deleteExpired(); // Delete time-expired partial registrations require_once(e107::coreTemplatePath('signup')); //correct way to load a core template. $signup_shortcodes = e107::getScBatch('signup'); // $facebook_shortcodes = e107::getScBatch('facebook',TRUE); $signup_imagecode = ($pref['signcode'] && extension_loaded('gd')); $text = ''; $extraErrors = array(); $error = FALSE; //------------------------------- // Resend Activation Email //------------------------------- /* if((e_QUERY == 'resend') && !USER && ($pref['user_reg_veri'] == 1)) { require_once(HEADERF); $clean_email = $tp->toDB($_POST['resend_email']); if(!check_email($clean_email)) { $clean_email = "xxx"; } $new_email = $tp->toDB(varset($_POST['resend_newemail'], '')); if(!check_email($new_email )) { $new_email = FALSE; } if($_POST['submit_resend']) { // Action user's submitted information // 'resend_email' - user name or email address actually used to sign up // 'resend_newemail' - corrected email address // 'resend_password' - password (required if changing email address) if($_POST['resend_email'] && !$new_email && $clean_email && $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM #user WHERE user_ban=0 AND user_sess='' AND (`user_loginname`= '".$clean_email."' OR `user_name` = '".$clean_email."' OR `user_email` = '".$clean_email."' ) ")) { // Account already activated $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_40,LAN_SIGNUP_41."
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit(); } // Start by looking up the user if(!$sql->select("user", "*", "(`user_loginname` = '".$clean_email."' OR `user_name` = '".$clean_email."' OR `user_email` = '".$clean_email."' ) AND `user_ban`=".USER_REGISTERED_NOT_VALIDATED." AND `user_sess` !='' LIMIT 1")) { message_handler("ALERT",LAN_SIGNUP_64.': '.$clean_email); // email (or other info) not valid. require_once(FOOTERF); exit(); } $row = $sql -> fetch(); // We should have a user record here if(trim($_POST['resend_password']) !="" && $new_email) { // Need to change the email address - check password to make sure if ($userMethods->CheckPassword($_POST['resend_password'], $row['user_loginname'], $row['user_password']) === TRUE) { if ($sql->select('user', 'user_id, user_email', "user_email='".$new_email."'")) { // Email address already used by someone message_handler("ALERT",LAN_SIGNUP_106); // Duplicate email require_once(FOOTERF); exit(); } if($sql->update("user", "user_email='".$new_email."' WHERE user_id = '".$row['user_id']."' LIMIT 1 ")) { $row['user_email'] = $new_email; } } else { message_handler("ALERT",LAN_SIGNUP_52); // Incorrect Password. require_once(FOOTERF); exit(); } } // Now send the email - got some valid info $row['user_password'] = 'xxxxxxx'; // Don't know the real one $eml = render_email($row); $eml['e107_header'] = $row['user_id']; require_once(e_HANDLER.'mail.php'); $mailer = new e107Email(); if(!$mailer->sendEmail(USEREMAIL, USERNAME, $eml, FALSE)) $do_log['signup_action'] = LAN_SIGNUP_63; if(!sendemail($row['user_email'], $eml['subject'], $eml['message'], $row['user_name'], "", "", $eml['attachments'], $eml['cc'], $eml['bcc'], $returnpath, $returnreceipt,$eml['inline-images'])) { $ns->tablerender(LAN_ERROR,LAN_SIGNUP_42); $do_log['signup_result'] = LAN_SIGNUP_62; } else { $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_43,LAN_SIGNUP_44." ".$row['user_email']." - ".LAN_SIGNUP_45."

