installed();// Bugfix - don't use e_LANLIST as it's cached (SESSION) $message = ''; if (e_QUERY) { $tmp = explode('.', e_QUERY); $action = varset($tmp[0]); $sub_action = varset($tmp[1]); $id = varset($tmp[2]); unset($tmp); } elseif(!getperms('0')) { $action = 'tools'; } if (isset($_POST['submit_prefs']) && isset($_POST['mainsitelanguage']) && getperms('0')) { unset($temp); $changes = array(); $temp['multilanguage'] = $_POST['multilanguage']; $temp['multilanguage_subdomain'] = $_POST['multilanguage_subdomain']; $temp['multilanguage_domain'] = $_POST['multilanguage_domain']; $temp['sitelanguage'] = $_POST['mainsitelanguage']; $temp['adminlanguage'] = $_POST['mainadminlanguage']; $temp['noLanguageSubs'] = $_POST['noLanguageSubs']; e107::getConfig()->setPref($temp)->save(true); e107::getSession()->clear('e_language'); } // ----------------- delete tables --------------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['del_existing']) && $_POST['lang_choices'] && getperms('0')) { $lang = strtolower($_POST['lang_choices']); foreach ($tabs as $del_table) { if ($sql->db_Table_exists($lang."_".$del_table,TRUE)) { // echo $del_table." exists
"; $qry = "DROP TABLE ".$mySQLprefix."lan_".$lang."_".$del_table; if (mysql_query($qry)) { $msg = $tp->lanVars(LANG_LAN_100, $_POST['lang_choices'].' '.$del_table); $message .= $msg.'[!br!]'; $mes->addSuccess($msg); } else { $msg = $tp->lanVars(LANG_LAN_101, $_POST['lang_choices'].' '.$del_table); $message .= $msg.'[!br!]'; $mes->addWarning($msg); } } } e107::getLog()->add('LANG_02', $message.'[!br!]', E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); $sql->db_ResetTableList(); if ($action == 'modify') $action = 'db';//FIX - force db action when deleting all lan tables } // ----------create tables ----------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['create_tables']) && $_POST['language']) { $table_to_copy = array(); $lang_to_create = array(); foreach ($tabs as $value) { $lang = strtolower($_POST['language']); if (isset($_POST[$value])) { $copdata = ($_POST['copydata_'.$value]) ? 1 : 0; if ($sql->db_CopyTable($value, "lan_".$lang."_".$value, $_POST['drop'], $copdata)) { $msg = $tp->lanVars(LANG_LAN_103, $_POST['language'].' '.$value); $message .= $msg . '[!br!]'; // Used in admin log. $mes->addSuccess($msg); } else { if (!$_POST['drop']) { $msg = $tp->lanVars(LANG_LAN_00, $_POST['language'].' '.$value); $message .= $msg . '[!br!]'; $mes->addWarning($msg); } else { $msg = $tp->lanVars(LANG_LAN_01, $_POST['language'].' '.$value); $message .= $msg . '[!br!]'; $mes->addWarning($msg); } } } elseif ($sql->db_Table_exists($value,$_POST['language'])) { if ($_POST['remove']) { // Remove table. if (mysql_query("DROP TABLE ".$mySQLprefix."lan_".$lang."_".$value)) { $message .= $_POST['language'].' '.$value.' '.LAN_DELETED.'[!br!]'; // can be removed? $mes->addSuccess($_POST['language'].' '.$value.' '.LAN_DELETED); } else { $msg = $tp->lanVars(LANG_LAN_02, $_POST['language'].' '.$value); $message .= $msg . '[!br!]'; $mes->addWarning($msg); } } else { // leave table. LANG_LAN_104 $msg = $tp->lanVars(LANG_LAN_104, $_POST['language'].' '.$value); $message .= $msg . '[!br!]'; $mes->addInfo($msg); } } } e107::getLog()->add('LANG_03', $message, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); $sql->db_ResetTableList(); } /* if(isset($message) && $message) { $ns->tablerender(LAN_OK, $message); } */ unset($text); if (!e_QUERY || $action == 'main' && !$_POST['language'] && !$_POST['edit_existing']) { multilang_prefs(); } if (varset($action) == 'db') { multilang_db(); } /* if (varset($_POST['ziplang']) && varset($_POST['language'])) { if(varset($pref['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]) == 1) { $text = zip_up_lang($_POST['language']); e107::getLog()->add('LANG_04', $_POST['language'], E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); $mes->addInfo(LANG_LAN_25.': '.$text); } else { $mes->addWarning(LANG_LAN_36); } } */ // imported from e107 v1 if (varset($_POST['ziplang'])) { $certVal = isset($_POST['contribute_pack']) ? 1 : 0; if(!varset($_COOKIE['e107_certified'])) { cookie('e107_certified',$certVal,(time() + 3600 * 24 * 30)); } else { $_COOKIE['e107_certified'] = $certVal; } $_POST['language'] = key($_POST['ziplang']); // If no session data, scan before zipping. if(!isset($_SESSION['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]['total']) || $_SESSION['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]['total']!='0') { $_POST['language_sel'] = $_POST['ziplang']; $lck->check_all('norender'); unset($_POST['language_sel']); } $status = zip_up_lang($_POST['language']); if($status['error']==FALSE) { $text = $status['message']."
