- 'intval' - converts to an integer
- 'image' - checks image for size
- 'avatar' - checks an image in the avatars directory
'stripTags' - strips HTML tags from the value (not an error if there are some)
'minLength' - minimum length (in utf-8 characters) for the string
'maxLength' - minimum length (in utf-8 characters) for the string
'longTrim' - if set, and the string exceeds maxLength, its trimmed
'enablePref' - value is processed only if the named $pref evaluates to true; otherwise any input is discarded without error
$this->userVettingInfo = array(
'user_name' => array('niceName'=> LAN_USER_01, 'fieldType' => 'string', 'vetMethod' => '1,2', 'vetParam' => 'signup_disallow_text', 'srcName' => 'username', 'stripTags' => TRUE, 'stripChars' => '/ |\#|\=|\$/', fixedBlock => 'anonymous', 'minLength' => 2, 'maxLength' => varset($pref['displayname_maxlength'],15)), // Display name
'user_loginname' => array('niceName'=> LAN_USER_02, 'fieldType' => 'string', 'vetMethod' => '1', 'vetParam' => '', 'srcName' => 'loginname', 'stripTags' => TRUE, 'stripChars' => '#[^a-z0-9_\.]#i', 'minLength' => 2, 'maxLength' => varset($pref['loginname_maxlength'],30)), // User name
'user_login' => array('niceName'=> LAN_USER_03, 'fieldType' => 'string', 'vetMethod' => '0', 'vetParam' => '', 'srcName' => 'realname', 'dbClean' => 'toDB'), // Real name (no real vetting)
'user_customtitle' => array('niceName'=> LAN_USER_04, 'fieldType' => 'string', 'vetMethod' => '0', 'vetParam' => '', 'srcName' => 'customtitle', 'dbClean' => 'toDB', 'enablePref' => 'signup_option_customtitle'), // No real vetting
'user_password' => array('niceName'=> LAN_USER_05, 'fieldType' => 'string', 'vetMethod' => '0', 'vetParam' => '', 'srcName' => 'password1', 'dataType' => 2, 'minLength' => varset($pref['signup_pass_len'],1)),
'user_sess' => array('niceName'=> LAN_USER_06, 'fieldType' => 'string', 'vetMethod' => '0', 'vetParam' => '', 'stripChars' => "#\"|'|(|)#", 'dbClean' => 'image', 'imagePath' => e_AVATAR_UPLOAD, 'maxHeight' => varset($pref['im_height'], 100), 'maxWidth' => varset($pref['im_width'], 120)), // Photo
'user_image' => array('niceName'=> LAN_USER_07, 'fieldType' => 'string', 'vetMethod' => '0', 'vetParam' => '', 'srcName' => 'image', 'stripChars' => "#\"|'|(|)#", 'dbClean' => 'avatar'), //, 'maxHeight' => varset($pref['im_height'], 100), 'maxWidth' => varset($pref['im_width'], 120) resized on-the-fly // Avatar
'user_email' => array('niceName'=> LAN_USER_08, 'fieldType' => 'string', 'vetMethod' => '1,3', 'vetParam' => '', 'fieldOptional' => varset($pref['disable_emailcheck'],0), 'srcName' => 'email', 'dbClean' => 'toDB'),
'user_signature' => array('niceName'=> LAN_USER_09, 'fieldType' => 'string', 'vetMethod' => '0', 'vetParam' => '', 'srcName' => 'signature', 'dbClean' => 'toDB'),
'user_hideemail' => array('niceName'=> LAN_USER_10, 'fieldType' => 'int', 'vetMethod' => '0', 'vetParam' => '', 'srcName' => 'hideemail', 'dbClean' => 'intval'),
'user_xup' => array('niceName'=> LAN_USER_11, 'fieldType' => 'string', 'vetMethod' => '0', 'vetParam' => '', 'srcName' => 'user_xup', 'dbClean' => 'toDB'),
'user_class' => array('niceName'=> LAN_USER_12, 'fieldType' => 'string', 'vetMethod' => '0', 'vetParam' => '', 'srcName' => 'class', 'dataType' => '1')
$this->otherFields = array(
'user_join' => LAN_USER_14,
'user_lastvisit' => LAN_USER_15,
'user_currentvisit' => LAN_USER_16,
'user_comments' => LAN_USER_17,
'user_ip' => LAN_USER_18,
'user_ban' => LAN_USER_19,
'user_prefs' => LAN_USER_20,
'user_visits' => LAN_USER_21,
'user_admin' => LAN_USER_22,
'user_perms' => LAN_USER_23,
'user_pwchange' => LAN_USER_24
// user_chats int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
$this->otherFieldTypes = array(
'user_join' => 'int',
'user_lastvisit' => 'int',
'user_currentvisit' => 'int',
'user_comments' => 'int',
'user_ip' => 'string',
'user_ban' => 'int',
'user_prefs' => 'string',
'user_visits' => 'int',
'user_admin' => 'int',
'user_perms' => 'string',
'user_pwchange' => 'int'
$this->passwordOpts = varset($pref['passwordEncoding'],0);
$this->passwordEmail = varset($pref['allowEmailLogin'],FALSE);
switch ($this->passwordOpts)
case 1 :
case 2 :
$this->preferred = PASSWORD_E107_SALT;
case 0 :
default :
$this->preferred = PASSWORD_E107_MD5;
$this->passwordOpts = 0; // In case it got set to some stupid value
return FALSE;
* Given plaintext password and login name, generate password string to store in DB
* @param string $password - plaintext password as entered by user
* @param string $login_name - string used to log in (could actually be email address)
* @param empty|PASSWORD_E107_MD5|PASSWORD_E107_SALT $force - if non-empty, forces a particular type of password
* @return string|boolean - FALSE if invalid emcoding method, else encoded password to store in DB