"); $do_log['signup_result'] = LAN_SIGNUP_61; } // Now log this (log will ignore if its disabled) $admin_log->user_audit(USER_AUDIT_PW_RES,$do_log,$row['user_id'],$row['user_name']); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } elseif(!$_POST['submit_resend']) { // Display form to get info from user $text .= "
"; $text .="
"; $text .= ""; // resend activation email. $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_47, $text); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } exit; }*/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ if(!$_POST) { $error = ''; $text = ' '; $password1 = ''; $password2 = ''; $email = ''; // Used in shortcodes $loginname = ''; $realname = ''; $image = ''; $avatar_upload = ''; $photo_upload = ''; $_POST['ue'] = ''; $signature = ''; } if (!empty($pref['membersonly_enabled'])) { $template = e107::getCoreTemplate('membersonly','signup'); define('e_IFRAME',true); define('e_IFRAME_HEADER', $template['header'] ); define('e_IFRAME_FOOTER', $template['footer'] ); unset($template); } /* if($signup_imagecode) { // require_once(e_HANDLER."secure_img_handler.php"); // $sec_img = new secure_image; } */ if ((USER || (intval($pref['user_reg']) !== 1) || (vartrue($pref['auth_method'],'e107') != 'e107')) && !getperms('0')) { header('location: '.e_HTTP.'index.php'); } if(getperms('0')) // allow main admin to view signup page for design/testing. { //$mes = e107::getMessage(); //$mes->debug("You are currently logged in."); $adminMsg = LAN_SIGNUP_112; if(intval($pref['user_reg']) !== 1) { $adminMsg .= "
User registration is currently disabled"; } $SIGNUP_BEGIN = "
". $SIGNUP_BEGIN; unset($adminMsg); } //---------------------------------------- // After clicking the activation link //---------------------------------------- class signup { function __construct() { $pref = e107::pref('core'); if(substr(e_QUERY,0,9)=='activate.') { $this->processActivationLink(); } if((e_QUERY == 'resend') && (!USER || getperms('0')) && ($pref['user_reg_veri'] == 1)) { if(empty($_POST['submit_resend'])) { $this->renderResendForm(); } else { $this->resendEmail(); } } if(getperms('0')) { if(e_QUERY == 'preview') { $this->renderEmailPreview(); } if(e_QUERY == "preview.aftersignup") { $this->renderAfterSignupPreview(); } if(e_QUERY == 'test') { $this->sendEmailPreview(); } } } private function resendEmail() { global $userMethods; $ns = e107::getRender(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); // Action user's submitted information // 'resend_email' - user name or email address actually used to sign up // 'resend_newemail' - corrected email address // 'resend_password' - password (required if changing email address) $clean_email = $tp->toDB($_POST['resend_email']); if(!check_email($clean_email)) { $clean_email = "xxx"; } $new_email = $tp->toDB(varset($_POST['resend_newemail'], '')); if(!check_email($new_email )) { $new_email = FALSE; } // Account already activated if($_POST['resend_email'] && !$new_email && $clean_email && $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM #user WHERE user_ban=0 AND user_sess='' AND (`user_loginname`= '".$clean_email."' OR `user_name` = '".$clean_email."' OR `user_email` = '".$clean_email."' ) ")) { $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_40,LAN_SIGNUP_41."
"); return false; } // Start by looking up the user if(!$sql->select("user", "*", "(`user_loginname` = '".$clean_email."' OR `user_name` = '".$clean_email."' OR `user_email` = '".$clean_email."' ) AND `user_ban`=".USER_REGISTERED_NOT_VALIDATED." AND `user_sess` !='' LIMIT 1")) { message_handler("ALERT",LAN_SIGNUP_64.': '.$clean_email); // email (or other info) not valid. return false; } $row = $sql -> fetch(); // We should have a user record here if(trim($_POST['resend_password']) !="" && $new_email) // Need to change the email address - check password to make sure { if ($userMethods->CheckPassword($_POST['resend_password'], $row['user_loginname'], $row['user_password']) === TRUE) { if ($sql->select('user', 'user_id, user_email', "user_email='".$new_email."'")) { // Email address already used by someone message_handler("ALERT",LAN_SIGNUP_106); // Duplicate email return false; } if($sql->update("user", "user_email='".$new_email."' WHERE user_id = '".$row['user_id']."' LIMIT 1 ")) { $row['user_email'] = $new_email; } } else { message_handler("ALERT",LAN_SIGNUP_52); // Incorrect Password. return false; } } // Now send the email - got some valid info $row['user_password'] = 'xxxxxxx'; // Don't know the real one $eml = render_email($row); $eml['e107_header'] = $row['user_id']; require_once(e_HANDLER.'mail.php'); $mailer = new e107Email(); if(!$mailer->sendEmail(USEREMAIL, USERNAME, $eml, FALSE)) $do_log['signup_action'] = LAN_SIGNUP_63; if(!sendemail($row['user_email'], $eml['subject'], $eml['message'], $row['user_name'], "", "", $eml['attachments'], $eml['cc'], $eml['bcc'], $returnpath, $returnreceipt, $eml['inline-images'])) { $ns->tablerender(LAN_ERROR,LAN_SIGNUP_42); $do_log['signup_result'] = LAN_SIGNUP_62; } else { $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_43,LAN_SIGNUP_44." ".$row['user_email']." - ".LAN_SIGNUP_45."

