e_MEDIA_FILE, 'multipart' => e_MEDIA_FILE, 'application' => e_MEDIA_FILE, 'audio' => e_MEDIA_FILE, 'image' => e_MEDIA_IMAGE, 'video' => e_MEDIA_VIDEO, 'other' => e_MEDIA_FILE ); /** @var array */ protected $mimeExtensions = array( 'text' => array('txt'), 'multipart' => array(), 'application' => array('zip','doc','gz'), 'audio' => array('mp3','wav'), 'image' => array('jpeg','jpg','png','gif', 'svg', 'webp'), 'video' => array('mp4', 'youtube','youtubepl'), 'other' => array(), // 'glyph' => array('glyph') ); function __construct() { if(E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) { $this->logging = true; } e107::includeLan(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE.'/admin/lan_image.php'); } public function debug($val) { $this->logging = intval($val); } /** * Import files from specified path into media database. * @param string $cat Category nickname * @param string $epath path to file. * @param string $fmask [optional] filetypes eg. .jpg|.gif IMAGES is the default mask. * @param array $options * @return e_media */ public function import($cat='', $epath='', $fmask='', $options=array()) { if(!vartrue($cat)){ return $this;} if(is_string($options)) { parse_str($options,$options); } if(!is_readable($epath)) { e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Unable to import: ".$epath); return $this; } $fl = e107::getFile(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $fl->setFileInfo('all'); if(empty($fmask)) { $fmask = '[a-zA-z0-9_-]+\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|PNG|JPG|JPEG|GIF)$'; } $img_array = $fl->get_files($epath, $fmask,'',2); if(!count($img_array)) { e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Media-Import could not find any files in ".$epath." with fmask: ".$fmask); return $this; } // print_a($img_array); // return; $count = 0; foreach($img_array as $f) { if($f['fsize'] === 0) // prevent zero-byte files. { continue; } if(vartrue($options['min-width']) && ($f['img-width'] < $options['min-width'])) { continue; } if(vartrue($options['min-size']) && ($f['fsize'] < $options['min-size'])) { continue; } $fullpath = $tp->createConstants($f['path'].$f['fname'],1); // echo "
cat=".$cat; $insert = array( 'media_caption' => $f['fname'], 'media_description' => '', 'media_category' => $cat, 'media_datestamp' => $f['modified'], 'media_url' => $fullpath, 'media_userclass' => '0', 'media_name' => $f['fname'], 'media_author' => USERID, 'media_size' => $f['fsize'], 'media_dimensions' => vartrue($f['img-width']) ? $f['img-width']." x ".$f['img-height'] : "", 'media_usedby' => '', 'media_tags' => '', 'media_type' => $f['mime'] ); if(!$sql->select('core_media','media_url',"media_url = '".$fullpath."' LIMIT 1")) { if($sql->insert("core_media",$insert)) { $count++; $mes->addDebug("Imported Media: ".$f['fname']); } else { $mes->addError("Media not imported: ".$f['fname']); } } } // if($count) { // $mes->addSuccess("Imported {$count} Media items."); } return $this; } /** * Import icons into media-manager from specified path. * @param string $path * @return e_media */ public function importIcons($path) { $iconsrch = array(16,32,48,64); foreach($iconsrch as $size) { $types = '[a-zA-z0-9_-]+'.$size.'\.(png|PNG)$'; $this->import('_icon_'.$size, $path, $types); } $types = '[a-zA-z0-9_-]\.(svg|SVG)$'; $this->import('_icon_svg', $path, $types); return $this; } /** * Remove Media from media table * @param string $cat [optional] remove a full category of media * @return bool */ function removeCat($cat) { if(empty($cat)) { return false; } $sql = e107::getDb(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $status = ($sql->delete('core_media',"media_cat = '".$cat."'")) ? true : false; $mes->add("Removing Media in Category: ".$cat, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); return $status; } /** * Remove Media from media table * @param string $epath remove media in the specified path. * @param string $type [optional] image|icon * @return bool */ function removePath($epath, $type='image') { $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $qry = ($type == 'icon') ? " AND media_category REGEXP '_icon_16|_icon_32|_icon_48|_icon_64' " : " AND NOT media_category REGEXP '_icon_16|_icon_32|_icon_48|_icon_64' "; if(empty($epath)) { return false; } $path = $tp->createConstants($epath, 'rel'); $status = ($sql->delete('core_media',"media_url LIKE '".$path."%'".$qry)) ? TRUE : FALSE; $message = ($type == 'image') ? "Removing Media with path: ".