array( 'controller' => 'users_admin_ui', 'path' => null, 'ui' => 'users_admin_form_ui', 'uipath' => null, //'perm' => '0', ), 'ranks' => array( 'controller' => 'users_ranks_ui', 'path' => null, 'ui' => 'users_ranks_ui_form', 'uipath' => null, //'perm' => '0', ) ); protected $adminMenu = array( 'main/list' => array('caption'=> LAN_MANAGE, 'perm' => '0'), 'main/add' => array('caption'=> LAN_USER_QUICKADD, 'perm' => '4|U0|U1'), 'main/prefs' => array('caption'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'perm' => '4|U2'), 'main/ranks' => array('caption'=> LAN_USER_RANKS, 'perm' => '4|U3'), 'main/maintenance' => array('caption'=>'Maintenance', 'perms'=>'4') // 'ranks/list' => array('caption'=> LAN_USER_RANKS, 'perm' => '4|U3') ); /* FIXME - move user prune to Schedule tasks (cron) $var ['prune']['text'] = LAN_USER_PRUNE; $var ['prune']['link'] = e_ADMIN.'users.php?action=prune';// Will be moved to "Schedule tasks" $var ['prune']['perm'] = '4'; */ protected $adminMenuAliases = array( 'main/edit' => 'main/list', 'main/admin' => 'main/list', 'main/userclass'=> 'main/list', 'main/test' => 'main/list', ); protected $menuTitle = 'users'; function init() { if(E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) { $this->adminMenu['ranks/list'] = array('caption'=> LAN_USER_RANKS. " (experimental)", 'perm' => '4|U3'); } } /** * Run observers/headers override * * @return users_admin */ public function runObservers($run_header = true) { // Catch useraction if (isset($_POST['useraction'])) { if(is_array($_POST['useraction'])) { foreach ($_POST['useraction'] as $key => $val) { if ($val) { $_POST['useraction'] = $val; $_POST['userip'] = $_POST['userip'][$key]; $_POST['userid'] = (int) $key; break; } } } // FIXME IMPORTANT - permissions per action/trigger // map useraction to UI trigger switch ($_POST['useraction']) { ### etrigger_delete case 'deluser': if($_POST['userid']) { $id = $_POST['userid']; $_POST['etrigger_delete'] = array($id => $id); $user = e107::getDb()->retrieve('user', 'user_email, user_name', 'user_id='.$id); $rplc_from = array('[x]', '[y]', '[z]'); $rplc_to = array($user['user_name'], $user['user_email'], $id); $message = str_replace($rplc_from, $rplc_to, USRLAN_222); $this->getController()->deleteConfirmMessage = $message; } break; // map to List{USERACTION}Trigger() case 'unban': case 'ban': case 'verify': case 'reqverify': case 'resend': case 'loginas': case 'unadmin': $_POST['etrigger_'.$_POST['useraction']] = $_POST['userid']; break; // redirect to AdminObserver/AdminPage() case 'admin': case 'adminperms': $this->getRequest() ->setQuery(array()) ->setMode('main') ->setAction('admin') ->setId($_POST['userid']); $this->getController()->redirect(); break; // redirect to UserclassObserver/UserclassPage() case 'userclass': $this->getRequest() ->setQuery(array()) ->setMode('main') ->setAction('userclass') ->setId($_POST['userid']); $this->getController()->redirect(); break; // redirect to TestObserver/TestPage case 'test': $this->getRequest() ->setQuery(array()) ->setMode('main') ->setAction('test') ->setId($_POST['userid']); $this->getController()->redirect(); break; // redirect to TestObserver/TestPage case 'usersettings': $this->getRequest() ->setQuery(array()) ->setMode('main') ->setAction('edit') ->setId($_POST['userid']); $this->getController()->redirect(); //XXX Broken to the point of being unusable. //header('location:'.e107::getUrl()->create('user/profile/edit', 'id='.(int) $_POST['userid'], 'full=1&encode=0')); // exit; break; } } return parent::runObservers($run_header); } } class users_admin_ui extends e_admin_ui { protected $pluginTitle = LAN_USER; protected $pluginName = 'core'; protected $eventName = 'user'; protected $table = "user"; // protected $listQry = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM #users"; // without any Order or Limit. protected $listQry = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS u.*,ue.* from #user AS u LEFT JOIN #user_extended AS ue ON u.user_id = ue.user_extended_id "; // without any Order or Limit. protected $editQry = "SELECT u.*,ue.* FROM #user AS u left join #user_extended AS ue ON u.user_id = ue.user_extended_id WHERE user_id = {ID}"; protected $pid = "user_id"; protected $perPage = 10; protected $batchDelete = true; protected $listOrder = 'user_id DESC'; /** * Show confirm screen before (batch/single) delete * @var boolean */ public $deleteConfirmScreen = true; /** * @var boolean */ protected $batchCopy = false; /** * List (numerical array) of only disallowed for this controller actions */ protected $disallow = array('create'); protected $tabs = array('Basic', 'Extended'); //TODO - finish 'user' type, set 'data' to all editable fields, set 'noedit' for all non-editable fields protected $fields = array( 'checkboxes' => array('title'=> '', 'type' => null, 'width' =>'5%', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'thclass'=>'center', 'class'=>'center'), 'user_id' => array('title' => LAN_ID, 'tab'=>0, 'type' =>'integer', 'width' => '5%','forced' => true), // 'user_status' => array('title' => LAN_STATUS, 'type' => 'method', 'alias'=>'user_status', 'width' => 'auto','forced' => true, 'nosort'=>TRUE), 'user_ban' => array('title' => LAN_STATUS, 'tab'=>0, 'type' => 'method', 'width' => 'auto', 'filter'=>true, 'batch'=>true,'thclass'=>'center', 'class'=>'center'), 'user_name' => array('title' => LAN_USER_01, 'tab'=>0, 'type' => 'text', 'inline'=>true, 'data'=>'str', 'width' => 'auto','thclass' => 'left first'), // Display name 'user_loginname' => array('title' => LAN_USER_02, 'tab'=>0, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=>'str', 'width' => 'auto'), // User name 'user_login' => array('title' => LAN_USER_03, 'tab'=>0, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=>'str', 'width' => 'auto'), // Real name (no real vetting) 'user_customtitle' => array('title' => LAN_USER_04, 'tab'=>0, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=>'str', 'width' => 'auto'), // No real vetting 'user_password' => array('title' => LAN_USER_05, 'tab'=>0, 'type' => 'method', 'data'=>'str', 'width' => 'auto'), //TODO add md5 option to form handler? 'user_sess' => array('title' => 'Session', 'tab'=>0, 'noedit'=>true, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto'), // Photo 'user_image' => array('title' => LAN_USER_07, 'tab'=>0, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data'=>'str', 'width' => 'auto'), // Avatar 'user_email' => array('title' => LAN_EMAIL, 'tab'=>0, 'type' => 'text', 'inline'=>true, 'data'=>'str', 'width' => 'auto'), 'user_hideemail' => array('title' => LAN_USER_10, 'tab'=>0, 'type' => 'boolean', 'data'=>'int', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass'=>'center', 'class'=>'center', 'filter'=>true, 'batch'=>true, 'readParms'=>'trueonly=1'), 'user_xup' => array('title' => 'Xup', 'tab'=>0, 'noedit'=>true, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=>'str', 'width' => 'auto'), 'user_class' => array('title' => LAN_USER_12, 'tab'=>0, 'type' => 'userclasses' , 'data'=>'str', 'inline'=>true, 'writeParms' => 'classlist=classes,new', 'readParms'=>'classlist=classes,new&defaultLabel=--', 'filter'=>true, 'batch'=>true), 'user_join' => array('title' => LAN_USER_14, 'tab'=>0, 'noedit'=>true, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'width' => 'auto', 'writeParms'=>'readonly=1'), 'user_lastvisit' => array('title' => LAN_USER_15, 'tab'=>0, 'noedit'=>true, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'width' => 'auto'), 'user_currentvisit' => array('title' => LAN_USER_16, 'tab'=>0, 'noedit'=>true, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'width' => 'auto'), 'user_comments' => array('title' => LAN_USER_17, 'tab'=>0, 'noedit'=>true, 'type' => 'int', 'width' => 'auto','thclass'=>'right','class'=>'right'), 'user_lastpost' => array('title' => 'Last Post', 'tab'=>0, 'noedit'=>true, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'width' => 'auto'), 'user_ip' => array('title' => LAN_USER_18, 'tab'=>0, 'noedit'=>true, 'type' => 'ip', 'width' => 'auto'), // 'user_prefs' => array('title' => LAN_USER_20, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto'), 'user_visits' => array('title' => LAN_USER_21, 'tab'=>0, 'noedit'=>true, 'type' => 'int', 'width' => 'auto','thclass'=>'right','class'=>'right'), 'user_admin' => array('title' => LAN_USER_22, 'tab'=>0, 'type' => 'boolean', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass'=>'center', 'class'=>'center', 'filter'=>true, 'batch'=>true, 'readParms'=>'trueonly=1'), 'user_perms' => array('title' => LAN_USER_23, 'tab'=>0, 'type' => 'method', 'data'=>'str', 'width' => 'auto'), 'user_pwchange' => array('title' => LAN_USER_24, 'tab'=>0, 'noedit'=>true, 'type'=>'datestamp' , 'width' => 'auto'), ); protected $fieldpref = array('user_ban','user_name','user_loginname','user_login','user_email','user_class','user_admin'); protected $prefs = array( // 'anon_post' => array('title'=>PRFLAN_32, 'type'=>'boolean'), 'avatar_upload' => array('title' => USRLAN_44, 'type' => 'boolean', 'writeParms' => 'label=yesno', 'data' => 'int',), 'photo_upload' => array('title' => USRLAN_53, 'type' => 'boolean', 'writeParms' => 'label=yesno', 'data' => 'int',), 'im_width' => array('title' => USRLAN_47, 'type' => 'number', 'writeParms' => array('maxlength' => 