public function HashPassword($password, $login_name, $force='')
if ($force == '') $force = $this->preferred;
switch ($force)
case PASSWORD_E107_MD5 :
return md5($password);
return PASSWORD_E107_ID.md5(md5($password).$login_name);
return FALSE;
* Verify existing plaintext password against a stored hash value (which defines the encoding format and any 'salt')
* @param string $password - plaintext password as entered by user
* @param string $login_name - string used to log in (could actually be email address)
* @param string $stored_hash - required value for password to match
* PASSWORD_INVALID if no match
* PASSWORD_VALID if valid password
* Return a new hash to store if valid password but non-preferred encoding
public function CheckPassword($password, $login_name, $stored_hash)
if (strlen(trim($password)) == 0) return PASSWORD_INVALID;
if (($this->passwordOpts <= 1) && (strlen($stored_hash) == 32))
{ // Its simple md5 encoding
if (md5($password) !== $stored_hash) return PASSWORD_INVALID;
if ($this->preferred == PASSWORD_E107_MD5) return PASSWORD_VALID;
return $this->HashPassword($password); // Valid password, but non-preferred encoding; return the new hash
// Allow the salted password even if disabled - for those that do try to go back!
// if (($this->passwordOpts >= 1) && (strlen($stored_hash) == 35) && (substr($stored_hash,0,3) == PASSWORD_E107_ID))
if ((strlen($stored_hash) == 35) && (substr($stored_hash,0,3) == PASSWORD_E107_ID))
{ // Its the standard E107 salted hash
$hash = $this->HashPassword($password, $login_name, PASSWORD_E107_SALT);
if ($hash === FALSE) return PASSWORD_INVALID;
return ($hash == $stored_hash) ? PASSWORD_VALID : PASSWORD_INVALID;
* Verifies a standard response to a CHAP challenge
* @param string $challenge - the string sent to the user
* @param string $response - the response returned by the user
* @param string $login_name - user's login name
* @param string $stored_hash - password hash as stored in DB
public function CheckCHAP($challenge, $response, $login_name, $stored_hash )
if (strlen($challenge) != 40) return PASSWORD_INVALID;
if (strlen($response) != 32) return PASSWORD_INVALID;
$valid_ret = PASSWORD_VALID;
if (strlen($stored_hash) == 32)
{ // Its simple md5 password storage
$stored_hash = PASSWORD_E107_ID.md5($stored_hash.$login_name); // Convert to the salted format always used by CHAP
if ($this->passwordOpts != PASSWORD_E107_MD5) $valid_ret = $stored_response;
$testval = md5(substr($stored_hash,strlen(PASSWORD_E107_ID)).$challenge);
if ($testval == $response) return $valid_ret;
* Checks whether the user has to validate a change of user settings by entering password (basically, if that field affects the
* stored password value)
* @param string $fieldName - name of field being changed
* @return bool TRUE if change required, FALSE otherwise
public function isPasswordRequired($fieldName)
if ($this->preferred == PASSWORD_E107_MD5) return FALSE;
switch ($fieldName)
case 'user_email' :
return $this->passwordEmail;
case 'user_loginname' :
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Determines whether its necessary to store a separate password for email address validation
* @return bool TRUE if separate password
public function needEmailPassword()
if ($this->preferred == PASSWORD_E107_MD5) return FALSE;
if ($this->passwordEmail) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Checks whether the password value can be converted to the current default
* @param string $password - hashed password
* @return bool TRUE if conversion possible, FALSE if not possible, or not needed.
public function canConvert($password)
if ($this->preferred == PASSWORD_E107_MD5) return FALSE;
if (strlen($password) == 32) return TRUE; // Can convert from md5 to salted
return FALSE;
* Given md5-encoded password and login name, generate password string to store in DB
* @param string $password - MD5-hashed password
* @param string $login_name - user's login name
* @return string hashed password to store in DB, converted as necessary
public function ConvertPassword($password, $login_name)
if ($this->canConvert($password) === FALSE) return $password;
return PASSWORD_E107_ID.md5($password.$login_name);
* Generates a random user login name according to some pattern.
* Checked for uniqueness.
* @param string $pattern - defines the format of the username
* @param int $seed - may be used with the random pattern generator
* @return string a user login name, guaranteed unique in the database.
public function generateUserLogin($pattern, $seed='')
$ul_sql = new db;
if (strlen($pattern) < 6) $pattern = '##....';
$newname = $this->generateRandomString($pattern, $seed);
} while ($ul_sql->select('user','user_id',"`user_loginname`='{$newname}'"));
return $newname;
* Generates a random string - for user login name, password etc, according to some pattern.
