',', 2 => '|'); $quote_char = array(1 => '(none)', 2 => "'", 3 => '"'); $action = 'list'; if (e_QUERY) { $tmp = explode('-', e_QUERY); // Use '-' instead of '.' to avoid confusion with IP addresses $action = $tmp[0]; $sub_action = varset($tmp[1], ''); if ($sub_action) $sub_action = preg_replace('/[^\w*@\.:]*/', '', urldecode($sub_action)); $id = intval(varset($tmp[2], 0)); unset($tmp); } if (isset($_POST['update_ban_prefs'])) // Update ban messages { $changed = FALSE; foreach ($ipAdministrator->getValidReasonList() as $bt) { $i = abs($bt) + 1; // Forces a single-digit positive number for part of field name $t1 = $tp->toDB(varset($_POST['ban_text_'.($i)],'')); $t2 = intval(varset($_POST['ban_time_'.($i)],0)); if (!isset($pref['ban_messages'][$bt]) || ($pref['ban_messages'][$bt] != $t1)) { $pref['ban_messages'][$bt] = $t1; $changed = TRUE; } if (!isset($pref['ban_durations'][$bt]) || ($pref['ban_durations'][$bt] != $t2)) { $pref['ban_durations'][$bt] = $t2; $changed = TRUE; } } if ($changed) { // @todo write actual prefs changes to log file (different methods for prefs?) save_prefs(); /***************************************** Write messages and times to disc file *****************************************/ $ipAdministrator->writeBanMessageFile(); banlist_adminlog('08',''); //$ns->tablerender(BANLAN_9, "
'); $emessage->add(BANLAN_33, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } } $writeBanFile = FALSE; if (isset($_POST['ban_ip'])) { $_POST['ban_ip'] = trim($_POST['ban_ip']); $new_ban_ip = preg_replace('/[^\w*@\.:]*/', '', urldecode($_POST['ban_ip'])); if ($new_ban_ip != $_POST['ban_ip']) { $message = BANLAN_27.' '.$new_ban_ip; //$ns->tablerender(BANLAN_9, $message); $emessage->add(BANLAN_33, $message); $_POST['ban_ip'] = $new_ban_ip; } if (isset($_POST['entry_intent']) && (isset($_POST['add_ban']) || isset($_POST['update_ban'])) && $_POST['ban_ip'] != "" && strpos($_POST['ban_ip'], ' ') === false) { /* $_POST['entry_intent'] says why we're here: 'edit' - Editing blacklist 'add' - Adding to blacklist 'whedit' - Editing whitelist 'whadd' - Adding to whitelist */ if(e107::getIPHandler()->whatIsThis($new_ban_ip) == 'ip') { $new_ban_ip = e107::getIPHandler()->IPencode($new_ban_ip, TRUE); // Normalise numeric IP addresses (allow wildcards) } $new_vals = array('banlist_ip' => $new_ban_ip); if (isset($_POST['add_ban'])) { $new_vals['banlist_datestamp'] = time(); if ($_POST['entry_intent'] == 'add') $new_vals['banlist_bantype'] = eIPHandler::BAN_TYPE_MANUAL; // Manual ban if ($_POST['entry_intent'] == 'whadd') $new_vals['banlist_bantype'] = eIPHandler::BAN_TYPE_WHITELIST; } $new_vals['banlist_admin'] = ADMINID; $new_vals['banlist_reason'] = $tp->toDB(varset($_POST['ban_reason'], '')); $new_vals['banlist_notes'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['ban_notes']); if (isset($_POST['ban_time']) && is_numeric($_POST['ban_time']) && (($_POST['entry_intent']== 'edit') || ($_POST['entry_intent'] == 'add'))) { $bt = intval($_POST['ban_time']); $new_vals['banlist_banexpires'] = $bt ? time() + ($bt*60*60) : 0; } if (isset($_POST['add_ban'])) { // Insert new value - can just pass an array admin_update($sql->db_Insert('banlist', $new_vals), 'insert'); if ($_POST['entry_intent'] == 'add') { banlist_adminlog('01', $new_vals['banlist_ip']); // Write to banlist } else { banlist_adminlog('04', $new_vals['banlist_ip']); // Write to whitelist } } else { // Update existing value $qry = ''; $spacer = ''; foreach ($new_vals as $k => $v) { $qry .= $spacer."`{$k}`='$v'"; $spacer = ', '; } admin_update($sql->db_Update('banlist', $qry." WHERE banlist_ip='".