array( 'prototype/prototype.js' , 'scriptaculous/scriptaculous.js', 'scriptaculous/effects.js', 'e107.js'), /* 'jquery' => array( "", "", "" ), 'jquery' => array( "", "", "" ) */ 'jquery' => array( // "", // "" // "", "" // , // "", // "", // "", // "", // "" ) ); protected $_core_prefs = array(); /** * Core JS library files, loaded via e_jslib.php * * @var array */ protected $_e_jslib_core = array(); /** * Plugin JS library files, loaded via e_jslib.php * * @var array */ protected $_e_jslib_plugin = array(); /** * Theme JS library files, loaded via e_jslib.php * * @var array */ protected $_e_jslib_theme = array(); /** * JS files array - loaded in page header * * @var array */ protected $_runtime_header = array(); /** * JS code array - loaded in page header * after all registered JS header files * * @var array */ protected $_runtime_header_src = array(); /** * Current Header zone (under development) * * @var array */ protected $_zone_header = 0; /** * Current Footer zone (under development) * * @var array */ protected $_zone_footer = 0; /** * JS files array - loaded in page footer * * @var array */ protected $_runtime_footer = array(); /** * JS code array - loaded in page footer * * @var array */ protected $_runtime_footer_src = array(); /** * Index of all registered JS/CSS files - for faster searching * * @var array */ protected $_index_all = array(); /** * Registered CSS files by type (core|theme|plugin|other) * * @var array */ protected $_e_css = array(); /** * Inline CSS * * @var array */ protected $_e_css_src = array(); /** * Runtime location * * @var boolean */ protected $_in_admin = false; /** * Browser cache id * * @var integer */ protected $_browser_cache_id = 0; /** * @var array */ protected $_lastModified = array(); /** * Singleton instance * Allow class extends - override {@link getInstance()} * * @var e_jsmanager */ protected static $_instance = null; /** * Current Framework Dependency * * @var string null | prototype | jquery */ protected $_dependence = null; /** * Loaded Framework Dependency * * @var array */ protected $_dependenceLoaded = array(); /** * Constructor * * Use {@link getInstance()}, direct instantiating * is not possible for signleton objects * * @return void */ protected function __construct() { } /** * Cloning is not allowed * */ private function __clone() { } /** * Get singleton instance * * @return e_jsmanager */ public static function getInstance() { if(null === self::$_instance) { self::$_instance = new self(); self::$_instance->_init(); } return self::$_instance; } /** * Get and parse core preference values (if available) * * @return void */ protected function _init() { // Try to auto-detect runtime location $this->setInAdmin(defset('e_ADMIN_AREA', false)); if($this->isInAdmin()) // Include jquery-ui in the admin-area only - Jquery-UI to eventually be removed from e107 completely if possible. { $this->_libraries['jquery'] = array( "", "", "", ); } if(isset($_SERVER['E_DEV_LOCALJS']) && $_SERVER['E_DEV_LOCALJS'] === 'true') // Test with Local JS Framework files. { $this->_libraries['jquery'] = array( "jquery/jquery.min.js" ); } $customJqueryUrls = e107::getPref('library-jquery-urls'); if(vartrue($customJqueryUrls) && $this->_in_admin === false) { $this->_libraries['jquery'] = explode("\n", $customJqueryUrls); } // Try to load browser cache id from core preferences //$this->setCacheId(deftrue('e_NOCACHE') ? time() : e107::getPref('e_jslib_browser_cache')); $this->setCacheId(e107::getPref('e_jslib_browser_cache'), 0); // Load stored in preferences core lib paths ASAP - FIXME - find better way to store libs - array structure and separate table row // $core_libs = e107::getPref('e_jslib_core'); $this->_core_prefs = e107::getPref('e_jslib_core'); $core = array(); if(is_array($this->_core_prefs)) { foreach($this->_core_prefs as $id=>$vis) { $this->_dependence = $id; if(!$this->libDisabled($id,$vis)) { //echo "

FRAMEWORK Loaded: ".$id." :: ".$vis."

