'".PREVIEWTHEMENAME."' theme. It has not been set as the main theme for your site, it has been activated to provide a preview of how the theme looks.
To set this theme as your site theme, return to your theme manager and select 'Set As Site Theme'.
To preview more themes please click here"); define("TPVLAN_2", "Theme Preview"); define("TPVLAN_3", "Site theme changed."); //define("TPVLAN_4", "Author");//LAN_AUTHOR define("TPVLAN_5", "Website"); define("TPVLAN_6", "Release date"); define("TPVLAN_7", "Information"); //define("TPVLAN_8", "Options"); define("TPVLAN_9", "Preview Theme"); define("TPVLAN_10", "Set as Site Theme"); define("TPVLAN_11", "Version"); define("TPVLAN_12", "No preview available"); define("TPVLAN_13", "Upload theme (.zip or .tar.gz format)"); define("TPVLAN_14", "Upload Theme"); define("TPVLAN_15", "The file could not be uploaded as the ".e_THEME." folder does not have the correct permissions - please CHMOD to 777 and re-upload the file."); define("TPVLAN_16", "Admin Message"); define("TPVLAN_17", "That file does not appear to be a valid .zip or .tar archive."); define("TPVLAN_18", "An error has occurred, unable to un-archive the file"); define("TPVLAN_19", "Your theme has been uploaded and unzipped."); define("TPVLAN_20", "Auto theme upload and extraction is disabled as your themes folder does not have the correct permissions - please CHMOD your e107_themes folder to 777."); define("TPVLAN_21", "This is the currently selected site theme"); define("TPVLAN_22", "Stylesheets"); define("TPVLAN_23", "default stylesheet"); define("TPVLAN_24", "no information"); //define("TPVLAN_25", "To choose which stylesheet to use, please go to Theme Manager and click on 'Theme'."); define("TPVLAN_26", "Theme Manager"); define("TPVLAN_27", "Please select stylesheet to use"); define("TPVLAN_28", "on"); define("TPVLAN_29", "off"); define("TPVLAN_30", "Preload Theme Images:"); define("TPVLAN_31", "This is the currently selected admin theme"); define("TPVLAN_32", "Set As Admin Theme"); define("TPVLAN_33", "Site Theme"); // shorter is better define("TPVLAN_34", "Admin Theme"); // shorter is better. define("TPVLAN_35", "Save options"); define("TPVLAN_36", "Admin Message"); define("TPVLAN_37", "Theme options saved"); define("TPVLAN_38", "Upload Theme"); define("TPVLAN_39", "Available Themes"); define("TPVLAN_40", "Admin theme set to"); define("TPVLAN_41", "Please select admin layout style to use"); define("TPVLAN_42", "Save admin options"); define("TPVLAN_43", "Admin options saved"); define("TPVLAN_46", "PCLZIP extract error:"); define("TPVLAN_47", "PCLTAR extract error: "); define("TPVLAN_48", "code:"); define("TPVLAN_49", "Compliance"); define("TPVLAN_50", "Layouts"); define("TPVLAN_51", "Change Theme"); define("TPVLAN_52", "Name"); define("TPVLAN_53", "Suggested Plugins"); define("TPVLAN_54", "Menu Presets"); define("TPVLAN_55", "Default"); define("TPVLAN_56", "Visibility Filter"); define("TPVLAN_57", "Compatibility"); define("TPVLAN_58", "This theme comes with pre-installed example content (such as pages and menus) which could be used on your website."); define("TPVLAN_59", "Please be aware that the example content will [b]overwrite[/b] your current content with the following"); define("TPVLAN_60", "[x] record(s) in your [y] table"); define("TPVLAN_61", "Would you like to [b]replace[/b] your current content with the default example content provided by the theme?"); define("TPVLAN_62", "Find Themes"); define("TPVLAN_63", "Convert"); define("TPVLAN_64", "This Wizard will build a theme.xml meta file for your theme."); define("TPVLAN_65", "Before you start : "); define("TPVLAN_66", "Make sure your theme's directory is writable"); define("TPVLAN_67", "Select your theme's folder to begin."); define("TPVLAN_68", "Select your theme's folder"); define("TPVLAN_69", "Available for Download"); define("TPVLAN_70", "Preview/Live-demo : "); define("TPVLAN_71", "Not Specified"); define("TPVLAN_72", "Set pages which should automatically use this layout. One per line."); define("TPVLAN_73", "Activate Menus"); define("TPVLAN_74", "Activates the following:"); define("TPVLAN_75", "Price"); define("TPVLAN_76", "Free"); define("TPVLAN_77", "Recommended!"); define("TPVLAN_78", "Requirements"); define("TPVLAN_79", "cURL is currently required to use this feature. Contact your webhosting provider to enable cURL"); define("TPVLAN_80", "No Themes found which match your search criteria"); // convert define("TPVLAN_CONV_1", "Step 1"); define("TPVLAN_CONV_2", "Step 2"); define("TPVLAN_CONV_3", "The name of your theme. (Must be written in English)"); define("TPVLAN_CONV_4", "If you have a language file, enter the LAN_XXX value for the theme's name"); define("TPVLAN_CONV_5", "The version of your theme. Format: x.x"); define("TPVLAN_CONV_6", "Creation date of your theme"); define("TPVLAN_CONV_7", "Compatible with this version of e107"); define("TPVLAN_CONV_8", "Author Name"); define("TPVLAN_CONV_9", "Author Website Url"); define("TPVLAN_CONV_10", "A short one-line description of the plugin. (!@#$%^&* characters not permitted)(Must be written in English)"); define("TPVLAN_CONV_11", "Keyword/Tag for this theme (Must be written in English)"); define("TPVLAN_CONV_12", "A full description of the theme (Must be written in English)"); define("TPVLAN_CONV_13", "What category of theme is this?"); define("TPVLAN_CONV_14", "Enable this stylesheet as a selectable option in the Theme Manager."); define("TPVLAN_CONV_15", "Give this stylesheet a name"); //marketplace define("TPVLAN_81","Downloading..."); define("TPVLAN_82","Download Complete!"); define("TPVLAN_83","Automated download not possible! Please [x]"); define("TPVLAN_84","Please Download Manually"); define("TPVLAN_85","Connecting..."); define("TPVLAN_86","Could not change site theme."); define("TPVLAN_87","Rendering Theme Config"); define("TPVLAN_88","Converter"); define("TPVLAN_89", "Apply dashboard preferences to all administrators"); define("TPVLAN_90","Unable to connect. Please check firewall and/or internet connection.");