$_POST['old_ip']."'")); if ($_POST['entry_intent'] == 'edit') { banlist_adminlog('09',$new_vals['banlist_ip']); } else { banlist_adminlog('10',$new_vals['banlist_ip']); } } unset($ban_ip); $writeBanFile = TRUE; } } // Remove a ban if (($action == 'remove' || $action == 'whremove') && isset($_POST['ban_secure'])) { $sql->db_Delete('generic', "gen_type='failed_login' AND gen_ip='{$sub_action}'"); admin_update($sql->db_Delete('banlist', "banlist_ip='{$sub_action}'"), 'delete'); if ($action == "remove") { $action = 'list'; banlist_adminlog('02', $sub_action); } else { $action = 'white'; banlist_adminlog('05', $sub_action); } $writeBanFile = TRUE; } // Update the ban expiry time/date - timed from now (only done on banlist) if ($action == 'newtime') { $end_time = $id ? time() + ($id*60*60) : 0; admin_update($sql->db_Update('banlist', 'banlist_banexpires='.intval($end_time)." WHERE banlist_ip='".$sub_action."'")); banlist_adminlog('03', $sub_action); $action = 'list'; $writeBanFile = TRUE; } if ($writeBanFile) { /************************************************ update list of banned IPs *************************************************/ $ipAdministrator->writeBanListFiles('ip,htaccess'); if (!$ipAdministrator->doesMessageFileExist()) { $ipAdministrator->writeBanMessageFile(); // Message file must exist - may not on fresh site banlist_adminlog('08',''); $emessage->add(BANLAN_33, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } } /** * @todo - eliminate extract(); */ // Edit modes - get existing entry if ($action == 'edit' || $action == 'whedit') { $sql->db_Select('banlist', '*', "banlist_ip='{$sub_action}'"); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); extract($row); //FIXME - kill extract() } else { unset($banlist_ip, $banlist_reason); if (e_QUERY && ($action == 'add' || $action == 'whadd') && strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], "userinfo")) { $banlist_ip = $sub_action; } } /** * Create dropdown with options for ban time - uses internal fixed list of reasonable values */ function ban_time_dropdown($click_js = '', $zero_text = LAN_NEVER, $curval = -1, $drop_name = 'ban_time') { global $frm; $intervals = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, 120, 168, 336, 672); $ret = $frm->select_open($drop_name, array('other' => $click_js, 'id' => false)); $ret .= $frm->option(' ', ''); foreach ($intervals as $i) { if ($i == 0) { $words = $zero_text ? $zero_text : LAN_NEVER; } elseif (($i % 24) == 0) { $words = floor($i / 24).' '.BANLAN_23; } else { $words = $i.' '.BANLAN_24; } $ret .= $frm->option($words, $i, ($curval == $i)); } $ret .= ''; return $ret; } /** * Create generic dropdown from array of data */ function select_box($name, $data, $curval = FALSE) { global $frm; $ret = $frm->select_open($name, array('class' => 'tbox', 'id' => false)); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $ret .= $frm->option($v, $k, ($curval !== FALSE) && ($curval == $k)); } $ret .= "\n"; return $ret; } /** * Create dropdown with options for access counts before ban - uses internal fixed list of reasonable values */ function drop_box($box_name, $curval) { global $frm; $opts = array(50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500); $ret = $frm->select_open($box_name, array('class' => 'tbox')); foreach ($opts as $o) { $ret .= $frm->option($o, $o, ($curval == $o)); } $ret .= "\n"; return $ret; } $text = ''; switch ($action) { case 'banlog' : if(!getperms('0')) exit; if (isset($_POST['delete_ban_log'])) { $message = ($ipAdministrator->deleteLogFile() ? BANLAN_89 : BANLAN_90); e107::getRender()->tablerender(BANLAN_88, "
"); } $from = 0; $amount = 20; // Number per page - could make configurable later if required if ($sub_action) $from = intval($sub_action); // @todo format form the 0.8 way $text = "
"; // Get entries $banLogEntries = $ipAdministrator->getLogEntries($from, $amount, $num_entry); if (count($banLogEntries) == 0) { $text .= ""; $num_entry = 0; } else { $text .= ""; foreach ($banLogEntries as $ban) { $row = $ipAdministrator->splitLogEntry($ban); $text .= " "; } // End while // Next-Previous. ========================== if ($num_entry > $amount) { $parms = "{$num_entry},{$amount},{$from},".e_SELF."?".$action.'-[FROM]'; $text .= "'); } $text .= ""; } $text .= "
".BANLAN_83."".BANLAN_84." ".BANLAN_7."".BANLAN_85."