"; if(vartrue($this->_libraries[$id])) { foreach($this->_libraries[$id] as $path) { //echo "

Loaded: ".$path." :: ".$vis."

"; $core[$path] = $vis; } } } } } $this->_dependence = null; if($vis != 'auto') { $this->checkLibDependence(null, $core); } // Load stored in preferences plugin lib paths ASAP $plug_libs = e107::getPref('e_jslib_plugin'); if(!$plug_libs) { $plug_libs = array(); } foreach ($plug_libs as $plugname => $lib_paths) { $this->pluginLib($plugname, $lib_paths); } // Load stored in preferences theme lib paths ASAP // TODO - decide if THEME should directly use themeLib() or // we store paths in 'e_jslib_theme' on theme installation only (theme.xml)! $theme_libs = e107::getPref('e_jslib_theme'); if(!$theme_libs) { $theme_libs = array(); } $this->themeLib($theme_libs); // TEST VALUES // $this->_e_jslib_plugin[] = '{e_PLUGIN}myplug/test.js'; // $this->_e_jslib_plugin[] = 'http://somesite/myplug/test.js'; // $this->_e_jslib_theme[] = '{THEME}js/test.js'; // $this->_e_jslib_theme[] = 'http://somesite/js/test.js'; } /** * Add Core CSS file for inclusion in site header, shorthand of headerFile() method * * @param string|array $file_path relative to {e_JS} folder * @param string $media any valid media attribute string - * @return e_jsmanager */ public function coreCSS($file_path, $media = 'all', $preComment = '', $postComment = '') { $this->addJs('core_css', $file_path, $media); return $this; } /** * Add Plugin CSS file(s) for inclusion in site header * * @param string $plugname * @param string|array $file_path relative to e107_plugins/myplug/ folder or array in format 'path - media' * @param string $media any valid media attribute string - * @return e_jsmanager */ public function pluginCSS($plugname, $file_path, $media = 'all', $preComment = '', $postComment = '') { if(is_array($file_path)) { foreach ($file_path as $fpath => $media_attr) { $this->addJs('plugin_css', $plugname.':'.$fpath, $media_attr, $preComment, $postComment); } return $this; } $this->addJs('plugin_css', $plugname.':'.$file_path, $media, $preComment, $postComment); return $this; } /** * Add Theme CSS file(s) for inclusion in site header * * @param string|array $file_path relative to e107_themes/current_theme/ folder * @param string $media any valid media attribute string - * @return e_jsmanager */ public function themeCSS($file_path, $media = 'all', $preComment = '', $postComment = '') { $this->addJs('theme_css', $file_path, $media, $preComment, $postComment); return $this; } /** * Add CSS file(s) for inclusion in site header * * @param string|array $file_path path, shortcodes usage is prefered * @param string $media any valid media attribute string - * @return e_jsmanager */ public function otherCSS($file_path, $media = 'all', $preComment = '', $postComment = '') { $this->addJs('other_css', $file_path, $media, $preComment, $postComment); return $this; } /** * Add CSS code to site header * * @param string|array $js_content * @param string $media (not implemented yet) any valid media attribute string - * @return e_jsmanager */ public function inlineCSS($css_content, $media = 'all') { $this->addJs('inline_css', $css_content, $media); return $this; } /** * Add Core JS library file(s) for inclusion from e_jslib routine * * @param string|array $file_path relative to e107_files/jslib/ folder or array in format 'path - runtime location' * @param string $runtime_location admin|front|all - where should be JS used * @return e_jsmanager */ protected function coreLib($file_path, $runtime_location = 'front') { $this->addJs('core', $file_path, $runtime_location); return $this; } /** * Add Plugin JS library file(s) for inclusion from e_jslib routine * * @param string $plugname * @param string|array $file_path relative to e107_plugins/myplug/ folder or array in format 'path - runtime location' * @param string $runtime_location admin|front|all - where should be JS used * @return e_jsmanager */ protected function pluginLib($plugname, $file_path, $runtime_location = 'front') { if(is_array($file_path)) { foreach ($file_path as $fpath => $rlocation) { $this->addJs('plugin', $plugname.':'.