4), 'help' => USRLAN_48, 'data' => 'int', ), 'im_height' => array('title' => USRLAN_49, 'type' => 'number', 'writeParms' => array('maxlength' => 4), 'help' => USRLAN_50, 'data' => 'int', ), 'profile_rate' => array('title' => USRLAN_126, 'type' => 'boolean', 'writeParms' => 'label=yesno', 'data' => 'int',), 'profile_comments' => array('title' => USRLAN_127, 'type' => 'boolean', 'writeParms' => 'label=yesno', 'data' => 'int',), 'force_userupdate' => array('title' => USRLAN_133, 'type' => 'boolean', 'writeParms' => 'label=yesno', 'help' => USRLAN_134, 'data' => 'int',), 'del_unv' => array('title' => USRLAN_93, 'type' => 'number', 'writeParms' => array('maxlength' => 5, 'post' => USRLAN_95), 'help' => USRLAN_94, 'data' => 'int',), 'track_online' => array('title' => USRLAN_130, 'type' => 'boolean', 'writeParms' => 'label=yesno', 'help' => USRLAN_131, 'data' => 'int',), 'memberlist_access' => array('title' => USRLAN_146, 'type' => 'userclass', 'writeParms' => 'classlist=public,member,guest,admin,main,classes,nobody', 'data' => 'int',), 'signature_access' => array('title' => USRLAN_194, 'type' => 'userclass', 'writeParms' => 'classlist=member,admin,main,classes,nobody', 'data' => 'int',), 'user_new_period' => array('title' => USRLAN_190, 'type' => 'number', 'writeParms' => array('maxlength' => 3, 'post' => LANDT_04s), 'help' => USRLAN_191, 'data' => 'int',), ); public $extended = array(); public $extendedData = array(); function getExtended() { return $this->extendedData; } function init() { $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); if(!empty($_POST['resendToAll'])) { $resetPasswords = !empty($_POST['resetPasswords']); $age = vartrue($_POST['resendAge'], 24); $this->resend_to_all($resetPasswords, $age); } if($this->getAction() == 'edit') { $this->fields['user_class']['noedit'] = true; } // Extended fields - FIXME - better field types if($sql->select('user_extended_struct', '*', "user_extended_struct_type > 0 AND user_extended_struct_text != '_system_' ORDER BY user_extended_struct_parent ASC")) { // TODO FIXME use the handler to build fields and field attributes // FIXME a way to load 3rd party language files for extended user fields e107::coreLan('user_extended'); while ($row = $sql->fetch()) { $field = "user_".$row['user_extended_struct_name']; // $title = ucfirst(str_replace("user_","",$field)); $label = $tp->toHtml($row['user_extended_struct_text'],false,'defs'); $this->fields[$field] = array('title' => $label,'width' => 'auto', 'type'=>'method', 'method'=>'user_extended', 'data'=>false, 'tab'=>1, 'noedit'=>false); $this->extended[] = $field; $this->extendedData[$field] = $row; } } $this->fields['user_signature']['writeParms']['data'] = e107::getUserClass()->uc_required_class_list("classes"); $this->fields['user_signature'] = array('title' => LAN_USER_09, 'type' => 'textarea', 'data'=>'str', 'width' => 'auto'); $this->fields['options'] = array('title'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' => 'method', 'forced'=>TRUE, 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class' => 'left'); if(!getperms('4|U0')) // Quick Add User Access Only. { unset($this->fields['checkboxes']); unset($this->fields['options']); } $this->fields['user_image']['writeParms'] = $this->getAvatarList(); if(!empty($_GET['readonly'])) { foreach($this->fields as $key=>$v) { if($key == 'options' || $key == 'checkboxes') { continue; } $this->fields[$key]['readonly'] = 2; } } // print_a($this->fields); if(!empty($_GET['iframe'])) { define('e_IFRAME', true); } //FIXME - handle user extended search... //$this->_alias_parsed = false; //$this->parseAliases(); // if(isset ($_POST['adduser'])) // { // addUser(); // } } protected function getAvatarList() { $avs = array(''=>LAN_NONE); $upload = array(); $sys = array(); $uploaded = e107::getFile()->get_files(e_AVATAR_UPLOAD); foreach($uploaded as $f) { $id = '-upload-'.$f['fname']; $upload[$id] = $f['fname']; } $system = e107::getFile()->get_files(e_AVATAR_DEFAULT); foreach($system as $f) { $id = $f['fname']; $sys[$id] = $f['fname']; } $avs['uploaded'] = $upload; $avs['system'] = $sys; return $avs; } public function afterDelete($deletedData,$id=null) { if(!empty($id)) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $sql->delete('user_extended',"user_extended_id = ".$id); e107::getCache()->clear('online_menu_member_newest'); e107::getCache()->clear('online_menu_member_total'); } } public function beforeUpdate($new_data, $old_data, $id) { $tp = e107::getParser(); if(empty($new_data['user_password'])) { $new_data['user_password'] = $old_data['user_password']; } else { $new_data['user_password'] = md5($new_data['user_password']); //TODO add support for salted passwords etc. } if(!empty($new_data['perms'])) { $new_data['user_perms'] = implode(".",$new_data['perms']); } // Handle the Extended Fields. $this->saveExtended($new_data); return $new_data; } function saveExtended($new_data) { $update = array(); foreach($this->extended as $key) // Grab Extended field data. { $update[$key] = vartrue($new_data['ue'][$key],'_NULL_'); } e107::getMessage()->addDebug(print_a($update,true)); if(!empty($update)) { if(!e107::getDb()->count('user_extended', '(user_extended_id)', "user_extended_id=".intval($new_data['submit_value']))) { $update['user_extended_id'] = intval($new_data['submit_value']); if(e107::getDb()->insert('user_extended', $update)) { e107::getMessage()->addSuccess('Extended Fields Updated'); //TODO Replace with Generic or existing LAN. } else { e107::getMessage()->addError('Extended Fields Insert Failed'); //TODO Replace with Generic or existing LAN. $error = e107::getDb()->getLastErrorText(); e107::getMessage()->addDebug($error); e107::getMessage()->addDebug(print_a($update,true)); e107::getDb()->getLastErrorText(); } } else { $update['WHERE'] = 'user_extended_id='. intval($new_data['submit_value']); if(e107::getDb()->update('user_extended',$update)===false) { e107::getMessage()->addError('Extended Fields Update Failed'); //TODO Replace with Generic or existing LAN. $error = e107::getDb()->getLastErrorText(); e107::getMessage()->addDebug($error); e107::getMessage()->addDebug(print_a($update,true)); } else { // e107::getMessage()->addSuccess('Extended Fields Updated'); //TODO Replace with Generic or existing LAN. } } } } /** * Unban user trigger * @param int $userid * @return void */ public function ListUnbanTrigger($userid) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($userid, false); if(!$sysuser->getId()) { e107::getMessage()->addError(USRLAN_223); return; } $row = e107::user($userid); $sql->update("user", "user_ban='0' WHERE user_id='".$userid."' "); $sql->delete("banlist"," banlist_ip='{$row['user_ip']}' "); e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('USET_06', str_replace(array('--UID--', '--NAME--', '--EMAIL--'), array($sysuser->getId(), $sysuser->getName(), $sysuser->getValue('email')), USRLAN_162), E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); e107::getMessage()->addSuccess("(".$sysuser->getId().".".$sysuser->getName()." - ".$sysuser->getValue('email').") ".USRLAN_9); // List data reload $this->getTreeModel()->load(true); } /** * Ban user trigger * @param int $userid * @return void */ public function ListBanTrigger($userid) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog(); $iph = e107::getIPHandler(); $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($userid, false); if(!$sysuser->getId()) { $mes->addError(USRLAN_223); return; } $row = $sysuser->getData(); if (($row['user_perms'] == "0") || ($row['user_perms'] == "0.")) { $mes->addWarning(USRLAN_7); } else { if ($sql->update("user","user_ban='1' WHERE user_id='".$userid."' ")) { e107::getLog()->add('USET_05', str_replace(array('--UID--','--NAME--'), array($row['user_id'], $row['user_name']), USRLAN_161), E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); $mes->addSuccess("(".$userid.".".$row['user_name']." - {$row['user_email']}) ".USRLAN_8); } if (trim($row['user_ip']) == "") { $mes->addInfo(USRLAN_135); } else { if($sql->count('user', '(*)', "user_ip = '{$row['user_ip']}' AND user_ban=0 AND user_id <> {$userid}") > 0) { // Other unbanned users have same IP address $mes->addWarning(str_replace("{IP}", $iph->ipDecode($row['user_ip']), USRLAN_136)); } else { if ($iph->add_ban(6, USRLAN_149.$row['user_name'].'/'.$row['user_loginname'], $row['user_ip'], USERID)) { // Successful IP ban $mes->addSuccess(str_replace("{IP}", $iph->ipDecode($row['user_ip']), USRLAN_137)); } else { // IP address on whitelist $mes->addWarning(str_replace("{IP}", $iph->ipDecode($row['user_ip']), USRLAN_150)); } } } } // List data reload $this->getTreeModel()->load(true); } /** * Activate user trigger */ public function ListVerifyTrigger($userid) { $e_event = e107::getEvent(); $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog(); $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($userid, false); $userMethods = e107::getUserSession(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $uid = intval($userid); if ($sysuser->getId()) { $sysuser->set('user_ban', '0') ->set('user_sess', ''); $row = $sysuser->getData(); if ($userMethods->userClassUpdate($row, 'userall')) { $sysuser->set('user_class', $row['user_class']); } $userMethods->addNonDefaulted($row); $sysuser->setData($row)->save(); e107::getLog()->add('USET_10', str_replace(array('--UID--', '--NAME--', '--EMAIL--'), array($sysuser->getId(), $sysuser->getName(), $sysuser->getValue('email')), USRLAN_166), E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); e107::getEvent()->trigger('userfull', $row); //BC e107::getEvent()->trigger('admin_user_activated', $row); $mes->addSuccess(USRLAN_86." (#".