logTime('(Start boot.php)'); if(!e107::isCli()) { header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8', TRUE); } define('ADMINFEED', 'https://e107.org/adminfeed'); if(!empty($_GET['iframe']) && !defined('e_IFRAME')) // global iframe support. { define('e_IFRAME', true); } // .e-sef-generate routine. if(e_AJAX_REQUEST && ADMIN && defset('e_ADMIN_UI') && varset($_POST['mode']) == 'sef' && !empty($_POST['source'])) { $d = array('converted'=> eHelper::title2sef($_POST['source'])); echo json_encode($d); exit; } if(e_AJAX_REQUEST && getperms('0') && varset($_GET['mode']) == 'core' && ($_GET['type'] == 'update')) { require_once(e_ADMIN.'update_routines.php'); e107::getSession()->set('core-update-checked',false); $status = update_check() === true; e107::getSession()->set('core-update-status',$status); echo json_encode($status); exit; } if(e_AJAX_REQUEST && getperms('0') && varset($_GET['mode']) == 'addons' && ($_GET['type'] == 'update')) { if(!E107_DEBUG_LEVEL) { e107::getSession()->set('addons-update-checked',true); } /** @var admin_shortcodes $sc */ $sc = e107::getScBatch('admin'); $themes = $sc->getUpdateable('theme'); $plugins = $sc->getUpdateable('plugin'); $text = $sc->renderAddonUpdate($plugins); $text .= $sc->renderAddonUpdate($themes); if(empty($text)) { exit; } $ns = e107::getRender(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $ns->setUniqueId('e-addon-updates'); $ns->setStyle('warning'); $ret = $ns->tablerender($tp->toGlyph('fa-arrow-circle-o-down').LAN_UPDATE_AVAILABLE,$text,'default', true); echo $ret; if(!E107_DEBUG_LEVEL) { e107::getSession()->set('addons-update-status',$ret); } exit; } if(e_AJAX_REQUEST && ADMIN && varset($_GET['mode']) == 'core' && ($_GET['type'] == 'feed')) { $limit = 3; if($data = e107::getXml()->getRemoteFile(ADMINFEED,3)) { // print_a($data); $rows = e107::getXml()->parseXml($data, 'advanced'); $defaultImg = $rows['channel']['image']['url']; $text = '
'; $count = 1; $tp = e107::getParser(); foreach($rows['channel']['item'] as $row) { if($count > $limit){ break; } $description = $tp->toText($row['description']); $text .= '

'.$row['title'].' — '.$row['pubDate'].'

'; $count++; } $text .= '
'; echo $text; } /*else { if(e_DEBUG) { echo "Feed failed: ".ADMINFEED; } }*/ exit; } if(ADMIN && (e_AJAX_REQUEST || deftrue('e_DEBUG_FEEDS')) && varset($_GET['mode']) == 'addons' ) { $type = ($_GET['type'] == 'plugin') ? 'plugin' : 'theme'; $tag = 'Infopanel_'.$type; $cache = e107::getCache(); $feed = 'https://e107.org/feed/?limit=3&type='.$type; if($text = $cache->retrieve($tag,180,true, true)) // check every 3 hours. { echo $text; if(e_DEBUG === true) { echo "Cached"; } exit; } if($data = e107::getXml()->getRemoteFile($feed,3)) { $rows = e107::getXml()->parseXml($data, 'advanced'); // print_a($rows); // exit; $link = ($type == 'plugin') ? e_ADMIN."plugin.php?mode=online" : e_ADMIN."theme.php?mode=main&action=online"; $text = "
"; foreach($rows[$type] as $val) { $meta = $val['@attributes']; $img = ($type == 'theme') ? $meta['thumbnail'] : $meta['icon']; $text .= '
'; $text .= '

'.$meta['name'].' v'.$meta['version'].' — '.$meta['author'].'

