isInstalled('calendar_menu')) header('Location: '.e_BASE.'index.php'); include_lan(e_PLUGIN.'calendar_menu/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'.php'); define('PAGE_NAME', EC_LAN_80); require_once(e_PLUGIN.'calendar_menu/ecal_class.php'); $ecal_class = new ecal_class; require_once(e_PLUGIN.'calendar_menu/calendar_shortcodes.php'); $calSc = new event_calendar_shortcodes(); $calSc->ecalClass = &$ecal_class; // Give shortcodes a pointer to calendar class $message = ''; unset($ec_qs); if (e_QUERY) $ec_qs = explode('.', e_QUERY); else { if (!isset($ecal_class->pref['eventpost_printlists']) || ($ecal_class->pref['eventpost_printlists'] == 0)) header('location:'.SITEURL); // If disabled, just go back to index page } if (isset($_POST['set_dates']) && isset($_POST['start_date']) && (isset($_POST['end_date']))) { $ec_qs[0] = $_POST['start_date']; $ec_qs[1] = $_POST['end_date']; if (isset($_POST['event_cat_ids'])) { $ec_qs[2] = $_POST['event_cat_ids']; if ($ec_qs[2] == 'all') $ec_qs[2] = '*'; } if (isset($_POST['template_choice'])) $ec_qs[3] = $_POST['template_choice']; } if (!isset($ec_qs[3])) $ec_qs[3] = 'default'; // Template if (isset($_POST['output_type'])) $ec_qs[4] = $_POST['output_type']; if (!isset($ec_qs[4]) || (($ec_qs[4]) != 'print') && ($ec_qs[4] != 'pdf') ) $ec_qs[4] = 'display'; $cal_super = $ecal_class->cal_super; // Get templates, since we may have to give a choice if we're displaying something // Actually load three in order so they can accumulate, and give the option of overriding other settings $EVENT_CAL_PDF_HEADER = array(); $EVENT_CAL_PDF_BODY = array(); $EVENT_CAL_PDF_FOOTER = array(); if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.'calendar_menu/ec_pf_template.php')) require_once(e_PLUGIN.'calendar_menu/ec_pf_template.php'); if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.'calendar_menu/ec_pf_user_template.php')) require_once(e_PLUGIN.'calendar_menu/ec_pf_user_template.php'); if (is_readable(THEME.'ec_pf_template.php')) require_once(THEME.'ec_pf_template.php'); // Hard-coded alternatives if (!count($EVENT_CAL_PDF_HEADER)) $EVENT_CAL_PDF_HEADER['default'] = '
'; if (!count($EVENT_CAL_PDF_FOOTER)) $EVENT_CAL_PDF_FOOTER['default'] = '
'; if (!count($EVENT_CAL_PDF_NAMES)) $ec_pdf_template = 'default'; // If one name only, we just assign that if (count($EVENT_CAL_PDF_NAMES) == 1) { $ec_pdf_template = array_pop(array_keys($EVENT_CAL_PDF_NAMES)); // echo "Assign template: ".$ec_pdf_template."
"; } $ec_enable_pdf = ($ecal_class->pref['eventpost_printlists'] > 1) && is_readable(e_PLUGIN."pdf/e107pdf.php"); if (!isset($ec_qs[0]) || !isset($ec_qs[1])) { // Put up a prompt to get the view period require_once(HEADERF); $cal_text = "
"; $cal_text .= ""; if (isset($EVENT_CAL_PDF_NAMES) && is_array($EVENT_CAL_PDF_NAMES) && (count($EVENT_CAL_PDF_NAMES) > 1)) { // Offer choice of templates $cal_text .= "\n"; } // Radio buttons to select output type $cal_text .= ""; $cal_text .= ""; $cal_text .= "
".EC_LAN_153." "; $cal_text .= gen_drop(FALSE, $ecal_class)."
".EC_LAN_154." ".gen_drop(TRUE, $ecal_class)."
".EC_LAN_155." "; $cal_text .= $tp->parseTemplate('{EC_NAV_CATEGORIES=nosubmit}', FALSE, $calSc); $cal_text .= "
".EC_LAN_158." "; $cal_text .= " ".EC_LAN_159."