"; $text .= share($status['file']); $mes->addSuccess($text); //$ns->tablerender(LAN_CREATED, $text ); } else { $mes->addError($status['message']); //$ns->tablerender(LAN_CREATED_FAILED, $status['message']); } echo $mes->render(); } function find_locale($language) { if(!is_readable(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$language."/".$language.".php")) { return FALSE; } $code = file_get_contents(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$language."/".$language.".php"); $tmp = explode("\n",$code); $srch = array("define","'",'"',"(",")",";","CORE_LC2","CORE_LC",","); foreach($tmp as $line) { if(strpos($line,"CORE_LC") !== FALSE && (strpos($line,"CORE_LC2") === FALSE)) { $lc = trim(str_replace($srch,"",$line)); } elseif(strpos($line,"CORE_LC2") !== FALSE) { $lc2 = trim(str_replace($srch,"",$line)); } } if(!isset($lc) || !isset($lc2) || $lc=="" || $lc2=="") { return FALSE; } return substr($lc,0,2)."_".strtoupper(substr($lc2,0,2)); // } /** * Share Language File * @param object $newfile * Usage of e107 is granted to you provided that this function is not modified or removed in any way. * @return */ function share($newfile) { global $pref; if(!$newfile || E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) { return; } global $tp; $full_link = $tp->createConstants($newfile); $email_message = "
Site: ".SITENAME."
User: ".USERNAME."\n
Email: ".USEREMAIL."\n
Language: ".$_POST['language']."\n
...would like to contribute the following language pack for e107. (see attached)
Missing Files: ".$_SESSION['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]['file']."
Bom Errors : ".$_SESSION['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]['bom']."
UTF Errors : ".$_SESSION['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]['utf']."
Definition Errors : ".$_SESSION['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]['def']."
Total Errors: ".$_SESSION['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]['total']."

XML file: ".$_SESSION['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]['xml']; require_once(e_HANDLER."mail.php"); $send_to = (!$_POST['contribute_pack']) ? "" : ""; $to_name = "e107 Inc."; $Cc = ""; $Bcc = ""; $returnpath=''; $returnreceipt=''; $inline =""; $subject = (!$_POST['contribute_pack']) ? "[0.7 LanguagePack] " : "[0.7 Certified LanguagePack] "; $subject .= basename($newfile); if(!@sendemail($send_to, $subject, $email_message, $to_name, '', '', $newfile, $Cc, $Bcc, $returnpath, $returnreceipt,$inline)) { $text = "
"; $text .= defined('LANG_LAN_EML') ? "".LANG_LAN_EML."" : "There was a problem sending the language-pack. Please email your verified language pack to:"; $text .= " ".$send_to.""; $text .= "
"; return $text; } elseif($_POST['contribute_pack']) { return "
Pack Sent to e107 Inc. A confirmation email will be sent to ".$pref['siteadminemail']." once it is received.
Please also make sure that email coming from ".$send_to." is not blocked by your spam filter.