"); $do_log['signup_result'] = LAN_SIGNUP_61; } // Now log this (log will ignore if its disabled) e107::getLog()->user_audit(USER_AUDIT_PW_RES,$do_log,$row['user_id'],$row['user_name']); } private function renderResendForm() { $ns = e107::getRender(); $frm = e107::getForm(); $text = "
".LAN_SIGNUP_48." ".$frm->text('resend_email','',80)." Use a different email address
".LAN_SIGNUP_50." ".$frm->text('resend_newemail', '', 50)."
".LAN_SIGNUP_51." ".$frm->text('resend_password', '', 50)."
"; $text .="
"; $text .= ""; // resend activation email. $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_47, $text); } private function sendEmailPreview() { $temp = array(); $eml = render_email($temp, TRUE); // It ignores the data, anyway $mailer = e107::getEmail(); if(!$mailer->sendEmail(USEREMAIL, USERNAME, $eml, FALSE)) { echo "

  >> ".LAN_SIGNUP_42; // there was a problem. } else { echo "

  >> ".LAN_SIGNUP_43." [ ".USEREMAIL." ] - ".LAN_SIGNUP_45; } } function renderEmailPreview() { $temp = array(); $eml = render_email($temp, TRUE); // It ignores the data, anyway echo $eml['preview']; } private function renderAfterSignupPreview() { global $allData; $ns = e107::getRender(); $allData['data']['user_email'] = ""; $allData['data']['user_loginname'] = "user_loginname"; $after_signup = render_after_signup(null); $ns->tablerender($after_signup['caption'], $after_signup['text']); } private function processActivationLink() { global $userMethods; $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $ns = e107::getRender(); $log = e107::getLog(); $pref = e107::pref('core'); $qs = explode('.', e_QUERY); if ($qs[0] == 'activate' && (count($qs) == 3 || count($qs) == 4) && $qs[2]) { // FIXME TODO use generic multilanguage selection => e107::coreLan(); // return the message in the correct language. if(isset($qs[3]) && strlen($qs[3]) == 2 ) { require_once(e_HANDLER.'language_class.php'); $slng = new language; $the_language = $slng->convert($qs[3]); if(is_readable(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$the_language.'/lan_'.e_PAGE)) { include(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$the_language.'/lan_'.e_PAGE); } else { include_lan(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE.'/lan_'.e_PAGE); } } else { include_lan(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE.'/lan_'.e_PAGE); } e107::getCache()->clear("online_menu_totals"); if ($sql->select("user", "*", "user_sess='".$tp->toDB($qs[2], true)."' ")) { if ($row = $sql->fetch()) { $dbData = array(); $dbData['WHERE'] = " user_sess='".$tp->toDB($qs[2], true)."' "; $dbData['data'] = array('user_ban'=>'0', 'user_sess'=>''); // Set initial classes, and any which the user can opt to join if ($init_class = $userMethods->userClassUpdate($row, 'userfull')) { //print_a($init_class); exit; $dbData['data']['user_class'] = $init_class; } $userMethods->addNonDefaulted($dbData); validatorClass::addFieldTypes($userMethods->userVettingInfo,$dbData); $newID = $sql->update('user',$dbData); if($newID === FALSE) { $log->e_log_event(10,debug_backtrace(),'USER','Verification Fail',print_r($row,TRUE),FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING); $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_75, LAN_SIGNUP_101); return false; } // Log to user audit log if enabled $log->user_audit(USER_AUDIT_EMAILACK,$row); e107::getEvent()->trigger('userveri', $row); // Legacy event e107::getEvent()->trigger('user_signup_activated', $row); e107::getEvent()->trigger('userfull', $row); // 'New' event if (varset($pref['autologinpostsignup'])) { require_once(e_HANDLER.'login.php'); $usr = new userlogin(); $usr->login($row['user_loginname'], md5($row['user_name'].$row['user_password'].$row['user_join']), 'signup', ''); } $text = "