$path : "Removing Icons with path: ".$path; $mes->add($message, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); return $status; } /** * Return a list if icons in the specified path * @param string $epath * @return array */ function listIcons($epath) { if(!$epath) return array(); $ret = array(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $path = $tp->createConstants($epath, 'rel'); $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media` WHERE `media_url` LIKE '".$path."%' AND media_category REGEXP '_icon_16|_icon_32|_icon_48|_icon_64|_icon_svg' "); while ($row = $sql->fetch()) { $ret[] = $row['media_url']; } return $ret; } /** * Create media category. * 'class' data is optional, 'id' key is ignored * * @param array $datas associative array, db keys should be passed without the leading 'media_cat_' e.g. 'class', 'type', etc. * @return integer last inserted ID or false on error */ public function createCategory($datas) { foreach ($datas as $k => $v) { $data['media_cat_'.$k] = $v; } $data['media_cat_id'] = 0; if(!isset($data['media_cat_class']) || '' === $data['media_cat_class']) { $data['media_cat_class'] = defset('e_UC_MEMBER', 253); } return e107::getDb()->insert('core_media_cat', $data); } /** * Create a user Media-Category. * @param $type string image | file | video * @param $userId int - leave empty for currently logged in user. * @param $userName string - leave blank for currently logged in user * @param $parms (optional) - for future use. * @return bool|int */ public function createUserCategory($type='image', $userId = USERID, $userName = USERNAME, $parms=null) { if($type !='image' && $type='file' && $type !='video') { return false; } unset($parms); // remove later if $parms becomes used. $cat = 'user_'.$type.'_'.intval($userId); if(!e107::getDb()->gen('SELECT media_cat_id FROM #core_media_cat WHERE media_cat_category = "'.$cat.'" LIMIT 1')) { $insert = array( 'owner' => 'user', 'category' => $cat, 'title' => $userName, 'sef' => 'media-'.eHelper::title2sef($userName), 'diz' => '', 'class' => '', 'image' => '', 'order' => '' ); return $this->createCategory($insert); } return false; } /** * Create multiple media categories in once * @param array $multi_data * @return integer number of successfully inserted records */ public function createCategories($multi_data) { $cnt = 0; foreach ($multi_data as $cats) { if($this->createCategory($cats)) $cnt++; } return $cnt; } public function deleteCategory($id) { // TODO } public function deleteAllCategories($owner='') { if($owner == '') { return null; } $sql = e107::getDb(); $sql->select('core_media_cat',"media_cat_category", "media_cat_owner = '".$owner."' "); while($row = $sql->fetch()) { $categories[] = "'".$row['media_cat_category']."'"; } if($sql->delete('core_media_cat', "media_cat_owner = '".$owner."' ")) { //TODO retrieve all category names for owner, and reset all media categories to _common. return TRUE; // return $sql->db_Update('core_media', "media_category = '_common_image' WHERE media_category IN (".implode(",",$categories).")"); } return FALSE; } /** * Return an Array of Media Categories * * @param string $owner * @return array */ public function getCategories($owner='') { $ret = array(); $qry = "SELECT * FROM #core_media_cat "; $qry .= ($owner) ? " WHERE media_cat_owner = '".$owner."' " : " (1) "; $qry .= "AND media_cat_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") "; $qry .= "ORDER BY media_cat_order"; e107::getDb()->gen($qry); while($row = e107::getDb()->fetch()) { $id = $row['media_cat_category']; $ret[$id] = $row; } return $ret; } /** * Return the total number of Images in a particular category * * @param string $cat * @param string $search * @return array */ public function countImages($cat,$search=null) { return $this->getImages($cat, 0, 'all',$search); } /** * @param string $cat * @param int $from * @param int $amount * @param string $search * @return array */ public function getFiles($cat, $from=0, $amount = null, $search = null) { return $this->getMedia('application', $cat, $from, $amount, $search); } /** * @param string $cat * @param int $from * @param int $amount * @param string $search * @return array */ public function getVideos($cat, $from=0, $amount = null, $search = null) { return $this->getMedia('video', $cat, $from, $amount, $search); } /** * @param string $cat * @param int $from * @param int $amount * @param string $search * @return array */ public function getAudios($cat='', $from=0, $amount = null, $search = null) { return $this->getMedia('audio', $cat, $from, $amount, $search); } /** * Return an array of Images in a particular category * * @param string $cat : category name. use + to include _common eg. 