var e107 = e107 || {'settings': {}, 'behaviors': {}}; (function ($) { 'use strict'; e107.mediaManager = e107.mediaManager || {}; /** * Behavior to initialize Media Manager. * * @type {{attach: e107.behaviors.initMediaManager.attach}} */ e107.behaviors.initMediaManager = { attach: function (context, settings) { $(context).find('.e-media-attribute').once('media-manager-e-media-attribute').each(function () { $(this).keyup(function () { e107.mediaManager.eMediaAttribute(this); }); }); $(context).find('#float').once('media-manager-float').each(function () { $(this).change(function () { e107.mediaManager.eMediaAttribute(this); }); }); $(context).find('.e-media-select-file-none').once('media-manager-e-media-select-file-none').each(function () { $(this).click(function () { e107.mediaManager.eMediaSelectFileNone(this); }); }); /* $(context).find('.e-media-select').once('media-manager-e-media-select').each(function () { $(this).on('click', function () { e107.mediaManager.eMediaSelect(this); }); }); */ $(context).on('click', '.e-media-select', function () { e107.mediaManager.eMediaSelect(this); }); // Must be defined after e-media-select. /* $(context).find('.e-dialog-save').once('media-manager-e-dialog-save').each(function () { $(this).click(function () { e107.mediaManager.eDialogSave(this); }); }); */ $(context).on('click', '.e-dialog-save', function () { e107.mediaManager.eDialogSave(this); }); // Must be defined after e-media-select. $(context).find('.e-media-nav').once('media-manager-e-media-nav').each(function () { $(this).click(function () { e107.mediaManager.mediaNav(this, '.e-media-nav'); }); }); $(context).find('#media-search').once('media-manager-media-search').each(function () { $(this).keyup(function () { var that = this; e107.callbacks.waitForFinalEvent(function () { e107.mediaManager.mediaNav(that, null); }, 300, "mediaSearch"); }); }); // Ajax keyup search. Used by media-browser. $(context).find('.e-ajax-keyup').once('media-manager-e-ajax-keyup').each(function () { $(this).keyup(function () { var that = this; e107.callbacks.waitForFinalEvent(function () { $(that).closest('div').find('.media-carousel-index').text('1'); // reset counter when searching. e107.mediaManager.eAjaxKeyUp(that); }, 300, "eAjaxKeyUp"); }); }); $(context).find('body').once('media-manager-plupload').each(function () { e107.mediaManager.initPlUpload(); }); } }; /** * @param {object} that * DOM element that was clicked, changed... etc. * @param {string} bbcode * bbCode tag-name. */ e107.mediaManager.eMediaAttribute = function (that, bbcode) { var $this = $(that); var style = ''; var bb = ''; var src = $('#src').attr('value'); // working old var path = $('#path').attr('value'); // working old var preview = $('#preview').attr('value'); // working old var width = $('#width').val(); var height = $('#height').val(); var margin_top = $('#margin-top').val(); var margin_bottom = $('#margin-bottom').val(); var margin_right = $('#margin-right').val(); var margin_left = $('#margin-left').val(); var _float = $('#float').val(); var alt = $('#alt').val(); var target = $this.attr('data-target'); var $htmlHolder = $('#html_holder'); var $bbcodeHolder = $('#bbcode_holder'); if(margin_right != '' && margin_right !== undefined) { style = style + 'margin-right:' + margin_right + 'px;'; } if(margin_left != '' && margin_left !== undefined) { style = style + 'margin-left:' + margin_left + 'px;'; } if(margin_top != '' && margin_top !== undefined) { style = style + 'margin-top:' + margin_top + 'px;'; } if(margin_bottom != '' && margin_bottom !== undefined) { style = style + 'margin-bottom:' + margin_bottom + 'px;'; } if(_float == 'left' || _float == 'right') { style = style + 'float:' + _float + ';'; } if(width === undefined) { width = ''; } if(height === undefined) { height = ''; } // Set the Html / Wysiwyg Value. var $img = $(''); $img.attr('style', style); $img.attr('src', src); $img.attr('alt', alt); $img.attr('width', width); $img.attr('height', height); if($htmlHolder.length > 0) { $htmlHolder.val($img.prop('outerHTML')); } // Only Do width/height styling on bbcodes -- if(width != '' && width !== undefined) { style = style + 'width:' + width + 'px;'; } if(height != '' && height !== undefined) { style = style + 'height:' + height + 'px;'; } if(bbcode != 'video') { bb = '[img'; if(style != '') { bb = bb + ' style=' + style; } if(alt != '') { bb = bb + '&alt=' + alt; } bb = bb + ']'; bb = bb + path; bb = bb + '[/img]'; if(target && target.charAt(0) != "#" && target.charAt(0) != ".") { target = "#" + target; } var $target = $(target); if($target.length > 0) { $target.val($target.val() + bb); } else { var $parentTarget = parent.