$fpath, $rlocation); } return $this; } $this->addJs('plugin', $plugname.':'.$file_path, $runtime_location); return $this; } /** * Add Theme JS library file(s) for inclusion from e_jslib routine * * @param string|array $file_path relative to e107_themes/current_theme/ folder or array in format 'path - runtime location' * @param string $runtime_location admin|front|all - where should be JS used * @return e_jsmanager */ public function themeLib($file_path, $runtime_location = 'front') { $this->addJs('theme', $file_path, $runtime_location); return $this; } /** * Add Core JS library file(s) for inclusion in site header or site footer (in this order) if not * already loaded by e_jslib routine. This should avoid dependency problems. * Extremely useful for shortcodes and menus. * * @param string $file_path relative to e107_files/jslib/ folder * @param integer $zone 1-5 (see header.php) * @return e_jsmanager */ public function requireCoreLib($file_path, $zone = 2) { if(is_array($file_path)) { foreach ($file_path as $fpath => $z) { $this->tryHeaderFile('{e_WEB_JS}'.trim($fpath, '/'), $z); } return $this; } $this->tryHeaderFile('{e_WEB_JS}'.trim($file_path, '/'), $zone); return $this; } /** * Add Plugin JS library file(s) for inclusion in site header if not * already loaded by e_jslib routine. This should avoid dependency problems. * * @param string $plugname * @param string $file_path relative to e107_plugins/myplug/ folder * @param integer $zone 1-5 (see header.php) * @return e_jsmanager */ public function requirePluginLib($plugname, $file_path, $zone = 5) { if(is_array($file_path)) { foreach ($file_path as $fpath => $z) { $this->tryHeaderFile('{e_PLUGIN}'.$plugname.'/'.trim($fpath, '/'), $z); } return $this; } $this->tryHeaderFile('{e_PLUGIN}'.$plugname.'/'.trim($file_path, '/'), $zone); return $this; } /** * Add JS file(s) for inclusion in site header * * @param string|array $file_path path shortcodes usage is prefered * @param integer $zone 1-5 (see header.php) * @return e_jsmanager */ public function headerFile($file_path, $zone = 5) { $this->addJs('header', $file_path, $zone); return $this; } /** * Add Core JS file for inclusion in site header, shorthand of headerFile() method * * @param string $file_path relative to {e_JS} folder * @param integer $zone 1-5 (see header.php) * @return e_jsmanager */ public function headerCore($file_path, $zone = 2) { $this->headerFile('{e_WEB_JS}'.trim($file_path, '/'), $zone); return $this; } /** * Add Theme JS file for inclusion in site header, shorthand of headerFile() method * * @param string $file_path relative to theme root folder * @param integer $zone 1-5 (see header.php) * @return e_jsmanager */ public function headerTheme($file_path, $zone = 5) { $this->headerFile(THEME.trim($file_path, '/'), $zone); return $this; } /** * Add Plugin JS file for inclusion in site header, shorthand of headerFile() method * * @param string $plugname * @param string $file_path relative to plugin root folder * @param integer $zone 1-5 (see header.php) - REMOVED, actually we need to prevent zone change * @return e_jsmanager */ public function headerPlugin($plugname, $file_path) { $this->headerFile('{e_PLUGIN}'.$plugname.'