immediately. The files are related to the older 0.6xx branch of e107. Please delete the following directories and all their contents:");
define("ADLAN_ERR_3", "There are one or more files in your public upload directories that are not in your allowed upload filetypes list. These may have been placed here by an attacker and if so should be removed immediately. You should not open these files as this may execute any malicious code the file might contain; e.g. do not open them with your browser.
If you recognise these files as being legitimate, it is likely that the filetype is no longer in the allowed filetypes list for some reason, and you will need to re-add it (see admin => uploads). You should not allow the upload of .html, .txt, etc as an attacker may upload a file of this type which includes malicious javascript. You should also, of course, not allow the upload of .php files or any other type of executable script.
Below is the list of files that could potentially be malicious:");
//define("ADLAN_ERR_4", "Deprecated plugin file(s) found");
//define("ADLAN_ERR_5", "The following files need to be renamed to");
//define("ADLAN_ERR_6", "Then, click here to re-scan your plugin folders.");
// Common Terms
define("LAN_ADD", "Add");
define('LAN_SETSAVED','Your settings have been saved');
define('LAN_NOCHANGE_NOTSAVED', 'Nothing changed - not saved');
define("LAN_CONFIRMDEL","Please confirm you wish to delete");
define("LAN_JSCONFIRM","Are you sure?");
define("LAN_DELETED","Successfully deleted");
define("LAN_UPDATED","Successfully updated");
define("LAN_CREATED","Successfully created");
define("LAN_CREATED_FAILED","Creation Unsuccessful");
define("LAN_DELETED_FAILED","Deletion Unsuccessful");
define("LAN_UPDATED_FAILED","Update Unsuccessful");
define("LAN_NO_CHANGE","Nothing updated as no changes were made.");
define("LAN_REQUIRED_BLANK", "Required field(s) left blank.");
define("LAN_TRY_AGAIN","Please try again.");
define("LAN_NEVER", "Never");
define("LAN_PRUNE", "Prune");
// define("LAN_OK","OK"); // defined in e107_languages/English/English.php
define("LAN_PRESET_SAVED","Preset saved successfully");
define("LAN_PRESET_DELETED","Preset successfully deleted");
define("LAN_PRESET_CONFIRMDEL","Are you sure you want to delete this preset?");
define("LAN_NOTWRITABLE"," is not writable, you need to CHMOD 777 the file or folder first.");
// define("LAN_YES","Yes");
// define("LAN_NO","No"); // defined in e107_languages/English/English.php
define("LAN_EMPTY","There are no entries in the database yet");
define("LAN_EXISTING","Existing Entries");
define("LAN_CONFDELETE","Confirm Delete");
define("LAN_SELECT","Select ...");
define("LAN_DISPLAYOPT", "Edit Display Options");
define("LAN_GOPAGE", "Go to page:");
define("LAN_DATESTAMP","Date stamp");
define("LAN_OPTIONAL", "optional");
define("LAN_RATING", "Rating");
define("LAN_UPLOAD", "Upload");
define("LAN_UPLOAD_IMAGES","Upload Images");
define("LAN_UPLOAD_FILES","Upload Files");
define("LAN_UPLOAD_ADDFILE","Add Another File");
define("LAN_UPLOAD_CONFIRM","Any unsaved changes to this page will be lost. Continue?");
define("LAN_UPLOAD_777","Folder is missing or not writable, you need to CHMOD 777 the following folder before uploading:");
define("LAN_UPLOAD_SERVEROFF", "This option is disabled as file uploading is not enabled on your server");
define("LAN_ENABLED", "Enabled");
define("LAN_BOOL_REVERSE", "Invert");
define("LAN_PRESET_CONFIRMSAVE","Save current form values as the default for this page?");
