This option is ignored if user signups are admin moderated");
define("USRLAN_95", "minutes");
define("USRLAN_112", "Resend Email");
define("USRLAN_113", "Registration details for");
define("USRLAN_114", "Dear");
define("USRLAN_115", "Thanks for your registration.");
define("USRLAN_116", "Please confirm that you wish to resend a confirmation email to:");
define("USRLAN_117", "Click the button below to test the following email:");
define("USRLAN_118", "Test Email");
define("USRLAN_120", "Set Classes");
define("USRLAN_121", "Mailing");
define("USRLAN_122", "Welcome to");
define("USRLAN_123", "Your registration has been received and created.");
define("USRLAN_124", "Your account is currently marked as being inactive, to activate your account please go to the following link");
define("USRLAN_125", "From");
define("USRLAN_126", "Allow users to rate users");
define("USRLAN_127", "Allow comments in user profile");
define("USRLAN_128", "Username (login name)");
define("USRLAN_129", "Real Name");
define("USRLAN_130", "Enable online user tracking");
define("USRLAN_131", "You must enable this option to use online user tracking options, like online.php, forum online info and online menus");
define("USRLAN_132", "Enable");
define("USRLAN_133", "Force user to update settings");
define("USRLAN_134", "Enabling this option will automatically send the user to their user-settings if a required user field is not filled.");
define("USRLAN_135", "No IP address found in user's info; IP not banned");
define("USRLAN_136", "Multiple users found with IP address of {IP}; IP not banned.");
define("USRLAN_137", "Users IP address of {IP} banned.");
define("USRLAN_138", "Unverified users");
define("USRLAN_139", "Your account has been activated.\n\nYou can visit {SITEURL} and log into the site using the login information you provided.");
define("USRLAN_140", "Email Re-sent to");
define("USRLAN_141", "Failed to Re-send email to");
define("USRLAN_142", "with the following activation link");
define("USRLAN_143", "Check For Bounces");
define("USRLAN_144", "Resend Confirmation Email to All");
define("USRLAN_145", "Bounced users");
define("USRLAN_146", "Member information is available to");
define("USRLAN_147", "Email address is already used by a banned user");
define("USRLAN_148", "Email address is banned");
define("USRLAN_149", "Delete checked emails");
define("USRLAN_150", "Delete all emails");
define("USRLAN_151", "Clear bounce, require Activation");
define("USRLAN_152", "Clear bounce and Activate");
define("USRLAN_153", "Delete non-bounce emails");
define("USRLAN_154", "Clear email for checked");
define("USRLAN_155", "Total {TOTAL} emails found. {DELCOUNT} deleted through options.
{DELUSER} users marked as 'bounced' (out of {FOUND} emails)");
define("USRLAN_156", "Email address is already in use");
define('USRLAN_160', 'Total --COUNT-- users of type --TYPE-- pruned');
define('USRLAN_161', 'User ID --UID-- name --NAME-- banned');
define('USRLAN_162', 'User ID --UID-- name --NAME-- unbanned');
define('USRLAN_163', 'User ID --UID-- deleted');
define('USRLAN_164', 'User ID --UID-- name --NAME-- made admin');
define('USRLAN_165', 'User ID --UID-- name --NAME-- admin status revoked');
define('USRLAN_166', 'User ID --UID-- name --NAME-- approved');
//FIX ME USERLAN_160 - USERLAN_166 need to be reworked avoid duplication.
define('USRLAN_167', 'Validation email ID --ID-- resent to --NAME-- at --EMAIL--');
define('USRLAN_168', 'Re-send --COUNT-- validation emails');
define('USRLAN_169', 'Total --COUNT-- bounced emails deleted');
define('USRLAN_170', 'Random user name');
define('USRLAN_171', 'Random password');
define('USRLAN_172', 'Password set');
define('USRLAN_173', 'Login name set');
define('USRLAN_174', 'User name --NAME-- created');
define('USRLAN_175', '');
define('USRLAN_179', 'User banned: ');
define('USRLAN_180', 'IP address of {IP} appears on whitelist; IP not banned.');
define('USRLAN_181', 'Send confirmation email with password to new user');
define('USRLAN_182', 'Invalid characters in login name');
define('USRLAN_183', 'That login name already in use');
define('USRLAN_184', 'Length of login name outside limits');
define('USRLAN_185', 'A user account has been created for you at {SITEURL} with the following login:
Login Name: {LOGIN}
Password: {PASSWORD}
define('USRLAN_186', 'Please go to the site as soon as possible and log in, then change your password using the \'Settings\' option.
