<?php /* + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | e107 website system | | ©Steve Dunstan 2001-2002 | http://e107.org | jalist@e107.org | | Released under the terms and conditions of the | GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org). | | $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/online.php,v $ | $Revision: 1.7 $ | $Date: 2009-01-22 01:58:29 $ | $Author: mcfly_e107 $ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ require_once("class2.php"); require_once(HEADERF); if (!$pref['track_online']) { $ns->tablerender(ONLINE_EL4, ONLINE_EL16); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } if (file_exists(THEME."online_template.php")) { require_once(THEME."online_template.php"); } else { require_once(e_THEME."templates/online_template.php"); } global $listuserson; foreach($listuserson as $uinfo => $pinfo) { $class_check = TRUE; list($oid, $oname) = explode(".", $uinfo, 2); $online_location = $pinfo; $online_location_page = substr(strrchr($online_location, "/"), 1); if (!strstr($online_location, "forum_") || !strstr($online_location, "content.php") || !strstr($online_location, "comment.php")) { $online_location_page = str_replace(".php", "", substr(strrchr($online_location, "/"), 1)); } switch ($online_location_page) { case 'log' : case 'error' : $online_location = "news.php"; $online_location_page = NEWS; break; case 'request' : $online_location = "download.php"; break; case 'chat' : $online_location_page = CHAT; break; case 'content' : $online_location_page = CONTENT; break; case 'download' : $online_location_page = DOWNLOAD; break; case 'email' : $online_location_page = EMAIL; break; case 'forum' : $online_location_page = FORUM; break; case 'links' : $online_location_page = LINKS; break; case 'news' : $online_location_page = NEWS; break; case 'login' : $online_location_page = LOGIN; break; case 'search' : $online_location_page = SEARCH; break; case 'submitnews' : $online_location_page = SUBMITNEWS; break; case 'upload' : $online_location_page = UPLOAD; break; case 'user' : $online_location_page = USERPAGE; break; case 'usersettings' : $online_location_page = USERSETTINGS; break; case 'new' : $online_location_page = LISTNEW; break; case 'online' : $online_location_page = ONLINE; break; case 'userposts' : $online_location_page = USERPOSTS; break; case 'subcontent' : $online_location_page = SUBCONTENT; break; case 'top' : $online_location_page = TOP; break; case 'oldpolls' : $online_location_page = OLDPOLLS; break; //commonly used plugin pages case 'bugtracker' : $online_location_page = BUGTRACKER; break; case 'event' : $online_location_page = EVENT; break; case 'calendar' : $online_location_page = CALENDAR; break; case 'pm' : $online_location_page = PM; break; case 'survey' : $online_location_page = SURVEY; break; case 'faq' : $online_location_page = FAQ; break; default : $online_location_page = OTHER.$online_location_page; } /* Think these are no longer used case 'article' : $online_location_page = ARTICLEPAGE; break; if ($online_location_page == "oldpolls") { $online_location_page = OLDPOLLS; } if ($online_location_page == "print") { $online_location_page = PRINTPAGE; } if ($online_location_page == "stats") { $online_location_page = STATS; } */ if (strstr($online_location, "content.php")) { $tmp = explode(".", substr(strrchr($online_location, "php."), 2)); if ($tmp[0] == "article") { $sql->db_Select("content", "content_heading, content_class", "content_id='".intval($tmp[1])."'"); $content = $sql->db_Fetch(); $online_location_page = ARTICLE.": ".$content['content_heading']; $online_location = str_replace("php.", "php?", $online_location); if (!check_class($content['content_class'])) { $class_check = FALSE; $online_location_page = ARTICLE.": \"".CLASSRESTRICTED."\""; } } elseif($tmp[0] == "review") { $sql->db_Select("content", "content_heading, content_class", "content_id='".intval($tmp[1])."'"); $content = $sql->db_Fetch(); $online_location_page = REVIEW.": ".$content['content_heading']; $online_location = str_replace("php.", "php?", $online_location); if (!check_class($content['content_class'])) { $class_check = FALSE; $online_location_page = REVIEW.": \"".CLASSRESTRICTED."\""; } } elseif($tmp[0] == "content") { $sql->db_Select("content", "content_heading, content_class", "content_id='".intval($tmp[1])."'"); $content = $sql->db_Fetch(); $online_location_page = CONTENT.": ".$content['content_heading']; $online_location = str_replace("php.", "php?", $online_location); if (!check_class($content['content_class'])) { $class_check = FALSE; $online_location_page = CONTENT.": \"".CLASSRESTRICTED."\""; } } } if (strstr($online_location, "comment.php")) { $tmp = explode(".php.", $online_location); $tmp = explode(".", $tmp[1]); if ($tmp[1] == "news") { $id = ($tmp[0] == "reply" ? $tmp[3] : $tmp[2]); $sql->db_Select("news", "news_title, news_class", "news_id=".intval($id)); $news = $sql->db_Fetch(); $online_location_page = ($tmp[0] == "reply" ? COMMENT.": ".ONLINE_EL12." > ".