"; } } $debug = "
f=".$_GET['f']; $debug .= "
mode=".$_GET['mode']; $debug .= "
lan=".$_GET['lan']; // $ns->tablerender("Debug",$debug); $rendered = $lck->init(); // Lancheck functions. if (varset($action) == "tools" && !$rendered) { show_tools(); if($languagePacks = available_langpacks() ) { e107::getRender()->tablerender(LANG_LAN_34,$languagePacks ); } } function findIncludedFiles($script,$reverse=false) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $data = file_get_contents($script); if(strpos($data, 'e_admin_dispatcher')!==false) { $reverse = false; } $dir = dirname($script); $dir = str_replace("/includes","",$dir); $plugin = basename($dir); if(strpos($script,'admin')!==false || strpos($script,'includes')!==false) // Admin Language files. { $newLangs = array( 0 => $dir."/languages/English/English_admin_".$plugin.".php", 1 => $dir."/languages/English_admin_".$plugin.".php", 2 => $dir."/languages/English_admin.php", 3 => $dir."/languages/English/English_admin.php" ); } else { $newLangs = array( 0 => $dir."/languages/English/English_".$plugin.".php", 1 => $dir."/languages/English_admin_".$plugin.".php", 2 => $dir."/languages/English_front.php", 3 => $dir."/languages/English/English_front.php", 4 => $dir."/languages/English_front.php", 5 => $dir."/languages/English/English_front.php" ); } // if(strpos($data, 'e_admin_dispatcher')!==false) { foreach($newLangs as $path) { if(file_exists($path) && $reverse == false) { return $path; } } } preg_match_all("/.*(include_lan|require_once|include|include_once) ?\((.*e_LANGUAGE.*?\.php)/i",$data,$match); $srch = array(" ",'e_PLUGIN.', 'e_LANGUAGEDIR', '.e_LANGUAGE.', "'", '"', "'."); $repl = array("", e_PLUGIN, e_LANGUAGEDIR, "English", "", "", ""); foreach($match[2] as $lanFile) { $arrt = str_replace($srch,$repl,$lanFile); // if(strpos($arrt,'admin')) { //return $arrt; $arr[] = $arrt; } } return implode(",",$arr); // return $arr[0]; } if(vartrue($_POST['disabled-unused']) && vartrue($_POST['disable-unused-lanfile'])) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $data = file_get_contents($_POST['disable-unused-lanfile']); $new = disableUnused($data); if(file_put_contents($_POST['disable-unused-lanfile'],$new)) { $mes->addSuccess("Overwriting ".$_POST['disable-unused-lanfile']); } else { $mes->addError("Couldn't overwrite ".$_POST['disable-unused-lanfile']); } $ns->tablerender("Processed".SEP.$_POST['disable-unused-lanfile'],$mes->render()."
"); } function disableUnused($data) { $data = str_replace("2008-2010","2008-2013", $data); $data = str_replace(' * $URL$ * $Revision$ * $Id$ * $Author$',"",$data); // TODO FIXME ? $tmp = explode("\n",$data); foreach($tmp as $line) { $ret = getDefined($line); $newline[] = (in_array($ret['define'],$_SESSION['language-tools-unused']) && substr($line,0,2) !='//') ? "// ".$line : $line; } return implode("\n",$newline); } if(varset($_POST['searchDeprecated']) && varset($_POST['deprecatedLans'])) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); // $lanfile = $_POST['deprecatedLans']; $script = $_POST['deprecatedLans']; if(strpos($script,e_ADMIN)!==false) // CORE { $mes->addDebug("Mode: Core Admin Calculated"); //$scriptname = str_replace("lan_","",basename($lanfile)); $lanfile = e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE."/admin/lan_".basename($script); } else // Plugin { $mes->addDebug("Mode: Search Plugins"); $lanfile = findIncludedFiles($script,vartrue($_POST['deprecatedLansReverse'])); } if(!is_readable($script)) { $mes->addError("Not Readable: ".$script); // $script = $scriptname; // matching files. lan_xxxx.php and xxxx.php } $found = findIncludedFiles($script,vartrue($_POST['deprecatedLansReverse'])); // print_a($found); // Exceptions - same language loaded by several scripts. if($lanfile == e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE."/admin/lan_e107_update.php") { $script = e_ADMIN."update_routines.php,".e_ADMIN."e107_update.php"; } if(vartrue($_POST['deprecatedLanFile'])) //override. { $lanfile = $_POST['deprecatedLanFile']; } if($res = unused($lanfile, $script, vartrue($_POST['deprecatedLansReverse']))) { $ns -> tablerender($res['caption'],$mes->render(). $res['text']); } } //FIX - create or edit check if (isset($_POST['create_edit_existing'])) $_POST['edit_existing'] = true; // Grab Language configuration. --- if (isset($_POST['edit_existing'])) { //XXX - JS ok with the current functionality? $text .= "
".$_POST['lang_choices']." "; foreach ($tabs as $table_name) { $installed = 'lan_'.strtolower($_POST['lang_choices'])."_".$table_name; if (stristr($_POST['lang_choices'], $installed) === FALSE) { $text .= " "; } } // =========================================================================== // Drop tables ? isset() if (varset($_POST['create_edit_existing'])) { $baction = 'create'; $bcaption = LANG_LAN_06; } else { $baction = 'update'; $bcaption = LAN_UPDATE; } $text .= "
".ucfirst(str_replace("_", " ", $table_name))."
"; $selected = ($sql->db_Table_exists($table_name,$_POST['lang_choices'])) ? " checked='checked'" : ""; $text .= "
".LANG_LAN_07." ".$frm->checkbox('drop', 1)."
".$frm->label(LANG_LAN_08, 'drop', 1)."
".LAN_CONFDELETE." ".$frm->checkbox('remove', 1)."
".$frm->label(LANG_LAN_11, 'remove', 1)."
