toDB() - 'intval' - converts to an integer - 'image' - checks image for size - 'avatar' - checks an image in the avatars directory 'stripTags' - strips HTML tags from the value (not an error if there are some) 'minLength' - minimum length (in utf-8 characters) for the string 'maxLength' - minimum length (in utf-8 characters) for the string 'minVal' - lowest allowed value for numerics 'maxVal' - highest allowed value for numerics 'longTrim' - if set, and the string exceeds maxLength, its trimmed 'enablePref' - value is processed only if the named $pref evaluates to true; otherwise any input is discarded without error 'dataType' - selects special processing methods: 1 - array of numerics (e.g. class membership) In general, only define an option if its to be used */ class validatorClass { // Passed an array of 'source' fields and an array of definitions to validate. The definition may include the name of a validation function. // Returns three arrays - one of validated results, one of failed fields and one of errors corresponding to the failed fields // Normally processes only those source fields it finds (and for which it has a definition). If $addDefaults is true, sets defaults for those that have // and aren't otherwise defined. function validateFields(&$sourceFields, &$definitions, $addDefaults = FALSE) { global $tp, $pref; $ret = array('data' => array(), 'failed' => array(), 'errors' => array()); foreach ($definitions as $dest => $defs) { $errNum = 0; // Start with no error if(!is_array($defs)) //default rule - dbClean -> toDB { $defs = array('dbClean', ($defs ? $defs : 'toDB')); } $src = varset($defs['srcName'],$dest); // Set source field name if (!isset($sourceFields[$src])) { if ($addDefaults) { if (isset($defs['default'])) { $ret['data'] = $defs['default']; // Set default value if one is specified } //...otherwise don't add the value at all } else { $ret['errors'][$dest] = ERR_MISSING_VALUE; // No source value } } else { // Got a field we want, and some data to validate here $value = $sourceFields[$src]; if (!$errNum && isset($defs['enablePref'])) { // Only process this field if a specified pref enables it if (!varsettrue($pref[$defs['enablePref']])) { continue; // Just loop to the next field - ignore this one. } } if (!$errNum && isset($defs['stripTags'])) { $newValue = trim(strip_tags($value)); if ($newValue <> $value) { $errNum = ERR_INVALID_CHARS; } $value = $newValue; } if (!$errNum && isset($defs['stripChars'])) { $newValue = trim(preg_replace($defs['stripChars'], "", $value)); if ($newValue <> $value) { //echo "Invalid: {$newValue} :: {$value}
"; $errNum = ERR_INVALID_CHARS; } $value = $newValue; } if (!$errNum && isset($defs['minLength']) && ($tp->uStrLen($value) < $defs['minLength'])) { if ($value == '') { $errNum = ERR_MISSING_VALUE; } else { $errNum = ERR_TOO_SHORT; } } if (!$errNum && isset($defs['maxLength']) && $tp->uStrLen($value) > $defs['maxLength']) { if (varsettrue($defs['longtrim'])) { $value = substr($value,0,$defs['maxLength']); } else { $errNum = ERR_TOO_LONG; } } if (!$errNum && isset($defs['minVal']) && ($value < $defs['minVal'])) { $errNum = ERR_TOO_LOW; } if (!$errNum && isset($defs['maxVal']) && ($value < $defs['maxVal'])) { $errNum = ERR_TOO_HIGH; } if (!$errNum && isset($defs['fixedBlock'])) { $newValue = $tp->uStrToLower($value); $temp = explode(',',$defs['fixedBlock']); foreach ($temp as $t) { if ($newValue == $tp->uStrToLower($t)) { $errNum = ERR_INVALID_WORD; break; } } } if (!$errNum && isset($defs['dataType'])) { switch ($defs['dataType']) { case 1 : // Assumes we're passed an array variable to be turned into a comma-separated list of integers if (is_array($value)) { $temp = array(); foreach ($value as $v) { if (ctype_digit(trim($v))) { $temp[] = intval($v); } } $value = implode(',',array_unique($temp)); } else { $errNum = ERR_ARRAY_EXPECTED; } break; case 2 : // Assumes we're processing a dual password field - array name for second value is one more than for first $src2 = substr($src,0,-1).(substr($src,-1,1) + 1); if (!isset($sourceFields[$src2]) || ($sourceFields[$src2] != $value)) { $errNum = ERR_PASSWORDS_DIFFERENT; } break; default : $errNum = ERR_CODE_ERROR; // Pick up bad values } } if (!$errNum) { if (isset($defs['dbClean'])) { switch ($defs['dbClean']) { case 'toDB' : $value = $tp->toDB($value); break; case 'intval' : $value = intval($value); break; case 'avatar' : // Special case of an image - may be found in the avatars directory if (preg_match('#[0-9\._]#', $value)) { if (strpos('-upload-', $value) === 0) { $img = e_FILE.'public/avatars/'.$value; // Its a server-stored image } else { $img = $value; // Its a remote image } } // Deliberately fall through into normal image processing case 'image' : // File is an image name. $img may be set if we fall through from 'avatar' option - its the 'true' path to the image if (!isset($img) && isset($defs['imagePath'])) { $img = $defs['imagePath'].$value; } $img = varset($img,$value); if ($size = getimagesize($img)) { // echo "Image {$img} size: {$size[0]} x {$size[1]}