'news+' * @param int $from * @param int $amount * @param string $search * @param null $orderby * @return array */ public function getImages($cat='', $from=0, $amount=null, $search=null, $orderby=null) { return $this->getMedia('image', $cat, $from, $amount, $search, $orderby); } /** * Return an array of Images in a particular category * * @param string $type image|audio|video * @param string $cat : category name. use ^ to include _common eg. 'news^' * @param int $from * @param int|string $amount * @param string $search * @param string $orderby * @return array|bool */ private function getMedia($type, $cat='', $from=0, $amount=null, $search=null, $orderby=null) { // print_a($cat); // $inc = array(); $searchinc = array(); $catArray = array(); if(strpos($cat,"^") || !$cat) { $cat = str_replace("^","",$cat); $catArray[] = '_common_'.$type; } if($cat) { if(strpos($cat, "|") && !strpos($cat,"^") ) { $catArray = explode("|",$cat); } else { $catArray[] = $cat; if($type === 'image' || $type === 'audio'|| $type === 'video') { $catArray[] = $cat.'_'.$type; // BC Fix. } } } // TODO check the category is valid. if($search) { $searchinc[] = "media_name LIKE '%".$search."%' "; $searchinc[] = "media_description LIKE '%".$search."%' "; $searchinc[] = "media_caption LIKE '%".$search."%' "; $searchinc[] = "media_tags LIKE '%".$search."%' "; } $ret = array(); $fields = ($amount == 'all') ? "media_id" : "*"; $query = "SELECT ".$fields." FROM #core_media WHERE `media_category` REGEXP '(^|,)".implode("|",$catArray)."(,|$)' AND `media_userclass` IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") AND `media_type` LIKE '".$type."/%' " ; if($search) { $query .= " AND ( ".implode(" OR ",$searchinc)." ) " ; } if($orderby) { $query .= " ORDER BY " . $orderby; } else { $query .= " ORDER BY media_category ASC, media_id DESC"; // places the specified category before the _common categories. } if($amount == 'all') { return e107::getDb()->gen($query); } if($amount) { $query .= " LIMIT ".$from." ,".$amount; } e107::getDebug()->log($query); e107::getDb()->gen($query); while($row = e107::getDb()->fetch()) { $id = $row['media_id']; $ret[$id] = $row; } return $ret; } /** * Return an array of Images in a particular category * @param string $type : 16 | 32 | 48 | 64 * @param integer $from * @param integer $amount * @return array */ public function getIcons($type='', $from=0, $amount=null) { $inc = array(); if($type) { $inc[] = "media_category = '_icon_".$type."' "; } $ret = array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM #core_media WHERE media_userclass IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") AND media_category LIKE '_icon%' "; $query .= (count($inc)) ? " AND ( ".implode(" OR ",$inc)." )" : ""; $query .= " ORDER BY media_category, media_name"; if($amount) { $query .= " LIMIT ".$from." ,".$amount; } e107::getDb()->gen($query); while($row = e107::getDb()->fetch()) { $id = $row['media_id']; $ret[$id] = $row; } return $ret; } /** * Generate Simple Thumbnail window for image -selection * @deprecated Currently used only by ren_help PreImage_Select * @param string $cat * @param string $formid * @return string */ public function imageSelect($cat,$formid='imageSel') { $sql = e107::getDb(); // $tp = e107::getParser(); $text = ""; return $text; } private function mediaSelectNav($category, $tagid='', $option=null) { if(is_string($option)) { parse_str($option,$option); } $cat = varset($category) ? '&for='.$category : ""; $cat .= varset($tagid) ? '&tagid='.$tagid : ""; $cat .= varset($option['bbcode']) ? '&bbcode='.$option['bbcode'] : ""; $cat .= varset($option['limit']) ? "&limit=".$option['limit'] : ""; $cat .= varset($option['frm']) ? "&frm=".$option['frm'] : ""; $cat .= varset($option['w']) ? "&w=".$option['w'] : ""; $action = varset($option['action'],'nav'); return e_ADMIN_ABS."image.php?mode=main&action=".$action."&iframe=1".$cat."