"; $ns->tablerender($_POST['lang_choices'], $mes->render().$text); } require_once (e_ADMIN."footer.php"); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function multilang_prefs() { if(!getperms('0')) { return; } global $lanlist; $pref = e107::getPref(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $frm = e107::getForm(); //XXX Remove later. // Enable only for developers - SetEnv E_ENVIRONMENT develop // if(!isset($_SERVER['E_DEV_LANGUAGE']) || $_SERVER['E_DEV_LANGUAGE'] !== 'true') // { // $lanlist = array('English'); // $mes->addInfo("Alpha version currently supports only the English language. After most features are stable and English terms are optimized - translation will be possible."); // } $text = "
".LANG_LAN_13." "; // if(isset($_SERVER['E_DEV_LANGUAGE']) && $_SERVER['E_DEV_LANGUAGE'] === 'true') { $text .= " "; } $text .= " "; $opt = ""; $langs = explode(",",e_LANLIST); foreach($langs as $val) { if($val != $pref['sitelanguage']) { $opt .= ""; } } if($opt) { //TODO LANs and class2.php check. $text .= " "; } $text .= "
".LANG_LAN_14.": "; $sellan = preg_replace("/lan_*.php/i", "", $pref['sitelanguage']); $text .= $frm->select('mainsitelanguage',$lanlist,$sellan,"useValues=1"); $text .= "
".LANG_LAN_50.": "; $sellan = preg_replace("/lan_*.php/i", "", $pref['adminlanguage']); $text .= $frm->select('mainadminlanguage',$lanlist,$sellan,array("useValues"=>1,"default" => LANG_LAN_14)); $text .= "
"; $checked = ($pref['multilanguage'] == 1) ? " checked='checked'" : ""; $text .= "
\n"; $checked = ($pref['noLanguageSubs'] == 1) ? " checked='checked'" : ""; $text .= "
".LANG_LAN_18." ".LANG_LAN_19."
Language by Domain Name
Domain determines the site's language. Enter domain without the 'www.'
". $frm->admin_button('submit_prefs','no-value','update',LAN_SAVE)."
\n"; e107::getRender()->tablerender(ADLAN_132.SEP.LAN_PREFS, $mes->render().$text); // "Language Preferences"; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function table_list() { // grab default language lists. $exclude = array(); $exclude[] = "banlist"; $exclude[] = "banner"; $exclude[] = "cache"; $exclude[] = "core"; $exclude[] = "online"; $exclude[] = "parser"; $exclude[] = "plugin"; $exclude[] = "user"; $exclude[] = "upload"; $exclude[] = "userclass_classes"; $exclude[] = "rbinary"; $exclude[] = "session"; $exclude[] = "tmp"; $exclude[] = "flood"; $exclude[] = "stat_info"; $exclude[] = "stat_last"; $exclude[] = "submit_news"; $exclude[] = "rate"; $exclude[] = "stat_counter"; $exclude[] = "user_extended"; $exclude[] = "user_extended_struct"; $exclude[] = "pm_messages"; $exclude[] = "pm_blocks"; $tables = e107::getDb()->db_TableList('nolan'); // db table list without language tables. return array_diff($tables,$exclude); } // ------------- render form --------------------------------------------------- function multilang_db() { if(!getperms('0')) { return "Access Denied"; } global $lanlist, $tabs; $sql = e107::getDb(); $frm = e107::getForm(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $pref = e107::getPref(); if (isset($pref['multilanguage']) && $pref['multilanguage']) { // Choose Language to Edit: $text = "
".LANG_LAN_16." "; sort($lanlist); foreach ($lanlist as $e_language) { $installed = array(); if(strtolower($e_language) == $pref['sitelanguage']) { $e_language = ""; } $text .= "\n"; $text .= " "; } $text .= "
".ADLAN_132." ".LANG_LAN_03." ".LAN_OPTIONS."