* @param string $pattern - defines the output format:
* # - an alpha character
* . - a numeric character
* * - an alphanumeric character
* ^ - next character from seed
* alphanumerics are included 'as is'
* @param int $seed - may be used with the random pattern generator
* @return string - the required random string
public function generateRandomString($pattern, $seed = '')
if (empty($pattern))
$pattern = '##....';
$newname = '';
// Create alpha [A-Z][a-z]
$alpha = '';
for($i = 65; $i < 91; $i++)
$alpha .= chr($i).chr($i+32);
$alphaLength = strlen($alpha) - 1;
// Create digit [0-9]
$digit = '';
for($i = 48; $i < 57; $i++)
$digit .= chr($i);
$digitLength = strlen($digit) - 1;
// Create alpha numeric [A-Z][a-z]
$alphaNum = $alpha.$digit.chr(45).chr(95); // add support for - and _
$alphaNumLength = strlen($alphaNum) - 1;
// Next character of seed (if used)
$seed_ptr = 0;
for ($i = 0, $patternLength = strlen($pattern); $i < $patternLength; $i++)
$c = $pattern[$i];
switch ($c)
// Alpha only (upper and lower case)
case '#' :
$t = rand(0, $alphaLength);
$newname .= $alpha[$t];
// Numeric only - [0-9]
case '.' :
$t = rand(0, $digitLength);
$newname .= $digit[$t];
// Alphanumeric
case '*' :
$t = rand(0, $alphaNumLength);
$newname .= $alphaNum[$t];
// Next character from seed
case '^' :
if ($seed_ptr < strlen($seed))
$newname .= $seed[$seed_ptr];
// (else just ignore other characters in pattern)
default :
if (strrpos($alphaNum, $c) !== FALSE)
$newname .= $c;
return $newname;
* Split up an email address to check for banned domains.
* @param string $email - email address to process
* @param string $fieldname - name of field being searched in DB
* @return bool|string false if invalid address. Otherwise returns a set of values to check
* Moved to IPHandler
public function make_email_query($email, $fieldname = 'banlist_ip')
return e107::getIPHandler()->makeEmailQuery($v, $fieldname); // Valid 'stub' if required
$tp = e107::getParser();
$tmp = strtolower($tp -> toDB(trim(substr($email, strrpos($email, "@")+1)))); // Pull out the domain name
if ($tmp == '') return FALSE;
if (strpos($tmp,'.') === FALSE) return FALSE;
$em = array_reverse(explode('.',$tmp));
$line = '';
$out = array($fieldname."='*@{$tmp}'"); // First element looks for domain as email address
foreach ($em as $e)
$line = '.'.$e.$line;
$out[] = '`'.$fieldname."`='*{$line}'";
return implode(' OR ',$out);
* Create user cookie
* @param array $lode - user information from DB - 'user_id' and 'user_password' required
* @param bool $autologin - TRUE if the 'Remember Me' box ticked
* @return void
public function makeUserCookie($lode,$autologin = FALSE)
$cookieval = $lode['user_id'].'.'.md5($lode['user_password']); // (Use extra md5 on cookie value to obscure hashed value for password)
if (e107::getPref('user_tracking') == 'session')
$_SESSION[e107::getPref('cookie_name')] = $cookieval;
if ($autologin == 1)
{ // Cookie valid for up to 30 days
cookie(e107::getPref('cookie_name'), $cookieval, (time() + 3600 * 24 * 30));
$_COOKIE[e107::getPref('cookie_name')] = $cookieval; // make it available to the global scope before the page is reloaded
cookie(e107::getPref('cookie_name'), $cookieval);
$_COOKIE[e107::getPref('cookie_name')] = $cookieval; // make it available to the global scope before the page is reloaded
* Generate an array of all the basic classes a user belongs to
* Note that the passed data may relate to the currently logged in user, or if an admin is logged in, to a different user
* @param array $userData - user's data record - must include the 'user_class' element
* @param boolean $asArray if TRUE, returns results in an array; else as a comma-separated string
* @param boolean $incInherited if TRUE, includes inherited classes
* @param boolean $fromAdmin - if TRUE, adds e_UC_ADMIN and e_UC_MAINADMIN in if current user's entitlement permits
* @return array|string of userclass information according to $asArray
public function addCommonClasses($userData, $asArray = FALSE, $incInherited = FALSE, $fromAdmin = FALSE)
if ($incInherited)
$classList = e107::getUserClass()->get_all_user_classes($var['user_class']);
if ($userData['user_class'] != '') $classList = explode(',',$userData['user_class']);
foreach (array(e_UC_MEMBER, e_UC_READONLY, e_UC_PUBLIC) as $c)
if (!in_array($c, vartrue($classList)))
$classList[] = $c;
if (((varset($userData['user_admin'],0) == 1) && strlen($userData['user_perms'])) || ($fromAdmin && ADMIN))
$classList[] = e_UC_ADMIN;
if ((strpos($userData['user_perms'],'0') === 0) || getperms('0'))
$classList[] = e_UC_MAINADMIN;
if ($asArray) return $classList;
return implode(',',$classList);
* Return an array of descriptive names for each field in the user DB.
