Please contact the site administrator for more details.");
define("LAN_FPW8","The password for username");
define("LAN_FPW9","has been successfully changed.
The new password is:");
define("LAN_FPW11","log in now");
define("LAN_FPW12","and immediately change your password, for security purposes.");
define("LAN_FPW13", "please follow the instructions in the email to validate your password.");
define("LAN_FPW14", "has been submitted by someone with the IP of");
define("LAN_FPW15", "This does not mean your password has yet been reset. You must navigate to the link shown below to complete the reset process.");
define("LAN_FPW16", "If you did not request to have your password reset and you do NOT want it reset, you may simply ignore this email");
define("LAN_FPW17", "The link below will be valid for 48 hours.");