{$e_language}"; foreach ($tabs as $tab_name) { if ($e_language != $pref['sitelanguage'] && $sql->db_Table_exists($tab_name,$e_language)) { $installed[] = $tab_name; } } $text .= implode(", ",$installed); if ($e_language == $pref['sitelanguage']) { $text .= "".LANG_LAN_17.""; } else { $text .= (!count($installed)) ? "".LANG_LAN_05."" : ""; } $text .= "
\n"; $text .= "
"; if (count($installed)) { $text .= " "; } elseif ($e_language != $pref['sitelanguage']) { // $text .= ""; $text .= $frm->admin_button('create_edit_existing','no-value','create',LAN_CREATE); } $text .= "
"; e107::getRender()->tablerender(ADLAN_132.SEP.LANG_LAN_16, $mes->render().$text); // Languages -> Tables } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getLanList() { global $ln; $lst = explode(",",e_LANLIST); $list = array(); foreach($lst as $lang) { if($ln->isValid($lang)) { $list[] = $lang; } } sort($list); return $list; } /** * List the installed language packs. * @return */ function show_packs() { $frm = e107::getForm(); $ns = e107::getRender(); $tp = e107::getParser(); if(is_readable(e_ADMIN."ver.php")) { include(e_ADMIN."ver.php"); list($ver, $tmp) = explode(" ", $e107info['e107_version']); } $lans = getLanList(); $release_diz = defined("LANG_LAN_30") ? LANG_LAN_30 : "Release Date"; $compat_diz = defined("LANG_LAN_31") ? LANG_LAN_31 : "Compatibility"; $lan_pleasewait = (defsettrue('LAN_PLEASEWAIT')) ? $tp->toJS(LAN_PLEASEWAIT) : "Please Wait"; $lan_displayerrors = (defsettrue('LANG_LAN_33')) ? LANG_LAN_33 : "Display only errors during verification"; $text = "
"; $text .= " "; require_once(e_HANDLER."xml_class.php"); $xm = new XMLParse(); foreach($lans as $language) { if($language == "English") { continue; } $metaFile = e_LANGUAGEDIR.$language."/".$language.".xml"; if(is_readable($metaFile)) { $rawData = file_get_contents($metaFile); if($rawData) { $array = $xm->parse($rawData); $value = $array['e107Language']['attributes']; } else { $value = array( 'date' => " ", 'compatibility' => ' ' ); } } else { $value = array( 'date' => " ", 'compatibility' => ' ' ); } $errFound = (isset($_SESSION['lancheck'][$language]['total']) && $_SESSION['lancheck'][$language]['total'] > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; $text .= ""; } $text .= "
".ADLAN_132." ".$release_diz." ".$compat_diz." ".LAN_STATUS." ".LAN_OPTIONS."
".$language." ".$value['date']." ".$value['compatibility']." ".($ver != $value['compatibility'] || $errFound ? ADMIN_FALSE_ICON : ADMIN_TRUE_ICON )."
"; $text .= ""; $text .= ""; $srch = array("[","]"); $repl = array("",""); $diz = (defsettrue("LANG_LAN_28")) ? LANG_LAN_28 : "Check this box if you're an [e107 certified translator]."; $checked = varset($_COOKIE['e107_certified']) == 1 ? true : false; $text .= ""; // $text .= " // // // // "; $text .= "
"; $text .= $frm->checkbox('contribute_pack',1,$checked,array('label'=>str_replace($srch,$repl,$diz))); ; $text .= "
"; $echecked = varset($_SESSION['lancheck-errors-only']) == 1 ? true : false; $text .= $frm->checkbox('errorsonly',1,$echecked,array('label'=>$lan_displayerrors)); $text .= "
"; $text .= "
"; $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_132.SEP.LANG_LAN_32, $text); return; } function show_tools() { $frm = e107::getForm(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); include_lan(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE."/admin/lan_lancheck.php"); show_packs(); return; if(!vartrue($_SERVER['E_DEV'])) { return; } /* $text = "
".LAN_CHECK_1." ". $frm->admin_button('language_sel','no-value','other',LAN_CHECK_2)."
"; */ $text = ""; $text .= "
".LANG_LAN_23." "; /* $text .= " "; */ $fl = e107::getFile(); $fl->mode = 'full'; if(!$_SESSION['languageTools_lanFileList']) { $_SESSION['languageTools_lanFileList'] = $fl->get_files(e_BASE,'.*?(English|lan_).*?\.php$','standard',5); } $text .= " "; $text .= "
".LANG_LAN_23." ".$frm->admin_button('ziplang','no-value','other',LANG_LAN_24)." Check to share your language-pack with the e107 community.