define("LAN_CONFIGURE", "Configure");
define("LAN_BACK", "Back");
define("LAN_NOPERMISSION", "no permissions");
define("LAN_NEWVERSION","New Version Available");
define("LAN_CHECKALL", 'Check All');
define("LAN_UNCHECKALL", 'Uncheck All');
define("LAN_DELCHECKED", "Delete Checked");
define("LAN_USERCLASS", "Userclass");
define("LAN_AUTHOR", "Author");
define("LAN_CATEGORY", "Category");
define("LAN_HELP", "Help");
define("LAN_MENULAYOUT", "Menu Layout");
define("LAN_MEDIAMANAGER", "Media Manager");
define("LAN_MOREINFO","More Information...");
define("LAN_COMMENTMAN", "Comments Manager");
define("LAN_LIST", "List");
define("LAN_FILTER", "Filter");
define("LAN_NO_RECORDS", "No Records Found");
define("LAN_STATUS", "Status");
define("LAN_URL", "URL");
define("LAN_USER", "User");
define("LAN_OWNER", "Owner");
define("LAN_NAME", "Name");
define('LAN_EMAIL','Email address');
define("LAN_ID", "ID");
define("LAN_TITLE", "Title");
define("LAN_DESCRIPTION", "Description");
define("LAN_VISIBILITY", "Visibility");
define("LAN_ICON", "Icon");
define("LAN_LOADING", "Loading...");
define("LAN_FILE", "File");
define("LAN_SEFURL","SEF URL");
define("LAN_TYPE", "Type");
define("LAN_SECURITYL_0", "Looking for trouble (none)");
define("LAN_SECURITYL_5", "Balanced");
define("LAN_SECURITYL_7", "High");
define("LAN_SECURITYL_9", "Paranoid");
define("LAN_SECURITYL_10", "Insane");
// XXX - move Admin UI related LANS below, add new lan_form.php file (for both front/back-end)
define('LAN_BATCH_LABEL_SELECTED', 'With selected...'); // Batch dropdown default option
define('LAN_BATCH_LABEL_PREFIX', 'Modify');
define('LAN_LABEL_LABEL_SELECTED', 'Filter'); // Filter dropdown default option
define('LAN_FILTER_LABEL_PREFIX', 'Filter by');
define('LAN_FILTER_LABEL_DISPLAYALL', 'Display All');
define('LAN_FILTER_LABEL_CLEAR', 'Clear Filter');
define('LAN_FILTER_LABEL_TYPED', '(typed)');
define('LAN_UI_NOPID_ERROR', 'There is no Primary ID set');
define('LAN_UI_BATCHDEL_ERROR', 'Batch delete not allowed!');
define('LAN_UI_404_BODY_ERROR', 'Requested page was not found!');
define('LAN_UI_404_TITLE_ERROR', 'Page Not Found');
define('LAN_UI_404_METHOD_ERROR', 'Action %1$s not found!');
define('LAN_UI_403_BODY_ERROR', 'Access to the requested page is denied.');
define('LAN_UI_403_TITLE_ERROR', 'Access denied');
define('LAN_UI_FORM_METHOD_ERROR', 'FATAL ERROR: The field name %1$s is not allowed. Please rename the key %1$s to something else in your fields array and database table (if required).');
define('LAN_UI_BATCH_UPDATE_SUCCESS', '%1$s set for %2$d record(s).');
define('LAN_UI_BATCH_REVERSED_SUCCESS', '%1$d records successfully reversed.');
define('LAN_UI_BATCH_BOOL_SUCCESS', '%1$d records successfully updated.');
define('LAN_UI_BATCH_DEATTACH_SUCCESS', '%1$s removed from %2$d record(s).');
define('LAN_UI_EDIT_LABEL', 'Update record #%1$s');
define('LAN_UI_CREATE_LABEL', 'Create new record');
define('LAN_UI_PREF_LABEL', 'Settings');
define('LAN_UI_DELETE_LABEL', 'Confirm Delete');
define('LAN_UI_DELETE_WARNING', 'You are about to delete %1$d records. Please confirm to continue.');
define("LAN_USER_MANAGEALL", "Manage all User, Userclass and Extended User-Field settings");
define("LAN_USER_LIST", "User List");
define("LAN_USER_QUICKADD","Quick Add User");
define("LAN_USER_PRUNE", "Prune Users");
define("LAN_USER_OPTIONS", "User Options");
define("LAN_USER_RANKS", "User Ranks");
// TODO - move e_form related LANS below, add new lan_form.php file (for both front/back-end)