'^ref-(.*)/?$', 'redirect' => '{e_PLUGIN}myplugin/myplugin.php?ref=$1', ); return $config; } } */ $sql->db_Mark_Time("Start Simple URL-ReWrite Routine"); $tmp = e107::getAddonConfig('e_url'); $req = (e_HTTP === '/') ? ltrim(e_REQUEST_URI,'/') : str_replace(e_HTTP,'', e_REQUEST_URI) ; if(count($tmp)) { foreach($tmp as $plug=>$cfg) { foreach($cfg as $k=>$v) { $regex = '#'.$v['regex'].'#'; if(empty($v['redirect'])) { continue; } $newLocation = preg_replace($regex, $v['redirect'], $req); if($newLocation !=$req) { $redirect = e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($newLocation); list($file,$query) = explode("?",$redirect,2); if(!empty($query)) { parse_str($query,$_GET); } e107::getMessage()->addDebug('e_URL in '.$plug.' with key: '.$k.' matched '.$v['regex'].' and included: '.$file.' with $_GET: '.print_a($_GET,true)); if(file_exists($file)) { define('e_CURRENT_PLUGIN', $plug); include_once($file); exit; } elseif(getperms('0')) { echo "File missing: ".$file; exit; } } } } unset($tmp,$redirect,$regex); } // ----------------------------------------- $sql->db_Mark_Time("Start regular eFront Class"); $front = eFront::instance(); $front->init() ->run(); $request = $front->getRequest(); // If not already done - define legacy constants $request->setLegacyQstring(); $request->setLegacyPage(); $inc = $front->isLegacy(); if($inc) { // last chance to set legacy env $request->populateRequestParams(); if(!is_file($inc) || !is_readable($inc)) { echo 'Bad request - destination unreachable - '.$inc; } include($inc); exit; } $response = $front->getResponse(); if(e_AJAX_REQUEST) { $response->setParam('meta', false) ->setParam('render', false) ->send('default', false, true); exit; } $response->sendMeta(); // -------------- Experimental ----------------- // unset($_SESSION['E:SOCIAL']); if(vartrue($_GET['provider']) && !isset($_SESSION['E:SOCIAL']) && e107::getPref('social_login_active', false) && (e_ADMIN_AREA !== true)) { require_once(e_HANDLER."hybridauth/Hybrid/Auth.php"); $config = array( "base_url" => SITEURL.$HANDLERS_DIRECTORY."hybridauth/", "providers" => e107::getPref('social_login', array()) ); // print_a($config); // $params = array("hauth_return_to" => e_SELF); $hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth($config); $prov = (!isset($config['providers'][$_GET['provider']])) ? "Facebook" : $_GET['provider']; $adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate( $prov); $user_profile = $adapter->getUserProfile(); $prov_id = $prov."_".$user_profile->identifier; if($user_profile->identifier >0) { if (!$sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_xup = '".$prov_id."' ")) // New User { $user_join = time(); $user_pass = md5($user_profile->identifier.$user_join); $user_loginname = "xup_".$user_profile->identifier; $insert = array( 'user_name' => $user_profile->displayName, 'user_email' => $user_profile->email, 'user_loginname' => $user_loginname, 'user_password' => $user_pass, 'user_login' => $user_profile->displayName, 'user_join' => $user_join, 'user_xup' => $prov_id ); if($newid = $sql->db_Insert('user',$insert,true)) { e107::getEvent()->trigger('usersup', $insert); if(!USERID) { require_once(e_HANDLER.'login.php'); $usr = new userlogin($user_loginname, $user_pass, 'signup', ''); } } } else // Existing User. { } } // echo "CHECKING"; $_SESSION['E:SOCIAL'] = (array) $user_profile; echo "USERNAME=".USERNAME; echo "
USERIMAGE=".USERIMAGE; // print_a($_SESSION['E:SOCIAL']); } // ------------------------------------------- include_once(HEADERF); eFront::instance()->getResponse()->send('default', false, true); include_once(FOOTERF); exit; // BOOTSTRAP END