$sysuser->getId()." : ".$sysuser->getName().' - '.$sysuser->getValue('email').")"); $this->getTreeModel()->load(true); if ((int) e107::pref('core', 'user_reg_veri') == 2) { $message = USRLAN_114." ".$row['user_name'].",\n\n".USRLAN_122." ".SITENAME.".\n\n".USRLAN_123."\n\n"; $message .= str_replace("{SITEURL}", SITEURL, USRLAN_139); $options = array( 'mail_subject' => USRLAN_113.' '.SITENAME, 'mail_body' => nl2br($message), ); if($sysuser->email('email', $options)) { $mes->addSuccess(USRLAN_224." ".$sysuser->getName().' ('.$sysuser->getValue('email').')'); } else { $mes->addError(USRLAN_225." ".$sysuser->getName().' ('.$sysuser->getValue('email').')'); } } } else { $mes->addError(USRLAN_223); return; } } /** * Main admin login as system user trigger */ public function ListLoginasTrigger($userid) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); if(e107::getUser()->getSessionDataAs()) { $mes->addWarning(USRLAN_AS_3); } elseif(e107::getUser()->loginAs($userid)) { $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($userid); $user = e107::getUser(); // TODO - lan $mes->addSuccess('Successfully logged in as '.$sysuser->getName().' [logout]') ->addSuccess('Please, Leave Admin to browse the system as this user. Use "Logout" option in Administration to end front-end session'); $search = array('--UID--', '--NAME--', '--EMAIL--', '--ADMIN_UID--', '--ADMIN_NAME--', '--ADMIN_EMAIL--'); $replace = array($sysuser->getId(), $sysuser->getName(), $sysuser->getValue('email'), $user->getId(), $user->getName(), $user->getValue('email')); // TODO - lan $lan = 'Administrator --ADMIN_EMAIL-- (#--ADMIN_UID--, --ADMIN_NAME--) has logged in as the user --EMAIL-- (#--UID--, --NAME--)'; e107::getLog()->log_event('USET_100', str_replace($search, $replace, $lan), E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); $eventData = array('user_id' => $sysuser->getId(), 'admin_id' => $user->getId()); e107::getEvent()->trigger('loginas', $eventData); // BC e107::getEvent()->trigger('admin_user_loginas', $eventData); } } /** * Main admin logout as a system user trigger */ public function LogoutasObserver() { $user = e107::getUser(); $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($user->getSessionDataAs(), false); if(e107::getUser()->logoutAs() && $sysuser && $sysuser->getId()) { // TODO - lan e107::getMessage()->addSuccess('Successfully logged out from '.$sysuser->getName().' ('.$sysuser->getValue('email').') account', 'default', true); $search = array('--UID--', '--NAME--', '--EMAIL--', '--ADMIN_UID--', '--ADMIN_NAME--', '--ADMIN_EMAIL--'); $replace = array($sysuser->getId(), $sysuser->getName(), $sysuser->getValue('email'), $user->getId(), $user->getName(), $user->getValue('email')); // TODO - lan $lan = 'Administrator --ADMIN_EMAIL-- (#--ADMIN_UID--, --ADMIN_NAME--) has logged out as the user --EMAIL-- (#--UID--, --NAME--)'; e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('USET_101', str_replace($search, $replace, $lan), E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); $eventData = array('user_id' => $sysuser->getId(), 'admin_id' => $user->getId()); e107::getEvent()->trigger('logoutas', $eventData); //BC e107::getEvent()->trigger('admin_user_logoutas', $eventData); $this->redirect('list', 'main', true); } // TODO - lan if(!$sysuser->getId()) e107::getMessage()->addError('User not found.'); } public function LogoutasPage() { // System Message only on non-successful logout as another user } /** * Remove admin status trigger */ public function ListUnadminTrigger($userid) { $user = e107::getUser(); $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($userid, false); $mes = e107::getMessage(); if(!$user->checkAdminPerms('3')) { $mes->addError(USRLAN_226, 'default', true); $search = array('--UID--', '--NAME--', '--EMAIL--', '--ADMIN_UID--', '--ADMIN_NAME--', '--ADMIN_EMAIL--'); $replace = array($sysuser->getId(), $sysuser->getName(), $sysuser->getValue('email'), $user->getId(), $user->getName(), $user->getValue('email')); e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('USET_08', str_replace($search, $replace, USRLAN_244), E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); $this->redirect('list', 'main', true); } if ($sysuser->isMainAdmin()) { $mes->addError(USRLAN_5); } else { if($sysuser->set('user_admin', '0')->set('user_perms', '')->save()) { e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('USET_09',str_replace(array('--UID--', '--NAME--', '--EMAIL--'),array($sysuser->getId(), $sysuser->getName(), $sysuser->getValue('email')), USRLAN_165),E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); $mes->addSuccess($sysuser->getName()." (".$sysuser->getValue('email').") ".USRLAN_6); $this->getTreeModel()->load(true); } else { $mes->addError(USRLAN_227); } } } /** * Admin manage observer * @return void */ public function AdminObserver() { if($this->getPosted('go_back')) { $this->redirect('list', 'main', true); } $userid = $this->getId(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $user = e107::getUser(); $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($userid, false); $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); if(!$user->checkAdminPerms('3')) { $mes->addError(USRLAN_226, 'default', true); $search = array('--UID--', '--NAME--', '--EMAIL--', '--ADMIN_UID--', '--ADMIN_NAME--', '--ADMIN_EMAIL--'); $replace = array($sysuser->getId(), $sysuser->getName(), $sysuser->getValue('email'), $user->getId(), $user->getName(), $user->getValue('email')); e107::getLog()->add('USET_08', str_replace($search, $replace, USRLAN_245), E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); $this->redirect('list', 'main', true); } if(!$sysuser->getId()) { $mes->addError(USRLAN_223, 'default', true); $this->redirect('list', 'main', true); } if($this->getPosted('update_admin')) { e107::getUserPerms()->updatePerms($userid, $_POST['perms']); $this->redirect('list', 'main', true); } if(!$sysuser->isAdmin()) // Security Check Only. Admin status check is added during 'updatePerms'. { // $sysuser->set('user_admin', 1)->save(); //"user","user_admin='1' WHERE user_id={$userid}" // $lan = str_replace(array('--UID--', '--NAME--', '--EMAIL--'), array($sysuser->getId(), $sysuser->getName(), $sysuser->getValue('email')), USRLAN_164); // e107::getLog()->add('USET_08', $lan, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); // $mes->addSuccess($lan); $rplc_from = array('[x]', '[y]', '[z]'); $rplc_to = array($sysuser->getId(), $sysuser->getName(), $sysuser->getValue('email')); $message = str_replace($rplc_from, $rplc_to, USRLAN_228); $mes->addWarning($message); $mes->addWarning(USRLAN_229); } } /** * Admin manage page */ public function AdminPage() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $response = $this->getResponse(); $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($request->getId(), false); //$sysuser->load($request->getId(), true); $prm = e107::getUserPerms(); $frm = e107::getForm(); $response->appendBody($frm->open('adminperms')) ->appendBody($prm->renderPermTable('grouped', $sysuser->getValue('perms'))) ->appendBody($prm->renderCheckAllButtons()) ->appendBody($prm->renderSubmitButtons()) ->appendBody($frm->close()); $this->addTitle(str_replace(array('[x]', '[y]'), array($sysuser->getName(), $sysuser->getValue('email')), USRLAN_230)); } protected function checkAllowed($class_id) // check userclass change is permitted. { $e_userclass = e107::getUserClass(); if (!isset ($e_userclass->class_tree[$class_id])) { return false; } if (!getperms("0") && !check_class($e_userclass->class_tree[$class_id]['userclass_editclass'])) { return false; } return true; } protected function manageUserclass($userid, $uclass, $mode = false) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $response = $this->getResponse(); $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($userid, false); $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog(); $e_userclass = e107::getUserClass(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $remuser = true; $mes = e107::getMessage(); if(!$sysuser->getId()) { $mes->addError(USRLAN_223); return false; } $curClass = array(); if($mode !== 'update') { $curClass = $sysuser->getValue('class') ? explode(',', $sysuser->getValue('class')) : array(); } foreach ($uclass as $a) { $a = intval($a); if(!$this->checkAllowed($a)) { $mes->addError(USRLAN_231); return false; } if($a != 0) // if 0 - then do not add. { $curClass[] = $a; } } if($mode == "remove") // remove selected classes { $curClass = array_diff($curClass, $uclass); } elseif($mode == "clear") // clear all classes { $curClass = array(); } $curClass = array_unique($curClass); $svar = is_array($curClass) ? implode(",", $curClass) : ""; $check = $sysuser->set('user_class', $svar)->save(); if($check) { $message = UCSLAN_9; if ($this->getPosted('notifyuser')) { $options = array(); $message .= "
".UCSLAN_1.": ".$sysuser->getName()."