'; $text .= '
'; } $text .= "
"; $text .= "
"; echo $text; $cache->set($tag, $text, true, null, true); } exit; } ### Language files e107::coreLan('header', true); e107::coreLan('footer', true); // DEPRECATED - plugins should load their lans manually // plugin autoload, will be removed in the future! // here mostly because of BC reasons //if(!deftrue('e_MINIMAL')) { $_globalLans = e107::pref('core', 'lan_global_list'); $_plugins = e107::getPref('plug_installed'); $plugDir = e107::getFolder('plugins'); if(strpos(e_REQUEST_URI,$plugDir) !== false && !deftrue('e_ADMIN_UI') && !empty($_plugins) && !empty($_globalLans) && is_array($_plugins) && (count($_plugins) > 0)) { $_plugins = array_keys($_plugins); foreach ($_plugins as $_p) { if(defset('e_CURRENT_PLUGIN') != $_p) { continue; } if(in_array($_p, $_globalLans)) // filter out those with globals unless we are in a plugin folder. { continue; } e107::getDebug()->logTime('[boot.php: Loading LANS for '.$_p.']'); e107::loadLanFiles($_p, 'admin'); } } } // Get Icon constants, theme override (theme/templates/admin_icons_template.php) is allowed e107::getDebug()->logTime('[boot.php: Loading admin_icons]'); e107::loadAdminIcons(); e107::getDebug()->logTime('[boot.php: After Loading admin_icons]'); if(!defset('e_ADMIN_UI') && !defset('e_PAGETITLE')) { e107::getDebug()->logTime('[boot.php: Loading adminLinks(\'legacy\')]'); $array_functions = e107::getNav()->adminLinks('legacy'); // replacement see e107_handlers/sitelinks.php foreach($array_functions as $val) { $link = str_replace("../","",$val[0]); //if(strpos(e_SELF,$link)!==FALSE) // { // define('e_PAGETITLE',$val[1]); // } } } if (!defined('ADMIN_WIDTH')) //BC Only { define('ADMIN_WIDTH', "width:100%;"); } /** * @deprecated * @param integer|bool $update return result of db::db_Query * @param string $type update|insert|update * @param string|bool $success forced success message * @param string|bool $failed forced error message * @param bool $output false suppress any function output * @return integer|bool db::db_Query result */ function admin_update($update, $type = 'update', $success = false, $failed = false, $output = true) { $message = "admin_update() is deprecated (). Use e107::getMessage()->addAuto(); instead. "; e107::getMessage()->addDebug($message); trigger_error($message); return e107::getMessage()->addAuto($update, $type, $success , $failed , $output); } function admin_purge_related($table, $id) { $ns = e107::getRender(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $msg = ""; $tp->parseTemplate(""); // Delete any related comments require_once (e_HANDLER."comment_class.php"); $_com = new comment; $num = $_com->delete_comments($table, $id); if ($num) { $msg .= $num." ".LAN_COMMENTS." ".LAN_DELETED."
"; } // Delete any related ratings require_once (e_HANDLER."rate_class.php"); $_rate = new rater; $num = $_rate->delete_ratings($table, $id); if ($num) { $msg .= LAN_RATING." ".LAN_DELETED."
"; } if ($msg) { $ns->tablerender(LAN_DELETE, $msg); } } // legacy vars, will be removed soon $ns = e107::getRender(); $e107_var = array(); /** * @deprecated Left in for BC for now. Use admin-ui instead. * @param $title * @param $active_page * @param $e107_vars * @param array $tmpl * @param false $sub_link * @param false $sortlist * @return string|null */ function e_admin_menu($title, $active_page, $e107_vars, $tmpl = array(), $sub_link = false, $sortlist = false) { if (!$tmpl) { $tmpl = e107::getCoreTemplate('admin', 'menu', false); } return e107::getNav()->admin($title, $active_page, $e107_vars, $tmpl, $sub_link , $sortlist ); } /* * DEPRECATED - use e_adm/in_menu() e107::getNav()->admin */ if (!function_exists('show_admin_menu')) { /** * @deprecated Use admin-ui instead. * @param $title * @param $active_page * @param $vars * @param false $js * @param false $sub_link * @param false $sortlist * @return string|null */ function show_admin_menu($title, $active_page, $var, $js = FALSE, $sub_link = FALSE, $sortlist = FALSE) { unset($js,$sub_link); if(!isset($var['_extras_']['icon']) && deftrue('e_CURRENT_PLUGIN')) { $var['_extras_'] = array('icon'=> e107::getPlug()->load(e_CURRENT_PLUGIN)->getIcon(24), 'return'=>false); } return e107::getNav()->admin($title, $active_page, $var, false, false, $sortlist); } } // parse_admin() has been replaced by e107::renderLayout()