Search for Deprecated Lans ". $frm->select('deprecatedLansReverse',$depOptions,$_POST['deprecatedLansReverse'],'class=select')." "; $search = array(e_PLUGIN,e_ADMIN,e_LANGUAGEDIR,e_THEME); $replace = array("Plugins ","Admin ","Core ","Themes "); $prev = 'Core'; $text .= ""; // $frm->select('deprecatedLanFile',$_SESSION['languageTools_lanFileList'], $_POST['deprecatedLanFile'],'class=select&useValues=1','Select Language File (optional)'). $text .= $frm->admin_button('searchDeprecated',"Check",'other'); // $text .= "".(count($lans) + count($plugs))." files found"; $text .= "
"; e107::getRender()->tablerender(ADLAN_132.SEP.LANG_LAN_21, $mes->render().$text); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function available_langpacks() { $xml = e107::getXml(); $feed = e107::getPref('xmlfeed_languagepacks'); if($rawData = $xml -> loadXMLfile($feed, TRUE)) { if(!varset($rawData['language'])) { return FALSE; } $text .= "
"; $text .= ""; foreach($rawData['language'] as $val) { $att = $val['@attributes']; $name = $att['folder']; $languages[$name] = array( 'name' => $att['name'], 'author' => $att['author'], 'authorURL' => $att['authorURL'], 'folder' => $att['folder'], 'version' => $att['version'], 'date' => $att['date'], 'compatibility' => $att['compatibility'], 'url' => $att['url'] ); } ksort($languages); //TODO LANs $text .= ""; foreach($languages as $value) { $text .= ""; } $text .= "
Name Version Author Release-date Compatible Download
".$value['name']." ".$value['version']." ".$value['author']." ".$value['date']." ".$value['compatibility']." Download Pack
"; return $text; } } function language_adminmenu() { $pref = e107::getPref(); $action = e_QUERY; if ($action == "") { $action = getperms('0') ? "main" : "tools"; } if ($action == "modify") { $action = "db"; } if(getperms('0')) { $var['main']['text'] = LAN_PREFS; $var['main']['link'] = e_SELF; if (isset($pref['multilanguage']) && $pref['multilanguage']) { $var['db']['text'] = LANG_LAN_03; $var['db']['link'] = e_SELF."?db"; } } // $lcnt = explode(",", e_LANLIST); // if (count($lcnt) > 1) // { $var['tools']['text'] = LANG_LAN_21; $var['tools']['link'] = e_SELF."?tools"; // } e107::getNav()->admin(ADLAN_132, $action, $var); } // Zip up the language pack. // =================================================== function zip_up_lang($language) { global $tp; $ret = array(); $ret['file'] = ""; if($_SESSION['lancheck'][$language]['total'] > 0 && !E107_DEBUG_LEVEL) { $ret = array(); $ret['error'] = TRUE; $message = (defined('LANG_LAN_34')) ? LANG_LAN_34 : "Please verify and correct the remaining [x] error(s) before attempting to create a language-pack."; $ret['message'] = str_replace("[x]",$_SESSION['lancheck'][$language]['total'],$message); return $ret; } if(!isset($_SESSION['lancheck'][$language])) { $ret = array(); $ret['error'] = TRUE; $ret['message'] = (defined('LANG_LAN_27')) ? LANG_LAN_27 : "Please verify your language files ('Verify') then try again."; return $ret; } if(varset($_POST['contribute_pack']) && varset($_SESSION['lancheck'][$language]['total']) !='0') { $ret['error'] = TRUE; $ret['message'] = (defined("LANG_LAN_29")) ? LANG_LAN_29 : "You should correct the remaining errors before contributing your language pack."; $ret['message'] .= "
"; $ret['message'] .= (defined('LANG_LAN_27')) ? LANG_LAN_27 : "Please verify your language files ('Verify') then try again."; return $ret; } if(!is_writable(e_FILE."public")) { $ret['error'] = TRUE; $ret['message'] = LAN_UPLOAD_777 . " ".e_FILE."public"; return $ret; } if(is_readable(e_ADMIN."ver.php")) { include(e_ADMIN."ver.php"); } $core_plugins = array( "alt_auth","banner","blogcalendar_menu","calendar_menu","chatbox_menu", "clock_menu","comment_menu","download","faqs", "featurebox", "forum","gallery", "gsitemap","import", "links_page", "linkwords","list_new","log","login_menu","newforumposts_main","newsfeed", "news", "newsletter","online", "page", "pm","poll","rss_menu","search_menu","siteinfo","tagwords", "tinymce", "trackback","tree_menu","user_menu" ); $core_themes = array("bootstrap"); require_once(e_HANDLER.'pclzip.lib.php'); list($ver, $tmp) = explode(" ", $e107info['e107_version']); if(!$locale = find_locale($language)) { $ret['error'] = TRUE; $file = "e107_languages/{$language}/{$language}.php"; $def = (defined('LANG_LAN_25')) ? LANG_LAN_25 : "Please check that CORE_LC and CORE_LC2 have values in [lcpath] and try again."; $ret['message'] = str_replace("[lcpath]",$file,$def); // return $ret; } global $THEMES_DIRECTORY, $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY, $LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY, $HANDLERS_DIRECTORY, $HELP_DIRECTORY; if(($HANDLERS_DIRECTORY != "e107_handlers/") || ( $LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY != "e107_languages/") || ($THEMES_DIRECTORY != "e107_themes/") || ($HELP_DIRECTORY != "e107_docs/help/") || ($PLUGINS_DIRECTORY != "e107_plugins/")) { $ret['error'] = TRUE; $ret['message'] = (defined('LANG_LAN_26')) ? LANG_LAN_26 : "Please make sure you are using default folder names in e107_config.php (eg. e107_languages/, e107_plugins/ etc.) and try again."; return $ret; } $newfile = e_MEDIA_FILE."e107_".