* @param bool $all if false, just returns modifiable fields. Else returns all
* $return array - key is field name, value is 'nice name' (descriptive name)
public function getNiceNames($all = FALSE)
// $ret = array('user_id' => LAN_USER_13);
foreach ($this->userVettingInfo as $k => $v)
$ret[$k] = $v['niceName'];
if ($all)
$ret = array_merge($ret, $this->otherFields);
return $ret;
// User Field validation
/* $_POST field names:
DB signup usersettings quick add function
user_id - user_id - Unique user ID
user_name name$ username username Display name
user_loginname loginname loginname loginname User name (login name)
user_customtitle - customtitle - Custom title
user_password password1 password1 password1 Password (prior to encoding)
password2 password2 password1 (Check password field)
user_sess * - Photo (file on server)
user_email email email email Email address
user_signature signature signature - User signature
user_image image image* - Avatar (may be external URL or file on server)
user_hideemail hideemail hideemail - Flag to hide user's email address
user_login realname realname realname User Real name
user_xup xupexist$ user_xup - XUP file link
user_class class class userclass User class (array on form)
user_loginname may be auto-generated
* avatar (user_image) and photo (user_sess) may be uploaded files
$changed to match the majority vote
Following fields auto-filled in code as required:
* Function does validation specific to user data. Updates the $targetData array as appropriate.
* @param array $targetData - user data generated from earlier vetting stages - only the data in $targetData['data'] is checked
* @return bool TRUE if nothing updated; FALSE if errors found
public function userValidation(&$targetData)
$u_sql = e107::getDb('u');
$ret = TRUE;
$errMsg = '';
if (isset($targetData['data']['user_email']))
$v = trim($targetData['data']['user_email']); // Always check email address if its entered
if ($v == '')
if (!e107::getPref('disable_emailcheck'))
elseif (!check_email($v))
elseif ($u_sql->db_Count('user', '(*)', "WHERE `user_email`='".$v."' AND `user_ban`=1 "))
{ // See if email address banned
$wc = e107::getIPHandler()->makeEmailQuery($v); // Generate the query for the ban list
if ($wc) { $wc = "`banlist_ip`='{$v}' OR ".$wc; }
if (($wc === FALSE) || !e107::getIPHandler()->checkBan($wc, FALSE, TRUE))
// echo "Email banned
if ($errMsg)
unset($targetData['data']['user_email']); // Remove the valid entry
if (!isset($targetData['errors']['user_email']) && !e107::getPref('disable_emailcheck'))
{ // We may have already picked up an error on the email address - or it may be allowed to be empty
if ($errMsg)
{ // Update the error
$targetData['errors']['user_email'] = $errMsg;
$targetData['failed']['user_email'] = $v;
$ret = FALSE;
return $ret;
* Given an array of user data intended to be written to the DB, adds empty strings (or other default value) for any field which doesn't have a default in the SQL definition.
* (Avoids problems with MySQL in STRICT mode.).
* @param array $userInfo - user data destined for the database
* @return bool TRUE if additions made, FALSE if no change.
* @todo - may be unnecessary with auto-generation of _NOTNULL array in db handler
public function addNonDefaulted(&$userInfo)
// $nonDefaulted = array('user_signature' => '', 'user_prefs' => '', 'user_class' => '', 'user_perms' => '');
$nonDefaulted = array('user_signature' => '', 'user_prefs' => '', 'user_class' => '', 'user_perms' => '', 'user_realm' => ''); // Delete when McFly finished
$ret = FALSE;
foreach ($nonDefaulted as $k => $v)
if (!isset($userInfo[$k]))
$userInfo[$k] = $v;
$ret = TRUE;
return $ret;
* Delete time-expired partial registrations from the user DB, clean up user_extended table
* @param bool $force - set TRUE to force check of user_extended table
* @return int number of user records deleted
public function deleteExpired($force = FALSE)
$pref = e107::getPref();
$sql = e107::getDb();
$temp1 = 0;
if (isset($pref['del_unv']) && $pref['del_unv'] && $pref['user_reg_veri'] != 2)
$threshold= intval(time() - ($pref['del_unv'] * 60));
if (($temp1 = $sql->db_Delete('user', 'user_ban = 2 AND user_join < '.$threshold)) > 0) { $force = TRUE; }
if ($force)
{ // Remove 'orphaned' extended user field records
$sql->gen("DELETE `#user_extended` FROM `#user_extended` LEFT JOIN `#user` ON `#user_extended`.`user_extended_id` = `#user`.`user_id`
WHERE `#user`.`user_id` IS NULL");
return $temp1;
* Called to update initial user classes, probationary user class etc after various user events
* @param array $user - user data. 'user_class' must be present
* @param string $event = userveri|userall|userfull|userpartial - defines event
* @return boolean - true if $user['user_class'] updated, false otherwise
public function userClassUpdate(&$user, $event='userveri')
$pref = e107::getPref();
$tp = e107::getParser();
$initClasses = array();
$doClasses = FALSE;
$doProbation = FALSE;
$ret = FALSE;
switch ($event)
