(mixed) custom id attribute value * if numeric value is passed it'll be just appended to the name e.g. {filed-name}-{value} * if false is passed id will be not created * if empty string is passed (or no 'id' option is found) * in all other cases the value will be used as field id * default: empty string * * - class => (string) field class(es) * Example: 'tbox select class1 class2 class3' * NOTE: this will override core classes, so you have to explicit include them! * default: empty string * * - size => (int) size attribute value (used when needed) * default: 40 * * - title (string) title attribute * default: empty string (omitted) * * - readonly => (bool) readonly attribute * default: false * * - selected => (bool) selected attribute (used when needed) * default: false * * checked => (bool) checked attribute (used when needed) * default: false * - disabled => (bool) disabled attribute * default: false * * - tabindex => (int) tabindex attribute value * default: inner tabindex counter * * - other => (string) additional data * Example: 'attribute1="value1" attribute2="value2"' * default: empty string */ class e_form { var $_tabindex_counter = 0; var $_tabindex_enabled = true; var $_cached_attributes = array(); /** * @var user_class */ var $_uc; function e_form($enable_tabindex = false) { $this->_tabindex_enabled = $enable_tabindex; $e107 = &e107::getInstance(); $this->_uc = &$e107->user_class; } function text($name, $value, $maxlength = 200, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('text', $name, $options); //never allow id in format name-value for text fields return "get_attributes($options, $name)." />"; } function iconpicker($name, $default, $label, $sc_parameters = '', $ajax = true) { $e107 = &e107::getInstance(); $id = $this->name2id($name); $sc_parameters .= '&id='.$id; $jsfunc = $ajax ? "e107Ajax.toggleUpdate('{$id}-iconpicker', '{$id}-iconpicker-cn', 'sc:iconpicker=".urlencode($sc_parameters)."', '{$id}-iconpicker-ajax', { overlayElement: '{$id}-iconpicker-button' })" : "e107Helper.toggle('{$id}-iconpicker')"; $ret = $this->text($name, $default).$this->admin_button($name.'-iconpicker-button', $label, 'action', '', array('other' => "onclick=\"{$jsfunc}\"")); $ret .= "
".(!$ajax ? $e107->tp->parseTemplate('{ICONPICKER='.$sc_parameters.'}') : '')."
"; return $ret; } function file($name, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('file', $name, $options); //never allow id in format name-value for text fields return "get_attributes($options, $name)." />"; } function password($name, $maxlength = 50, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('text', $name, $options); //never allow id in format name-value for text fields return "get_attributes($options, $name)." />"; } function textarea($name, $value, $rows = 15, $cols = 40, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('textarea', $name, $options); //never allow id in format name-value for text fields return ""; } function bbarea($name, $value, $help_mod = '', $help_tagid='') { $options = array('class' => 'tbox large'); if(!defsettrue('e_WYSIWYG')) { require_once(e_HANDLER."ren_help.php"); $options['other'] = "onselect='storeCaret(this);' onclick='storeCaret(this);' onkeyup='storeCaret(this);'"; $bbbar = display_help($help_tagid, $help_mod); } $ret = "
".$this->textarea($name, $value, 15, 50, $options)."
"; return $ret; } function checkbox($name, $value, $checked = false, $options = array()) { $options['checked'] = $checked; //comes as separate argument just for convenience $options = $this->format_options('checkbox', $name, $options); return "get_attributes($options, $name, $value)." />"; } function checkbox_switch($name, $value, $checked = false, $label = '') { return $this->checkbox($name, $value, $checked).$this->label($label ? $label : LAN_ENABLED, $name, $value); } function checkbox_toggle($name, $selector = 'multitoggle') { $selector = 'jstarget:'.$selector; return $this->checkbox($name, $selector, false, array('id'=>false,'class'=>'checkbox toggle-all')); } function uc_checkbox($name, $current_value, $uc_options, $field_options = array()) { if(!is_array($field_options)) parse_str($field_options, $field_options); return '
'.$this->_uc->vetted_tree($name, array($this, '_uc_checkbox_cb'), $current_value, $uc_options, $field_options).'
'; } function _uc_checkbox_cb($treename, $classnum, $current_value, $nest_level, $field_options) { if($classnum == e_UC_BLANK) return ''; $tmp = explode(',', $current_value); $class = $style = ''; if($nest_level == 0) { $class = " strong"; } else { $style = " style='text-indent:" . (1.2 * $nest_level) . "em'"; } $descr = varset($field_options['description']) ? ' ('.$this->_uc->uc_get_classdescription($classnum).')' : ''; return "
".$this->checkbox($treename.'[]', $classnum, in_array($classnum, $tmp), $field_options).$this->label($this->_uc->uc_get_classname($classnum).$descr, $treename.'[]', $classnum)."