"; if ($ec_enable_pdf) { $cal_text .= " ".EC_LAN_161; } $cal_text .="
"; $ns->tablerender(EC_LAN_150, $cal_text); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } if (!is_numeric($ec_start_date = decode_date($ec_qs[0],FALSE))) { $message = $ec_start_date; } elseif (!is_numeric($ec_end_date = decode_date($ec_qs[1],TRUE))) { $message = $ec_end_date; } elseif ($ec_start_date >= $ec_end_date) { $message = EC_LAN_151; } elseif (($ec_end_date - $ec_start_date) > 366*86400) { $message = EC_LAN_152; } // That's the vetting of the query done (as much as we'll do) if ($message !== "") { require_once(HEADERF); $ns->tablerender(EC_LAN_80, $message); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } $calSc->catFilter = $cat_filter; // Category filter $ec_output_type = $ec_qs[4]; if (isset($ec_qs[5])) $ec_list_title = $ec_qs[5]; else $ec_list_title = EC_LAN_163; $ec_list_title = str_replace('_',' ',$ec_list_title); if (($ec_output_type == 'pdf') && !$ec_enable_pdf) $ec_output_type = 'display'; if ($ec_output_type == 'display') require_once(HEADERF); // Allow a number of categories separated by a '&' $cat_filter = 0; $ec_category_list = EC_LAN_97; // Displayable version of categories - default to 'all' if (isset($ec_qs[2]) && ($ec_qs[2] != '*')) { $ec_category_list = array(); $temp = explode('&',$ec_qs[2]); foreach($temp as $t1) { if (!is_numeric($t1)) unset($t1); } // Now look up the category names in the database - check access rights at the same time $temp = array(); // Accumulate valid category IDs $cal_qry = "SELECT event_cat_id, event_cat_name FROM #event_cat WHERE find_in_set(event_cat_id, '{$ec_qs[2]}') ".$ecal_class->extra_query; if ($sql->db_Select_gen($cal_qry)) { while ($thiscat = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $temp [] = $thiscat['event_cat_id']; $ec_category_list[] = $thiscat['event_cat_name']; } $cat_filter = implode(',',$temp); // Gives us a comma separated numeric set of categories } else { echo EC_LAN_100."

"; exit; } } // $ec_start_date - earliest date of period // $ec_end_date - latest date of period // We'll potentially need virtually all of the event-related fields, so get them regardless. Just cut back on category fields $ev_list = $ecal_class->get_events($ec_start_date, $ec_end_date, FALSE, $cat_filter, TRUE, '*', 'event_cat_name,event_cat_icon'); // Now go through and multiply up any recurring records $tim_arr = array(); foreach ($ev_list as $k=>$event) { if (is_array($event['event_start'])) { foreach ($event['event_start'] as $t) { $tim_arr[$t] = $k; } } else { $tim_arr[$event['event_start']] = $k; } } ksort($tim_arr); // Sort into time order if (isset($ec_qs[3])) $ec_pdf_template = $ec_qs[3]; if (!isset($ec_pdf_template) || !array_key_exists($ec_pdf_template,$EVENT_CAL_PDF_NAMES)) $ec_pdf_template = 'default'; /* // These available to templates/shortcodes to pick up change of start day/month/year global $ec_last_year, $ec_last_month, $ec_last_day, $ec_year_change, $ec_month_change, $ec_day_change; global $ec_start_date, $ec_end_date, $ec_pdf_options; global $ec_current_month, $thisevent_start_date, $thisevent_end_date ; */ $calSc->printVars = array('lt' => $ec_list_title, 'cat' => $ec_category_list, 'ot' => $ec_output_type, 'sd' => $ec_start_date, 'ed' => $ec_end_date); // Give shortcodes the event data $ec_last_year = 0; $ec_last_month = 0; $ec_last_day = 0; $cal_text = ''; $cal_totev = count($ev_list); if ($cal_totev > 0) { if (isset($ec_template_styles[$ec_pdf_template]) && is_array($ec_template_styles[$ec_pdf_template])) { $ec_current_overrides = $ec_template_styles[$ec_pdf_template]; // Possible array of codes to override standard $sc_style $sc_style = array_merge($sc_style,$ec_current_overrides); // Override as necessary } // If printing, wrap in a form so the button works if ($ec_output_type == 'print') $cal_text .= "
\n"; // Add header $cal_text .= $tp->parseTemplate($EVENT_CAL_PDF_HEADER[$ec_pdf_template], FALSE, $calSc); // Debug code // echo "Start date: ".strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S",$ec_start_date)."
