file_exists(THEME."images/login_logo.png") ? "\n" : "\n" ); //if (!$FPW_TABLE_HEADER) { require_once (e107::coreTemplatePath('fpw')); //correct way to load a core template. } $HEADER = $tp->simpleParse($FPW_TABLE_HEADER, $sc); $FOOTER = $tp->simpleParse($FPW_TABLE_FOOTER, $sc); } $user_info = e107::getUserSession(); require_once(HEADERF); function fpw_error($txt) { global $ns; $ns->tablerender(LAN_03, "
", 'fpw'); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } //the separator character used define('FPW_SEPARATOR', '#'); //$fpw_sep = '#'; if (e_QUERY) { // User has clicked on the emailed link define('FPW_ACTIVE','TRUE'); $tmpinfo = preg_replace("#[\W_]#", "", e107::getParser()->toDB(e_QUERY, true)); // query part is a 'random' number if ($tmpinfo != e_QUERY) { die(); // Shouldn't be any characters that toDB() changes } if ($sql->db_Select('tmp', '*', "`tmp_ip`='pwreset' AND `tmp_info` LIKE '%".FPW_SEPARATOR.$tmpinfo."' ")) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $sql->db_Delete('tmp', "`tmp_time` = ".$row['tmp_time']." AND `tmp_info` = '".$row['tmp_info']."' "); list($loginName, $md5) = explode(FPW_SEPARATOR, $row['tmp_info']); $loginName = $tp -> toDB($loginName, true); if ($md5 != $tmpinfo) { die('Random mismatch!'); // This should never happen! } $newpw = $user_info->generateRandomString(str_repeat('*', rand(8, 12))); // Generate new temporary password $mdnewpw = $user_info->HashPassword($newpw,$loginName); // Details for admin log $do_log['password_action'] = LAN_FPW21; //$do_log['user_name'] = $tp -> toDB($username, true); $do_log['user_loginname'] = $loginName; $do_log['activation_code'] = $tmpinfo; $do_log['user_password'] = $mdnewpw; $admin_log->user_audit(USER_AUDIT_PW_RES,$do_log,0,$do_log['user_name']); $sql->db_Update('user', "`user_password`='{$mdnewpw}' WHERE `user_loginname`='".$loginName."' "); if((integer) e107::getPref('allowEmailLogin') > 0) { // always show email when possible $sql->db_Select('user', 'user_email', "user_loginname='{$loginName}'"); $tmp = $sql->db_Fetch(); $loginName = $tmp['user_email']; unset($tmp); } cookie($pref['cookie_name'], '', (time()-2592000)); $_SESSION[$pref['cookie_name']] = ''; $txt = "

".LAN_FPW10." ".LAN_FPW11." ".LAN_FPW12; fpw_error($txt); } else { fpw_error(LAN_FPW7); // No 'forgot password' entry found } } // Request to reset password //-------------------------- if (isset($_POST['pwsubmit'])) { // Request for password reset submitted require_once(e_HANDLER.'mail.php'); $email = $_POST['email']; if ($pref['fpwcode'] && extension_loaded('gd')) { if (!$sec_img->verify_code($_POST['rand_num'], $_POST['code_verify'])) { fpw_error(LAN_FPW3); } } $clean_email = check_email($tp -> toDB($_POST['email'])); $clean_username = $tp -> toDB(varset($_POST['username'], '')); $query = "`user_email`='{$clean_email}' "; // Allow admins to remove 'username' from fpw_template.php if they wish. $query .= (isset($_POST['username'])) ? " AND `user_loginname`='{$clean_username}'" : ""; if ($sql->db_Select('user', '*', $query)) { // Found user in DB $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); if (($row['user_admin'] == 1) && (($row['user_perms'] == '0') OR ($row['user_perms'] == '0.'))) { // Main admin expected to be competent enough to never forget password! (And its a security check - so warn them) sendemail($pref['siteadminemail'], LAN_06, LAN_07.' ['.e107::getIPHandler()->getIP(FALSE).'] '.e107::getIPHandler()->getIP(TRUE).' '.LAN_08); echo "\n"; die(); } switch ($row['user_ban']) { // Banned user, or not validated case USER_BANNED : die(); case USER_VALIDATED : break; default : fpw_error(LAN_FPW22.':'.$row['user_ban']); // Intentionally rather a vague message exit; } if ($result = $sql->db_Select('tmp', '*', "`tmp_ip` = 'pwreset' AND `tmp_info` LIKE '".$row['user_loginname'].FPW_SEPARATOR."%'")) { fpw_error(LAN_FPW4); // Password reset already requested exit; } mt_srand ((double)microtime() * 1000000); $maxran = 1000000; $rand_num = mt_rand(0, $maxran); $datekey = date('r'); $rcode = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . serialize($pref). $rand_num . $datekey); $link = SITEURL.'fpw.php?'.$rcode; $message = LAN_FPW5.' '.SITENAME.' '.LAN_FPW14.': '.e107::getIPHandler()->getIP(TRUE).".\n\n".LAN_FPW15."\n\n".LAN_FPW16."\n\n".LAN_FPW17."\n\n{$link}"; $deltime = time()+86400 * 2; //Set timestamp two days ahead so it doesn't get auto-deleted $sql->db_Insert('tmp', "'pwreset',{$deltime},'".$row['user_loginname'].FPW_SEPARATOR.$rcode."'"); $do_log['password_action'] = LAN_FPW18; $do_log['user_id'] = $row['user_id']; $do_log['user_name'] = $row['user_name']; $do_log['user_loginname'] = $row['user_loginname']; $do_log['activation_code'] = $rcode; if (sendemail($_POST['email'], "".LAN_09."".SITENAME, $message)) { $text = "
"; $do_log['password_result'] = LAN_FPW20; } else { $text = "
"; $do_log['password_result'] = LAN_FPW19; } $admin_log->user_audit(USER_AUDIT_PW_RES,$do_log,$row['user_id'],$row['user_name']); $ns->tablerender(LAN_03, $text); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } else { $text = LAN_213; $ns->tablerender(LAN_214, "
"); } } $sc = array(); if (USE_IMAGECODE) { $sc = array ( 'FPW_TABLE_SECIMG_LAN' => LAN_FPW2, 'FPW_TABLE_SECIMG_HIDDEN' => "", 'FPW_TABLE_SECIMG_SECIMG' => $sec_img->r_image(), 'FPW_TABLE_SECIMG_TEXTBOC' => "" ); } if (!$FPW_TABLE) { require_once (e107::coreTemplatePath('fpw')); //correct way to load a core template. } $text = $tp->simpleParse($FPW_TABLE, $sc); $ns->tablerender(LAN_03, $text); require_once(FOOTERF); ?>