\n"; } function radio($name, $value, $checked = false, $options = array()) { $options['checked'] = $checked; //comes as separate argument just for convenience $options = $this->format_options('radio', $name, $options); return "get_attributes($options, $name, $value)." />"; } function radio_switch($name, $checked_enabled = false, $label_enabled = '', $label_disabled = '') { return $this->radio($name, 1, $checked_enabled)."".$this->label($label_enabled ? $label_enabled : LAN_ENABLED, $name, 1)."   ".$this->radio($name, 0, !$checked_enabled)."".$this->label($label_disabled ? $label_disabled : LAN_DISABLED, $name, 0); } function radio_multi($name, $elements, $checked, $multi_line = false) { $text = array(); if(is_string($elements)) parse_str($elements, $elements); foreach ($elements as $value => $label) { $text[] = $this->radio($name, $value, $checked == $value)."".$this->label($label, $name, $value); } if(!$multi_line) return implode("  ", $text); return "
", $text)."
"; } function label($text, $name = '', $value = '') { $for_id = $this->_format_id('', $name, $value, 'for'); return "{$text}"; } function select_open($name, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('select', $name, $options); return ""; } function hidden($name, $value, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('hidden', $name, $options); return "get_attributes($options, $name, $value)." />"; } function submit($name, $value, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('submit', $name, $options); return "get_attributes($options, $name, $value)." />"; } function submit_image($name, $value, $image, $title='', $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('submit_image', $name, $options); switch ($image) { case 'edit': $image = e_IMAGE_ABS.'admin_images/edit_16.png'; $options['class'] = 'action edit'; break; case 'delete': $image = e_IMAGE_ABS.'admin_images/delete_16.png'; $options['class'] = 'action delete'; break; } $options['title'] = $title;//shorthand return "get_attributes($options, $name, $value)." />"; } function admin_button($name, $value, $action = 'submit', $label = '', $options = array()) { $btype = 'submit'; if($action == 'action') $btype = 'button'; $options = $this->format_options('admin_button', $name, $options); $options['class'] = $action;//shorthand if(empty($label)) $label = $value; return " "; } function getNext() { if(!$this->_tabindex_enabled) return 0; $this->_tabindex_counter += 1; return $this->_tabindex_counter; } function getCurrent() { if(!$this->_tabindex_enabled) return 0; return $this->_tabindex_counter; } function resetTabindex($reset = 0) { $this->_tabindex_counter = $reset; } function get_attributes($options, $name = '', $value = '') { $ret = ''; // foreach ($options as $option => $optval) { switch ($option) { case 'id': $ret .= $this->_format_id($optval, $name, $value); break; case 'class': if(!empty($optval)) $ret .= " class='{$optval}'"; break; case 'size': if($optval) $ret .= " size='{$optval}'"; break; case 'title': if($optval) $ret .= " title='{$optval}'"; break; case 'tabindex': if($optval) $ret .= " tabindex='{$optval}'"; elseif(false === $optval || !$this->_tabindex_enabled) break; else { $this->_tabindex_counter += 1; $ret .= " tabindex='".$this->_tabindex_counter."'"; } break; case 'readonly': if($optval) $ret .= " readonly='readonly'"; break; case 'selected': if($optval) $ret .= " selected='selected'"; break; case 'checked': if($optval) $ret .= " checked='checked'"; break; case 'disabled': if($optval) $ret .= " disabled='disabled'"; break; case 'other': if($optval) $ret .= " $optval"; break; } } return $ret; } /** * Auto-build field attribute id * * @param string $id_value value for attribute id passed with the option array * @param string $name the name attribute passed to that field * @param unknown_type $value the value attribute passed to that field * @return string formatted id attribute */ function _format_id($id_value, $name, $value = '', $return_attribute = 'id') { if($id_value === false) return ''; //format data first $name = $this->name2id($name); $value = trim(preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9\-]/i#','-', $value), '-'); if(!$id_value && is_numeric($value)) $id_value = $value; if(empty($id_value) ) return " {$return_attribute}='{$name}".