retrieve($cString); if(false === $cached) { require_once(e_PLUGIN."blogcalendar_menu/calendar.php"); require_once(e_PLUGIN."blogcalendar_menu/functions.php"); // ------------------------------ // initialization + fetch options // ------------------------------ $prefix = e_PLUGIN_ABS."blogcalendar_menu"; $marray = e107::getDate()->terms('month'); $pref['blogcal_ws'] = "monday"; // ---------------------------------------------- // get the requested and current date information // ---------------------------------------------- list($cur_year, $cur_month, $cur_day) = explode(" ", date("Y n j")); if (e_PAGE == 'news.php' && strstr(e_QUERY, "day")) { $tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY); // Core now support legacy queries - use just the old way //$tmp = e107::getUrl()->parseRequest('core:news', 'main', urldecode(e_QUERY)); $item = $tmp[1]; $req_year = intval(substr($item, 0, 4)); $req_month = intval(substr($item, 4, 2)); // decide on the behaviour here, do we highlight // the day being viewed? or only 'today'? //$req_day = substr($item, 6, 2); // if the requested year and month are the current, then add // the current day to the mix so the calendar highlights it if (($req_year == $cur_year) && ($req_month == $cur_month)) { $req_day = $cur_day; } else { $req_day = ""; } } elseif(e_PAGE == 'news.php' && strstr(e_QUERY, "month")) { $tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY); // Core now support legacy queries - use just the old way //$tmp = e107::getUrl()->parseRequest('core:news', 'main', urldecode(e_QUERY)); $item = $tmp[1]; $req_year = intval(substr($item, 0, 4)); $req_month = intval(substr($item, 4, 2)); // if the requested year and month are the current, then add // the current day to the mix so the calendar highlights it if (($req_year == $cur_year) && ($req_month == $cur_month)) { $req_day = $cur_day; } else { $req_day = ""; } } else { $req_year = $cur_year; $req_month = $cur_month; $req_day = $cur_day; } // ------------------------------- // create the month selection item // ------------------------------- // get all newsposts since the beginning of the year till now // ------------------------------------------- // get links to all newsitems in current month // ------------------------------------------- $month_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $req_month, 1, $req_year); $lastday = date("t", $month_start); $month_end = mktime(23, 59, 59, $req_month, $lastday, $req_year); $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1980); $end = time(); $year_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $req_year); $year_end = mktime(23, 59, 59, 12, 31, $req_year); $sql->select("news", "news_id, news_datestamp", "news_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") AND news_datestamp > ".intval($start)." AND news_datestamp < ".intval($end)); $links = array(); $months = array(); while ($news = $sql->fetch()) { $xmonth = date("n", $news['news_datestamp']); $xyear = date("Y", $news['news_datestamp']); if (!isset($month_links[$xmonth]) || !$month_links[$xmonth]) { $month_links[$xmonth] = e107::getUrl()->create('news/list/month', 'id='.formatDate($req_year, $xmonth));//e_BASE."news.php?month.".formatDate($req_year, $xmonth); } // if(($news['news_datestamp'] >= $month_start && $news['news_datestamp'] <= $month_end) || (deftrue('BOOTSTRAP') && $news['news_datestamp'] >= $year_start && $news['news_datestamp'] <= $year_end)) { $xday = date("j", $news['news_datestamp']); if (!isset($links[$xyear][$xmonth][$xday])) { $links[$xyear][$xmonth][$xday] = e107::getUrl()->create('news/list/day', 'id='.formatDate($req_year, $xmonth, $xday));//e_BASE."news.php?day.".formatDate($req_year, $req_month, $xday); $day_links[$xday] = e107::getUrl()->create('news/list/day', 'id='.formatDate($req_year, $xmonth, $xday));//e_BASE."news.php?day.".formatDate($req_year, $req_month, $xday); } } $months[$xyear][$xmonth] = 1; } // if we're listing the current year, add the current month to the list regardless of posts if ($req_year == $cur_year) { $month_links[$cur_month] = e107::getUrl()->create('news/list/month', 'id='.formatDate($cur_year, $cur_month));//e_BASE."news.php?month.".formatDate($cur_year, $cur_month); } // go over the link array and create the option fields if(!isset($months[$cur_year][$cur_month])) // display current month even if no links available. { $months[$cur_year][$cur_month] = 1; } // ------------------------ // create and show calendar // ------------------------ /* $menu = "
$menu .= " ".calendar($req_day, $req_month, $req_year, $day_links, $pref['blogcal_ws'])." ";
$menu .= " |