$news['news_title'] : COMMENT.": ".$news['news_title']); $online_location = "comment.php?comment.news.$id"; if (!check_class($news['news_class'])) { $class_check = FALSE; $online_location_page = COMMENT.": \"".CLASSRESTRICTED."\""; } } elseif($tmp[1] == "poll") { $id = ($tmp[0] == "reply" ? $tmp[3] : $tmp[2]); $sql->db_Select("poll", "poll_title", "poll_id=".intval($id)); $poll = $sql->db_Fetch(); $online_location_page = POLLCOMMENT.": ".$poll['poll_title']; $online_location = "comment.php?comment.poll.$id"; } else { $online_location_page = COMMENT; $class_check = FALSE; } } if (strstr($online_location, "forum")) { $tmp = explode(".", substr(strrchr($online_location, "php."), 2)); if (strstr($online_location, "_viewtopic")) { if ($tmp[2]) { $pref['forum_postspage'] = ($pref['forum_postspage'] ? $pref['forum_postspage'] : 10); $t_page = $tmp[2]/$pref['forum_postspage'] +1; } else { $t_page = 1; } $qry = " SELECT t.thread_name, f.forum_name, f.forum_class from #forum_t AS t LEFT JOIN #forum AS f ON f.forum_id = t.thread_forum_id WHERE t.thread_id = ".intval($tmp[0]) ; $sql->db_Select_gen($qry); $forum = $sql->db_Fetch(); $online_location_page = ONLINE_EL13." .:. ".$forum['forum_name']."->".ONLINE_EL14." .:. ".$forum['thread_name']."->".ONLINE_EL15.": ".$t_page; $online_location = str_replace("php.", "php?", $online_location); if (!check_class($forum['forum_class'])) { $class_check = FALSE; $online_location_page = ONLINE_EL13.": \"".CLASSRESTRICTED."\""; } } elseif(strstr($online_location, "_viewforum")) { $sql->db_Select("forum", "forum_name, forum_class", "forum_id=".intval($tmp[0])); $forum = $sql->db_Fetch(); $online_location_page = ONLINE_EL13." .:. ".$forum['forum_name']; $online_location = str_replace("php.", "php?", $online_location); if (!check_class($forum['forum_class'])) { $class_check = FALSE; $online_location_page = ONLINE_EL13.": \"".CLASSRESTRICTED."\""; } } elseif(strstr($online_location, "_post")) { $sql->db_Select("forum_t", "thread_name, thread_forum_id", "thread_forum_id=".intval($tmp[0])." AND thread_parent=0"); $forum_t = $sql->db_Fetch(); $sql->db_Select("forum", "forum_name", "forum_id=".$forum_t['thread_forum_id']); $forum = $sql->db_Fetch(); $online_location_page = ONLINE_EL12.": ".ONLINE_EL13." .:. ".$forum['forum_name']."->".ONLINE_EL14." .:. ".$forum_t['thread_name']; $online_location = e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_viewtopic.php?$tmp[0].$tmp[1]"; } } if (strstr($online_location, "admin")) { $class_check = FALSE; $online_location_page = ADMINAREA; } $ONLINE_TABLE_ICON = (varsettrue($pref['plug_installed']['pm']) && $oid != USERID ? $tp->parseTemplate("{SENDPM={$oid}}", 'sendpm.sc') : "<img src='".e_PLUGIN."online_extended_menu/images/user.png' alt='' style='vertical-align:middle' />"); $ONLINE_TABLE_USERNAME = "<a href='".e_BASE."user.php?id.$oid'>{$oname}</a>"; $ONLINE_TABLE_LOCATION = ($class_check ? "<a href='{$online_location}'>{$online_location_page}</a>" : $online_location_page); $textstring .= preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $ONLINE_TABLE); } $ONLINE_TABLE_MEMBERS_ONLINE = ONLINE_EL1.GUESTS_ONLINE; $ONLINE_TABLE_GUESTS_ONLINE = ONLINE_EL2.MEMBERS_ONLINE; if ((MEMBERS_ONLINE + GUESTS_ONLINE) > ($menu_pref['most_members_online'] + $menu_pref['most_guests_online'])) { global $sysprefs; $menu_pref['most_members_online'] = MEMBERS_ONLINE; $menu_pref['most_guests_online'] = GUESTS_ONLINE; $menu_pref['most_online_datestamp'] = time(); $sysprefs->setArray('menu_pref'); } if (!isset($gen) || !is_object($gen)) { $gen = new convert; } $datestamp = $gen->convert_date($menu_pref['most_online_datestamp'], "short"); $ONLINE_TABLE_MOST_EVER_ONLINE = ONLINE_EL8.($menu_pref['most_members_online'] + $menu_pref['most_guests_online']); $ONLINE_TABLE_MOST_MEMBERS_ONLINE = strtolower(ONLINE_EL2).$menu_pref['most_members_online']; $ONLINE_TABLE_MOST_GUESTS_ONLINE = strtolower(ONLINE_EL1).$menu_pref['most_guests_online']; $ONLINE_TABLE_DATESTAMP = $datestamp; $total_members = $sql->db_Count("user","(*)","where user_ban = 0"); if ($total_members > 1) { $newest_member = $sql->db_Select("user", "user_id, user_name", "user_ban=0 ORDER BY user_join DESC LIMIT 0,1"); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $ONLINE_TABLE_MEMBERS_TOTAL = "<br />".ONLINE_EL5.": ".$total_members; $ONLINE_TABLE_MEMBERS_NEWEST = "<br />".ONLINE_EL6.": ".(USER ? "<a href='".e_BASE."user.php?id.".$row['user_id']."'>".$row['user_name']."</a>" : $row['user_name']); } $text = ''; if (count($listuserson)) { $textstart = preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $ONLINE_TABLE_START); $textend = preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $ONLINE_TABLE_END); $text = $textstart.$textstring.$textend; } $text .= preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $ONLINE_TABLE_MISC); $ns->tablerender(ONLINE_EL4, $text); require_once(FOOTERF);