"; if (isset($defs['maxWidth']) && $size[0] > $defs['maxWidth']) { // Image too wide $errNum = ERR_IMAGE_TOO_WIDE; } if (isset($defs['maxHeight']) && $size[1] > $defs['maxHeight']) { // Image too high $errNum = ERR_IMAGE_TOO_HIGH; } } else { // echo "Image {$img} not found or cannot size - original value {$value}
"; } unset($img); break; default : echo "Invalid dbClean method: {$defs['dbClean']}
"; // Debug message } } $ret['data'][$dest] = $value; // Success!! } } if ($errNum) { // error to report $ret['errors'][$dest] = $errNum; if ($defs['dataType'] == 2) { $ret['failed'][$dest] = str_repeat('*',strlen($sourceFields[$src])); // Save value with error - obfuscated } else { $ret['failed'][$dest] = $sourceFields[$src]; // Save value with error } } } return $ret; } /* // Validate data against a DB table // Inspects the passed array of user data (not necessarily containing all possible fields) and validates against the DB where appropriate. // Just skips over fields for which we don't have a validation routine without an error // The target array is as returned from validateFields(), so has 'data', 'failed' and 'errors' first-level sub-arrays // All the 'vetting methods' begin 'vet', and don't overlap with validateFields(), so the same definition array may be used for both // Similarly, error numbers don't overlap with validateFields() // Typically checks for unacceptable duplicates, banned users etc // Any errors are reflected by updating the passed array. // Returns TRUE if all data validates, FALSE if any field fails to validate. Checks all fields which are present, regardless // For some things we need to know the user_id of the data being validated, so may return an error if that isn't specified Parameters: 'vetMethod' - see list below. To use more than one method, specify comma-separated 'vetParam' - possible parameter for some vet methods Valid 'vetMethod' values (use comma separated list for multiple vetting): 0 - Null method 1 - Check for duplicates - field name in table must be the same as array index unless 'dbFieldName' specifies otherwise 2 - Check against the comma-separated wordlist in the $pref named in vetParam['signup_disallow_text'] 3 - Check email address against remote server, only if option enabled */ function dbValidateArray(&$targetData, &$definitions, $targetTable, $userID = 0) { global $pref; $u_sql = new db; $allOK = TRUE; $userID = intval($userID); // Precautionary if (!$targetTable) return FALSE; foreach ($targetData['data'] as $f => $v) { $errMsg = ''; if (isset($definitions[$f])) { $options = $definitions[$f]; // Validation options to use if (isset($options['vetMethod'])) { $toDo = explode(',',$options['vetMethod']); foreach ($toDo as $vm) { switch ($vm) { case 0 : // Shouldn't get this - just do nothing if we do break; case 1 : // Check for duplicates. if ($v == '') { $errMsg = ERR_MISSING_VALUE; break; } $field = varset($options['dbFieldName'],$f); if ($temp = $u_sql->db_Count($targetTable, "(*)", "WHERE `{$f}`='".$v."' AND `user_id` != ".$userID)) { $errMsg = ERR_DUPLICATE; } // echo "Duplicate check: {$f} = {$v} Result: {$temp}
"; break; case 2 : // Check against $pref if (isset($options['vetParam']) && isset($pref[$options['vetParam']])) { $tmp = explode(",", $pref[$options['vetParam']]); foreach($tmp as $disallow) { if(stristr($v, trim($disallow))) { $errMsg = ERR_DISALLOWED_TEXT; } } unset($tmp); } break; case 3 : // Check email address against remote server if (varsettrue($pref['signup_remote_emailcheck'])) { require_once(e_HANDLER."mail_validation_class.php"); list($adminuser,$adminhost) = split ("@", SITEADMINEMAIL); $validator = new email_validation_class; $validator->localuser= $adminuser; $validator->localhost= $adminhost; $validator->timeout=3; // $validator->debug=1; // $validator->html_debug=1; if($validator->ValidateEmailBox(trim($v)) != 1) { $errMsg = ERR_INVALID_EMAIL; } } break; default : echo 'Invalid vetMethod: '.$options['vetMethod'].'