&from=0"; } /** * @deprecated by browserCarousel * @param string $category * @param null $tagid * @param null $att * @return string */ public function mediaSelect($category='',$tagid=null,$att=null) { if(is_string($att)) { parse_str($att,$option); // grab 'onclick' . } else { $option = $att; } $tp = e107::getParser(); $frm = varset($option['from']) ? $option['from'] : 0; $limit = varset($option['limit']) ? $option['limit'] : 20; // $newfrm = $frm + $limit; $bbcode = varset($option['bbcode']) ? $option['bbcode'] : null; $navMode = varset($option['nav']) ? TRUE : FALSE; $search = varset($option['search']) ? $option['search'] : null; $prevId = $tagid."_prev"; // ID of image in Form. if($category !='_icon') { $cat = ($category) ? $category : ""; // the '+' loads category '_common' as well as the chosen category. $images = $this->getImages($cat,$frm,$limit,$search); $class = "media-select-image"; $classN = "media-select-image-none"; $w = 120; // $h = 100; $total = $this->countImages($cat,$search); $onclick_clear = "parent.document.getElementById('{$tagid}').value = ''; parent.document.getElementById('".$prevId."').src = '".e_IMAGE_ABS."generic/nomedia.png'; return false;"; } else // Icons { $cat = ""; $images = $this->getIcons($cat,0,200); $class = "media-select-icon"; $classN = "media-select-icon-none"; $w = 64; // $h = 64; // $total = 500; $total = $this->countImages("_icon_16|_icon_32|_icon_48|_icon_64|_icon_svg",$search); $onclick_clear = "parent.document.getElementById('{$tagid}').value = ''; parent.document.getElementById('".$prevId."').innerHTML= ''; return false;"; } // $total_images = $this->getImages($cat); // for use by next/prev in filter at some point. $prevAtt = '&aw='.vartrue($option['w'],$w); // .'&ah=100'; // Image Parsed back to Form as PREVIEW image. $thumbAtt = 'aw=120&ah=120'; // Thumbnail of the Media-Manager Preview. // EXAMPLE of FILTER GUI. $text = ""; $dipTotal = (($frm + $limit) < $total) ? ($frm + $limit) : $total; if($navMode === false) { // $data_src = $this->mediaSelectNav($category,$tagid, "bbcode=".$bbcode)."&from=0"; $data_src = $this->mediaSelectNav($category,$tagid, $option); // ."&from=0"; // Inline style to override jquery-ui stuff. $text .= "
"; $text .= "
"; $text .= e107::getParser()->lanVars(IMALAN_162, array('x'=> $frm +1, 'y'=> $dipTotal, 'z'=>$total )); $text .= "
\n"; $text .= "
"; } $text .= "\n"; if($bbcode == null) // e107 Media Manager - new-image mode. { $text .= " ".$tp->toGlyph('fa-ban')." "; } //$w = false; // $h = false; $defaultResizeWidth = 400; if($bbcode) // ie. TinyMce Editor, not imagepicker(); { e107::getBB()->setClass($category); $defaultResizeWidth = e107::getBB()->resizeWidth(); // resize the image according to prefs. $h = e107::getBB()->resizeHeight(); e107::getBB()->clearClass(); } // print_a($option); $tp = e107::getParser(); /* $media_path : Inserted into html tags eg. $defaultResizeWidth) ? $defaultResizeWidth : intval($dbWidth); if($category === '_icon') { $class = "media-select-icon"; $media_path = $tp->replaceConstants($im['media_url']); // $tp->replaceConstants($im['media_url'],'full'); // max-size $realPath = $media_path; $img_url = $media_path; } else // Regular image. { $class = "media-select-image"; $media_path = ($w || $h) ? $tp->thumbUrl($im['media_url'], "&w={$w}") : $tp->thumbUrl($im['media_url']); // $tp->replaceConstants($im['media_url'],'full'); // max-size $realPath = $tp->thumbUrl($im['media_url'], $prevAtt); // Parsed back to Form as Preview Image. $img_url = e107::getParser()->thumbUrl($im['media_url'], $thumbAtt); } $diz = $tp->toAttribute(varset($im['media_name']))." (".str_replace(" ","", varset($im['media_dimensions'])).")"; $media_alt = $tp->toAttribute(vartrue($im['media_caption'])); if($bbcode == null) // e107 Media Manager { $onclicki = "parent.document.getElementById('{$tagid}').value = '{$im['media_url']}'; parent.document.getElementById('".$prevId."').src = '{$realPath}'; return false;"; //$onclicki = ""; $class .= " e-media-select e-dialog-close"; } else // TinyMce and textarea bbcode { $class .= " e-media-select"; $onclicki = ""; } $data_bb = ($bbcode) ? "img" : ""; $text .= ""; $text .= "\"".$im['media_title']."\""; $text .= "\n\n"; } $text .= "
"; //fixing tip icon when navigation prev/next page $text .=""; $mes = e107::getMessage(); $mes->addDebug("Target: {$tagid}"); if($navMode === false) { $text .= "
"; } return $text; } /** * @param string $oldpath - path to pre-moved file (no e107 constants) * @param string $newpath - new path to move file to (no e107 constants) * @return bool|string returns false if duplciate entry found otherwise return new path. */ function checkDupe($oldpath, $newpath) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); // $mes->addDebug("checkDupe(): newpath=".$newpath."