/'.trim($file_path, '/'), 2); // Zone 2 - after libraries return $this; } /** * Add JS file(s) for inclusion in site header if possible, else * use {@link footerFile()} * * @param string|array $file_path path shortcodes usage is prefered * @param integer $zone 1-5 (see header.php and footer.php) * @return e_jsmanager */ public function tryHeaderFile($file_path, $zone = 5) { if(!defined('HEADER_INIT')) { $this->headerFile($file_path, $zone); return $this; } $this->footerFile($file_path, $zone); return $this; } /** * Add JS file(s) for inclusion in site footer * * @param string|array $file_path path shortcodes usage is prefered * @param integer $priority 1-5 (see footer.php) * @return e_jsmanager */ public function footerFile($file_path, $priority = 5) { $this->addJs('footer', $file_path, $priority); return $this; } /** * Add JS code to site header * * @param string|array $js_content * @param integer $zone 1-5 (see header.php) * @return e_jsmanager */ public function headerInline($js_content, $zone = 5) { $this->addJs('header_inline', $js_content, $zone); return $this; } /** * Add JS code to site site header if possible, else * use {@link footerInline()} * * @param string $js_content * @param integer $zone 1-5 (see header.php and footer.php) * @return e_jsmanager */ public function tryHeaderInline($js_content, $zone = 5) { if(!defined('HEADER_INIT')) { $this->headerInline($js_content, $zone); return $this; } $this->footerInline($js_content, $zone); return $this; } /** * Add JS file(s) for inclusion in site footer * * @param string|array $js_content path shortcodes usage is prefered * @param integer $priority 1-5 (see footer.php) * @return e_jsmanager */ public function footerInline($js_content, $priority = 5) { $this->addJs('footer_inline', $js_content, $priority); return $this; } function setDependency($dep) { $this->_dependence = $dep; } public function resetDependency() { $this->_dependence = null; } /** * Return TRUE if the library is disabled. ie. prototype or jquery. * FIXME - remove $type & $loc */ public function libDisabled($type = null, $loc = null) { if($type == 'core' && ($loc == 'none')) { return true; } if($this->_dependence != null && isset($this->_libraries[$this->_dependence])) { $status = $this->_core_prefs[$this->_dependence]; switch ($status) { case 'auto': case 'all': return false; break; case 'admin': return ($this->isInAdmin()) ? false : true; break; case 'front': return ($this->isInAdmin()) ? true : false; break; case 'none': return true; break; default: return true; break; } } return false; } public function checkLibDependence($rlocation, $libs = null) { // Load Required Library (prototype | jquery) // called from addJs(), make isDisabled checks for smart runtime library detection if($rlocation && $libs === null && $this->_dependence != null && isset($this->_libraries[$this->_dependence]) && !isset($this->_dependenceLoaded[$this->_dependence][$rlocation])) // load framework { if($this->libDisabled()) { $this->_dependenceLoaded[$this->_dependence][$rlocation] = array(); return; } foreach($this->_libraries[$this->_dependence] as $inc) { if(strpos($inc,".css")!==false) { if(strpos($inc,"://")!==false) // cdn { $this->addJs('other_css', $inc, 'all', ''); } else { $this->addJs('core_css', $inc, 'all', ''); } } else { $this->addJs('core', $inc, $rlocation, ''); } $this->_dependenceLoaded[$this->_dependence][$rlocation][] = $inc; } return $this; } // called on init time, isDisabled checks already done, just add stuff if($rlocation === null && is_array($libs)) { foreach ($libs as $inc => $rlocation) { if(isset($this->_dependenceLoaded[$this->_dependence][$rlocation]) && in_array($inc, $this->_dependenceLoaded[$this->_dependence][$rlocation])) { continue; } if(strpos($inc,".css")!==false) { if(strpos($inc,"://")!==false) // cdn { $this->addJs('other_css', $inc, 'all', ''); } else { $this->addJs('core_css', $inc, 'all', ''); } } else { $this->addJs('core', $inc, $rlocation, ''); } $this->_dependenceLoaded[$this->_dependence][$rlocation][] = $inc; } } } /** * Require JS file(s). Used by corresponding public proxy methods. * * @see themeLib() * @see pluginLib() * @see coreLib() * @see headerFile() * @see footerFile() * @see headerInline() * @see footerInline() * @param string $type core|plugin - jslib.php, header|footer|header_inline|footer_inline|core_css|plugin_css|theme_css|other_css|inline_css - runtime * @param string|array $file_path * @param string|integer $runtime_location admin|front|all|none (jslib), 0-5 (runtime inclusion), 'media' attribute (CSS) * @return object $this */ protected function addJs($type, $file_path, $runtime_location = '', $pre = '', $post = '') { // TODO FIXME - remove JS framework dependency from front-end and backend. // ie. no JS errors when prototype.js is completely disabled. // no JS error with only 'e107 Core Minimum' is enabled. // e107 Core Minimum should function independently of framework. // ie. e107 Core Minimum: JS similar to e107 v1.0 should be loaded "e_js.php" (no framwork dependency) // with basic functions like SyncWithServerTime() and expandit(), externalLinks() etc. if(empty($file_path)) { return $this; } // prevent loop of death if($pre != '') { $rlocation = $runtime_location; if(is_numeric($runtime_location)) $rlocation = $this->isInAdmin() ? 'admin' : 'front'; $this->checkLibDependence($rlocation); // FIXME - better performance - executed on every addJs call - BAD //libraries handled only by checkLibDependence() if(!is_array($file_path)) { foreach ($this->_libraries as $l) { if(in_array($file_path, $l)) { return $this; } } } } // if($type == 'core' && !is_array($file_path) && substr($file_path,0,4)=='http' ) // Core using CDN. // { // $type = 'header'; // $runtime_location = 1; // } // Possibly no longer needed. // FIXME - this could break something after CSS support was added, move it to separate method(s), recursion by type! // Causes the css error on jquery-ui as a css file is loaded as a js. if(is_array($file_path) ) { // print_a($file_path); foreach ($file_path as $fp => $loc) { if(is_numeric($fp)) { $fp = $loc; $loc = $runtime_location; } $type = (strpos($fp,".css")!==false && $type == 'core') ? "core_css" : $type; $this->addJs($type, $fp, $loc); } return $this; } if($this->libDisabled($type,$runtime_location)) { //echo $this->_dependence." :: DISABLED
"; // echo $this->_dependence."::".$file_path." : DISABLED
"; return $this; } else { // echo $this->_dependence." :: ENABLED
"; // echo $this->_dependence."::".$file_path." : DISABLED
"; } $tp = e107::getParser(); $runtime = false; switch($type) { case 'core': // added direct CDN support $file_path = (strpos($file_path, 'http') !== 0 ? '{e_WEB_JS}' : '').trim($file_path, '/'); $registry = &$this->_e_jslib_core; break; case 'plugin': $file_path = explode(':', $file_path); $file_path = '{e_PLUGIN}'.$file_path[0].'/'.trim($file_path[1], '/'); $registry = &$this->_e_jslib_plugin; break; case 'theme': $file_path = '{e_THEME}'.$this->getCurrentTheme().'/'.trim($file_path, '/'); echo "file-Path = ".$file_path; $registry = &$this->_e_jslib_theme; break; case 'core_css': //FIXME - core CSS should point to new e_WEB/css; add one more case - js_css -> e_WEB/jslib/ // added direct CDN support $file_path = $runtime_location.'|'.(strpos($file_path, 'http') !== 0 ? '{e_WEB_JS}' : '').trim($file_path, '/')."|{$pre}|{$post}"; if(!isset($this->_e_css['core'])) $this->_e_css['core'] = array(); $registry = &$this->_e_css['core']; $runtime = true; break; case 'plugin_css': $file_path = explode(':', $file_path); $file_path = $runtime_location.'|{e_PLUGIN}'.$file_path[0].'/'.trim($file_path[1], '/')."|{$pre}|{$post}"; if(!isset($this->_e_css['plugin'])) $this->_e_css['plugin'] = array(); $registry = &$this->_e_css['plugin']; $runtime = true; break; case 'theme_css': $file_path = $runtime_location.'|{e_THEME}'.$this->getCurrentTheme().'/'.trim($file_path, '/')."|{$pre}|{$post}"; if(!isset($this->_e_css['theme'])) $this->_e_css['theme'] = array(); $registry = &$this->_e_css['theme']; $runtime = true; break; case 'other_css': $file_path = $runtime_location.'|'.