"; $messaccess = ''; foreach ($curClass as $a) { if (!isset ($e_userclass->fixed_classes[$a])) { $messaccess .= $e_userclass->class_tree[$a]['userclass_name']." - ".$e_userclass->class_tree[$a]['userclass_description']."\n"; } } if ($messaccess == '') $messaccess = UCSLAN_12."\n"; $message = UCSLAN_3." ".$sysuser->getName().",\n\n".UCSLAN_4." ".SITENAME."\n( ".SITEURL." )\n\n".UCSLAN_5.": \n\n".$messaccess."\n".UCSLAN_10."\n".SITEADMIN; // $admin_log->e_log_event(4,__FILE__."|".__FUNCTION__."@".__LINE__,"DBG","User class change",str_replace("\n","
",$message),FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING); $options['mail_subject'] = UCSLAN_2; $options['mail_body'] = nl2br($message); $sysuser->email('email', $options); //sendemail($send_to,$subject,$message); } e107::getLog()->add('USET_14', str_replace(array('--UID--','--CLASSES--'), array($id, $svar), UCSLAN_11), E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); $mes->addSuccess(nl2br($message)); } else { // $mes->add("Update Failed", E_MESSAGE_ERROR); if($check === false) { $sysuser->setMessages(); // move messages to the default stack } else { $mes->addInfo(LAN_NO_CHANGE); } } } /** * Update user class trigger */ public function UserclassUpdateclassTrigger() { $this->manageUserclass($this->getId(), $this->getPosted('userclass'), 'update'); } /** * Back to user list trigger (userclass page) */ public function UserclassBackTrigger() { $this->redirect('list', 'main', true); } /** * Manage userclasses page */ public function UserclassPage() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $response = $this->getResponse(); $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($request->getId(), false); $e_userclass = e107::getUserClass(); $userid = $this->getId(); $frm = e107::getForm(); $caption = UCSLAN_6." ".$sysuser->getName().' - '.$sysuser->getValue('email')." (".$sysuser->getClassList(true).")"; $this->addTitle($caption); $text = "
"; $text .= $e_userclass->vetted_tree('userclass', array($e_userclass,'checkbox_desc'), $sysuser->getValue('class'), 'classes, no-excludes'); $text .= '
'; $text .= "
".$frm->hidden('userid', $userid)." ".$frm->checkbox_label(UCSLAN_8.'  ', 'notifyuser', 1)." ".$frm->admin_button('etrigger_updateclass', UCSLAN_7, 'update')." ".$frm->admin_button('etrigger_back', 'Back', 'cancel')."
"; $response->appendBody($text); } /** * Resend user activation email trigger */ public function ListResendTrigger($userid) { $this->resendActivation($userid); } /** * Resend user activation email helper * FIXME - better Subject/Content for the activation email when user is bounced/deactivated. */ protected function resendActivation($id, $lfile = '') { $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog(); $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($id, false); $key = $sysuser->getValue('sess'); $mes = e107::getMessage(); if(!$sysuser->getId()) { $mes->addError(USRLAN_223); return false; } if(!$key || !$sysuser->getValue('ban')) { $mes->addError(USRLAN_232); return false; } // Check for a Language field, and if present, send the email in the user's language. // FIXME - make all system emails to be created from HTML email templates, this should fix the multi-lingual issue when sending multiple emails if ($lfile == "") { $lan = $sysuser->getValue('language'); if ($lan) { $lfile = e_LANGUAGEDIR.$lan.'/lan_signup.php'; } } if ($lfile && is_readable($lfile)) { require_once($lfile); } else { //@FIXME use email templates by Language require_once (e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE."/lan_signup.php"); } if(!$lan) $lan = e_LANGUAGE; // FIXME switch to e107::getUrl()->create(), use email content templates //$return_address = (substr(SITEURL,- 1) == "/") ? SITEURL."signup.php?activate.".$sysuser->getId().".".$key : SITEURL."/signup.php?activate.".$sysuser->getId().".".$key; $return_address = SITEURL."signup.php?activate.".$sysuser->getId().".".$key; $message = LAN_EMAIL_01." ".$sysuser->getName()."\n\n".LAN_SIGNUP_24." ".SITENAME.".\n".LAN_SIGNUP_21."\n\n"; $message .= "".$return_address.""; // custom header now auto-added in email() method //$mailheader_e107id = $id; $check = $sysuser->email('email', array( 'mail_subject' => LAN_SIGNUP_96." ".SITENAME, 'mail_body' => nl2br($message), )); if ($check) { e107::getLog()->add('USET_11', str_replace(array('--ID--','--NAME--','--EMAIL--'), array($sysuser->getId(), $sysuser->getName(), $sysuser->getValue('email')), USRLAN_167), E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); $mes->addSuccess(USRLAN_140.": ".$sysuser->getName()." (".$sysuser->getValue('email').") ({$lan}) "); } else { $mes->addError(USRLAN_141.": ".$sysuser->getName().' ('.$sysuser->getValue('email').')'); } return $check; } /** * Test user email observer */ public function TestObserver() { $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($this->getId(), false); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $email = $sysuser->getValue('email'); if(!$sysuser->getId()) { $mes->addError(USRLAN_223, 'default', true); $this->redirect('list', 'main', true); } $result = $this->testEmail($email); if($result) { $this->setParam('testSucces', $result); $mes->addSuccess($email.' - '.USRLAN_233); } else { $mes->addError($email.' - '.USRLAN_234, 'default', true); $this->redirect('list', 'main', true); } } public function TestCancelTrigger() { $this->redirect('list', 'main', true); } /** * Resend activation email page - only if tested email is valid */ public function TestPage() { $response = $this->getResponse(); $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($this->getId(), false); $userid = $this->getId(); $email = $sysuser->getValue('email'); $frm = e107::getForm(); $caption = str_replace('[x]', $email, USRLAN_119); $this->addTitle($caption); $text = "".LAN_BACK.""; $text .= '
'; $text .= "
".$frm->hidden('useraction', 'resend')." ".$frm->hidden('userid', $userid)." ".$frm->hidden('userip', $sysuser->getValue('ip'))." ".$frm->admin_button('resend', USRLAN_112, 'update')."