($value ? "-{$value}" : '')."'";// also useful when name is e.g. name='my_name[some_id]' elseif(is_numeric($id_value) && $name) return " {$return_attribute}='{$name}-{$id_value}'";// also useful when name is e.g. name='my_name[]' else return " {$return_attribute}='{$id_value}'"; } function name2id($name) { return rtrim(str_replace(array('[]', '[', ']', '_'), array('-', '-', '', '-'), $name), '-'); } /** * Format options based on the field type, * merge with default * * @param string $type * @param string $name form name attribute value * @param array|string $user_options * @return array merged options */ function format_options($type, $name, $user_options) { if(is_string($user_options)) parse_str($user_options, $user_options); $def_options = $this->_default_options($type); foreach (array_keys($user_options) as $key) { if(!isset($def_options[$key])) unset($user_options[$key]);//remove it? } $user_options['name'] = $name; //required for some of the automated tasks return array_merge($def_options, $user_options); } /** * Get default options array based on the filed type * * @param string $type * @return array default options */ function _default_options($type) { if(isset($this->_cached_attributes[$type])) return $this->_cached_attributes[$type]; $def_options = array( 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'title' => '', 'size' => '', 'readonly' => false, 'selected' => false, 'checked' => false, 'disabled' => false, 'tabindex' => 0, 'other' => '' ); switch ($type) { case 'hidden': $def_options = array('id' => false, 'disabled' => false, 'other' => ''); break; case 'text': $def_options['class'] = 'tbox input-text'; unset($def_options['selected'], $def_options['checked']); break; case 'file': $def_options['class'] = 'tbox file'; unset($def_options['selected'], $def_options['checked']); break; case 'textarea': $def_options['class'] = 'tbox textarea'; unset($def_options['selected'], $def_options['checked'], $def_options['size']); break; case 'select': $def_options['class'] = 'tbox select'; unset($def_options['checked'], $def_options['checked']); break; case 'option': $def_options = array('class' => '', 'selected' => false, 'other' => ''); break; case 'radio': $def_options['class'] = 'radio'; unset($def_options['size'], $def_options['selected']); break; case 'checkbox': $def_options['class'] = 'checkbox'; unset($def_options['size'], $def_options['selected']); break; case 'submit': $def_options['class'] = 'button'; unset($def_options['checked'], $def_options['selected'], $def_options['readonly']); break; case 'submit_image': $def_options['class'] = 'action'; unset($def_options['checked'], $def_options['selected'], $def_options['readonly']); break; case 'admin_button': unset($def_options['checked'], $def_options['selected'], $def_options['readonly']); break; } $this->_cached_attributes[$type] = $def_options; return $def_options; } function columnSelector($columnsArray,$columnsDefault='',$id='column_options') { $text .= "
select columns
\n"; unset($columnsArray['options']); foreach($columnsArray as $key=>$fld) { if($fld['forced'] !== TRUE) { $checked = (in_array($key,$columnsDefault)) ? TRUE : FALSE; $text .= $this->checkbox('e-columns[]', $key, $checked). $fld['title']."
\n"; } } $text .= "
\n"; // has issues with the checkboxes. $text .= $this->admin_button('submit-e-columns','Save','Save'); $text .= "
\n"; $text .= "
"; return $text; } function colGroup($fieldarray,$columnPref='') { foreach($fieldarray as $key=>$val) { if(in_array($key,$columnPref) || $key=='options' || $val['forced']==TRUE) { $text .= "\n"; } } return $text; } function thead($fieldarray,$columnPref='') { foreach($fieldarray as $key=>$val) { if(in_array($key,$columnPref) || $key == "options" || ($val['forced']==TRUE)) { $cl = ($val['thclass']) ? "class='".$val['thclass']."'" : ""; $text .= "\n\t"; $text .= ($val['url']) ? "" : ""; // Really this column-sorting link should be auto-generated, or be autocreated via unobtrusive js. $text .= $val['title']; $text .= ($key == "options") ? $this->columnSelector($fieldarray,$columnPref) : ""; $text .= ($val['url']) ? "" : ""; $text .= ""; } } return $text; } // The 2 functions below are for demonstration purposes only, and may be moved/modified before release. function filterType($fieldarray) { define("e_AJAX_REQUEST",TRUE); $text .= ""; return $text; } function filterValue($type,$fields) { if($type) { switch ($fields[$type]['type']) { case "datestamp": return "[date field]"; break; case "boolean": return ""; break; case "user": return ""; break; default : return $this->text('searchquery', '', 50); } } else { return $this->text('searchquery', '', 50); } // This needs to be dynamic for the various form types, and be loaded via ajax. } } class form { function form_open($form_method, $form_action, $form_name = "", $form_target = "", $form_enctype = "", $form_js = "") { $method = ($form_method ? "method='".$form_method."'" : ""); $target = ($form_target ? " target='".$form_target."'" : ""); $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name."' " : " id='myform'"); return "\n