"; $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_75, $text); } } else { // Invalid activation code echo e107::getMessage()->addError("Invalid URL")->render(); // header("location: ".e_BASE."index.php"); return; } } } } if(e_QUERY && e_QUERY != 'stage1') { require_once(HEADERF); new signup; require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } //---------------------------------------- // Initial signup (registration) // TODO - move all of this into the class above. if (isset($_POST['register']) && intval($pref['user_reg']) === 1) { e107::getCache()->clear("online_menu_totals"); if (isset($_POST['rand_num']) && $signup_imagecode) { if ($badCodeMsg = e107::getSecureImg()->invalidCode($_POST['rand_num'], $_POST['code_verify'])) // better: allows class to return the error. { //$extraErrors[] = LAN_SIGNUP_3."\\n"; $extraErrors[] = $badCodeMsg."\\n"; $error = TRUE; } } if($invalid = e107::getEvent()->trigger("usersup_veri", $_POST)) { $extraErrors[] = $invalid."\\n"; $error = TRUE; } if (!$error) { if (vartrue($pref['predefinedLoginName'])) { $_POST['loginname'] = $userMethods->generateUserLogin($pref['predefinedLoginName']); } if(!isset($_POST['hideemail'])) // For when it is disabled - default is to hide-email. { $_POST['hideemail'] = 1; } if(!isset($_POST['email_confirm'])) { $_POST['email_confirm'] = $_POST['email']; } // Use LoginName for DisplayName if restricted if (!check_class($pref['displayname_class'],e_UC_PUBLIC.','.e_UC_MEMBER)) { $_POST['username'] = $_POST['loginname']; } // generate password if passwords are disabled and email validation is enabled. $noPasswordInput = e107::getPref('signup_option_password', 2); //0 = generate it. if(empty($noPasswordInput) && !isset($_POST['password1']) && intval($pref['user_reg_veri'])===1) { $_POST['password1'] = $userMethods->generateRandomString("#???????!????*#"); $_POST['password2'] = $_POST['password1']; } // Now validate everything $allData = validatorClass::validateFields($_POST,$userMethods->userVettingInfo, TRUE); // Do basic validation validatorClass::checkMandatory('user_name,user_loginname', $allData); // Check for missing fields (email done in userValidation() ) validatorClass::dbValidateArray($allData, $userMethods->userVettingInfo, 'user', 0); // Do basic DB-related checks $userMethods->userValidation($allData); if (!isset($allData['errors']['user_password'])) { // No errors in password - keep it outside the main data array $savePassword = $allData['data']['user_password']; unset($allData['data']['user_password']); // Delete the password value in the output array } unset($_POST['password1']); // Restrict the scope of this unset($_POST['password2']); $allData['user_ip'] = e107::getIPHandler()->getIP(FALSE); // check for multiple signups from the same IP address. But ignore localhost if ($allData['user_ip'] != e107::LOCALHOST_IP) { if($ipcount = $sql->select('user', '*', "user_ip='".$allData['user_ip']."' and user_ban !='2' ")) { if($ipcount >= $pref['signup_maxip'] && trim($pref['signup_maxip']) != "") { $allData['errors']['user_email'] = ERR_GENERIC; $allData['errortext']['user_email'] = LAN_SIGNUP_71; e107::getLog()->add('USET_15',LAN_SIGNUP_103.e107::getIPHandler()->getIP(FALSE), 4); } } } // Email address confirmation. if (!isset($allData['errors']['user_email'])) { // Obviously nothing wrong with the email address so far (or maybe its not required) if ($_POST['email'] != $_POST['email_confirm']) { $allData['errors']['user_email'] = ERR_GENERIC; $allData['errortext']['user_email'] = LAN_SIGNUP_38; unset($allData['data']['user_email']); } } // Verify Custom Signup options if selected - need specific loop since the need for them is configuration-dependent $signup_option_title = array(LAN_USER_63, LAN_USER_71, LAN_USER_72, LAN_USER_73, LAN_USER_74); $signup_option_names = array('realname', 'signature', 'image', 'class', 'customtitle'); foreach($signup_option_names as $key => $value) { if ($pref['signup_option_'.$value] == 2 && !isset($alldata['data']['user_'.$value]) && !isset($alldata['errors']['user_'.$value])) { $alldata['errors']['user_'.$value] = ERR_GENERIC; $alldata['errortext']['user_'.$value] = str_replace('--SOMETHING--',$signup_option_title[$key],LAN_USER_75); } } // Validate Extended User Fields. $eufVals = array(); //if (isset($_POST['ue'])) { $eufVals = $usere->userExtendedValidateAll(varset($_POST['ue'], array()), varset($_POST['hide'],array()), TRUE); // Validate the extended user fields } // Determine whether we have an error $error = ((isset($allData['errors']) && count($allData['errors'])) || (isset($eufVals['errors']) && count($eufVals['errors'])) || count($extraErrors)); // All validated here - handle any errors if ($error) //FIXME - this ignores the errors caused by invalid image-code. { $temp = array(); if (count($extraErrors)) { $temp[] = implode('