"; $response->appendBody($text); } /** * Test user email helper */ protected function testEmail($email) { list($adminuser,$adminhost) = explode('@',SITEADMINEMAIL, 2); $validator = new email_validation_class; $validator->localuser = $adminuser; $validator->localhost = $adminhost; $validator->timeout = 5; $validator->debug = 1; $validator->html_debug = 0; ob_start(); $email_status = $validator->ValidateEmailBox($email); $text = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($email_status == 1) { return $text; } return false; } /** * Set user status to require verification - available for bounced users */ public function ListReqverifyTrigger($userid) { $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($userid, false); if(!$sysuser->getId()) { e107::getMessage()->addError(USRLAN_223, 'default', true); return; } $sysuser->set('user_ban', 2) ->set('user_sess', e_user_model::randomKey()); if($sysuser->save()) { e107::getMessage()->addSuccess(USRLAN_235); // TODO - auto-send email or not - discuss $this->resendActivation($userid); //FIXME admin log // Reload tree $this->getTreeModel()->load(true); return; } e107::getMessage()->addError(USRLAN_236); } /** * Quick Add user submit trigger */ public function AddSubmitTrigger() { $e107cache = e107::getCache(); $userMethods = e107::getUserSession(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $e_event = e107::getEvent(); $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog(); if (!$_POST['ac'] == md5(ADMINPWCHANGE)) { exit; } $e107cache->clear('online_menu_member_total'); $e107cache->clear('online_menu_member_newest'); $error = false; if (isset ($_POST['generateloginname'])) { $_POST['loginname'] = $userMethods->generateUserLogin($pref['predefinedLoginName']); } $_POST['password2'] = $_POST['password1'] = $_POST['password']; // Now validate everything $allData = validatorClass::validateFields($_POST, $userMethods->userVettingInfo, true); // Fix Display and user name if (!check_class($pref['displayname_class'], $allData['data']['user_class'])) { if ($allData['data']['user_name'] != $allData['data']['user_loginname']) { $allData['data']['user_name'] = $allData['data']['user_loginname']; $mes->addWarning(str_replace('[x]', $allData['data']['user_loginname'], USRLAN_237)); //$allData['errors']['user_name'] = ERR_FIELDS_DIFFERENT; } } // Do basic validation validatorClass::checkMandatory('user_name, user_loginname', $allData); // Check for missing fields (email done in userValidation() ) validatorClass::dbValidateArray($allData, $userMethods->userVettingInfo, 'user', 0); // Do basic DB-related checks $userMethods->userValidation($allData); // Do user-specific DB checks if (!isset($allData['errors']['user_password'])) { // No errors in password - keep it outside the main data array $savePassword = $allData['data']['user_password']; // Delete the password value in the output array unset ($allData['data']['user_password']); } // Restrict the scope of this unset($_POST['password2'], $_POST['password1']); if (count($allData['errors'])) { $temp = validatorClass::makeErrorList($allData, 'USER_ERR_','%n - %x - %t: %v', '
', $userMethods->userVettingInfo); $mes->addError($temp); $error = true; } // Always save some of the entered data - then we can redisplay on error $user_data = & $allData['data']; if($error) { $this->setParam('user_data', $user_data); return; } if(varset($_POST['perms'])) { $allData['data']['user_admin'] = 1; $allData['data']['user_perms'] = implode('.',$_POST['perms']); } $user_data['user_password'] = $userMethods->HashPassword($savePassword, $user_data['user_login']); $user_data['user_join'] = time(); if ($userMethods->needEmailPassword()) { // Save separate password encryption for use with email address $user_prefs = e107::getArrayStorage()->unserialize($user_data['user_prefs']); $user_prefs['email_password'] = $userMethods->HashPassword($savePassword, $user_data['user_email']); $user_data['user_prefs'] = e107::getArrayStorage()->serialize($user_prefs); unset($user_prefs); } $userMethods->userClassUpdate($allData['data'], 'userall'); //FIXME - (SecretR) there is a better way to fix this (missing default value, sql error in strict mode - user_realm is to be deleted from DB later) $allData['data']['user_realm'] = ''; // Set any initial classes $userMethods->addNonDefaulted($user_data); validatorClass::addFieldTypes($userMethods->userVettingInfo, $allData); $userid = $sql->insert('user', $allData); if ($userid) { $sysuser = e107::getSystemUser(false, false); $sysuser->setData($allData['data']); $sysuser->setId($userid); $user_data['user_id'] = $userid; // Add to admin log e107::getLog()->add('USET_02',"UName: {$user_data['user_name']}; Email: {$user_data['user_email']}", E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); // Add to user audit trail e107::getLog()->user_audit(USER_AUDIT_ADD_ADMIN, $user_data, 0, $user_data['user_loginname']); e107::getEvent()->trigger('userfull', $user_data); e107::getEvent()->trigger('admin_user_created', $user_data); // send everything available for user data - bit sparse compared with user-generated signup if(isset($_POST['sendconfemail'])) { $check = false; // Send confirmation email to user switch ((int) $_POST['sendconfemail']) { case 0: // activate, don't notify $check = -1; break; case 1: // activate and send password $check = $sysuser->email('quickadd', array( 'user_password' => $savePassword, 'mail_subject' => USRLAN_187.SITENAME, 'activation_url' => USRLAN_238, )); break; case 2: // require activation and send password and activation link $sysuser->set('user_ban', 2) ->set('user_sess', e_user_model::randomKey()) ->save(); $check = $sysuser->email('quickadd', array( 'user_password' => $savePassword, 'mail_subject' => USRLAN_187.SITENAME, 'activation_url' => SITEURL."signup.php?activate.".$sysuser->getId().".".$sysuser->getValue('sess'), )); break; } if($check && $check !== -1) { $mes->addSuccess(USRLAN_188); } elseif(!$check) { $mes->addError(USRLAN_189); } } // $message = str_replace('--NAME--', htmlspecialchars($user_data['user_name'], ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET), USRLAN_174); $message = USRLAN_172; // "User account has been created with the following:" ie. keep it simple so it can easily be copied and pasted. // Always show Login name and password //if (isset($_POST['generateloginname'])) { $mes->addSuccess($message) ->addSuccess(USRLAN_128.': '.htmlspecialchars($user_data['user_loginname'], ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET).''); } //if (isset($_POST['generatepassword'])) { $mes->addSuccess(USRLAN_62.': '.htmlspecialchars($savePassword, ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET).''); } return; } else { $mes->addError(LAN_CREATED_FAILED); $mes->addError($sql->getLastErrorText()); } } /** * Quick add user page */ function AddPage() { $prm = e107::getUserPerms(); //$list = $prm->getPermList(); $frm = e107::getForm(); $e_userclass = e107::getUserClass(); $pref = e107::getPref(); $user_data = $this->getParam('user_data'); // $this->addTitle(LAN_USER_QUICKADD); $text = "
"; $text .= " "; if (!isset ($user_data['user_class'])) $user_data['user_class'] = varset($pref['initial_user_classes']); $temp = $e_userclass->vetted_tree('class', array($e_userclass, 'checkbox_desc'), $user_data['user_class'], 'classes, no-excludes'); if ($temp) { $text .= "\n"; } // Make Admin. $text .= " "; $text .= "
".USRLAN_61." ".$frm->text('username', varset($user_data['user_name']), varset($pref['displayname_maxlength'], 15))."
".$frm->text('loginname', varset($user_data['user_loginname']), varset($pref['loginname_maxlength'], 30))."   ".$frm->checkbox_label(USRLAN_170, 'generateloginname', 1, varset($pref['predefinedLoginName'], false))."
".USRLAN_129." ".$frm->text('realname', varset($user_data['user_login']), 30)."
".USRLAN_62." ".$frm->password('password', '', 20, array('size' => 40, 'class' => 'tbox e-password', 'generate' => 1, 'strength' => 1))."
".USRLAN_64." ".$frm->text('email', varset($user_data['user_email']), 100)."
".USRLAN_239." ".$frm->select('sendconfemail', array('0' => USRLAN_240, '1' => USRLAN_241, '2' => USRLAN_242), (int) varset($_POST['sendconfemail'], 0))."
".USRLAN_120." ".USRLAN_120."
".USRLAN_35." ".USRLAN_243."
"; $text .= $prm->renderPermTable('grouped'); $text .= "
".$frm->admin_trigger('submit', USRLAN_60, 'create')." ".$frm->token()."
