menuSaveAjax(); exit; } if(isset($_GET['configure']) || isset($_GET['iframe'])) { //No layout parse when in iframe mod define('e_IFRAME', true); } require_once("auth.php"); if($_POST) { $e107cache->clear_sys("menus_"); } if ($message != "") { echo $ns -> tablerender('Updated', "

"); } //BC - configure and dot delimiter deprecated if (!isset($_GET['configure'])) { $men->menuScanMenus(); $text .= $men->menuRenderMessage(); $text .= $men->menuSelectLayout(); $text .= $men->menuVisibilityOptions(); $text .= $men->menuInstanceParameters(); $text .= $men->menuRenderIframe(); $ns -> tablerender(ADLAN_6." :: ".LAN_MENULAYOUT, $text, 'menus_config'); } else // Within the IFrame. { $men->menuRenderPage(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- require_once("footer.php"); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function headerjs() { return; global $sql,$pref,$men; if(!$men->dragDrop) { return; } if(isset($_POST['custom_select'])) { $curLayout = $_POST['custom_select']; } else { $tmp = explode('.', e_QUERY); $curLayout = ($tmp[1]) ? $tmp[1] : $pref['sitetheme_deflayout']; } $dbLayout = ($curLayout !=$pref['sitetheme_deflayout']) ? $curLayout : ""; if(strpos(e_QUERY, 'configure') !== FALSE ) { //FIXME - proto/scripty already loaded, create and jsmanager handler $ret = " "; } /* this.options = { editorEnabled : false, portal : 'portal', column : 'portal-column', block : 'block', content : 'content', configElement : 'config', configSave : 'save-button', configCancel : 'cancel-button', handle : 'handle', hoverclass : false, remove : 'block-remove', config : 'block-config', blocklist : 'portal-column-block-list', blocklistlink : 'portal-block-list-link', blocklisthandle : 'block-list-handle', saveurl : false } */ return $ret; } function menus_adminmenu() { // See admin_shortcodes_class.php - get_admin_menumanager() // required there so it can be shared by plugins. } ?>