"; // echo "End date: ".strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S",$ec_end_date)."
"; // echo "Template: ".$ec_pdf_template,"
"; // echo "Header: ".$EVENT_CAL_PDF_HEADER[$ec_pdf_template]."
"; // echo "Body: ".$EVENT_CAL_PDF_BODY[$ec_pdf_template]."
"; // echo "Footer: ".$EVENT_CAL_PDF_FOOTER[$ec_pdf_template]."
"; foreach ($tim_arr as $tim => $ptr) { $ev_list[$ptr]['event_start'] = $tim; $thisevent = $ev_list[$ptr]; // Decode dates into individual fields - we're bound to want them $thisevent_start_date = $ecal_class->gmgetdate($thisevent['event_start']); $thisevent_end_date = $ecal_class->gmgetdate($thisevent['event_end']); $ec_year_change = ($ec_last_year != $thisevent_start_date['year']); $ec_month_change = ($ec_last_month != $thisevent_start_date['mon']); $ec_day_change = ($ec_last_day != $thisevent_start_date['mday']); $cal_totev --; // Can use this to modify inter-event gap $calSc->numEvents = $cal_totev; // Number of events to display $calSc->event = $thisevent; // Give shortcodes the event data $calSc->changeFlags = array('yc' => $ec_year_change, 'mc' => $ec_month_change, 'dc' => $ec_day_change); // Give shortcodes the event data $cal_text .= $tp->parseTemplate($EVENT_CAL_PDF_BODY[$ec_pdf_template], FALSE, $calSc); $ec_last_year = $thisevent_start_date['year']; $ec_last_month = $thisevent_start_date['mon']; $ec_last_day = $thisevent_start_date['mday']; } // Add footer $cal_text .= $tp->parseTemplate($EVENT_CAL_PDF_FOOTER[$ec_pdf_template], FALSE, $calSc); if ($ec_output_type == 'print') $cal_text .= "
\n"; } else { $cal_text.= EC_LAN_148; } switch($ec_output_type) { case 'display': $ns->tablerender(EC_LAN_80, $cal_text, 'ec_pf_page'); require_once (FOOTERF); break; case 'print': echo $cal_text; break; case 'pdf': //TODO find a way to pass initialisation options etc to PDF driver //include_lan(e_PLUGIN.'pdf/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'_admin_pdf.php'); - shouldn't be needed require_once (e_PLUGIN.'pdf/e107pdf.php'); $pdf = new e107PDF(); // $text = array($text, $creator, $author, $title, $subject, $keywords, $url); $text = array( $cal_text, '', '', EC_LAN_163, // Title '', '', e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY, // URL '' // Page orientation ); $pdf->makePDF($text); break; } // We're assuming $date_string is a string of digits // Which could begin with 'now' or 'now+' function decode_date($date_string, $last_day = FALSE) { // Decode a date string if (strpos($date_string, 'now') === 0) { // decode special dates $today = getdate(); // Knock off the 'now' $date_string = trim(substr($date_string, 3)); if (($date_string != '') && ($date_string[0] == '+')) { // Knock off the '+' $date_string = trim(substr($date_string, 1)); if (is_numeric($date_string) && ($date_string >= 0) && ($date_string <= 12)) { $today['mon'] += $date_string; if ($today['mon'] > 12) { $today['mon'] -= 12; $today['year'] += 1; } } else { return EC_LAN_149; } } $date_string = $today['year'].$today['mon']; } // Here, $date_string is a string of 5, 6 or 8 digits // use preg_match() if(preg_match('/^\d{5,8}$/D', $date_string)) { $month = 0; $day = 1; if (strlen($date_string) == 5) $date_string = substr_replace($date_string, '0', -1, 0); if (strlen($date_string) == 8) { $day = substr($date_string, -2, 2); if ($last_day) $day += 1; } elseif (strlen($date_string) == 6) { if ($last_day) $month = 1; } else { // Error return EC_LAN_149; } $month += substr($date_string, 4, 2); $year = substr($date_string, 0, 4); $temp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); // Always do this to get whole of last day if ($last_day) $temp -= 1; return $temp; } else { // Error return EC_LAN_149; } } // Generate monthly drop-down - FALSE = first, TRUE = last // For the first date we want beginning of previous year to end of current year // For the last date we want end of next function gen_drop($drop_type, $ecal_class) { $text = "\n"; return $text; } ?>