".print_r($upload,TRUE)); if(file_exists($newpath) && ($f = e107::getFile()->get_file_info($oldpath,TRUE))) { $this->log($newpath." already exists and will be renamed during import."); $mes->addWarning($newpath." already exists and was renamed during import."); $file = $f['pathinfo']['filename']."_.".$f['pathinfo']['extension']; $newpath = $this->getPath($f['mime']).'/'.$file; } if($sql->select("core_media","media_url","media_url LIKE '%".$tp->createConstants($newpath,'rel')."' LIMIT 1")) { // $mes->addWarning($newpath." detected in media-manager."); $this->log("Import not performed. ".$newpath." detected in media table already."); return false; //$row = $sql->fetch(); //$newpath = $row['media_url']; // causes trouble with importFile() if {e_MEDIA_CONSTANT} returned. } return $newpath; } /** * @param string|array $type array('prefix'=>'', 'pattern'=>'', 'path'=>'', 'name'=>'') * @param string $addPrefix * @return array */ function getGlyphs($type='fa4', $addPrefix = '') { $icons = array(); if($type === 'bs2' || $type === 'bs3' || $type === 'fab' || $type === 'fas') { $matches = array(); $matches['bs2'] = array( 'glass','music','search','envelope','heart','star','star-empty','user','film','th-large','th','th-list','ok', 'remove','zoom-in','zoom-out','off','signal','cog','trash','home','file','time','road','download-alt','download', 'upload','inbox','play-circle','repeat','refresh','list-alt','lock','flag','headphones','volume-off','volume-down', 'volume-up','qrcode','barcode','tag','tags','book','bookmark','print','camera','font','bold','italic','text-height', 'text-width','align-left','align-center','align-right','align-justify','list','indent-left','indent-right', 'facetime-video','picture','pencil','map-marker','adjust','tint','edit','share','check','move','step-backward', 'fast-backward','backward','play','pause','stop','forward','fast-forward','step-forward','eject','chevron-left', 'chevron-right','plus-sign','minus-sign','remove-sign','ok-sign','question-sign','info-sign','screenshot', 'remove-circle','ok-circle','ban-circle','arrow-left','arrow-right','arrow-up','arrow-down','share-alt', 'resize-full','resize-small','plus','minus','asterisk','exclamation-sign','gift','leaf','fire','eye-open', 'eye-close','warning-sign','plane','calendar','random','comment','magnet','chevron-up','chevron-down', 'retweet','shopping-cart','folder-close','folder-open','resize-vertical','resize-horizontal','hdd', 'bullhorn','bell','certificate','thumbs-up','thumbs-down','hand-right','hand-left','hand-up','hand-down', 'circle-arrow-right','circle-arrow-left','circle-arrow-up','circle-arrow-down','globe','wrench','tasks', 'filter','briefcase','fullscreen' ); $matches['bs3'] = array( 'adjust','align-center','align-justify','align-left','align-right','arrow-down','arrow-left','arrow-right','arrow-up','asterisk','backward','ban-circle','barcode','bell','bold','book ','bookmark','briefcase','bullhorn','calendar','camera','certificate','check','chevron-down','chevron-left','chevron-right','chevron-up','circle-arrow-down','circle-arrow-left','circle-arrow-right ','circle-arrow-up','cloud','cloud-download','cloud-upload','cog','collapse-down','collapse-up','comment','compressed','copyright-mark','credit-card','cutlery','dashboard','download','download-alt ','earphone','edit','eject','envelope','euro','exclamation-sign','expand','export','eye-close','eye-open','facetime-video','fast-backward','fast-forward','file','film','filter','fire','flag ','flash','floppy-disk','floppy-open','floppy-remove','floppy-save','floppy-saved','folder-close','folder-open','font','forward','fullscreen','gbp','gift ','glass','globe','hand-down','hand-left','hand-right','hand-up','hd-video','hdd','header','headphones','heart','heart-empty','home','import','inbox','indent-left','indent-right','info-sign','italic','leaf','link','list ','list-alt','lock','log-in','log-out','magnet','map-marker','minus','minus-sign','move','music','new-window','off','ok','ok-circle','ok-sign','open','paperclip','pause','pencil','phone','phone-alt','picture ','plane','play','play-circle','plus','plus-sign','print','pushpin','qrcode','question-sign','random','record','refresh','registration-mark','remove','remove-circle','remove-sign','repeat','resize-full','resize-horizontal ','resize-small','resize-vertical','retweet','road','save','saved','screenshot','sd-video','search','send','share','share-alt','shopping-cart','signal','sort','sort-by-alphabet','sort-by-alphabet-alt ','sort-by-attributes','sort-by-attributes-alt','sort-by-order','sort-by-order-alt','sound-5-1','sound-6-1','sound-7-1','sound-dolby','sound-stereo','star','stats','step-backward','step-forward','stop ','subtitles','tag','tags','tasks','text-height','text-width','th','th-large','th-list','thumbs-down','thumbs-up','time','tint','tower','transfer','trash','tree-conifer','tree-deciduous','unchecked','upload ','usd','user','volume-down','volume-off','volume-up','warning-sign','wrench','zoom-in','zoom-out' ); $matches['fab'] = array( "500px", "accessible-icon", "accusoft", "acquisitions-incorporated", "adn", "adobe", "adversal", "affiliatetheme", "algolia", "alipay", "amazon", "amazon-pay", "amilia", "android", "angellist", "angrycreative", "angular", "app-store", "app-store-ios", "apper", "apple", "apple-pay", "artstation", "asymmetrik", "atlassian", "audible", "autoprefixer", "avianex", "aviato", "aws", "bandcamp", "behance", "behance-square", "bimobject", "bitbucket", "bitcoin", "bity", "black-tie", "blackberry", "blogger", "blogger-b", "bluetooth", "bluetooth-b", "btc", "buromobelexperte", "buysellads", "canadian-maple-leaf", "cc-amazon-pay", "cc-amex", "cc-apple-pay", "cc-diners-club", "cc-discover", "cc-jcb", "cc-mastercard", "cc-paypal", "cc-stripe", "cc-visa", "centercode", "centos", "chrome", "cloudscale", "cloudsmith", "cloudversify", "codepen", "codiepie", "confluence", "connectdevelop", "contao", "cpanel", "creative-commons", "creative-commons-by", "creative-commons-nc", "creative-commons-nc-eu", "creative-commons-nc-jp", "creative-commons-nd", "creative-commons-pd", "creative-commons-pd-alt", "creative-commons-remix", "creative-commons-sa", "creative-commons-sampling", "creative-commons-sampling-plus", "creative-commons-share", "creative-commons-zero", "critical-role", "css3", "css3-alt", "cuttlefish", "d-and-d", "d-and-d-beyond", "dashcube", "delicious", "deploydog", "deskpro", "dev", "deviantart", "dhl", "diaspora", "digg", "digital-ocean", "discord", "discourse", "dochub", "docker", "draft2digital", "dribbble", "dribbble-square", "dropbox", "drupal", "dyalog", "earlybirds", "ebay", "edge", "elementor", "ello", "ember", "empire", "envira", "erlang", "ethereum", "etsy", "expeditedssl", "facebook", "facebook-f", "facebook-messenger", "facebook-square", "fantasy-flight-games", "fedex", "fedora", "figma", "firefox", "first-order", "first-order-alt", "firstdraft", "flickr", "flipboard", "fly", "font-awesome", "font-awesome-alt", "font-awesome-flag", "font-awesome-logo-full", "fonticons", "fonticons-fi", "fort-awesome", "fort-awesome-alt", "forumbee", "foursquare", "free-code-camp", "freebsd", "fulcrum", "galactic-republic", "galactic-senate", "get-pocket", "gg", "gg-circle", "git", "git-square", "github", "github-alt", "github-square", 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$type['prefix']; $pattern = $type['pattern']; $path = $type['path']; $type = $type['name']; } $cache = e107::getCache(); $cachTag = !empty($addPrefix) ? "Glyphs_".$addPrefix."_".$type : "Glyphs_".$type; if($data = $cache->retrieve($cachTag ,360,true,true)) { return e107::unserialize($data); } if($type === 'fa4') { $pattern = '/\.(fa-(?:\w+(?:-)?)+):before/'; $path = e107::getLibrary()->getPath('fontawesome'); $subject = file_get_contents($path.'css/font-awesome.css'); $prefix = 'fa-'; } elseif($type === 'fa3') { $pattern = '/\.(icon-(?:\w+(?:-)?)+):before/'; $subject = file_get_contents(e_WEB_JS.'font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css'); $prefix = 'fa-'; } elseif(!empty($pattern) && !empty($path)) { $pattern = '/'.$pattern.'/'; if(substr($path,0,4) === 'http') { $subject = e107::getFile()->getRemoteContent($path); } else { $path = e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($path); $subject = file_get_contents($path); } } $prefixLength = !empty($prefix) ? strlen($prefix) : 3; if(!empty($pattern) && !empty($subject)) { preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach($matches as $match) { $icons[] = $addPrefix.substr($match[1],$prefixLength); } } if(empty($icons)) // failed to produce a result so don't cache it. . { return array(); } $data = e107::serialize($icons,'json'); $cache->set_sys($cachTag ,$data,true,true); return $icons; } public function getPath($mime, $path=null) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); list($pmime,$tmp) = explode('/',$mime); unset($tmp); if(empty($this->mimePaths[$pmime])) { $this->log("Couldn't detect mime-type ($mime)."); $text = $text = str_replace('[x]',$mime,IMALAN_111); //FIXME LAN IMALAN_112 is not generic. This method can be called from anywhere, not only e107_admin/image.php. $mes->add($text, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return FALSE; } if(!empty($path)) { $dir = e_MEDIA."plugins/".e107::getParser()->filter($path,'w'); } else { $dir = $this->mimePaths[$pmime].date("Y-m"); } if(!is_dir($dir)) { if(!mkdir($dir, 