$ver."_".$language."_".$locale.""; $archive = new PclZip($newfile); $core = grab_lans(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$language."/", $language,'',0); $core_admin = grab_lans(e_BASE.$LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY.$language."/admin/", $language,'',2); $plugs = grab_lans(e_BASE.$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY, $language, $core_plugins); // standardized path. $theme = grab_lans(e_BASE.$THEMES_DIRECTORY, $language, $core_themes); $docs = grab_lans(e_BASE.$HELP_DIRECTORY,$language); $handlers = grab_lans(e_BASE.$HANDLERS_DIRECTORY,$language); // standardized path. $file = array_merge($core,$core_admin, $plugs, $theme, $docs, $handlers); $data = implode(",", $file); if ($archive->create($data,PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH,e_BASE) == 0) { $ret['error'] = TRUE; $ret['message'] = $archive->errorInfo(true); return $ret; } else { $fileName = e_FILE."public/".$language.".xml"; if(is_readable($fileName)) { @unlink($fileName); } $fileData = ' '; if(file_put_contents($fileName,$fileData)) { $addTag = $archive->add($fileName, PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, 'e107_languages/'.$language, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, e_FILE.'public/'); $_SESSION['lancheck'][$language]['xml'] = "Yes"; } else { $_SESSION['lancheck'][$language]['xml'] = "No"; } @unlink($fileName); $ret['file'] = $newfile; $ret['message'] = str_replace("../", "", e_MEDIA_FILE)."".basename($newfile).""; $ret['error'] = FALSE; return $ret; } } /* function zip_up_lang($language) { if (is_readable(e_ADMIN."ver.php")) { include (e_ADMIN."ver.php"); } $tp = e107::getParser(); require_once (e_HANDLER.'pclzip.lib.php'); list($ver, $tmp) = explode(" ", $e107info['e107_version']); $newfile = e_UPLOAD."e107_".$ver."_".$language.""; $archive = new PclZip($newfile); $core = grab_lans(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$language."/", $language); $plugs = grab_lans(e_PLUGIN, $language); $theme = grab_lans(e_THEME, $language); $file = array_merge($core, $plugs, $theme); $data = implode(",", $file); if ($archive->create($data) == 0) { return $archive->errorInfo(true); } else { if($_POST['contribute_pack']) { $full_link = $tp->createConstants($newfile); $email_message = "Site: ".SITENAME." User: ".USERNAME."\n IP:".USERIP." ...would like to contribute the following language pack for e107 v".$e107info['e107_version'].". Please see attachment."; $subject = basename($newfile); //TODO - send email to with attachment. } return LANG_LAN_22." (".str_replace("../", "", e_UPLOAD)."".basename($newfile).")."; } } */ function grab_lans($path, $language, $filter = "") { $fl = e107::getFile(); if ($lanlist = $fl->get_files($path, "", "standard", 4)) { sort($lanlist); } else { return; } $pzip = array(); foreach ($lanlist as $p) { $fullpath = $p['path'].$p['fname']; if (strpos($fullpath, $language) !== FALSE) { $pzip[] = $fullpath; } } return $pzip; } // ----------------------- /** * Compare Language File against script and find unused LANs * @param object $lanfile * @param object $script * @return string|boolean FALSE on error */ function unused($lanfile,$script,$reverse=false) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $frm = e107::getForm(); unset($_SESSION['language-tools-unused']); // $mes->addInfo("LAN=".$lanfile."
Script = ".$script); if($reverse == true) { $exclude = array("e_LANGUAGE","e_LANGUAGEDIR","e_LAN","e_LANLIST","e_LANCODE"); $data = file_get_contents($script); if(preg_match_all("/([\w_]*LAN[\w_]*)/", $data, $match)) { // print_a($match); $foundLans = array(); foreach($match[1] as $val) { if(!in_array($val, $exclude)) { $foundLans[] = $val; } } sort($foundLans); $foundLans = array_unique($foundLans); $lanDefines = implode("\n",$foundLans); } $mes->addDebug("Script: ".$script); $tmp = explode(",", $lanfile); foreach($tmp as $scr) { if(!file_exists($scr)) { $mes->addError("Couldn't Load: ".$scr); continue; } $compare[$scr] = file_get_contents($scr); $mes->addDebug("LanFile: ".$scr); } $lanfile = $script; } else { $lanDefines = file_get_contents($lanfile); $mes->addDebug("LanFile: ".$lanfile); $tmp = explode(",",$script); foreach($tmp as $scr) { if(!file_exists($scr)) { $mes->addError("Couldn't Load: ".$scr); continue; } $compare[$scr] = file_get_contents($scr); $mes->addDebug("Script: ".$scr); } } // print_a($compare); // print_a($lanDefines); if(!$compare) { $mes->addError("Couldn't read ".$script); } if(!$lanDefines) { $mes->addError("Couldn't read ".$lanfile); } $srch = array(""); $lanDefines = str_replace($srch,"",$lanDefines); $lanDefines = explode("\n", $lanDefines); if($lanDefines) { $text = $frm->open('language-unused'); $text .= ""; foreach($compare as $k=>$val) { $text .= ""; } if($reverse == true) { $text .= ""; } $text .= " "; // for ($i=0; $i0 && $reverse == false) { $text .= "
".$frm->admin_button('disabled-unused','Disable All Unused','delete'). $frm->hidden('disable-unused-lanfile',$lanfile). $frm->hidden('deprecatedLans',$script). "
"; } $text .= $frm->close(); if($reverse != true) { $mes->addInfo("Pink items are likely to be unused LANs.