"; return $text; //$ns->tablerender(USRLAN_59,$mes->render().$text); } public function RanksUpdateTrigger() { $fg = array(); $ranks_calc = ''; $ranks_flist = ''; $config = e107::getConfig(); foreach ($_POST['op'] as $f => $o) { $cfg[$f]['op'] = $o; $cfg[$f]['val'] = varset($_POST['val'][$f],''); if ($_POST['val'][$f]) { $ranks_calc .= ($ranks_calc ? ' + ' : '').'({'.$f.'} '." $o {$_POST['val'][$f]}".' )'; $ranks_flist .= ($ranks_flist ? ',' : '').$f; } } //Delete existing rank config e107::getDb()->delete('generic', "gen_type = 'user_rank_config'"); $tmp = array(); $tmp['data']['gen_type'] = 'user_rank_config'; $tmp['data']['gen_chardata'] = serialize($cfg); $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['gen_type'] = 'string'; $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['gen_chardata'] = 'escape'; //Add the new rank config e107::getDb()->insert('generic', $tmp); // save prefs $config->set('ranks_calc', $ranks_calc); $config->set('ranks_flist', $ranks_flist); $config->save(); $config->resetMessages(); //Delete existing rank data e107::getDb()->delete('generic',"gen_type = 'user_rank_data'"); //Add main site admin info $tmp = array(); $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['gen_datestamp'] = 'int'; $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['gen_ip'] = 'todb'; $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['gen_user_id'] = 'int'; $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['gen_chardata'] = 'todb'; $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['gen_intdata'] = 'int'; $tmp['data']['gen_datestamp'] = 1; $tmp['data']['gen_type'] = 'user_rank_data'; $tmp['data']['gen_ip'] = $_POST['calc_name']['main_admin']; $tmp['data']['gen_user_id'] = varset($_POST['calc_pfx']['main_admin'],0); $tmp['data']['gen_chardata'] = $_POST['calc_img']['main_admin']; e107::getDb()->insert('generic',$tmp); //Add site admin info unset ($tmp['data']); $tmp['data']['gen_type'] = 'user_rank_data'; $tmp['data']['gen_datestamp'] = 2; $tmp['data']['gen_ip'] = $_POST['calc_name']['admin']; $tmp['data']['gen_user_id'] = varset($_POST['calc_pfx']['admin'],0); $tmp['data']['gen_chardata'] = $_POST['calc_img']['admin']; e107::getDb()->insert('generic', $tmp); //Add all current site defined ranks if (isset ($_POST['field_id'])) { foreach ($_POST['field_id'] as $fid => $x) { unset ($tmp['data']); $tmp['data']['gen_type'] = 'user_rank_data'; $tmp['data']['gen_ip'] = varset($_POST['calc_name'][$fid],''); $tmp['data']['gen_user_id'] = varset($_POST['calc_pfx'][$fid],0); $tmp['data']['gen_chardata'] = varset($_POST['calc_img'][$fid],''); $tmp['data']['gen_intdata'] = varset($_POST['calc_lower'][$fid],'_NULL_'); e107::getDb()->insert('generic', $tmp); } } //Add new rank, if posted if (varset($_POST['new_calc_lower'])) { unset ($tmp['data']); $tmp['data']['gen_type'] = 'user_rank_data'; $tmp['data']['gen_datestamp'] = 0; $tmp['data']['gen_ip'] = varset($_POST['new_calc_name']); $tmp['data']['gen_user_id'] = varset($_POST['new_calc_pfx'],0); $tmp['data']['gen_chardata'] = varset($_POST['new_calc_img']); $tmp['data']['gen_intdata'] = varset($_POST['new_calc_lower']); e107::getDb()->insert('generic', $tmp); } e107::getMessage()->addSuccess(LAN_UPDATED); e107::getCache()->clear_sys('nomd5_user_ranks'); } function RanksDeleteTrigger($posted) { $rankId = (int) key($posted); e107::getCache()->clear_sys('nomd5_user_ranks'); if (e107::getDb()->delete('generic',"gen_id='{$rankId}'")) { e107::getMessage()->addSuccess(LAN_DELETED); } else { e107::getMessage()->addError(LAN_DELETED_FAILED); } } function RanksPage() { $frm = e107::getForm(); $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $pref = e107::getPref(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $ui = $this->getUI(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $ranks = e107::getRank()->getRankData(); $tmp = e107::getFile()->get_files(e_IMAGE.'ranks', '.*?\.(png|gif|jpg)'); // $this->addTitle(LAN_USER_RANKS); foreach($tmp as $k => $v) { $imageList[] = $v['fname']; } unset($tmp); natsort($imageList); $text = $frm->open('core-user-ranks-form'); $fields = array( 'type' => array('title' => USRLAN_207, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'class' => 'left'), 'rankName' => array('title' => USRLAN_208, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'class' => 'left'), 'lowThresh' => array('title' => USRLAN_209, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'class' => 'left'), 'langPrefix' => array('title' => USRLAN_210, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'class' => 'left'), 'rankImage' => array('title' => USRLAN_210, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'class' => 'left'), ); $text .= " ". $frm->colGroup($fields, array_keys($fields)). $frm->thead($fields, array_keys($fields)); $info = $ranks['special'][1]; $val = $tp->toForm($info['name']); $text .= " "; $info = $ranks['special'][2]; $val = $tp->toForm($info['name']); $text .= " "; foreach ($ranks['data'] as $k => $r) { $pfx_checked = ($r['lan_pfx'] ? "checked='checked'" : ''); $text .= " "; } $text .= " "; $text .= '
".LAN_MAINADMIN." ".$frm->text('calc_name[main_admin]', $val)." N/A ".$frm->checkbox('calc_pfx[main_admin]', 1, $info['lan_pfx'] ? true : false)." ".$ui->RankImageDropdown($imageList,'calc_img[main_admin]',$info['image'])."
".LAN_ADMIN." ".$frm->text('calc_name[admin]', $val)." N/A ".$frm->checkbox('calc_pfx[admin]', 1, $info['lan_pfx'] ? true : false)." ".$ui->RankImageDropdown($imageList, 'calc_img[admin]', $info['image'])."
".USRLAN_212." ".$frm->number("calc_lower[{$k}]", $r['thresh'])." ".$frm->checkbox("calc_pfx[{$k}]", 1, $r['lan_pfx'] ? true : false)." ".$ui->RankImageDropdown($imageList, "calc_img[$k]", $r['image'])." ". $frm->submit_image("etrigger_delete[{$r['id']}]", LAN_DELETE, 'delete', LAN_CONFIRMDEL.": [{$r['name']}]?")."
".USRLAN_214." ".$frm->text('new_calc_name', '')." ".$frm->number('new_calc_lower', '')." ".$frm->checkbox('new_calc_pfx', 1, false)." ".$ui->RankImageDropdown($imageList, 'new_calc_img')."
'.$frm->admin_trigger('update', 'no-value', 'update', LAN_UPDATE).'
'; return $text; } // ================== OLD CODE backup =============> // It might be rewritten with user info option (ui trigger) // Old trigger code // if ((isset ($_POST['useraction']) && $_POST['useraction'] == "userinfo") || $_GET['userinfo']) // { // $ip = ($_POST['userip']) ? $_POST['userip'] : $_GET['userinfo']; // $user->user_info($ip); // } function user_info($ipd) { global $ns, $sql, $e107; if (isset($ipd)) { $bullet = ''; if(defined('BULLET')) { $bullet = ''; } elseif(file_exists(THEME.'images/bullet2.gif')) { $bullet = ''; } // TODO - move to e_userinfo.php $obj = new convert; $sql->db_Select("chatbox", "*", "cb_ip='$ipd' LIMIT 0,20"); $host = $e107->get_host_name($ipd); $text = USFLAN_3." ".$ipd." [ ".USFLAN_4.": $host ]

"; while (list($cb_id, $cb_nick, $cb_message, $cb_datestamp, $cb_blocked, $cb_ip ) = $sql->fetch()) { $datestamp = $obj->convert_date($cb_datestamp, "short"); $post_author_id = substr($cb_nick, 0, strpos($cb_nick, ".")); $post_author_name = substr($cb_nick, (strpos($cb_nick, ".")+1)); $text .= $bullet." ".$post_author_name." (".USFLAN_6.": ".$post_author_id.")
". $cb_message."

"; } $text .= "
"; $sql->db_Select("comments", "*", "comment_ip='$ipd' LIMIT 0,20"); while (list($comment_id, $comment_item_id, $comment_author, $comment_author_email, $comment_datestamp, $comment_comment, $comment_blocked, $comment_ip) = $sql->fetch()) { $datestamp = $obj->convert_date($comment_datestamp, "short"); $post_author_id = substr($comment_author, 0, strpos($comment_author, ".")); $post_author_name = substr($comment_author, (strpos($comment_author, ".")+1)); $text .= $bullet." ".$post_author_name." (".USFLAN_6.": ".$post_author_id.")
". $comment_comment."

"; } } $ns->tablerender(USFLAN_7, $text); } function maintenancePage() { $frm = e107::getForm(); $ns = e107::getRender(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $age = array( 3=>'3 hours', 6=> "6 hours", 24 => "24 hours", 48 => '48 hours', 72 => '3 days' ); $count = $sql->count('user','(*)',"user_ban = 2 "); $caption = $tp->lanVars('Resend account activation email to unactivated users.',$count); $text = $frm->open('userMaintenance','post'); $text .= "
Older than ".$frm->select('resendAge', $age, 24).$frm->checkbox('resetPasswords',1,false,'Reset all passwords'). $frm->button('resendToAll', 1, 'warning', LAN_GO)."
"; $text .= $frm->close(); return $text; } /** * Send an activation email to all unactivated users older than so many hours. * @param bool $resetPasswords * @param int $age in hours. ie. older than 24 hours will be sent an email. */ function resend_to_all($resetPasswords=false, $age=24) { global $sql,$pref; $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $sql2 = e107::getDb('toall'); $emailLogin = e107::getPref('allowEmailLogin'); e107::lan('core','signup'); $ageOpt = intval($age)." hours ago"; $age = strtotime($ageOpt); $query = "SELECT u.*, ue.* FROM `#user` AS u LEFT JOIN `#user_extended` AS ue ON ue.user_extended_id = u.user_id WHERE u.user_ban = 2 AND u.user_join < ".$age." ORDER BY u.user_id DESC"; $sql->gen($query); $recipients = array(); $usr = e107::getUserSession(); while ($row = $sql->fetch()) { if($resetPasswords === true) { $rawPassword = $usr->generateRandomString('********'); $sessKey = e_user_model::randomKey(); $updateQry = array( 'user_sess' => $sessKey, 'user_password' => $usr->HashPassword($rawPassword, $row['user_loginname']), 'WHERE' => 'user_id = '.$row['user_id']." LIMIT 1" ); if(!$sql2->update('user',$updateQry)) { echo "error updating user's password"; print_a($updateQry); // break; } $row['user_sess'] = $sessKey; } else { $rawPassword = '(*** hidden ***)'; } $recipients[] = array( 'mail_recipient_id' => $row['user_id'], 'mail_recipient_name' => $row['user_name'], // Should this use realname? 'mail_recipient_email' => $row['user_email'], 'mail_target_info' => array( 'USERID' => $row['user_id'], 'LOGINNAME' => (intval($emailLogin) === 1) ? $row['user_email'] : $row['user_loginname'], 'PASSWORD' => $rawPassword, 'DISPLAYNAME' => $row['user_name'], 'SUBJECT' => LAN_SIGNUP_98, 'USERNAME' => $row['user_name'], 'USERLASTVISIT' => $row['user_lastvisit'], 'ACTIVATION_LINK' => SITEURL."signup.php?activate.".$row['user_id'].".".$row['user_sess'], 'DATE_SHORT' => $tp->toDate(time(),'short'), 'DATE_LONG' => $tp->toDate(time(),'long'), ) ); // echo $row['user_id']." ".$row['user_sess']." ".$row['user_name']." ".$row['user_email']."