0755,true)) { $this->log("Couldn't create folder ($dir)."); $text = str_replace('[x]',$dir,IMALAN_112); $mes->add($text, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return FALSE; } } return $dir; } /** * detected Media Type from Media URL * @param string $mediaURL * @return int|string */ public function detectType($mediaURL) { $type = pathinfo($mediaURL,PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if($type == 'glyph') { return 'glyph'; } foreach($this->mimeExtensions as $key=>$exts) { if(!in_array($type, $exts)) { continue; } return $key; } return null; } /** * @param string $default eg. {e_MEDIA_VIDEO}2018-10/myvideo.mp4 * @param array $options * @return bool|string */ public function previewTag($default, $options=array()) { $tp = e107::getParser(); $type = !empty($options['type']) ? $options['type'] : $this->detectType($default); $width = vartrue($options['w'], 220); $height = vartrue($options['h'], 190); $crop = vartrue($options['crop'], 0); $preview = ''; switch($type) { case "video": $preview = $tp->toVideo($default, array('w'=>$width, 'h'=> ($height - 50))); // $previewURL = $tp->toVideo($default, array('mode'=>'url')); break; case "audio": $preview = $tp->toAudio($default); // $previewURL = false; break; case "image": $preview = $tp->toImage($default, array('w'=>$width, 'h'=>$height, 'crop'=>$crop, 'class'=>'image-selector img-responsive img-fluid', 'legacy'=>varset($options['legacyPath']))); // $previewURL = $tp->thumbUrl($default, array('w'=>800)); break; case "application": // file. // $preview = $tp->toImage($default, array('w'=>$width, 'h'=>$height, 'class'=>'image-selector img-responsive img-fluid')); // $previewURL = $tp->thumbUrl($default, array('w'=>800)); break; case "glyph": $preview = $tp->toGlyph($default); break; case "icon": $preview = $tp->toIcon($default); // $previewURL = false; break; default: // blank $preview = null; } return $preview; } public function mediaData($sc_path) { if(!$sc_path) return array(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $path = e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($sc_path); if(!is_readable($path)) { $mes->addError("Couldn't read file: {$path}"); $this->log("Couldn't read file: {$path}"); return FALSE; } $info = e107::getFile()->get_file_info($path); $this->log("File info for $path : ".print_r($info,true)); return array( 'media_type' => vartrue($info['mime']), 'media_datestamp' => time(), 'media_url' => e107::getParser()->createConstants($info['fullpath'], 'rel'), 'media_size' => filesize($info['fullpath']), 'media_author' => USERID, 'media_usedby' => '', 'media_tags' => '', 'media_dimensions' => $info['img-width']." x ".$info['img-height'] ); } public function log($message) { if($this->logging == false) return; $insert = "\n\n".date('r')."\n".$message; file_put_contents(e_LOG."mediaUpload.log",$insert,FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } /** * Import a file into the Media Manager * @param string $file Path to file * @param string $category media-category to import into * @param null|array $opts('path'=> Custom Folder (optional)) * @param array $new_data - Additional media info to save. * @return bool|string */ public function importFile($file='', $category='_common_image', $opts = null, $new_data = array()) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); if(is_array($opts)) { $uploadPath = varset($opts['path']); $oldpath = null; } else { $uploadPath = null; $oldpath = $opts; } if(empty($oldpath)) $oldpath = e_IMPORT.$file; if(!file_exists($oldpath)) { // Check it hasn't been imported already. if($newpath = $this->checkDupe($oldpath, $file)) { $this->log("Line: ".__LINE__." Couldn't find the file: ".$oldpath); return $newpath; } $this->log("Line: ".__LINE__." Couldn't find the file: ".$oldpath); $mes->addError("Couldn't find the file: ".$oldpath); return false; } $img_data = $this->mediaData($oldpath); // Basic File Info only if($category === '_icon') { $typePath = rtrim(e_MEDIA_ICON,'/'); } elseif(!$typePath = $this->getPath($img_data['media_type'], $uploadPath)) { $this->log("Line: ".__LINE__." Couldn't generate path from file info:".$oldpath); $mes->addError("Couldn't generate path from file info:".$oldpath); return false; } if(!$newpath = $this->checkDupe($oldpath,$typePath.'/'. $tp->filter($file,'file'))) { return $tp->createConstants($typePath.'/'.$file,'rel'); } $newpath = $this->checkFileExtension($newpath, $img_data['media_type']); if(!rename($oldpath, $newpath)) // e_MEDIA.$newpath was working before. { $this->log("Couldn't move file from ".realpath($oldpath)." to ".e_MEDIA.$newpath); $mes->add("Couldn't move file from ".$oldpath." to ".