 $e107->set_urls_deferred(); $pref = $e107->getPref(); require_once(e_HANDLER."e_thumbnail_class.php"); $thm = new e_thumbnail; $thm->init($pref); if(!$thm->checkSrc()) { die('Bad URL'); } $thm->sendImage(); } } new e_thumbpage; // Check your e_LOG folder //$bench->end()->logResult('thumb.php', $_GET['src'].' - no cache'); exit;