"; } $siteadminemail = e107::getPref('siteadminemail'); $siteadmin = e107::getPref('siteadmin'); $mailer = e107::getBulkEmail(); // Create the mail body $mailData = array( 'mail_total_count' => count($recipients), 'mail_content_status' => MAIL_STATUS_TEMP, 'mail_create_app' => 'core', 'mail_title' => 'RESEND ACTIVATION', 'mail_subject' => LAN_SIGNUP_98, 'mail_sender_email' => e107::getPref('replyto_email',$siteadminemail), 'mail_sender_name' => e107::getPref('replyto_name',$siteadmin), 'mail_notify_complete' => 0, // NEVER notify when this email sent!!!!! 'mail_body' => 'null', 'template' => 'signup', 'mail_send_style' => 'signup' ); if(count($recipients)) { $result = $mailer->sendEmails('signup', $mailData, $recipients); } e107::getMessage()->addSuccess("Total emails added to mail queue: ".count($recipients)); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bounce handling - FIXME convert to cron job // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // $bounce_act has the task to perform: // 'first_check' - initial read of list of bounces // 'delnonbounce' - delete any emails that aren't bounces // 'clearemailbounce' - delete email address for any user whose emails bounced // 'delchecked' - delete the emails whose comma-separated IDs are in $bounce_arr // 'delall' - delete all bounced emails function check_bounces($bounce_act = 'first_check',$bounce_arr = '') { ### old Trigger code for bounce check // $bounce_act = ''; // if (isset ($_POST['check_bounces'])) // $bounce_act = 'first_check'; // if (isset ($_POST['delnonbouncesubmit'])) // $bounce_act = 'delnonbounce'; // if (isset ($_POST['clearemailbouncesubmit'])) // $bounce_act = 'clearemailbounce'; // if (isset ($_POST['delcheckedsubmit'])) // $bounce_act = 'delchecked'; // if (isset ($_POST['delallsubmit'])) // $bounce_act = 'delall'; // if ($bounce_act) // { // $user->check_bounces($bounce_act,implode(',',$_POST['delete_email'])); // require_once ("footer.php"); // exit; // } global $sql,$pref; include (e_HANDLER.'pop3_class.php'); if (!trim($bounce_act)) { $bounce_act = 'first_check'; } // echo "Check bounces. Action: {$bounce_act}; Entries: {$bounce_arr}
"; $obj = new receiveMail($pref['mail_bounce_user'],$pref['mail_bounce_pass'],$pref['mail_bounce_email'],$pref['mail_bounce_pop3'],varset($pref['mail_bounce_type'],'pop3')); $del_count = 0; if ($bounce_act != 'first_check') { // Must do some deleting $obj->connect(); $tot = $obj->getTotalMails(); $del_array = explode(',',$bounce_arr); for ($i = 1; $i <= $tot; $i++) { // Scan all emails; delete current one if meets the criteria $dodel = false; switch ($bounce_act) { case 'delnonbounce' : $head = $obj->getHeaders($i); $dodel = (!$head['bounce']); break; case 'clearemailbounce' : if (!in_array($i,$del_array)) break; $head = $obj->getHeaders($i); if ($head['bounce']) { if (preg_match("/[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+@[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+/i",$obj->getBody($i),$result)) { $usr_email = trim($result[0]); } if ($sql->db_Select('user','user_id, user_name, user_email',"user_email='".$usr_email."' ")) { $row = $sql->fetch(); if ($sql->db_Update('user',"`user_email`='' WHERE `user_id` = '".$row['user_id']."' ") !== false) { // echo "Deleting user email {$row['user_email']} for user {$row['user_name']}, id={$row['user_id']}
"; $dodel = true; } } } break; case 'delall' : $dodel = true; break; case 'delchecked' : $dodel = in_array($i,$del_array); break; } if ($dodel) { // echo "Delete email ID {$i}
"; $obj->deleteMails($i); $del_count++; // Keep track of number of emails deleted } } // End - Delete one email $obj->close_mailbox(); // This actually deletes the emails } // End of email deletion // Now list the emails that are left $obj->connect(); $tot = $obj->getTotalMails(); $found = false; $DEL = ($pref['mail_bounce_delete']) ? true : false; $text = "
\n"; $identifier = deftrue('MAIL_IDENTIFIER', 'X-e107-id'); for ($i = 1; $i <= $tot; $i++) { $head = $obj->getHeaders($i); if ($head['bounce']) { // Its a 'bounce' email if (preg_match('/.*'.$identifier.':(.*)MIME/',$obj->getBody($i),$result)) { if ($result[1]) { $id[$i] = intval($result[1]); // This should be a user ID - but not on special mailers! // Try and pull out an email address from body - should be the one that failed if (preg_match("/[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+@[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+/i",$obj->getBody($i),$result)) { $emails[$i] = "'".$result[0]."'"; } $found = true; } } elseif (preg_match("/[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+@[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+/i",$obj->getBody($i),$result)) { if ($result[0] && $result[0] != $pref['mail_bounce_email']) { $emails[$i] = "'".$result[0]."'"; $found = true; } elseif ($result[1] && $result[1] != $pref['mail_bounce_email']) { $emails[$i] = "'".$result[1]."'"; $found = true; } } if ($DEL && $found) { // Auto-delete bounced emails once noticed (if option set) $obj->deleteMails($i); $del_count++; } } else { // Its a warning message or similar // $id[$i] = ''; // Don't worry about an ID for now // Try and pull out an email address from body - should be the one that failed if (preg_match("/[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+@[\._a-zA-Z0-9-]+/i",$obj->getBody($i),$result)) { $wmails[$i] = "'".$result[0]."'"; } } $text .= "\n"; } if ($del_count) { e107::getLog()->add('USET_13',str_replace('--COUNT--',$del_count,USRLAN_169),E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); } if ($tot) { // Option to delete emails - only if there are some in the list $text .= "
".$i."".$id[$i]."".(isset ($emails[$i]) ? $emails[$i] : $wmails[$i])."".$head['subject']."".($head['bounce'] ? ADMIN_TRUE_ICON : ADMIN_FALSE_ICON); $text .= "
\n \n \n \n "; } $text .= "
"; array_unique($id); array_unique($emails); $all_ids = implode(',',$id); $all_emails = implode(',',$emails); $obj->close_mailbox(); // This will actually delete emails // $tot has total number of emails in the mailbox $found = count($emails); // $found - Number of bounce emails found // $del_count has number of emails deleted // Update bounce status for users $ed = $sql->db_Update('user',"user_ban=3 WHERE (`user_id` IN (".$all_ids.") OR `user_email` IN (".$all_emails.")) AND user_sess !='' "); if (!$ed) $ed = '0'; $this->show_message(str_replace(array('{TOTAL}','{DELCOUNT}','{DELUSER}','{FOUND}'),array($tot,$del_count,$ed,$found),USRLAN_155).$text); } // ------- FIXME Prune Users move to cron -------------- // if (isset ($_POST['prune'])) // { // $e107cache->clear('online_menu_member_total'); // $e107cache->clear('online_menu_member_newest'); // $text = USRLAN_56.' '; // $bantype = $_POST['prune_type']; // if ($bantype == 30) // // older than 30 days. // { // $bantype = 2; // $ins = " AND user_join < ".strtotime("-30 days"); // } // if ($sql->db_Select("user","user_id, user_name","user_ban= {$bantype}".$ins)) // { // $uList = $sql->db_getList(); // foreach ($uList as $u) // { // $text .= $u['user_name']." "; // $sql->db_Delete("user","user_id='{$u['user_id']}' "); // $sql->db_Delete("user_extended","user_extended_id='{$u['user_id']}' "); // } // e107::getLog()->add('USET_04',str_replace(array('--COUNT--','--TYPE--'),array(count($uList),$bantype),USRLAN_160),E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); // } // $ns->tablerender(USRLAN_57,"