$tp->createConstants($file_path, 'mix'); if(!isset($this->_e_css['other'])) $this->_e_css['other'] = array(); $registry = &$this->_e_css['other']; $runtime = true; break; case 'inline_css': // no zones, TODO - media? $this->_e_css_src[] = $file_path; return $this; break; break; case 'header': $file_path = $tp->createConstants($file_path, 'mix'); $zone = intval($runtime_location); if($zone > 5 || $zone < 1) { $zone = 5; } if(!isset($this->_runtime_header[$zone])) { $this->_runtime_header[$zone] = array(); } $registry = &$this->_runtime_header[$zone]; $runtime = true; break; case 'footer': $file_path = $tp->createConstants($file_path, 'mix'); $zone = intval($runtime_location); if($zone > 5 || $zone < 1) { $zone = 5; } if(!isset($this->_runtime_footer[$zone])) { $this->_runtime_footer[$zone] = array(); } $registry = &$this->_runtime_footer[$zone]; $runtime = true; break; case 'header_inline': $zone = intval($runtime_location); if($zone > 5 || $zone < 1) { $zone = 5; } $this->_runtime_header_src[$zone][] = $file_path; return $this; break; break; case 'footer_inline': $zone = intval($runtime_location); if($zone > 5 || $zone < 1) { $zone = 5; } $this->_runtime_footer_src[$zone][] = $file_path; return $this; break; default: return $this; break; } if(in_array($file_path, $this->_index_all) || (!$runtime && $runtime_location != 'all' && $runtime_location != $this->getCurrentLocation())) { return $this; } $this->_index_all[] = $file_path; $registry[] = $file_path; return $this; } /** * Render registered JS * * @param string $mod core|plugin|theme|header|footer|header_inline|footer_inline|core_css|plugin_css|theme_css|other_css|inline_css * @param integer $zone 1-5 - only used when in 'header','footer','header_inline' and 'footer_inline' render mod * @param boolean $external external file calls, only used when NOT in 'header_inline' and 'footer_inline' render mod * @param boolean $return * @return string JS content - only if $return is true */ public function renderJs($mod, $zone, $external = true, $return = false) { if($return) { ob_start(); } switch($mod) { case 'framework': // CDN frameworks - rendered before consolidation script (if enabled) $fw = array(); foreach ($this->_libraries as $lib) { foreach ($lib as $path) { $erase = array_search($path, $this->_e_jslib_core); if($erase !== false && strpos($path, 'http') === 0) { unset($this->_e_jslib_core[$erase]); $fw[] = $path; } } } $this->renderFile($fw, $external, 'CDN Framework', $mod, false); break; case 'core': //e_jslib $this->setLastModfied($mod, $this->renderFile($this->_e_jslib_core, $external, 'Core libraries', $mod)); $this->_e_jslib_core = array(); break; case 'plugin': //e_jslib /*foreach($this->_e_jslib_plugin as $plugname => $paths) { $this->setLastModfied($mod, $this->renderFile($paths, $external, $plugname.' libraries')); }*/ $this->setLastModfied($mod, $this->renderFile($this->_e_jslib_plugin, $external, 'Plugin libraries', $mod)); $this->_e_jslib_plugin = array(); break; case 'theme': //e_jslib $this->setLastModfied($mod, $this->renderFile($this->_e_jslib_theme, $external, 'Theme libraries', $mod)); $this->_e_jslib_theme = array(); break; case 'header': $this->renderFile(varsettrue($this->_runtime_header[$zone], array()), $external, 'Header JS include - zone #'.$zone, $mod); unset($this->_runtime_header[$zone]); break; case 'core_css': //e_jslib $this->renderFile(varset($this->_e_css['core'], array()), $external, 'Core CSS', $mod, false); unset($this->_e_css['core']); break; case 'plugin_css': //e_jslib $this->renderFile(varset($this->_e_css['plugin'], array()), $external, 'Plugin CSS', $mod, false); unset($this->_e_css['plugin']); break; case 'theme_css': //e_jslib $this->renderFile(varset($this->_e_css['theme'], array()), $external, 'Theme CSS', $mod, false); unset($this->_e_css['theme']); break; case 'other_css': $this->renderFile(varset($this->_e_css['other'], array()), $external, 'Other CSS', $mod, false); unset($this->_e_css['other']); break; case 'inline_css': $this->renderInline($this->_e_css_src, 'Inline CSS', 'css'); $this->_e_css_src = array(); break; case 'footer': if(true === $zone) { ksort($this->_runtime_footer, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ($this->_runtime_footer as $priority => $path_array) { $this->renderFile($path_array, $external, 'Footer JS include - priority #'.