$newpath, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return false; } if($category === '_icon') // convert to _icon_16, _icon_32 etc. { $category = $this->getIconCategory($img_data); } $img_data['media_url'] = $tp->createConstants($newpath,'rel'); $img_data['media_name'] = $tp->toDB(basename($newpath)); $img_data['media_caption'] = vartrue($new_data['media_caption']); $img_data['media_category'] = vartrue($category,'_common_image'); $img_data['media_description'] = vartrue($new_data['media_description']); $img_data['media_userclass'] = '0'; if($sql->insert("core_media",$img_data)) { $mes->add("Importing Media: ".$file, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); $this->log("Importing Media: ".$file." successful"); return $img_data['media_url']; } else { $this->log("Db Insert Failed: ".var_export($img_data,true)); rename($newpath,$oldpath); //move it back. return false; } } /** * Calculate Icon Category from image meta data. * @param array $img image meta data. * @return string */ private function getIconCategory($img) { if($img['media_type'] == 'image/svg+xml') { return "_icon_svg"; } $sizes = array(16,32,48,64); $dimensions = $img['media_dimensions']; foreach($sizes as $dim) { list($w,$h) = explode(" x ", $dimensions); if($w == $dim || $h == $dim) { return "_icon_".$dim; } } return "_icon_64"; // default. } /** * Check File-name against mime-type and add missing extension if necessary. * @param $path * @param $mime * @return string */ public function checkFileExtension($path, $mime) { if(empty($mime)) { return $path; } $ext = e107::getFile()->getFileExtension($mime); $len = strlen($ext); if($ext && (substr($path,- $len) != $ext)) { return $path.$ext; } else { return $path; } } private function browserCarouselItemSelector($data) { // $close = (E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) ? "" : " data-close='true' "; // // $select = (E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) ? '' : " "; $close = ''; $select = ''; if(!empty($data['close']) && E107_DEBUG_LEVEL < 1) { $select .= "e-dialog-close"; $close = " data-close='true' "; } // e-dialog-save $style = varset($data['style']); $class = varset($data['class']); $dataPreview = !empty($data['previewHtml']) ? base64_encode($data['previewHtml']) : ''; return ""; } function browserCarouselItem($row = array()) { $tp = e107::getParser(); $defaultThumb = $tp->thumbUrl('','w=400&h=240'); $default = array( 'width' => 200, 'height' => 113, 'id' => '', 'type' => 'image', 'tagid' => '', 'saveValue' => '', 'previewUrl' => $defaultThumb , 'previewHtml' => null, 'thumbUrl' => $defaultThumb, 'title' => '', 'gridClass' => 'span2 col-md-2', 'bbcode' => '', 'tooltip' => '', 'close' => true // close modal window after item selected ); $data = array(); foreach($default as $k=>$v) { $data[$k] = isset($row[$k]) ? $row[$k] : $default[$k]; } $text = "\n\n \n\n\n"; return $text; } /** * @param $slides * @param $uniqueID * @return string */ function browserIndicators($slides, $uniqueID) { if(count($slides)<1) { return ''; } $indicators = ''; return $indicators; } /** * Retriveve a Media-Manager thumbnail which was saved from a remote location. . * @param $id * @return bool|string */ function getThumb($id) { $id = trim($id); $filename = 'temp/thumb-'.md5($id).".jpg"; $filepath = e_MEDIA.$filename; if(file_exists($filepath)) { return e107::getParser()->createConstants($filepath); } e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Couldn't find ".$filepath); return false; } /** * Save a Media-Manager thumbnail from remote location. * @param string $imageUrl * @param string $id * @return bool|string */ function saveThumb($imageUrl='',$id='') { if(empty($id) || empty($imageUrl)) { return false; } $filename = 'temp/thumb-'.md5($id).".jpg"; $filepath = e_MEDIA.$filename; if(!file_exists($filepath)) { e107::getFile()->getRemoteFile($imageUrl, $filename,'media'); } return $filepath; } /** * Carousel Item Browser. * @param array|string $data - array for items or string for an error alert. * @param array $parm * @return string */ function browserCarousel($data,$parm=null) { /* Fix for Bootstrap2 margin-left issue when wrapping */ e107::css('inline',' .row-fluid .media-carousel.span6:nth-child(2n + 3) { margin-left : 0px; } .row-fluid .media-carousel.span4:nth-child(3n + 4) { margin-left : 0px; } .row-fluid .media-carousel.span3:nth-child(4n + 5) { margin-left : 0px; } .row-fluid .media-carousel.span2:nth-child(6n + 7) { margin-left : 0px; } '); // $frm = e107::getForm(); // $text .= print_a($_GET,true); $data_src = $this->mediaSelectNav($parm['category'], $parm['tagid'], $parm); $carouselID = 'media-carousel-'.$parm['action']; $searchToolttip = (empty($parm['searchTooltip'])) ? IMALAN_186 : $parm['searchTooltip']; //$text = "