'; // Really a debug aid - should never get here } if ($errMsg) { break; } // Just trap first error } // Add in other validation methods here } } if ($errMsg) { // Update the error $targetData['errors'][$f] = $errMsg; $targetData['failed'][$f] = $v; unset($targetData['data'][$f]); // Remove the valid entry $allOK = FALSE; } } return $allOK; } // Given a comma-separated string of required fields, and an array of data, adds an error message for each field which doesn't already have an entry. // Returns TRUE if no changes (which doesn't mean there are no errors - other routines may have found them). FALSE if new errors function checkMandatory($fieldList, &$target) { $fields = explode(',', $fieldList); $allOK = TRUE; foreach ($fields as $f) { if (!isset($target['data'][$f]) && !isset($target['errors'][$f])) { $allOK = FALSE; $targetData['errors'][$f] = ERR_MISSING_VALUE; } } return $allOK; } // Adds the _FIELD_TYPES array to the data, ready for saving in the DB. // $fieldList is the standard definition array function addFieldTypes($fieldList, &$target, $auxList=FALSE) { $target['_FIELD_TYPES'] = array(); // We should always want to recreate the array, even if it exists foreach ($target['data'] as $k => $v) { if (isset($fieldList[$k]) && isset($fieldList[$k]['fieldType'])) { $target['_FIELD_TYPES'][$k] = $fieldList[$k]['fieldType']; } elseif (is_array($auxList) && isset($auxList[$k])) { $target['_FIELD_TYPES'][$k] = $auxList[$k]; } } } // Given two arrays, returns an array of those elements in $input which are different from the corresponding element in $refs. // If $addMissing == TRUE, includes any element in $input for which there isn't a corresponding element in $refs function findChanges(&$input, &$refs, $addMissing = FALSE) { $ret = array(); foreach ($input as $k => $v) { if (array_key_exists($k, $refs)) { if ($refs[$k] != $v) { $ret[$k] = $v; } } else { if ($addMissing) { $ret[$k] = $v; } } } return $ret; } // Given a vetted array of variables, generates a list of errors using the specified format string. // %n is the error number (as stored on the array) // %t is the corresponding error message, made by concatenating $constPrefix and the error number to form a constant (e.g. $constPrefix = 'USER_ERROR_') // %v calls up the entered value // %f is the field name // %x is the 'nice name' - possible if parameter list passed. Otherwise field name added // $EOL is inserted after all messages except the last. // If $EOL is an empty string, returns an array of messages. function makeErrorList($vars, $constPrefix, $format = '%n - %x %t: %v', $EOL = '
', $niceNames = NULL) { if (count($vars['errors']) == 0) return ''; $eList = array(); $checkNice = ($niceNames != NULL) && is_array($niceNames); foreach ($vars['errors'] as $f => $n) { $curLine = $format; $curLine = str_replace('%n', $n, $curLine); if (($n == ERR_GENERIC) && isset($vars['errortext'][$f])) { $curLine = str_replace('%t', $vars['errortext'][$f], $curLine); // Coder-defined specific error text } else { $curLine = str_replace('%t', constant($constPrefix.$n), $curLine); // Standard messages } $curLine = str_replace('%v', htmlentities($vars['failed'][$f]),$curLine); $curLine = str_replace('%f', $f, $curLine); if ($checkNice & isset($niceNames[$f]['niceName'])) { $curLine = str_replace('%x', $niceNames[$f]['niceName'], $curLine); } else { $curLine = str_replace('%x', $f, $curLine); // Just use the field name } $eList[] = $curLine; } if ($EOL == '') return $eList; return implode($EOL, $eList); } } ?>