$priority, $mod); } $this->_runtime_footer = array(); } else { $this->renderFile(varsettrue($this->_runtime_footer[$zone], array()), $external, 'Footer JS include - priority #'.$zone, $mod); unset($this->_runtime_footer[$zone]); } break; case 'header_inline': $this->renderInline(varsettrue($this->_runtime_header_src[$zone], array()), 'Header JS - zone #'.$zone); unset($this->_runtime_header_src[$zone]); break; case 'footer_inline': if(true === $zone) { ksort($this->_runtime_footer_src, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ($this->_runtime_footer_src as $priority => $src_array) { $this->renderInline($src_array, 'Footer JS - priority #'.$priority); } $this->_runtime_footer_src = array(); } else { $this->renderInline(varsettrue($this->_runtime_footer_src[$zone], array()), 'Footer JS - priority #'.$zone); unset($this->_runtime_footer_src[$zone]); } break; } if($return) { $ret = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $ret; } } /** * Render JS/CSS file array * * @param array $file_path_array * @param string|boolean $external if true - external js file calls, if js|css - external js|css file calls, else output file contents * @param string $label added as comment if non-empty * @return void */ public function renderFile($file_path_array, $external = false, $label = '', $mod = null, $checkModified = true) { if(empty($file_path_array)) { return ''; } $tp = e107::getParser(); echo "\n"; if($label) //TODO - print comments only if site debug is on { echo $external ? "\n" : "/* [JSManager] ".$label." */\n\n"; } $lmodified = 0; foreach ($file_path_array as $path) { if (substr($path, - 4) == '.php') { if('css' === $external) { $path = explode('|', $path, 4); $media = $path[0] ? $path[0] : 'all'; // support of IE checks $pre = varset($path[2]) ? $path[2]."\n" : ''; $post = varset($path[3]) ? "\n".$path[3] : ''; $path = $path[1]; if(strpos($path, 'http') !== 0) $path = $tp->replaceConstants($path, 'abs').'?external=1&'.$this->getCacheId(); echo $pre.''.$post; echo "\n"; continue; } elseif($external) //true or 'js' { if(strpos($path, 'http') === 0) continue; // not allowed $path = $tp->replaceConstants($path, 'abs').'?external=1&'.$this->getCacheId(); echo ''; echo "\n"; continue; } $path = $tp->replaceConstants($path, ''); if($checkModified) $lmodified = max($lmodified, filemtime($path)); include_once($path); echo "\n"; } else { // CDN fix, ignore URLs inside consolidation script, render as external scripts $isExternal = false; if(strpos($path, 'http') === 0) { if($external !== 'css') $isExternal = true; } if('css' === $external) { $path = explode('|', $path, 4); $media = $path[0]; // support of IE checks $pre = varset($path[2]) ? $path[2]."\n" : ''; $post = varset($path[3]) ? "\n".$path[3] : ''; $path = $path[1]; if(strpos($path, 'http') !== 0) $path = $tp->replaceConstants($path, 'abs').'?'.$this->getCacheId(); echo $pre.''.$post; echo "\n"; continue; } if($external) { // Never use CacheID on a CDN script, always render if it's CDN if(!$isExternal) { // don't render non CDN libs as external script calls when script consolidation is enabled if($mod === 'core' || $mod === 'plugin' || $mod === 'theme') { if(!e107::getPref('e_jslib_nocombine')) continue; } $path = $tp->replaceConstants($path, 'abs').'?'.