LAN_PLUGIN_FAQS_NAME, 'table' => 'faqs as t LEFT JOIN #faqs_info as x on t.faq_parent=x.faq_info_id', // 'advanced' => array( // 'date' => array('type' => 'date', 'text' => LAN_DATE_POSTED), // 'author'=> array('type' => 'author', 'text' => LAN_SEARCH_61) // ), 'return_fields' => array('t.faq_question','t.faq_answer','t.faq_datestamp','x.faq_info_title','t.faq_id','x.faq_info_id','x.faq_info_class'), 'search_fields' => array('t.faq_question'=>1.0, 't.faq_answer'=>1.2, "x.faq_info_title"=>0.6), // fields and weights. // $where = " find_in_set(faq_info_class,'".USERCLASS_LIST."') and "; 'order' => array('t.faq_question' => DESC), 'refpage' => 'chat.php' ); return $search; } /* Compile Database data for output */ function compile($row) { $tp = e107::getParser(); preg_match("/([0-9]+)\.(.*)/", $row['cb_nick'], $user); $res = array(); $res['link'] = e_PLUGIN."chatbox_menu/chat.php?".$row['cb_id'].".fs"; $res['pre_title'] = LAN_SEARCH_7; $res['title'] = $user[2]; $res['summary'] = $row['cb_message']; $res['detail'] = $tp->toDate($row['cb_datestamp'], "long"); return $res; } /** * Optional - Advanced Where * @param $parm - data returned from $_GET (ie. advanced fields included. in this case 'date' and 'author' ) */ function where($parm='') { $tp = e107::getParser(); $qry = ""; if (vartrue($parm['time']) && is_numeric($parm['time'])) { $qry .= " cb_datestamp ".($parm['on'] == 'new' ? '>=' : '<=')." '".(time() - $parm['time'])."' AND"; } if (vartrue($parm['author'])) { $qry .= " cb_nick LIKE '%".$tp -> toDB($parm['author'])."%' AND"; } return $qry; } } // $search_info[]=array( 'sfile' => e_PLUGIN.'faq/search.php', 'qtype' => 'FAQ', 'refpage' => 'faq.php'); ?>