create('faqs/list/all', false, 'full=1&noencode=1'); header('Location: '.$url); exit; } else { e107::includeLan(e_PLUGIN."faqs/languages/".e_LANGUAGE."/".e_LANGUAGE."_front.php"); } require_once (e_HANDLER."form_handler.php"); require_once (e_HANDLER."userclass_class.php"); require_once (e_HANDLER."ren_help.php"); require_once (e_HANDLER."comment_class.php"); if (!vartrue($FAQ_VIEW_TEMPLATE)) { if (file_exists(THEME."faqs_template.php")) { // require_once (THEME."faqs_template.php"); } else { // require_once (e_PLUGIN."faqs/templates/faqs_template.php"); } } e107::css('faqs','faqs.css'); // require_once(HEADERF); // $pref['add_faq']=1; $rs = new form; $cobj = new comment; if (!vartrue($_GET['elan']) && empty($_GET)) { $qs = explode(".", e_QUERY); $action = $qs[0]; $id = $qs[1]; $idx = $qs[2]; } else { } $from = (vartrue($from) ? $from : 0); $amount = 50; if (isset($_POST['faq_submit'])) { $message = "-"; if ($_POST['faq_question'] != "" || $_POST['data'] != "") { $faq_question = $aj->formtpa($_POST['faq_question'], "on"); $data = $aj->formtpa($_POST['data'], "on"); $count = ($sql->db_Count("faqs", "(*)", "WHERE faq_parent='".$_POST['faq_parent']."' 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"); $message = FAQ_ADLAN_29; unset($faq_question, $data); } else { $message = FAQ_ADLAN_30; } } if (isset($_POST['commentsubmit'])) { $pid = (IsSet($_POST['pid']) ? $_POST['pid'] : 0); $cobj->enter_comment($_POST['author_name'], $_POST['comment'], "faq", $idx, $pid, $_POST['subject']); } // Actions +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $faq = new faq; $faqpref = e107::getPlugConfig('faqs')->getPref(); if ($action == "" || $action == "main") { if(vartrue($faqpref['classic_look'])) { $ftmp = $faq->show_existing_parents($action, $sub_action, $id, $from, $amount); $caption = FAQLAN_41; } else { $srch = vartrue($_GET['srch']); $ftmp = $faq->view_all($srch); $caption = FAQLAN_FAQ; } $pageTitle = ''; // define("e_PAGETITLE", $ftmp['caption']); if (vartrue($faqpref['page_title'])) { $pageTitle = $faqpref['page_title'][e_LANGUAGE]; } else { $pageTitle = $ftmp['caption']; } if(!empty($ftmp['pagetitle'])) { $pageTitle .= ": ".$ftmp['pagetitle']; } e107::getMessage()->addDebug("TITLE: " . $pageTitle); e107::meta('og:title', $pageTitle); if(!empty($ftmp['pagedescription'])) { e107::meta('og:description', $ftmp['pagedescription']); } define('e_PAGETITLE', $pageTitle); require_once (HEADERF); $ns->tablerender($ftmp['caption'], $ftmp['text']); } if($action == "cat" && $idx) { $ftmp = $faq->view_faq($idx) ; define("e_PAGETITLE",FAQLAN_FAQ." - ". $ftmp['title']); require_once(HEADERF); $ns -> tablerender($ftmp['caption'], $ftmp['text']); } if ($action == "cat") { $ftmp = $faq->view_cat_list($action, $id); define("e_PAGETITLE", strip_tags($ftmp['title'].$ftmp['caption'])); require_once (HEADERF); $ns->tablerender($ftmp['caption'], $ftmp['text']); } if ((check_class($faqpref['add_faq']) || ADMIN) && ($action == "new" || $action == "edit")) { require_once (HEADERF); $faq->add_faq($action, $id, $idx); } require_once (FOOTERF); exit; // ====== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ class faq { var $pref = array(); protected $sc = null; protected $template = null; protected $pageTitle = null; protected $pageDescription = null; function __construct() { $sc = e107::getScBatch('faqs', true); $this->pref = e107::pref('faqs'); // Short version of e107::getPlugConfig('faqs')->getPref(); ; $sc->pref = $this->pref; if(!empty($_POST['submit_a_question'])) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $existing = $sql->select('faqs','faq_id',"faq_answer='' AND faq_author_ip = '".USERIP."' "); if(!empty($this->pref['submit_question_limit']) && $existing >= $this->pref['submit_question_limit']) { e107::getMessage()->setTitle('Sorry',E_MESSAGE_INFO)->addInfo("You have reached the maximum number of new questions. You may ask more once your existing questions have been answered."); return; } $question = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'ask_a_question', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $insert = array( 'faq_id' => 0, 'faq_parent' => 0, // meaning 'unassigned/unanswered'. 