$this->getCacheId(); } echo ''; echo "\n"; continue; } // never try to consolidate external scripts if($isExternal) continue; $path = $tp->replaceConstants($path, ''); if($checkModified) $lmodified = max($lmodified, filemtime($path)); echo file_get_contents($path); echo "\n"; } } return $lmodified; } /** * Render JS/CSS source array * * @param array $js_content_array * @param string $label added as comment if non-empty * @return void */ function renderInline($content_array, $label = '', $type = 'js') { if(empty($content_array)) { return ''; } $content_array = array_unique($content_array); //TODO quick fix, we need better control! echo "\n"; switch ($type) { case 'js': if($label) //TODO - print comments only if site debug is on { echo "\n"; } echo ''; echo "\n"; break; case 'css': if($label) //TODO - print comments only if site debug is on { echo "\n"; } echo ''; echo "\n"; break; } } /** * Returns true if currently running in * administration area. * * @return boolean */ public function isInAdmin() { return $this->_in_admin; } /** * Set current script location * * @param object $is true - back-end, false - front-end * @return e_jsmanager */ public function setInAdmin($is) { $this->_in_admin = (boolean) $is; return $this; } /** * Get current location as a string (admin|front) * * @return string */ public function getCurrentLocation() { return ($this->isInAdmin() ? 'admin' : 'front'); } /** * Get current theme name * * @return string */ public function getCurrentTheme() { // XXX - USERTHEME is defined only on user session init return ($this->isInAdmin() ? e107::getPref('admintheme') : defsettrue('USERTHEME', e107::getPref('sitetheme'))); } /** * Get browser cache id * * @return integer */ public function getCacheId() { return $this->_browser_cache_id; } /** * Set browser cache id * * @return e_jsmanager */ public function setCacheId($cacheid) { $this->_browser_cache_id = intval($cacheid); return $this; } /** * Set last modification timestamp for given namespace * * @param string $what * @param integer $when [optional] * @return e_jsmanager */ public function setLastModfied($what, $when = 0) { $this->_lastModified[$what] = $when; return $this; } /** * Get last modification timestamp for given namespace * * @param string $what * @return integer */ public function getLastModfied($what) { return (isset($this->_lastModified[$what]) ? $this->_lastModified[$what] : 0); } public function addLibPref($mod, $array_newlib) { if(!$array_newlib || !is_array($array_newlib)) { return $this; } $core = e107::getConfig(); $plugname = ''; if(strpos($mod, 'plugin:') === 0) { $plugname = str_replace('plugin:', '', $mod); $mod = 'plugin'; } switch($mod) { case 'core': case 'theme': $key = 'e_jslib_'.$mod; break; case 'plugin': $key = 'e_jslib_plugin/'.$plugname; break; default: return $this; break; } $libs = $core->getPref($key); if(!$libs) $libs = array(); foreach ($array_newlib as $path => $location) { $path = trim($path, '/'); if(!$path) continue; $newlocation = $location == 'all' || (varset($libs[$path]) && $libs[$path] != $location) ? 'all' : $location; $libs[$path] = $newlocation; } $core->setPref($key, $libs); return $this; } public function removeLibPref($mod, $array_removelib) { if(!$array_removelib || !is_array($array_removelib)) { return $this; } $core = e107::getConfig(); $plugname = ''; if(strpos($mod, 'plugin:') === 0) { $plugname = str_replace('plugin:', '', $mod); $mod = 'plugin'; } switch($mod) { case 'core': case 'theme': $key = 'e_jslib_'.$mod; break; case 'plugin': $key = 'e_jslib_plugin/'.$plugname; break; default: return $this; break; } $libs = $core->getPref($key); if(!$libs) $libs = array(); foreach ($array_removelib as $path => $location) { $path = trim($path, '/'); if(!$path) continue; unset($libs[$path]); } $core->setPref($key, $libs); return $this; } /** * Get current object data * @return array */ public function getData() { $data = get_class_vars(__CLASS__); unset($data['_instance'], $data['_in_admin']); $kdata = array_keys($data); $instance = self::getInstance(); $data = array(); foreach ($kdata as $prop) { $data[$prop] = $this->$prop; } return $data; } /** * Set all current object data * @param $data * @return e_jsmanager */ public function setData($data) { if(!is_array($data)) return $this; foreach ($data as $prop => $val) { if('_instance' == $prop || '_in_admin' == $prop) continue; $this->$prop = $val; } return $this; } }