".strftime($pref['ban_date_format'], $row['banDate'])." ".e107::getIPHandler()->ipDecode($row['banIP'])." ".$ipAdministrator->getBanTypeString($row['banReason'], FALSE)." ".$row['banNotes']."


"; if (count($banLogEntries)) { $text .= "   ".str_replace('--NUM--', $num_entry, BANLAN_87); } e107::getRender()->tablerender("
', $text); break; case 'options' : if (!getperms('0')) exit(); if (isset($_POST['update_ban_options'])) { $pref['enable_rdns'] = intval($_POST['ban_rdns_on_access']); $pref['enable_rdns_on_ban'] = intval($_POST['ban_rdns_on_ban']); $pref['ban_max_online_access'] = intval($_POST['ban_access_guest']).','.intval($_POST['ban_access_member']); $pref['ban_retrigger'] = intval($_POST['ban_retrigger']); $pref['ban_date_format'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['ban_date_format']); save_prefs(); // @todo FIXME log detail of changes. Right prefs to use? $emessage->add(LAN_SETSAVED, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } if (isset($_POST['remove_expired_bans'])) { $result = $sql->db_Delete('banlist',"`banlist_bantype` < ".eIPHandler::BAN_TYPE_WHITELIST." AND `banlist_banexpires` > 0 AND `banlist_banexpires` < ".time()); banlist_adminlog('12', $result); $emessage->add(str_replace('--NUM--', $result, BANLAN_48), E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } list($ban_access_guest, $ban_access_member) = explode(',', varset($pref['ban_max_online_access'], '100,200')); $ban_access_member = max($ban_access_guest, $ban_access_member); $text = "
".$frm->checkbox('ban_rdns_on_access', 1, $pref['enable_rdns'] == 1)."
".$frm->checkbox('ban_rdns_on_ban', 1, $pref['enable_rdns_on_ban'] == 1)."
".drop_box('ban_access_guest', $ban_access_guest).BANLAN_70."
".drop_box('ban_access_member', $ban_access_member).BANLAN_69."
".$frm->checkbox('ban_retrigger', 1, $pref['ban_retrigger'] == 1)."
".BANLAN_91." ".$frm->text('ban_date_format', varset($pref['ban_date_format'], '%H:%M %d-%m-%y'), 40)."
".$frm->admin_button('update_ban_options', LAN_UPDATE, 'update')."
".BANLAN_75." ".$frm->admin_button('remove_expired_bans', BANLAN_76, 'delete')."
"; e107::getRender()->tablerender(BANLAN_72, $emessage->render().$text); break; case 'times' : if (!getperms('0')) exit(); $text = ''; if ((!isset($pref['ban_messages'])) || !is_array($pref['ban_messages'])) { foreach ($ipAdministrator->getValidReasonList() as $bt) { $pref['ban_messages'][$bt] = ''; } } if ((!isset($pref['ban_durations'])) || !is_array($pref['ban_durations'])) { foreach ($ipAdministrator->getValidReasonList() as $bt) { $pref['ban_durations'][$bt] = 0; } } $text .= "
".BANLAN_77." "; foreach ($ipAdministrator->getValidReasonList() as $bt) { $i = abs($bt) + 1; // Forces a single-digit positive number $text .= " "; } $text .= "
".BANLAN_28." ".BANLAN_29."
".$ipAdministrator->getBanTypeString($bt, FALSE)."
".$ipAdministrator->getBanTypeString($bt, TRUE)."
".$frm->textarea('ban_text_'.($i), $pref['ban_messages'][$bt], 4, 15)." ".ban_time_dropdown('', BANLAN_32, $pref['ban_durations'][$bt], 'ban_time_'.($i))."
".$frm->admin_button('update_ban_prefs', LAN_UPDATE, 'update')."