'faq_question' => $question, 'faq_answer' => '', 'faq_comment' => 0, 'faq_datestamp' => time(), 'faq_author' => USERID, 'faq_author_ip' => USERIP, 'faq_tags' => '', 'faq_order' => 99999 ); if($sql->insert('faqs',$insert)) { $message = !empty($this->pref['submit_question_acknowledgement']) ? e107::getParser()->toHtml($this->pref['submit_question_acknowledgement'],true, 'BODY') : LAN_FAQS_ASKQUESTION_AFTER; e107::getMessage()->addSuccess($message); } } } function view_all($srch) // new funtion to render all FAQs { $tp = e107::getParser(); $ret = array(); $template = e107::getTemplate('faqs'); $this->template = $template; $this->sc = e107::getScBatch('faqs',TRUE); $text = $tp->parseTemplate($template['start'], true, $this->sc); // header // var_dump($sc); $text .= "
"; $text .= $this->view_all_query($srch); $text .= "
"; $text .= $tp->parseTemplate($template['end'], true, $this->sc); // footer $ret['title'] = FAQLAN_FAQ; $ret['text'] = $text; if (!empty($this->pref['page_title'][e_LANGUAGE])) { $ret['caption'] = e107::getParser()->toHtml($this->pref['page_title'][e_LANGUAGE], true, 'TITLE'); } else { $ret['caption'] = varset($template['caption']) ? $tp->parseTemplate($template['caption'], true, $this->sc) : LAN_PLUGIN_FAQS_FRONT_NAME; } if(!empty($this->pageTitle)) { $ret['pagetitle'] = e107::getParser()->toText($this->pageTitle); } if(!empty($this->pageDescription)) { $ret['pagedescription'] = e107::getParser()->toText($this->pageDescription,true,'RAWTEXT'); } return $ret; } function view_all_query($srch='') { $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $text = ""; $insert = ""; $item = false; $removeUrl = e107::url('faqs','index'); if(!empty($srch)) { $srch = $tp->toDB($srch); $insert = " AND (f.faq_question LIKE '%".$srch."%' OR f.faq_answer LIKE '%".$srch."%' OR FIND_IN_SET ('".$srch."', f.faq_tags) ) "; $message = "".$srch." ×"; e107::getMessage()->setClose(false,E_MESSAGE_INFO)->setTitle(LAN_FAQS_FILTER_ACTIVE,E_MESSAGE_INFO)->addInfo($message); $text = e107::getMessage()->render(); } if(!empty($_GET['id'])) // pull out just one specific FAQ. { $srch = intval($_GET['id']); // $insert = " AND (f.faq_id = ".$srch.") "; $item = $srch; } if(!empty($_GET['cat'])) { $srch = $tp->toDB($_GET['cat']); $insert = " AND (cat.faq_info_sef = '".$srch."') "; } if(!empty($_GET['tag'])) { $srch = $tp->toDB($_GET['tag']); $insert = " AND FIND_IN_SET ('".$srch."', f.faq_tags) "; $message = "".$srch." ×"; e107::getMessage()->setClose(false,E_MESSAGE_INFO)->setTitle(LAN_FAQS_FILTER_ACTIVE,E_MESSAGE_INFO)->addInfo($message); $text = e107::getMessage()->render(); } list($orderBy, $ascdesc) = explode('-', vartrue($this->pref['orderby'],'faq_order-ASC')); $query = "SELECT f.*,cat.* FROM #faqs AS f LEFT JOIN #faqs_info AS cat ON f.faq_parent = cat.faq_info_id WHERE cat.faq_info_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") ".$insert." ORDER BY cat.faq_info_order, f.".$orderBy." ".$ascdesc." "; if(!$data = $sql->retrieve($query, true)) { $message = (!empty($srch)) ? "".$srch." was not found in search results. Reset" : LAN_FAQS_NONE_AVAILABLE; return "
" ; //TODO LAN } // ----------------- $FAQ_LISTALL = e107::getTemplate('faqs', true, 'all'); $prevcat = ""; $sc = e107::getScBatch('faqs', true); $sc->counter = 1; $sc->tag = htmlspecialchars($tag, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'); $sc->category = $category; if(!empty($_GET['id'])) // expand one specific FAQ. { $sc->item =intval($_GET['id']); $js = " $( document ).ready(function() { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('div#faq_".$sc->item."').offset().top - 300 }, 4000); }); "; e107::js('footer-inline', $js); } // $text = $tp->parseTemplate($FAQ_START, true, $sc); // $text = ""; if($this->pref['list_type'] == 'ol') { $reversed = ($ascdesc == 'DESC') ? 'reversed ' : ''; $tsrch = array('