', $extraErrors); } if (count($allData['errors'])) { $temp[] = validatorClass::makeErrorList($allData,'USER_ERR_','%n - %x - %t: %v', '
', $userMethods->userVettingInfo); } if (vartrue($eufVals['errors'])) { $temp[] = validatorClass::makeErrorList($eufVals,'USER_ERR_','%n - %t: %v', '
'); } if(deftrue('BOOTSTRAP')) { e107::getMessage()->addError(implode('
', $temp)); } else { message_handler('P_ALERT', implode('
', $temp)); } } } // End of data validation else { if(deftrue('BOOTSTRAP')) { e107::getMessage()->addError(implode('
', $temp)); } else { message_handler('P_ALERT', implode('
', $extraErrors)); // Workaround for image-code errors. } } // ========== End of verification.. ============== // If no errors, we can enter the new member in the DB // At this point we have two data arrays: // $allData['data'] - the 'core' user data // $eufVals['data'] - any extended user fields if (!$error) { $error_message = ''; $fp = new floodprotect; if ($fp->flood("user", "user_join") == FALSE) { header("location:".e_BASE."index.php"); exit; } if ($_POST['email'] && $sql->select("user", "*", "user_email='".$_POST['email']."' AND user_ban='".USER_BANNED."'")) { exit; } $u_key = e_user_model::randomKey(); // Key for signup completion $allData['data']['user_sess'] = $u_key; // Validation key $userMethods->userClassUpdate($allData['data'], 'usersup'); if ($pref['user_reg_veri']) { $allData['data']['user_ban'] = USER_REGISTERED_NOT_VALIDATED; } else { $allData['data']['user_ban'] = USER_VALIDATED; } // Work out data to be written to user audit trail $signup_data = array('user_name', 'user_loginname', 'user_email', 'user_ip'); // foreach (array() as $f) foreach ($signup_data as $f) { $signup_data[$f] = $allData['data'][$f]; // Just copy across selected fields } $allData['data']['user_password'] = $userMethods->HashPassword($savePassword,$allData['data']['user_loginname']); if (vartrue($pref['allowEmailLogin'])) { // Need to create separate password for email login //$allData['data']['user_prefs'] = serialize(array('email_password' => $userMethods->HashPassword($savePassword, $allData['data']['user_email']))); $allData['data']['user_prefs'] = e107::getArrayStorage()->serialize(array('email_password' => $userMethods->HashPassword($savePassword, $allData['data']['user_email']))); } $allData['data']['user_join'] = time(); $allData['data']['user_ip'] = e107::getIPHandler()->getIP(FALSE); if(!vartrue($allData['data']['user_name'])) { $allData['data']['user_name'] = $allData['data']['user_loginname']; $signup_data['user_name'] = $allData['data']['user_loginname']; } // The user_class, user_perms, user_prefs, user_realm fields don't have default value, // so we put apropriate ones, otherwise - broken DB Insert $allData['data']['user_class'] = ''; $allData['data']['user_perms'] = ''; $allData['data']['user_prefs'] = ''; $allData['data']['user_realm'] = ''; if(empty($allData['data']['user_signature'])) { $allData['data']['user_signature'] = ''; // as above - default required in MYsQL strict mode. } // Actually write data to DB validatorClass::addFieldTypes($userMethods->userVettingInfo, $allData); $nid = $sql->insert('user', $allData); if (isset($eufVals['data']) && count($eufVals['data'])) { $usere->addFieldTypes($eufVals); // Add in the data types for storage $eufVals['WHERE'] = '`user_extended_id` = '.intval($nid); //$usere->addDefaultFields($eufVals); // Add in defaults for anything not explicitly set (commented out for now - will slightly modify behaviour) $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `#user_extended` (user_extended_id) values ('{$nid}')"); $sql->update('user_extended', $eufVals); } if (SIGNUP_DEBUG) { $admin_log->e_log_event(10,debug_backtrace(),"DEBUG","Signup new user",array_merge($allData['data'],$eufVals) ,FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING); } // Log to user audit log if enabled $signup_data['user_id'] = $nid; $signup_data['signup_key'] = $u_key; $signup_data['user_realname'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['realname']); $admin_log->user_audit(USER_AUDIT_SIGNUP,$signup_data); if (!$nid) { require_once(HEADERF); $message = e107::getMessage()->addError(LAN_SIGNUP_36)->render(); $ns->tablerender("", $message); require_once(FOOTERF); } $adviseLoginName = ''; if (vartrue($pref['predefinedLoginName']) && (integer) $pref['allowEmailLogin'] === 0) { $adviseLoginName = LAN_SIGNUP_65.': '.$allData['data']['user_loginname'].'