"; e107::getRender()->tablerender(BANLAN_77, $emessage->render().$text); break; case 'edit' : // Edit an existing ban case 'add' : // Add a new ban case 'whedit' : // Edit existing whitelist entry case 'whadd' : // Add a new whitelist entry if (!isset($banlist_reason)) $banlist_reason = ''; if (!isset($banlist_ip)) $banlist_ip = ''; if (!isset($banlist_notes)) $banlist_notes = ''; $page_title = array('edit' => BANLAN_60, 'add' => BANLAN_9, 'whedit' => BANLAN_59, 'whadd' => BANLAN_58); $rdns_warn = varsettrue($pref['enable_rdns']) ? '' : '
'; $next = ($action == 'whedit' || $action == 'whadd') ? '?white' : '?list'; // Edit/add form first $text .= "
".$page_title[$action]." "; if (($action == 'add') || ($action == 'whadd') || ($banlist_bantype <= 1) || ($banlist_bantype >= eIPHandler::BAN_TYPE_WHITELIST)) { // Its a manual or unknown entry - only allow edit of reason on those $text .= " "; } elseif ($action == 'edit') { $text .= " "; } if ($action == 'edit') { $text .= " "; } $text .= " "; if ($action == 'edit' || $action == 'add') { $inhelp = (($action == 'edit') ? '
'.BANLAN_26.($banlist_banexpires ? strftime($pref['ban_date_format'], $banlist_banexpires) : LAN_NEVER).'
' : ''); $text .= " "; } $text .= "
".$frm->text('ban_ip', e107::getIPHandler()->ipDecode($banlist_ip), 200)." {$rdns_warn}
".BANLAN_7.": ".$frm->textarea('ban_reason', $banlist_reason, 4, 50)."
".BANLAN_7.": {$banlist_reason}
".BANLAN_28.": ".$ipAdministrator->getBanTypeString($banlist_bantype, FALSE)." - ".$ipAdministrator->getBanTypeString($banlist_bantype, TRUE)."
".BANLAN_19.": ".$frm->textarea('ban_notes', $banlist_notes, 4, 50)."
".BANLAN_18.": ".ban_time_dropdown().$inhelp."
"; /* FORM NOTE EXAMPLE - not needed here as this note is added as label-note (see below) $text .= "
"; */ if ($action == 'edit' || $action == 'whedit') { $text .= " ".$frm->admin_button('update_ban', LAN_UPDATE, 'update'); } else { $text .= $frm->admin_button('add_ban', ($action == 'add' ? BANLAN_8 : BANLAN_53), 'create'); } $text .= "
"; e107::getRender()->tablerender($page_title[$action], $emessage->render().$text); break; // End of 'Add' and 'Edit' case 'transfer' : $message = ''; $error = false; if (isset($_POST['ban_import'])) { // Got a file to import require_once(e_HANDLER.'upload_handler.php'); if (($files = process_uploaded_files(e_UPLOAD, FALSE, array('overwrite' => TRUE, 'max_file_count' => 1, 'file_mask' => 'csv'))) === FALSE) { // Invalid file $error = true; $message = BANLAN_47; $emessage->add($message, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } if(empty($files) || varsettrue($files[0]['error'])) { $error = true; if(varset($files[0]['message'])) $emessage->add($files[0]['message'], E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } if(!$error) { // Got a file of some sort $message = process_csv(e_UPLOAD.$files[0]['name'], intval(varset($_POST['ban_over_import'], 0)), intval(varset($_POST['ban_over_expiry'], 0)), $separator_char[intval(varset($_POST['ban_separator'], 1))], $quote_char[intval(varset($_POST['ban_quote'], 3))]); banlist_adminlog('07', 'File: '.e_UPLOAD.$files[0]['name'].'
'.$message); } } $text = "
".BANLAN_40." "; foreach ($ipAdministrator->getValidReasonList() as $i) { $text .= " "; } $text .= ""; $text .= "
".$frm->checkbox("ban_types[{$i}]", $i).$frm->label($ipAdministrator->getBanTypeString($i, FALSE), "ban_types[{$i}]", $i)." (".$ipAdministrator->getBanTypeString($i, TRUE).")
".BANLAN_79." ".select_box('ban_separator', $separator_char).' '.BANLAN_37." ".select_box('ban_quote', $quote_char).' '.BANLAN_38."
".$frm->admin_button('ban_export', BANLAN_39, 'export', BANLAN_39)."
"; // Now do the import options $text .= "
".$frm->checkbox('ban_over_import', 1).$frm->label(BANLAN_43, 'ban_over_import', 1)."
".$frm->checkbox('ban_over_expiry', 1).$frm->label(BANLAN_44, 'ban_over_expiry', 1)."
".BANLAN_46." ".$frm->file('file_userfile[]', array('size' => '40'))."
".BANLAN_80." ".select_box('ban_separator', $separator_char).' '.BANLAN_37." ".select_box('ban_quote', $quote_char).' '.BANLAN_38."