"; } function form_text($form_name, $form_size, $form_value, $form_maxlength = FALSE, $form_class = "tbox", $form_readonly = "", $form_tooltip = "", $form_js = "") { $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name."' name='".$form_name."'" : ""); $value = (isset($form_value) ? " value='".$form_value."'" : ""); $size = ($form_size ? " size='".$form_size."'" : ""); $maxlength = ($form_maxlength ? " maxlength='".$form_maxlength."'" : ""); $readonly = ($form_readonly ? " readonly='readonly'" : ""); $tooltip = ($form_tooltip ? " title='".$form_tooltip."'" : ""); return "\n"; } function form_password($form_name, $form_size, $form_value, $form_maxlength = FALSE, $form_class = "tbox", $form_readonly = "", $form_tooltip = "", $form_js = "") { $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name."' name='".$form_name."'" : ""); $value = (isset($form_value) ? " value='".$form_value."'" : ""); $size = ($form_size ? " size='".$form_size."'" : ""); $maxlength = ($form_maxlength ? " maxlength='".$form_maxlength."'" : ""); $readonly = ($form_readonly ? " readonly='readonly'" : ""); $tooltip = ($form_tooltip ? " title='".$form_tooltip."'" : ""); return "\n"; } function form_button($form_type, $form_name, $form_value, $form_js = "", $form_image = "", $form_tooltip = "") { $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name."' name='".$form_name."'" : ""); $image = ($form_image ? " src='".$form_image."' " : ""); $tooltip = ($form_tooltip ? " title='".$form_tooltip."' " : ""); return "\n"; } function form_textarea($form_name, $form_columns, $form_rows, $form_value, $form_js = "", $form_style = "", $form_wrap = "", $form_readonly = "", $form_tooltip = "") { $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name."' name='".$form_name."'" : ""); $readonly = ($form_readonly ? " readonly='readonly'" : ""); $tooltip = ($form_tooltip ? " title='".$form_tooltip."'" : ""); $wrap = ($form_wrap ? " wrap='".$form_wrap."'" : ""); $style = ($form_style ? " style='".$form_style."'" : ""); return "\n"; } function form_checkbox($form_name, $form_value, $form_checked = 0, $form_tooltip = "", $form_js = "") { $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name.$form_value."' name='".$form_name."'" : ""); $checked = ($form_checked ? " checked='checked'" : ""); $tooltip = ($form_tooltip ? " title='".$form_tooltip."'" : ""); return "\n"; } function form_radio($form_name, $form_value, $form_checked = 0, $form_tooltip = "", $form_js = "") { $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name.$form_value."' name='".$form_name."'" : ""); $checked = ($form_checked ? " checked='checked'" : ""); $tooltip = ($form_tooltip ? " title='".$form_tooltip."'" : ""); return "\n"; } function form_file($form_name, $form_size, $form_tooltip = "", $form_js = "") { $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name."' name='".$form_name."'" : ""); $tooltip = ($form_tooltip ? " title='".$form_tooltip."'" : ""); return ""; } function form_select_open($form_name, $form_js = "") { return "\n"; } function form_option($form_option, $form_selected = "", $form_value = "", $form_js = "") { $value = ($form_value !== FALSE ? " value='".$form_value."'" : ""); $selected = ($form_selected ? " selected='selected'" : ""); return "\n".$form_option.""; } function form_hidden($form_name, $form_value) { return "\n"; } function form_close() { return "\n"; } } /* Usage echo $rs->form_open("post", e_SELF, "_blank"); echo $rs->form_text("testname", 100, "this is the value", 100, 0, "tooltip"); echo $rs->form_button("submit", "testsubmit", "SUBMIT!", "", "Click to submit"); echo $rs->form_button("reset", "testreset", "RESET!", "", "Click to reset"); echo $rs->form_textarea("textareaname", 10, 10, "Value", "overflow:hidden"); echo $rs->form_checkbox("testcheckbox", 1, 1); echo $rs->form_checkbox("testcheckbox2", 2); echo $rs->form_hidden("hiddenname", "hiddenvalue"); echo $rs->form_radio("testcheckbox", 1, 1); echo $rs->form_radio("testcheckbox", 1); echo $rs->form_file("testfile", "20"); echo $rs->form_select_open("testselect"); echo $rs->form_option("Option 1"); echo $rs->form_option("Option 2"); echo $rs->form_option("Option 3", 1, "defaultvalue"); echo $rs->form_option("Option 4"); echo $rs->form_select_close(); echo $rs->form_close(); */ ?>