Comment out and test thoroughly.
"); } $ret['text'] = $mes->render().$text; $ret['caption'] = "Deprecated LAN Check (experimental!)"; return $ret; } else { return FALSE; } } function getDefined($line,$script=false) { if($script == true) { return array('define'=>$line,'value'=>'unknown'); } if(preg_match("#\"(.*?)\".*?\"(.*)\"#",$line,$match) || preg_match("#\'(.*?)\'.*?\"(.*)\"#",$line,$match) || preg_match("#\"(.*?)\".*?\'(.*)\'#",$line,$match) || preg_match("#\'(.*?)\'.*?\'(.*)\'#",$line,$match) || preg_match("#\((.*?)\,.*?\"(.*)\"#",$line,$match) || preg_match("#\((.*?)\,.*?\'(.*)\'#",$line,$match)) { return array('define'=>$match[1],'value'=>$match[2]); } } function compareit($needle,$haystack,$value='',$disabled=FALSE, $reverse=false){ // return "Need=".$needle."
val=".$val; //TODO Move this into a separate function (use a class for this whole script) $commonPhrases = file_get_contents(e_LANGUAGEDIR."English/admin/lan_admin.php"); $commonLines = explode("\n",$commonPhrases); $foundSimilar = FALSE; $foundCommon = FALSE; foreach($commonLines as $line) { if($match = getDefined($line)) { $id = $match['define']; $ar[$id] = $match['value']; } } $commonArray = array_keys($ar); // Check if a common phrases was used. foreach($ar as $def=>$common) { similar_text($value, $common, $p); if(strtoupper(trim($value)) == strtoupper($common)) { //$text .= "
"; $foundCommon = TRUE; break; } elseif($p > 55) { $foundSimilar = TRUE; break; } $p = 0 ; } foreach($haystack as $script) { $lines = explode("\n",$script); $text .= "
"; $text2 .= ($reverse == true) ? "" : ""; } // $color = $found ? "" : "background-color:pink"; if($foundCommon && $found) { $color = "background-color:yellow"; $disabled .= "
".$common." is a common phrase.
(Use ".$def." instead.)"; // return ""; } elseif($foundSimilar && $found && substr($def,0,4) == "LAN_") { $color = "background-color:#E9EAF2"; $disabled .= " ".round($p)."% like ".$def." "; // $disabled .= " " . $def.""; // $common; } if($disabled == " (disabled)") { $color = "background-color:#DFFFDF"; } if(!$found) { $needle = "".$needle.""; } return "".$text.$text2.""; } /** * Handle page DOM within the page header * * @return string JS source */ function headerjs() { //FIXME breaking functionality. return; require_once (e_HANDLER.'js_helper.php'); $ret = " "; return $ret; } ?>
"; $text2 .= ($reverse == true) ? "" : ""; $count = 1; foreach($lines as $ln) { if(preg_match("/\b".$needle."\b/i",$ln, $mtch)) { if($disabled) { $text .= ADMIN_WARNING_ICON; } elseif($reverse == true) { $text .= ADMIN_TRUE_ICON; } $text .= " Line:".$count." "; // "' Found"; if($reverse == true) { $text2 .= print_a($ln,true); } $found = TRUE; } $count++; } if(!$found) { // echo "
Unused: ".$needle; if($reverse == true) { if(in_array($needle,$commonArray)) { $color = "background-color:#E9EAF2"; $text .= ADMIN_TRUE_ICON; $value = "Common Term"; } else { $color = "background-color:yellow"; $text .= "".ADMIN_WARNING_ICON.""; $value = "Missing from language file"; } } else { $color = "background-color:pink"; $text .= "-"; } if(!$disabled) { $_SESSION['language-tools-unused'][] = $needle; } } $text .= "
".$needle .$disabled. "
".$needle .$disabled. "