array('controller' => 'plugin_notify_admin_ui', 'path' => null, 'ui' => 'plugin_notify_admin_form_ui', 'uipath' => null) ); protected $adminMenu = array( 'main/config' => array('caption'=> "Email", 'perm' => '0'), 'main/push' => array('caption'=> "Push (experimental)", 'perm' => '0') ); protected $adminMenuAliases = array( 'main/edit' => 'main/list' ); /** * Navigation menu title * @var string */ protected $menuTitle = NT_LAN_1; function init() { if(e_DEBUG !== true) { unset($this->adminMenu['main/push']); } } } class plugin_notify_admin_ui extends e_admin_ui { protected $pluginTitle = NT_LAN_1; protected $pluginName = 'core'; protected $table = ""; protected $listQry = ""; protected $pid = "notify_id"; protected $perPage = 20; protected $batchDelete = true; // protected $displaySettings = array(); // protected $disallowPages = array('main/create', 'main/prefs'); protected $fields = array(); //required - default column user prefs protected $fieldpref = array(); // optional, if $pluginName == 'core', core prefs will be used, else e107::getPluginConfig($pluginName); protected $prefs = array( /* 'pref_type' => array('title'=> 'type', 'type'=>'text', 'data' => 'string', 'validate' => true), 'pref_folder' => array('title'=> 'folder', 'type' => 'boolean', 'data' => 'integer'), 'pref_name' => array('title'=> 'name', 'type' => 'text', 'data' => 'string', 'validate' => 'regex', 'rule' => '#^[\w]+$#i', 'help' => 'allowed characters are a-zA-Z and underscore')*/ ); var $notify_prefs; var $changeList = array(); var $pluginConfig = array(); function init() { if(!empty($_POST['update'])) { if($this-> update()) { // e107::getMessage()->addSuccess(LAN_UPDATED); } else { e107::getMessage()->addError(LAN_UPDATED_FAILED); } } $pref = e107::getPref(); $this->notify_prefs = e107::getConfig('notify')->getPref(); $this->prefCleanup(); $this->test(); $recalibrate = FALSE; // load every e_notify.php file. if($pref['e_notify_list']) { foreach($pref['e_notify_list'] as $val) // List of available e_notify.php files. { // if (!isset($this->notify_prefs['plugins'][$val])) { $this -> notify_prefs['plugins'][$val] = TRUE; if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$val."/e_notify.php")) { require_once(e_PLUGIN.$val.'/e_notify.php'); if(class_exists($val."_notify")) // new v2.x { $legacy = 0; // Newe. $config_events = array(); $data = e107::callMethod($val."_notify", 'config'); $config_category = str_replace("_menu","",ucfirst($val))." Events"; foreach($data as $v) { $func = $v['function']; $config_events[$func] = $v['name']; } } else { $legacy = 1; // Legacy Mode. } // foreach ($config_events as $event_id => $event_text) // { // $this -> notify_prefs['event'][$event_id] = array('class' => '255', 'email' => '', 'plugin'=> $val); // } $this->pluginConfig[$val] = array('category' => $config_category, 'events' => $config_events, 'legacy'=> $legacy); $recalibrate = true; } } } } // print_a($this->pluginConfig); if ($recalibrate) { // $s_prefs = $tp -> toDB($this -> notify_prefs); // $s_prefs = $eArrayStorage -> WriteArray($s_prefs); // $sql -> db_Update("core", "e107_value='".$s_prefs."' WHERE e107_name='notify_prefs'"); } } function prefCleanup() { $oldPrefs = e107::getEvent()->oldCoreList(); $curData = $this->notify_prefs['event']; foreach($curData as $k=>$v) { if(isset($oldPrefs[$k])) { $newKey = $oldPrefs[$k]; $this->notify_prefs['event'][$newKey] = $v; unset($this->notify_prefs['event'][$k]); } } } function pushPage() { e107::getMessage()->addInfo("Under Construction"); } function test() { if(!empty($_POST['test'])) { $id = key( $_POST['test']); $exampleData = array('id'=>'Test for '.$id, 'data'=>'example data' ); e107::getMessage()->addSuccess('Triggering: '.$id); e107::getEvent()->trigger($id, $exampleData); } } function configPage() { //global $ns, $rs, $frm, $emessage; $ns = e107::getRender(); $frm = e107::getForm(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $events = e107::getEvent()->coreList(); $tab = array(); foreach($events as $k=>$cat) { $text = "