'; } // Verification required (may be by email or by admin) if ($pref['user_reg_veri']) { // ========== Send Email =========> if (($pref['user_reg_veri'] != 2) && $allData['data']['user_email']) // Don't send if email address blank - means that its not compulsory { $allData['data']['user_id'] = $nid; // User ID // FIXME build while rendering - user::renderEmail() $allData['data']['activation_url'] = SITEURL."signup.php?activate.".$allData['data']['user_id'].".".$allData['data']['user_sess']; // FIX missing user_name if(!vartrue($allData['data']['user_name'])) $allData['data']['user_name'] = $allData['data']['user_login']; // prefered way to send user emails if(!getperms('0')) // Alow logged in main-admin to test signup procedure. { $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser(false, false); $sysuser->setData($allData['data']); $sysuser->setId($userid); $check = $sysuser->email('signup', array( 'user_password' => $savePassword, // for security reasons - password passed ONLY through options )); } else { $check = true; e107::getMessage()->addDebug(print_a($allData,true)); e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Password: ".$savePassword.""); } /* $eml = render_email($allData['data']); $eml['e107_header'] = $eml['userid']; require_once(e_HANDLER.'mail.php'); $mailer = new e107Email(); // FIX - sendEmail returns TRUE or error message... $check = $mailer->sendEmail($allData['data']['user_email'], $allData['data']['user_name'], $eml,FALSE);*/ if(true !== $check) { $error_message = LAN_SIGNUP_42; // There was a problem, the registration mail was not sent, please contact the website administrator. } unset($allData['data']['user_password']); } e107::getEvent()->trigger('usersup', $_POST); // Old trigger - send everything in the template, including extended fields. e107::getEvent()->trigger('userpartial', array_merge($allData['data'],$eufVals['data'])); // New trigger - send everything in the template, including extended fields. require_once(HEADERF); $after_signup = render_after_signup($error_message); $ns->tablerender($after_signup['caption'], $after_signup['text']); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } // User can be signed up immediately else { require_once(HEADERF); if(!$sql->select("user", "user_id", "user_loginname='".$allData['data']['user_loginname']."' AND user_password='".$allData['data']['user_password']."'")) { // Error looking up newly created user $ns->tablerender("", LAN_SIGNUP_36); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } // Set initial classes, and any which the user can opt to join if ($init_class = $userMethods->userClassUpdate($row, 'userpartial')) { $allData['data']['user_class'] = $init_class; $user_class_update = $sql->update("user", "user_class = '{$allData['data']['user_class']}' WHERE user_name='{$allData['data']['user_name']}'"); if($user_class_update === FALSE) { //$admin_log->e_log_event(10,debug_backtrace(),'USER','Userclass update fail',print_r($row,TRUE),FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING); require_once(HEADERF); $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_75, LAN_SIGNUP_101); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } } e107::getEvent()->trigger('usersup', $_POST); // send everything in the template, including extended fields. e107::getEvent()->trigger('userfull', array_merge($allData['data'],$eufVals['data'])); // New trigger - send everything in the template, including extended fields. if (isset($pref['signup_text_after']) && (strlen($pref['signup_text_after']) > 2)) { $text = $tp->toHTML(str_replace('{NEWLOGINNAME}', $loginname, $pref['signup_text_after']), TRUE, 'parse_sc,defs')."