case 'userall' :
$doClasses = TRUE;
$doProbation = TRUE;
case 'userfull' : // A 'fully fledged' user
if (!$pref['user_reg_veri'] || ($pref['init_class_stage'] == '2'))
$doClasses = TRUE;
$doProbation = TRUE;
case 'userpartial' :
if ($pref['init_class_stage'] == '1')
{ // Set initial classes if to be done on partial signup, or if selected to add them now
$doClasses = TRUE;
$doProbation = TRUE;
if ($doClasses)
if (isset($pref['initial_user_classes'])) { $initClasses = explode(',',$pref['initial_user_classes']); } // Any initial user classes to be set at some stage
if ($doProbation && (varset($pref['user_new_period'], 0) > 0))
$initClasses[] = e_UC_NEWUSER; // Probationary user class
if (count($initClasses))
{ // Update the user classes
if ($user['user_class'])
$initClasses = array_unique(array_merge($initClasses, explode(',',$user['user_class'])));
$user['user_class'] = $tp->toDB(implode(',',$initClasses));
$ret = TRUE;
return $ret;
* Updates user status, primarily the user_ban field, to reflect outside events
* @param string $start - 'ban', 'bounce'
* @param integer $uid - internal user ID, zero if not known
* @param string $emailAddress - email address (optional)
* @return boolean | string - FALSE if user found, error message if not
public function userStatusUpdate($action, $uid, $emailAddress = '')
$db = e107::getDb();
$qry = '';
$error = FALSE; // Assume no error to start with
$uid = intval($uid); // Precautionary - should have already been done
switch ($action)
case 'ban' :
$newVal = USER_BANNED;
case 'bounce' :
case 'reset' :
case 'temp' :
default :
return 'Invalid action: '.$action;
if ($uid) { $qry = '`user_id`='.$uid; }
if ($emailAddress) { if ($qry) $qry .= ' OR '; $qry .= "`user_email` = '{$emailAddress}'"; }
if (FALSE === $db->select('user', 'user_id, user_email, user_ban, user_loginname', $qry.' LIMIT 1'))
$error = 'User not found: '.$uid.'/'.$emailAddress;
$row = $db->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC);
if ($uid && ($uid != $row['user_id']))
$error = 'UID mismatch: '.$uid.'/'.$row['user_id'];
elseif ($emailAddress && ($emailAddress != $row['user_email']))
$error = 'User email mismatch: '.$emailAddress.'/'.$row['user_email'];
{ // Valid user!
if ($row['user_ban'] != $newVal) // We could implement a hierarchy here, so that an important status isn't overridden by a lesser one
{ // Only update if needed
$db->db_Update('user', '`user_ban` = '.$newVal.', `user_email` = \'\' WHERE `user_id` = '.$row['user_id'].' LIMIT 1');
// Add to user audit log TODO: Should we log to admin log as well?
$adminLog = e107::getAdminLog();
$adminLog->user_audit($logEvent, array('user_ban' => $newVal, 'user_email' => $row['user_email']), $row['user_id'], $row['user_loginname']);
return $error;
class e_user_provider
* @var string
protected $_provider;
* Hybridauth adapter
* @var Hybrid_Provider_Model
public $adapter;
* Hybridauth object
* @var Hybrid_Auth
public $hybridauth;
protected $_config = array();
public function __construct($provider, $config = array())
$this->_config = $config;
$this->_config = array(
"base_url" => e107::getUrl()->create('system/xup/endpoint', array(), array('full' => true)),
"providers" => e107::getPref('social_login', array())
$this->hybridauth = e107::getHybridAuth($this->_config);
public function setProvider($provider)
$provider = ucfirst(strtolower($provider));
if(isset($this->_config['providers'][$provider]) && $this->_config['providers'][$provider]['enabled'])
if($this->_config['providers'][$provider]['enabled'] && vartrue($this->_config['providers'][$provider]['keys']))
$valid = true;
foreach ($this->_config['providers'][$provider]['keys'] as $_key => $_value)
if(empty($_value)) $valid = false;
if($valid) $this->_provider = $provider;
public function setBackUrl($url)
# system/xup/endpoint by default
$this->_config['base_url'] = $url;
public function getProvider()
return $this->_provider;
public function getConfig()
return $this->_config;
public function getUserProfile()
return $this->adapter->getUserProfile();
return null;
public function userId()
if($this->adapter && $this->adapter->getUserProfile()->identifier)
return $this->getProvider().'_'.$this->adapter->getUserProfile()->identifier;
return null;
public function signup($redirectUrl = true, $loginAfterSuccess = true, $emailAfterSuccess = true)
if(!e107::getPref('social_login_active', false))
throw new Exception( "Signup failed! This feature is disabled.", 100); // TODO lan
throw new Exception( "Signup failed! Wrong provider.", 2); // TODO lan
if(true === $redirectUrl)
$redirectUrl = SITEURL;
elseif(strpos($redirectUrl, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($redirectUrl, 'https://') !== 0)
$redirectUrl = e107::getUrl()->create($redirectUrl);
throw new Exception( "Signup failed! User already signed in. ", 1); // TODO lan
$this->adapter = $this->hybridauth->authenticate($this->getProvider());
$profile = $this->adapter->getUserProfile();
// returned back, if success...