$(target); // From iframe. if($parentTarget.length > 0) { $parentTarget.val($parentTarget.val() + bb); } else { if($bbcodeHolder.length > 0) { $bbcodeHolder.val(bb); // Set the BBcode Value. } } } } }; /** * @param {object} that * Element that was clicked. */ e107.mediaManager.eMediaSelectFileNone = function (that) { var $this = $(that); var target = $this.attr('data-target'); var label = $this.attr('data-target-label'); var $parentInput = parent.$('input#' + target); var $parentInputID = parent.$('input#' + target + '-id'); var $parentInputPath = parent.$('input#' + target + '-path'); var $parentInputName = parent.$('input#' + target + '-name'); var $parentTarget = parent.$('#' + target + '_prev'); if($parentInput.length > 0) { $parentInput.val(''); } if($parentInputID.length > 0) { $parentInputID.val(''); } if($parentInputPath.length > 0) { $parentInputPath.val(''); } if($parentInputName.length > 0) { $parentInputName.val(''); } if($parentTarget.length > 0) { $parentTarget.text(label); } }; /** * @param {object} that * Element that was clicked. * * @returns {boolean} */ e107.mediaManager.eMediaSelect = function (that) { var $this = $(that); // ID of the Media Manager Item. var id = $this.attr('data-id'); var target = $this.attr('data-target'); // Path of the Media Manager Item. var path = $this.attr('data-path'); var preview = $this.attr('data-preview'); var previewHTML = $this.attr('data-preview-html'); var src = $this.attr('data-src'); // TinyMce/Textarea insert mode- var bbcode = $this.attr('data-bbcode'); // Title of the Media Manager Item. var name = $this.attr('data-name'); var width = $this.attr('data-width'); // Disable for now - will be updated by bb parser. // var height = $this.attr('data-height'); var height = ''; var type = $this.attr('data-type'); var alt = $this.attr('data-alt'); var bbpath = ''; var $bbcodeHolder = $('#bbcode_holder'); var $htmlHolder = $('#html_holder'); var $src = $('#src'); var $preview = $('#preview'); var $path = $('#path'); // Remove "selected" class from elements. $('.e-media-select').removeClass('media-select-active'); // Add "selected" class to clicked element. $this.addClass('media-select-active'); $this.closest('img').addClass('active'); if(bbcode === "file" && $bbcodeHolder.length > 0) // not needed for Tinymce { bbpath = '[file=' + id + ']' + name + '[/file]'; $bbcodeHolder.val(bbpath); return; } if(bbcode === "video" && $bbcodeHolder.length > 0) { bbpath = '[' + bbcode + ']' + path + '[/' + bbcode + ']'; $bbcodeHolder.val(bbpath); } if(bbcode === "glyph" && $bbcodeHolder.length > 0) { var $target = $('div#' + target + "_prev",; // Only if the triggering element is not an icon-picker. if($target.length === 0 || !$target.hasClass('image-selector')) { bbpath = '[' + bbcode + ']' + path + '[/' + bbcode + ']'; $bbcodeHolder.val(bbpath); } } if($src.length > 0) { $src.attr('value', src); // working old $src.attr('src', src); // working old } if($preview.length > 0) { $preview.attr('src', preview); // working old } if($path.length > 0) { $path.attr('value', path); // working old } $('#width').val(width); $('#height').val(height); $('#alt').val(alt); $('img#' + target + "_prev",'src', preview); // set new value if(previewHTML) // mediapicker() method. New in v2.1.9 { console.log("Mode: MediaPicker"); console.log("Preview Raw: "+previewHTML); if($htmlHolder.length > 0) { $htmlHolder.val(previewHTML); } preview = atob(previewHTML).trim(); } else if(type === 'glyph') { preview = " "; if($htmlHolder.length > 0) { $htmlHolder.val(preview); } if($path.length > 0) { $path.attr('value', path); } } else if(type === 'file') { preview = name; } else // image { e107.mediaManager.eMediaAttribute($this, bbcode); preview = ''; if($htmlHolder.length > 0) { preview = $htmlHolder.val(); } // issue #3051 Preview url is wrong when target page is a plugin var s = new RegExp('/' + e107_plugins_directory + '[\\w]+/', 'gmi'); if ( { preview = preview.replace(e107_plugins_directory, ''); } console.log("Mode: Image"); } console.log("Preview: "+preview); console.log("Save Path: "+path); $('div#' + target + "_prev",; // set new value $('span#' + target + "_prev",; // set new value // @see $frm->filepicker() if(target !== '') { if($('input#' + target) !== undefined) { $('input#' + target,'value', path); // set new value } // Array mode: var pathTarget = target + '-path'; var nameTarget = target + '-name'; var idTarget = target + '-id'; if($('input#' + pathTarget) !== undefined) { $('input#' + pathTarget,'value', path); // set new value } if($('input#' + nameTarget) !== undefined) { $('input#' + nameTarget,'value', name); // set new value } if($('input#' + idTarget) !