".$frm->admin_button('ban_import', BANLAN_45, 'import')."
"; e107::getRender()->tablerender(BANLAN_35, $emessage->render().$text); break; // End case 'transfer' case 'list' : case 'white' : default : if (($action != 'list') && ($action != 'white')) $action = 'list'; $edit_action = ($action == 'list' ? 'edit' : 'whedit'); $del_action = ($action == 'list' ? 'remove' : 'whremove'); $col_widths = array('list' => array(10, 5, 35, 30, 10, 10), 'white' => array(15, 40, 35, 10)); $col_titles = array('list' => array(BANLAN_17, BANLAN_20, BANLAN_10, BANLAN_19, BANLAN_18, LAN_OPTIONS), 'white' => array(BANLAN_55, BANLAN_56, BANLAN_19, LAN_OPTIONS)); $no_values = array('list' => BANLAN_2, 'white' => BANLAN_54); $col_defs = array('list' => array('banlist_datestamp' => 0, 'banlist_bantype' => 0, 'ip_reason' => BANLAN_7, 'banlist_notes' => 0, 'banlist_banexpires' => 0, 'ban_options' => 0), 'white' => array('banlist_datestamp' => 0, 'ip_reason' => BANLAN_57, 'banlist_notes' => 0, 'ban_options' => 0)); $text = "
".($action == 'list' ? BANLAN_3 : BANLAN_61)." ".$frm->hidden("ban_secure", "1")." "; $filter = ($action == 'white') ? 'banlist_bantype='.eIPHandler::BAN_TYPE_WHITELIST : 'banlist_bantype!='.eIPHandler::BAN_TYPE_WHITELIST; if(!$ban_total = $sql->db_Select("banlist", "*", $filter." ORDER BY banlist_ip")) { $text .= "
"; } else { $text .= " "; foreach($col_widths[$action] as $fw) { $text .= " "; } $text .= " "; $cnt = 0; foreach($col_titles[$action] as $ct) { $cnt ++; $text .= "{$ct}"; } $text .= ""; while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { //extract($row);//FIXME - kill extract() $row['banlist_reason'] = str_replace('LAN_LOGIN_18', BANLAN_11, $row['banlist_reason']); $text .= ""; foreach($col_defs[$action] as $cd => $fv) { $row_class = ''; switch($cd) { case 'banlist_datestamp': $val = ($row['banlist_datestamp'] ? strftime($pref['ban_date_format'], $row['banlist_datestamp']) : BANLAN_22); break; case 'banlist_bantype': $val = "
".$ipAdministrator->getBanTypeString($row['banlist_bantype'], FALSE)."
"; break; case 'ip_reason': $val = e107::getIPHandler()->ipDecode($row['banlist_ip'])."
".$fv.": ".$row['banlist_reason']; break; case 'banlist_banexpires': $val = ($row['banlist_banexpires'] ? strftime($pref['ban_date_format'], $row['banlist_banexpires']).(($row['banlist_banexpires'] < time()) ? ' ('.BANLAN_34.')' : '') : LAN_NEVER)."
".ban_time_dropdown("onchange=\"e107Helper.urlJump('".e_SELF."?newtime-{$row['banlist_ip']}-'+this.value)\""); break; case 'ban_options': $row_class = ' class="center"'; $val = " ".ADMIN_EDIT_ICON.""; break; case 'banlist_notes': default: $val = $row[$cd]; } $text .= "{$val}"; } $text .= ''; } $text .= "
"; } $text .= "
"; e107::getRender()->tablerender(($action == 'list' ? BANLAN_3 : BANLAN_61), $emessage->render().$text); // End of case 'list' and the default case } // End switch ($action) require_once(e_ADMIN.'footer.php'); /** * Admin menu options */ function banlist_adminmenu() { $action = (e_QUERY) ? e_QUERY : 'list'; $var['list']['text'] = BANLAN_14; // List existing bans $var['list']['link'] = e_SELF.'?list'; $var['list']['perm'] = '4'; $var['add']['text'] = BANLAN_25; // Add a new ban $var['add']['link'] = e_SELF.'?add'; $var['add']['perm'] = '4'; $var['white']['text'] = BANLAN_52; // List existing whitelist entries $var['white']['link'] = e_SELF.'?white'; $var['white']['perm'] = '4'; $var['whadd']['text'] = BANLAN_53; // Add a new whitelist entry $var['whadd']['link'] = e_SELF.'?whadd'; $var['whadd']['perm'] = '4'; $var['transfer']['text'] = BANLAN_35; $var['transfer']['link'] = e_SELF.'?transfer'; $var['transfer']['perm'] = '4'; if (getperms('0')) { $var['times']['text'] = BANLAN_15; $var['times']['link'] = e_SELF.'?times'; $var['times']['perm'] = '0'; $var['options']['text'] = LAN_OPTIONS; $var['options']['link'] = e_SELF.'?options'; $var['options']['perm'] = '0'; $var['banlog']['text'] = BANLAN_81; $var['banlog']['link'] = e_SELF.'