$sql = e107::getDb();
$userMethods = e107::getUserSession();
$plainPwd = $userMethods->generateRandomString('************'); // auto plain passwords
// TODO - auto login name, shouldn't be used if system set to user_email login...
$userdata['user_loginname'] = $this->getProvider().$userMethods->generateUserLogin(e107::getPref('predefinedLoginName', '_..#..#..#'));
$userdata['user_email'] = $sql->escape($profile->emailVerified ? $profile->emailVerified : $profile->email);
$userdata['user_name'] = $sql->escape($profile->displayName);
$userdata['user_login'] = $userdata['user_name'];
$userdata['user_customtitle'] = ''; // not used
$userdata['user_password'] = $userMethods->HashPassword($plainPwd, $userdata['user_loginname']); // pwd
$userdata['user_sess'] = ''; //
$userdata['user_image'] = $profile->photoURL; // avatar
$userdata['user_signature'] = ''; // not used
$userdata['user_hideemail'] = 1; // hide it by default
$userdata['user_xup'] = $sql->escape($this->userId());
$userdata['user_class'] = ''; // TODO - check (with Steve) initial class for new users feature...
// user_name, user_xup, user_email and user_loginname shouldn't match
if($sql->db_Count("user", "(*)", "user_xup='".$sql->escape($this->userId())."' OR user_email='{$userdata['user_email']}' OR user_loginname='{$userdata['user_loginname']}' OR user_name='{$userdata['user_name']}'"))
throw new Exception( "Signup failed! User already exists. Please use 'login' instead.", 3); // TODO lan
throw new Exception( "Signup failed! Can't access user email - registration without an email is impossible.", 4); // TODO lan
// other fields
$now = time();
$userdata['user_id'] = null;
$userdata['user_join'] = $now;
$userdata['user_lastvisit'] = 0;
$userdata['user_currentvisit'] = 0;
$userdata['user_comments'] = 0;
$userdata['user_ip'] = e107::getIPHandler()->getIP(FALSE);
$userdata['user_ban'] = USER_VALIDATED;
$userdata['user_prefs'] = '';
$userdata['user_visits'] = 0;
$userdata['user_admin'] = 0;
$userdata['user_perms'] = '';
$userdata['user_realm'] = '';
$userdata['user_pwchange'] = $now;
$user = e107::getSystemUser(0, false);
$user->getExtendedModel(); // init
//$user->setEditor(e107::getSystemUser(1, false));
// user model error
throw new Exception($user->renderMessages(), 5);
### Successful signup!
// FIXME documentation of new signup trigger - usersupprov
//$user->set('provider', $this->getProvider());
$userdata = $user->getData();
$userdata['provider'] = $this->getProvider();
$ret = e107::getEvent()->trigger('usersupprov', $userdata); // XXX - it's time to pass objects instead of array?
if(true === $ret) return $this;
// send email
$user->set('user_password', $plainPwd)->email('signup');
// auto login
e107::getUser()->loginProvider($this->userId()); // if not proper after-login, return true so user can see login screen
return true;
return false;
public function login($redirectUrl = true)
if(!e107::getPref('social_login_active', false))
throw new Exception( "Signup failed! This feature is disabled.", 100); // TODO lan
throw new Exception( "Login failed! Wrong provider.", 22); // TODO lan
if(true === $redirectUrl)
$redirectUrl = SITEURL;
elseif(strpos($redirectUrl, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($redirectUrl, 'https://') !== 0)
$redirectUrl = e107::getUrl()->create($redirectUrl);
return true;
$this->adapter = $this->hybridauth->authenticate($this->getProvider());
$check = e107::getUser()->setProvider($this)->loginProvider($this->userId(), false);
return $check;
public function init()
if(!e107::getPref('social_login_active', false))
$this->adapter = null;
$providerId = $this->_provider;
if($providerId && Hybrid_Auth::isConnectedWith($providerId))
$this->adapter = Hybrid_Auth::setup($providerId);
public function logout()
if(!e107::getPref('social_login_active', false) || !$this->adapter || !Hybrid_Auth::isConnectedWith($this->getProvider())) return true;
$this->adapter = null;
catch(Exception $e)
return $e->getMessage();
return true;
e107::coreLan('administrator', true);
class e_userperms
protected $core_perms = array();
protected $plugin_perms = array();
protected $language_perms = array();
protected $main_perms = array();
protected $full_perms = array();
protected $permSectionDiz = array(
'core' => ADMSLAN_74,
'plugin' => ADLAN_CL_7,
'language' => ADLAN_132,
'main' => ADMSLAN_58
function __construct()
$this->core_perms = array(
// In the same order as admin navigation!