You can also change other settings at the same time.
Note that your password cannot be recovered if you lose it.');
define('USRLAN_187', 'Access to website: ');
define('USRLAN_188', 'Email sent successfully');
define('USRLAN_189', 'Error sending email');
define('USRLAN_190', 'New user probationary period (days)');
define('USRLAN_191', '(admin can impose restrictions during this period in some areas)');
define('USRLAN_192', ''); // was 'days' use value in lan_date.php instead.
define('USRLAN_193', 'Nothing changed - not saved');
define('USRLAN_194', 'Signature may be modified by');
define('USRLAN_195', '');
//User Ranks phrases
// define('USRLAN_196', 'User ranks'); // use LAN_USER_RANKS
define('USRLAN_197', 'Source');
define('USRLAN_198', 'Field Name');
define('USRLAN_199', 'Operation');
define('USRLAN_200', 'Value');
define('USRLAN_201', 'Number of comments');
define('USRLAN_202', 'Number of site visits');
define('USRLAN_203', 'Number of days member');
define('USRLAN_204', 'Core');
// define('USRLAN_205', 'Plugin'); // Use LAN_PLUGIN
define('USRLAN_206', 'Current Calculation');
define('USRLAN_207', 'Type');
define('USRLAN_208', 'Rank Name');
define('USRLAN_209', 'Lower Threshold');
define('USRLAN_210', 'Lang Prefix');
define('USRLAN_211', 'Rank Image');
define('USRLAN_212', 'User Rank');
// define('USRLAN_213', 'Are you sure you want to delete this rank'); // use LAN_CONFIRMDEL
define('USRLAN_214', 'Add New Rank');
define('USRLAN_215', 'Update Ranks');
define('USRLAN_216', '--select image--');
define('USRLAN_217', 'User Ranks Updated');
define('USRLAN_218', 'Deletion of User Rank');
define('USRLAN_219', 'Older than 30 days');
define('LAN_MAINADMIN','Main Admin');
define('LAN_NOTVERIFIED','Not Verified');
define('USRLAN_220', 'All Userclasses');
define('USRLAN_221', 'Edit admin perms');
// These need review - there are duplicates above - they come from admin/lan_userclass.php.
define("UCSLAN_1", "Sending notification email to");
define("UCSLAN_2", "Updated Privileges");
define("UCSLAN_3", "Dear");
define("UCSLAN_4", "Your privileges have been updated at");
define("UCSLAN_5", "You now have access to the following area(s)");
define("UCSLAN_6", "Set class for user");
define("UCSLAN_7", "Set Classes");
define("UCSLAN_8", "Notify User");
define("UCSLAN_9", "Classes Updated.");
define("UCSLAN_10", "Regards,");
define('UCSLAN_11', 'Class membership for user ID --UID-- changed to --CLASSES--');
define('UCSLAN_12', 'Member privileges only');
// from admin/lan_userinfo.php
define("USFLAN_1", "Unable to find poster's IP address - no information is available.");
// define("USFLAN_2", "Error");
define("USFLAN_3", "Messages posted from IP address");
define("USFLAN_4", "Host");
define("USFLAN_5", "Click here to transfer IP address to admin ban page");
define("USFLAN_6", "User ID");
define("USFLAN_7", "User Information");
define('USRLAN_AS_1', 'Login as %s');
define('USRLAN_AS_2', 'Logout from %s account');
define('USRLAN_AS_3', 'You are already logged in as another user account. Please logout first.');
// Always search lan_admin.php before adding more.