?banlog'; $var['banlog']['perm'] = '0'; } e_admin_menu(BANLAN_16, $action, $var); } // Parse the date string used by the import/export - YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS function parse_date($instr) { if (strlen($instr) != 15) return 0; return mktime(substr($instr, 9, 2), substr($instr, 11, 2), substr($instr, 13, 2), substr($instr, 4, 2), substr($instr, 6, 2), substr($instr, 0, 4)); } // Process the imported CSV file, update the database, delete the file. // Return a message function process_csv($filename, $override_imports, $override_expiry, $separator = ',', $quote = '"') { $sql = e107::getDb(); $pref['ban_durations'] = e107::getPref('ban_durations'); $emessage = &eMessage::getInstance(); // echo "Read CSV: {$filename} separator: {$separator}, quote: {$quote} override imports: {$override_imports} override expiry: {$override_expiry}
"; // Renumber imported bans if ($override_imports) $sql->db_Update('banlist', "`banlist_bantype`=".eIPHandler::BAN_TYPE_TEMPORARY." WHERE `banlist_bantype` = ".eIPHandler::BAN_TYPE_IMPORTED); $temp = file($filename); $line_num = 0; foreach ($temp as $line) { // Process one entry $line = trim($line); $line_num++; if ($line) { $fields = explode($separator, $line); $field_num = 0; $field_list = array('banlist_bantype' => eIPHandler::BAN_TYPE_IMPORTED); foreach ($fields as $f) { $f = trim($f); if (substr($f, 0, 1) == $quote) { if (substr($f, -1, 1) == $quote) { // Strip quotes $f = substr($f, 1, -1); // Strip off the quotes } else { $emessage->add(BANLAN_49.$line_num, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return BANLAN_49.$line_num; } } // Now handle the field $field_num++; switch ($field_num) { case 1 : // IP address $field_list['banlist_ip'] = e107::getIPHandler()->ipEncode($f); break; case 2 : // Original date of ban $field_list['banlist_datestamp'] = parse_date($f); break; case 3 : // Expiry of ban - depends on $override_expiry if ($override_expiry) { $field_list['banlist_banexpires'] = parse_date($f); } else { // Use default ban time from now $field_list['banlist_banexpires'] = $pref['ban_durations'][eIPHandler::BAN_TYPE_IMPORTED] ? time() + (60*60*$pref['ban_durations'][eIPHandler::BAN_TYPE_IMPORTED]) : 0; } break; case 4 : // Original ban type - we always ignore this and force to 'imported' break; case 5 : // Ban reason originally generated by E107 $field_list['banlist_reason'] = $f; break; case 6 : // Any user notes added $field_list['banlist_notes'] = $f; break; default : // Just ignore any others } } $qry = "REPLACE INTO `#banlist` (".implode(',', array_keys($field_list)).") values ('".implode("', '", $field_list)."')"; // echo count($field_list)." elements, query: ".$qry."
"; if (!$sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { $emessage->add(BANLAN_50.$line_num, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return BANLAN_50.$line_num; } } } // Success here - may need to delete old imported bans if ($override_imports) $sql->db_Delete('banlist', "`banlist_bantype` = ".eIPHandler::BAN_TYPE_TEMPORARY); @unlink($filename); // Delete file once done $emessage->add(str_replace('--NUM--', $line_num, BANLAN_51).$filename, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); return str_replace('--NUM--', $line_num, BANLAN_51).$filename; } /** * Log event to admin log * * @param string $msg_num - exactly two numeric characters corresponding to a log message * @param string $woffle - information for the body of the log entre * * @return none */ function banlist_adminlog($msg_num = '00', $woffle = '') { e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('BANLIST_'.$msg_num, $woffle, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); } /** * Handle page DOM within the page header * * @return string JS source */ function headerjs() { require_once(e_HANDLER.'js_helper.php'); $ret = " "; return $ret; } ?>