"; } else { $text = LAN_SIGNUP_76." ".SITENAME.", ".LAN_SIGNUP_12."

".LAN_SIGNUP_13; } $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_8,$text); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } } // End - if (!$error) else { // 'Recirculate' selected values so they are retained on the form when an error occurs foreach (array('user_class') as $a) { $signupData[$a] = $tp->toForm(varset($allData['data'][$a],'')); } } } // Disable the signup form - if either there was an error, or starting from scratch require_once(HEADERF); $qs = ($error ? "stage" : e_QUERY); if ($pref['use_coppa'] == 1 && strpos($qs, "stage") === FALSE) { $text = $tp->parseTemplate($COPPA_TEMPLATE, TRUE, $signup_shortcodes); $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_78, $text); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } if ($qs == 'stage1' && $pref['use_coppa'] == 1) { if(isset($_POST['newver'])) { if(!vartrue($_POST['coppa'])) { $text = $tp->parseTemplate($COPPA_FAIL); $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_78, $text); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } } else { header('Location: '.e_BASE.'signup.php'); exit; } } require_once(e_HANDLER."form_handler.php"); $rs = new form; $text = $tp->parseTemplate($SIGNUP_BEGIN.$SIGNUP_BODY.$SIGNUP_END, TRUE, $signup_shortcodes); $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_79, e107::getMessage()->render('default', true).$text); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; //---------------------------------- // Function returns an image if a field is required. function req($field) { return ($field == 2 ? REQUIRED_FIELD_MARKER : ""); } //---------------------------------- function headerjs() { $script_txt = " \n"; //global $cal; // XXX - can this be removed completely? //$script_txt .= $cal->load_files(); return $script_txt; } /** * Create email to send to user who just registered. * @param array $userInfo is the array of user-related DB variables * @return array of data for mailer - field names directly compatible */ function render_email($userInfo, $preview = FALSE) { if($preview == TRUE) { $userInfo['user_password'] = "test-password"; $userInfo['user_loginname'] = "test-loginname"; $userInfo['user_name'] = "test-username"; $userInfo['user_email'] = "test-username@email"; $userInfo['user_website'] = ""; // This may not be defined $userInfo['user_id'] = 0; $userInfo['user_sess'] = "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"; $userInfo['activation_url'] = ''; } return e107::getSystemUser($userInfo['user_id'], false)->renderEmail('signup', $userInfo); } function render_after_signup($error_message='') { $ret = array(); if(!empty($error_message)) { $ret['text'] = "
"; // Just display the error message $ret['caption'] = LAN_SIGNUP_99; // Problem Detected return $ret; } global $pref, $allData, $adviseLoginName, $tp; $srch = array("[sitename]","[email]","{NEWLOGINNAME}","{EMAIL}"); $repl = array(SITENAME,"".$allData['data']['user_email']."",$allData['data']['user_loginname'],$allData['data']['user_email']); $text = "
"; if (isset($pref['signup_text_after']) && (strlen($pref['signup_text_after']) > 2)) { $text .= str_replace($srch, $repl, $tp->toHTML($pref['signup_text_after'], TRUE, 'parse_sc,defs'))."
"; // keep str_replace() outside of toHTML to allow for search/replace of dynamic terms within 'defs'. } else { $text .= ($pref['user_reg_veri'] == 2) ? LAN_SIGNUP_37 : str_replace($srch,$repl, LAN_SIGNUP_72); $text .= "

".$adviseLoginName; } $text .= "
"; $caption_arr = array(); $caption_arr[0] = LAN_SIGNUP_73; // Thank you! (No Approval). $caption_arr[1] = LAN_SIGNUP_98; // Confirm Email (Email Confirmation) $caption_arr[2] = LAN_SIGNUP_100; // Approval Pending (Admin Approval) $caption = $caption_arr[$pref['user_reg_veri']]; $ret['text'] = $text; $ret['caption'] = $caption; return $ret; } ?>