// Settings
"C" => array(ADMSLAN_64,E_16_CACHE, E_32_CACHE), // Clear the system cache
"F" => array(ADMSLAN_31,E_16_EMOTE, E_32_EMOTE), // Emoticons
"G" => array(ADMSLAN_32,E_16_FRONT, E_32_FRONT), // Front-Page Configuration
"L" => array(ADMSLAN_76,E_16_LANGUAGE, E_32_LANGUAGE), // Language Packs
"T" => array(ADMSLAN_34,E_16_META, E_32_META), // Meta tags
"1" => array(ADMSLAN_19,E_16_PREFS, E_32_PREFS), // Alter Site Preferences
"X" => array(ADMSLAN_66,E_16_SEARCH, E_32_SEARCH), // Search
"I" => array(ADMSLAN_40,E_16_LINKS, E_32_LINKS), // Post SiteLinks
"8" => array(ADMSLAN_27,E_16_LINKS, E_32_LINKS), // Oversee SiteLink Categories
"K" => array(ADMSLAN_43,E_16_EURL, E_32_EURL), // Configure URLs
// Users
"3" => array(ADMSLAN_21,E_16_ADMIN, E_32_ADMIN), // Modify Admin perms
"4" => array(LAN_USER_MANAGEALL,E_16_USER, E_32_USER), // Manage all user access and settings etc
"U0" => array(ADMSLAN_22,E_16_USER, E_32_USER), // moderate users/bans but not userclasses or extended fields,
"U1" => array(LAN_USER_QUICKADD,E_16_USER, E_32_USER), // "User: Quick Add User",
"U2" => array(LAN_USER_OPTIONS,E_16_USER, E_32_USER), // Manage only user-options
"U3" => array(LAN_USER_RANKS,E_16_USER, E_32_USER), // Manage only user-ranks
"W" => array(ADMSLAN_65,E_16_MAIL, E_32_MAIL), // Configure mail settings and mailout
// Content
"5" => array(ADMSLAN_23,E_16_CUST, E_32_CUST), // create/edit custom PAGES
"J" => array(ADMSLAN_41,E_16_CUST, E_32_CUST), // create/edit custom MENUS
"H" => array(ADMSLAN_39,E_16_NEWS, E_32_NEWS), // Post News
"N" => array(ADMSLAN_47,E_16_NEWS, E_32_NEWS), // Moderate submitted news
"V" => array(ADMSLAN_35,E_16_UPLOADS, E_32_UPLOADS), // Configure public file uploads
"M" => array(ADMSLAN_46,E_16_WELCOME, E_32_WELCOME), // Welcome Messages
// Tools
"Y" => array(ADMSLAN_67,E_16_INSPECT, E_32_INSPECT), // File inspector
"9" => array(ADMSLAN_28, E_16_MAINTAIN, E_32_MAINTAIN), // Take Down site for Maintenance
"O" => array(ADMSLAN_68,E_16_NOTIFY, E_32_NOTIFY), // Notify
"U" => array(ADMSLAN_45,E_16_CRON, E_32_CRON), // Schedule Tasks
"S" => array(ADMSLAN_33,E_16_ADMINLOG, E_32_ADMINLOG), // System Logging
// Manage
"B" => array(ADMSLAN_37,E_16_COMMENT, E_32_COMMENT), // Moderate Comments
"6" => array(ADMSLAN_25,E_16_FILE, E_32_FILE), // File-Manager - Upload /manage files -
"A" => array(ADMSLAN_36,E_16_IMAGES, E_32_IMAGES), // Media-Manager All Areas.
"A1"=> array(ADMSLAN_36,E_16_IMAGES, E_32_IMAGES), // Media-Manager (Media Add/Import)
"A2"=> array(ADMSLAN_36,E_16_IMAGES, E_32_IMAGES), // Media-Manager (Media-Categories)
"2" => array(ADMSLAN_20,E_16_MENUS, E_32_MENUS), // Alter Menus
// "D"=> ADMSLAN_29, // Manage Banners (deprecated - now a plugin)
// "E"=> ADMSLAN_30, // News feed headlines (deprecated - now a plugin)
// "K"=>
// "P" // Reserved for Plugins
// "Q"=> array(ADMSLAN_24), // Manage download categories (deprecated - now a plugin)
// "R"=> ADMSLAN_44, // Post Downloads (deprecated)
// "Z"=> ADMSLAN_62, // Plugin Manager.. included under Plugins category.
$sql = e107::getDb('sql2');
$tp = e107::getParser();
$plg = e107::getPlugin();
$allPlugins = $plg->getall(1); // Needs all for 'reading' and 'installed' for writing.
foreach($allPlugins as $k=>$row2)
$plug_vars = $plg->plug_vars;
$this->plugin_perms[("P".$row2['plugin_id'])] = array($tp->toHTML($row2['plugin_name'], FALSE, 'RAWTEXT,defs'));
$this->plugin_perms[("P".$row2['plugin_id'])][1] = $plg->getIcon($row2['plugin_path'],16);
$this->plugin_perms[("P".$row2['plugin_id'])][2] = $plg->getIcon($row2['plugin_path'],32);
// echo $plg->getIcon('forum');
// $sql->db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_installflag='1'");
// while ($row2 = $sql->db_Fetch())
// {
// $this->plugin_perms[("P".$row2['plugin_id'])] = array($tp->toHTML($row2['plugin_name'], FALSE, 'RAWTEXT,defs'));
// $this->plugin_perms[("P".$row2['plugin_id'])][1] = $plg->getIcon('forum')
// }
$this->plugin_perms = array("Z"=> array('0'=>ADMSLAN_62)) + $this->plugin_perms;
$lanlist = explode(",",e_LANLIST);
foreach($lanlist as $langs)
$this->language_perms[$langs] = array("0"=>$langs);
$this->main_perms = array('0' => array('0'=>ADMSLAN_58));
// Note: Using array_merge or array_merge_recursive will corrupt the array.