"); // unset ($text); // } } class users_admin_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui { function user_extended($curval,$mode, $att) { if($mode == 'read') { $field = $att['field']; $data = $this->getController()->getListModel()->get($field); // ($att['field']); return $data; } if($mode == 'write') { // e107::getUserExt()->user_extended_edit // return 'hello'; $field = $att['field']; $extData = $this->getController()->getExtended(); $extData[$field]['user_extended_struct_required'] = 0; return e107::getUserExt()->user_extended_edit($extData[$field],$curval); // return print_a($att,true); } } function user_perms($curval,$mode) { if($mode == 'read') { $uid = $this->getController()->getModel()->get('user_id'); return e107::getUserPerms()->renderPerms($curval,$uid); } if($mode == 'write') { $prm = e107::getUserPerms(); $text = "Admin Permissions"; $text .= "'; return $text; } } function user_password($curval,$mode) { if($mode == 'read') { if(empty($curVal)) { return "No password!"; } } if($mode == 'write') { return $this->password('user_password', '', 20, array('size' => 50, 'class' => 'tbox e-password', 'placeholder' => 'Leave blank for no change', 'generate' => 1, 'strength' => 1, 'required'=>0))." "; } } function user_ban($curval,$mode) { $bo = array( 'Active', "".LAN_BANNED."", "".LAN_NOTVERIFIED."", "".LAN_BOUNCED."" ); if($mode == 'filter' || $mode == 'batch') { return $bo; } if($mode == 'write') { $frm = e107::getForm(); return $frm->select('user_ban',$bo,$curval); } return vartrue($bo[$curval],' '); // ($curval == 1) ? ADMIN_TRUE_ICON : ''; } /* function user_class($curval,$mode) { $e_userclass = new user_class; $frm = e107::getForm(); $list = $e_userclass->uc_required_class_list("classes"); if($mode == 'filter') { return $list; } if($mode == 'write') //FIXME userclasses are NOT be saved since they are an array. { return $frm->select('user_class', $list, $curval, 'description=1&multiple=1'); // return $frm->uc_select('user_class[]', $curval, 'admin,classes', 'description=1&multiple=1');// doesn't work correctly. } //FIXME TODO - option to append userclass to existing value. if($mode == 'batch') { //$list['#delete'] = "(clear userclass)"; // special return $list; } $tmp = explode(",",$curval); $text = array(); foreach($tmp as $v) { $text[] = $list[$v]; } return implode("
",$text); // $list[$curval]; }*/ function user_status($curval,$mode) { $row = $this->getController()->getListModel()->getData(); $text = ""; if ($row['user_perms'] == "0") { $text .= "
"; } else if ($row['user_admin']) { $text .= "
"; } else if ($row['user_ban'] == 1) { $text .= "
"; } else if ($row['user_ban'] == 2) { $text .= "
"; } else if ($row['user_ban'] == 3) { $text .= "
"; } else { $text .= " "; } return $text; } //TODO Reduce to simple edit/delete buttons only Other options included on edit page or available via inline or batch editing. function options($val, $mode) // old drop-down options. { $controller = $this->getController(); if($controller->getMode() != 'main' || $controller->getAction() != 'list') return; $row = $controller->getListModel()->getData(); if(!getperms('4')) { // return; } extract($row); $text = ""; $head = "
"; return ($text) ? $head.$text.$foot : ""; } function RankImageDropdown(&$imgList, $field, $curVal = '') { $ret = " '; return $ret; } } class users_ranks_ui extends e_admin_ui { protected $pluginTitle = LAN_USER; protected $pluginName = 'user_ranks'; protected $table = 'generic'; protected $pid = 'gen_id'; protected $perPage = 15; protected $listQry = "SELECT * FROM `#generic` WHERE gen_type='user_rank_data' "; protected $listOrder = " CASE gen_datestamp WHEN 1 THEN 1 WHEN 2 THEN 2 WHEN 3 THEN 3 WHEN 0 THEN 4 END, gen_intdata "; protected $fields = array ( 'checkboxes' => array ( 'title' => '', 'type' => null, 'data' => null, 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'forced' => '1', 'class' => 'center', 'toggle' => 'e-multiselect', ), 'gen_id' => array ( 'title' => LAN_ID, 'nolist'=>true, 'data' => 'int', 'width' => '5%', 'help' => '', 'readParms' => '', 'writeParms' => '', 'class' => 'left', 'thclass' => 'left', ), 'gen_type' => array ( 'title' => LAN_BAN, 'type' => 'hidden', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'batch' => true, 'filter' => true, 'inline' => true, 'help' => '', 'readParms' => '', 'writeParms' => 'value=user_rank_data', 'class' => 'left', 'thclass' => 'left', ), 'gen_ip' => array ( 'title' => USRLAN_208, 'type' => 'text', 'data' => 'str', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'help' => '', 'readParms' => '', 'writeParms' => '', 'class' => 'left', 'thclass' => 'left', ), 'gen_intdata' => array ( 'title' => USRLAN_209, 'type' => 'text', 'batch'=>false, 'data' => 'int', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'help' => '', 'readParms' => 'default=-', 'writeParms' => '', 'class' => 'center', 'thclass' => 'center', ), 'gen_datestamp' => array ( 'title' => 'Special', 'type' => 'hidden', 'nolist'=>true, 'data' => 'int', 'width' => 'auto', 'filter' => true, 'help' => '', 'readParms' => '', 'writeParms' => '', 'class' => 'left', 'thclass' => 'left', ), 'gen_user_id' => array ( 'title' => USRLAN_210, 'type' => 'boolean', 'batch'=>true, 'data' => 'int', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => '15%', 'help' => '', 'readParms' => '', 'writeParms' => '', 'class' => 'center', 'thclass' => 'center', ), 'gen_chardata' => array ( 'title' => LAN_ICON, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data' => 'str', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'help' => '', 'readParms' => '', 'writeParms' => array(), 'class' => 'left', 'thclass' => 'left', ), 'options' => array ( 'title' => LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' =>'method', 'data' => null, 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class' => 'right last', 'forced' => '1', 'readParms'=>'edit=0' ), ); protected $fieldpref = array('gen_datestamp', 'gen_type', 'gen_ip', 'gen_intdata', 'gen_user_id', 'gen_chardata'); // optional public function init() { $tmp = e107::getFile()->get_files(e_IMAGE.'ranks', '.*?\.(png|gif|jpg)'); $mode = $this->getMode(); $action = $this->getAction(); $existing = e107::getDb()->gen("SELECT gen_id FROM #generic WHERE gen_type='user_rank_data' LIMIT 1 "); if($mode == 'ranks' && ($action == 'list') && !$existing) { $this->createDefaultRecords(); } // $this->addTitle(LAN_USER_RANKS); foreach($tmp as $k => $v) { $id = $v['fname']; $this->fields['gen_chardata']['writeParms']['optArray'][$id] = $v['fname']; } unset($tmp); natsort($imageList); } public function afterDelete($data) { e107::getCache()->clear_sys('nomd5_user_ranks'); } public function afterUpdate($new_data, $old_data, $id) { e107::getCache()->clear_sys('nomd5_user_ranks'); } private function createDefaultRecords() { $tmp = array(); $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['gen_datestamp'] = 'int'; $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['gen_ip'] = 'todb'; $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['gen_user_id'] = 'int'; $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['gen_chardata'] = 'todb'; $tmp['_FIELD_TYPES']['gen_intdata'] = 'int'; //Add main site admin info $tmp['data']['gen_datestamp'] = 1; $tmp['data']['gen_type'] = 'user_rank_data'; $tmp['data']['gen_ip'] = LAN_MAINADMIN; $tmp['data']['gen_user_id'] = 1; $tmp['data']['gen_chardata'] = 'English_main_admin.png'; $tmp['data']['gen_intdata'] = 0; e107::getDb()->insert('generic',$tmp); unset ($tmp['data']); //Add site admin info $tmp['data']['gen_type'] = 'user_rank_data'; $tmp['data']['gen_datestamp'] = 2; $tmp['data']['gen_ip'] = LAN_ADMIN; $tmp['data']['gen_user_id'] = 1; $tmp['data']['gen_chardata'] = 'English_admin.png'; $tmp['data']['gen_intdata'] = 0; e107::getDb()->insert('generic', $tmp); for($i=1; $i < 11; $i++) { unset ($tmp['data']); $tmp['data']['gen_type'] = 'user_rank_data'; $tmp['data']['gen_datestamp'] = 0; $tmp['data']['gen_ip'] = "Level ".$i; $tmp['data']['gen_user_id'] = 0; $tmp['data']['gen_chardata'] = "lev".$i.".png"; $tmp['data']['gen_intdata'] = ($i * 150); e107::getDb()->insert('generic', $tmp); } } } class users_ranks_ui_form extends e_admin_form_ui { // Override the default Options field. function options($parms, $value, $id, $attributes) { if($attributes['mode'] == 'read') { parse_str(str_replace('&', '&', e_QUERY), $query); //FIXME - FIX THIS $query['action'] = 'edit'; $query['id'] = $id; $query = http_build_query($query); $text = " ".ADMIN_EDIT_ICON.""; $special = $this->getController()->getListModel()->get('gen_datestamp'); if($special == 0) { $text .= $this->submit_image('menu_delete['.$id.']', $id, 'delete', LAN_DELETE.' [ ID: '.$id.' ]', array('class' => 'action delete btn btn-default'.$delcls)); } return $text; } } } new users_admin(); require_once ('auth.php'); e107::getAdminUI()->runPage(); require_once ("footer.php");