== undefined) { $('input#' + idTarget,'value', id); // set new value } } return false; }; /** * @param {object} that * Element that was clicked. * * @returns {boolean} */ e107.mediaManager.eDialogSave = function (that) { var $this = $(that); // FIXME TODO missing caret , text selection overwrite etc. var newval = $('#bbcode_holder').val(); var target = $this.attr('data-target'); var bbcode = $this.attr('data-bbcode'); // TinyMce/Textarea insert mode var close = $this.attr('data-close'); if(!target || !bbcode) { return true; } var $target = $('#' + target,; if ($target.length > 0) { var targetType = $target.attr('type'); // The input element's type ('hidden') does not support selection. if (targetType == 'hidden') { return true; } // $('#' + target,'insert', newval); } if(close == 'true') { parent.$('.modal').modal('hide'); } }; /** * @param {object} e * Element that was clicked. * @param {string} navid * Class with 'data-src' that needs 'from=' value updated. (often 2 of them eg. next/prev) * * @returns {boolean} */ e107.mediaManager.mediaNav = function (e, navid) { var id = $(e).attr("href"); var target = $(e).attr("data-target"); // support for input buttons etc. var loading = $(e).attr('data-loading'); // image to show loading. var search = $('#media-search').val(); // image to show loading. var nav = $(e).attr('data-nav-inc'); var dir = $(e).attr('data-nav-dir'); var curTotal = $('#admin-ui-media-select-count-hidden').attr('data-media-select-current-limit'); var total = $(e).attr('data-nav-total'); var outDir; var inDir; var newVal; if(nav !== null && navid !== null) { e107.callbacks.eNav(e, navid); } if(dir == 'down' && curTotal == 20) { return false; } if(dir == 'up' && curTotal == total) { return false; } if(target !== null) { id = '#' + target; } if(loading != null) { $(id).html(""); } var src = $(e).attr("data-src"); // heep here. if(src === null) // old way - href='myscript.php#id-to-target { var tmp = src.split('#'); id = tmp[1]; src = tmp[0]; } if(search !== null) { src = src + '&search=' + search; } if(dir == 'down') { outDir = 'right'; inDir = 'left'; } else { outDir = 'left'; inDir = 'right'; } $('#e-modal-loading', window.parent.document).show(); $('iframe', window.parent.document).attr('scrolling', 'no'); // hide the scrollbar. // TODO use loading screen instead? $(id).hide('slide', {direction: outDir}, 1500, function () { $.get(src, function (data) { $(id).html(data); newVal = $('#admin-ui-media-select-count-hidden').text(); $('#admin-ui-media-select-count').text(newVal).fadeIn(); $(id).show('slide', {direction: inDir}, 500, function () { $('#e-modal-loading', window.parent.document).hide(); }); // We need to attach behaviors to the newly loaded contents. e107.attachBehaviors(); }); }); $('iframe', window.parent.document).attr('scrolling', 'auto'); return false; }; /** * @param {object} that * Input element. */ e107.mediaManager.eAjaxKeyUp = function (that) { var $this = $(that); var id = $this.attr("data-target"); var src = $this.attr("data-src"); var search = $this.val(); if(search !== null) { search = search.replace('https://', 'url:'); search = search.replace('http://', 'url:'); src = src + '&search=' + encodeURIComponent(search); } var $target = $('#' + id); $target.fadeOut('fast'); $target.load(src, function () { $target.fadeIn('fast'); // .slideLeft(); e107.attachBehaviors(); }); }; /** * Initializes 'plupload' plugin. */ e107.mediaManager.initPlUpload = function () { var $uploader = $("#uploader"); var upath = $uploader.attr("rel"); var extImg = $uploader.attr("extimg"); var extArchive = $uploader.attr("extarch"); var extDoc = $uploader.attr("extdoc"); $uploader.pluploadQueue({ // General settings runtimes: "html5,html4", url: upath, max_file_size: $uploader.attr("data-max-size"), chunk_size: "1mb", unique_names: false, // Resize images on clientside if we can // resize : {width : 320, height : 240, quality : 90}, // Specify what files to browse for filters: [ {title: "Image files", extensions: extImg || "jpg,gif,png,jpeg,svg"}, {title: "Zip files", extensions: extArchive || "zip,gz,rar"}, {title: "Document files", extensions: extDoc || "pdf,doc,docx,xls,xlsm,xml"}, {title: "Media files", extensions: 'mp3,mp4,wav,ogg,webm,mid,midi'}, {title: "Other files", extensions: 'torrent,txt'} ], preinit: { Init: function (up, info) { //log('[Init]', 'Info:', info, 'Features:', up.features); } }, init: { FilesAdded: function (up, files) { }, FileUploaded: function (up, file, info) // Called when a file has finished uploading { // console.log(up); // console.log(file); // console.log(file); var result = JSON.parse(info.response); if(result.error) { alert( + ': '+ result.error.message); // $('.plupload_buttons').show(); return false; } // console.log(result); }, UploadProgress: function (up, file) { // Called while a file is being uploaded }, UploadComplete: function (up, files) { document.location.reload(); // refresh the page. }, ChunkUploaded: function (up, file, info) { // Called when a file chunk has finished uploading }, Error: function (up, args) { // Called when a error has occured alert('There was an error'); } } }); }; })(jQuery);