$this->full_perms = $this->core_perms + $this->plugin_perms + $this->language_perms + $this->main_perms;
function renderSectionDiz($key)
return $this->permSectionDiz[$key];
function getPermList($type='all')
if($type == 'core')
return $this->core_perms;
if($type == 'plugin')
return $this->plugin_perms;
if($type == 'language')
return $this->language_perms;
if($type == 'main')
return $this->main_perms;
if($type == 'grouped')
$ret = array();
$ret['core'] = $this->core_perms;
$ret['plugin'] = $this->plugin_perms;
$ret['language'] = $this->language_perms;
$ret['main'] = $this->main_perms;
return $ret;
return $this->full_perms;
function checkb($arg, $perms, $info='')
$frm = e107::getForm();
$label = $info[0];
$icon_16 = $info[1];
$icon_32 = $info[2];
$label = $info;
$icon_16 = "";
$icon_32 = "";
$par = "
".$icon_16." |
".$frm->checkbox('perms[]', $arg, getperms($arg, $perms))." |
".$frm->label($label,'perms[]', $arg)." |
return $par;
function renderPerms($perms,$uniqueID='')
$tmp = explode(".",$perms);
$tmp = array_filter($tmp);
$permdiz = $this->getPermList();
$ptext = array();
foreach($tmp as $p)
// if(trim($p) == ""){ continue; }
$val = vartrue($permdiz[$p],'missing '.$p);
$ptext[] = is_array($permdiz[$p]) ? $permdiz[$p][0] : $val;
$id = "id_".$uniqueID;
$text = "{$perms}
$text .= "\n";
$text = "{$perms}";
$text .= "";
return $text;
* Render edit admin perms form.
* @param array $row [optional] containing $row['user_id'], $row['user_name'], $row['user_perms'];
* @return void
function edit_administrator($row = '')
$pref = e107::getPref();
$lanlist = explode(",", e_LANLIST);
$prm = $this;
$ns = e107::getRender();
$sql = e107::getDb();
$frm = e107::getForm();
$a_id = $row['user_id'];
$ad_name = $row['user_name'];
$a_perms = $row['user_perms'];
$text = "
// $text .= $this->renderPermTable('core',$a_perms);
$ns->tablerender(ADMSLAN_52.SEP.$ad_name, $text);
function renderCheckAllButtons()
$frm = e107::getForm();
return "
".$frm->admin_button('check_all', 'jstarget:perms', 'action', LAN_CHECKALL)."
".$frm->admin_button('uncheck_all', 'jstarget:perms', 'action', LAN_UNCHECKALL)."
function renderSubmitButtons()
$frm = e107::getForm();
return "
".$frm->admin_button('update_admin', LAN_UPDATE, 'update')."
".$frm->admin_button('go_back', LAN_BACK, 'cancel')."
function renderPermTable($type,$a_perms='')
$groupedList = $this->getPermList($type);
if($type != 'grouped')
$text = "\t\t";
return $text;
$text = "";
foreach($groupedList as $section=>$list)
$text .= "\t\t
".$this->renderSectionDiz($section)." |
"; //XXX Lan - General
// $text .= "\t\t".$prm->renderSectionDiz($section)."
"; //XXX Lan - General
foreach($list as $key=>$diz)
$text .= $this->checkb($key, $a_perms, $diz);
$text .= "
return $text;
* Update user (admin) permissions.
* NOTE: exit if $uid is not an integer or is 0.
* @param integer $uid
* @param array $permArray eg. array('A', 'K', '1');
* @return void
function updatePerms($uid, $permArray)
global $admin_log;
$sql = e107::getDb();
$tp = e107::getParser();
$modID = intval($uid);
$mes = e107::getMessage();
if ($modID == 0)
$mes->addError("Malfunction at line ".__LINE__ ." of user_handler.php");
$sysuser = e107::getSystemUser($modID, false);
$row = $sysuser->getData();
$a_name = $row['user_name'];
$perm = "";
foreach($permArray as $value)
$value = $tp->toDB($value);
if ($value == "0")
if (!getperms('0')) { $value = ""; break; }
$perm = "0"; break;
if ($value)
$perm .= $value.".";
//$sql->db_Update("user", "user_perms='{$perm}' WHERE user_id='{$modID}' ")
e107::getMessage()->addAuto($sysuser->set('user_perms', $perm)->save(), 'update', sprintf(LAN_UPDATED, $tp->toDB($_POST['ad_name'])), false, false);
$logMsg = str_replace(array('--ID--', '--NAME--'),array($modID, $a_name),ADMSLAN_72).$perm;