<?php /* + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | e107 website system | | Copyright (C) 2008-2009 e107 Inc (e107.org) | http://e107.org | | | Released under the terms and conditions of the | GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org). | | $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/email.php,v $ | $Revision$ | $Date$ | $Author$ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ require_once('class2.php'); if (!check_class(varset($pref['email_item_class'],e_UC_MEMBER))) { header('Location: '.e_BASE.'index.php'); exit(); } e107::includeLan(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE.'/lan_'.e_PAGE); require_once(HEADERF); $use_imagecode = FALSE; $imgtypes = array('jpeg', 'png', 'gif'); foreach($imgtypes as $t) { if(function_exists('imagecreatefrom'.$t)) { $use_imagecode = TRUE; } } if ($use_imagecode) { require_once(e_HANDLER.'secure_img_handler.php'); $sec_img = new secure_image; } if (e_QUERY) { $qs = explode('.', e_QUERY, 2); } else { e107::redirect(); exit; } $source = $qs[0]; $parms = varset($qs[1], ''); unset($qs); $error = ''; $message = ''; $referrer = strip_tags(urldecode(html_entity_decode(varset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],''), ENT_QUOTES))); $emailurl = ($source == 'referer') ? $referrer : SITEURL; $comments = $tp->post_toHTML(varset($_POST['comment'],''), TRUE, 'retain_nl, emotes_off, no_make_clickable'); $author = $tp->post_toHTML(varset($_POST['author_name'],''),FALSE,'emotes_off, no_make_clickable'); $email_send = check_email(varset($_POST['email_send'],'')); if (isset($_POST['emailsubmit'])) { if (!$email_send) { $error .= LAN_EMAIL_106; } if($use_imagecode) { if(!isset($_POST['code_verify']) || !isset($_POST['rand_num'])) { e107::redirect(); exit; } if (!$sec_img->verify_code($_POST['rand_num'], $_POST['code_verify'])) { e107::redirect(); exit; } } if ($comments == '') { $message = LAN_EMAIL_6.' '.SITENAME.' ('.SITEURL.')'; if (USER == TRUE) { $message .= "\n\n".LAN_EMAIL_1." ".USERNAME; } else { $message .= "\n\n".LAN_EMAIL_1." ".$author; } } else { // $message .= $comments."\n"; // Added to message later on } $ip = e107::getIPHandler()->getIP(FALSE); $message .= "\n\n".LAN_EMAIL_2." ".$ip."\n\n"; if (substr($source,0,7) == 'plugin:') { $plugin = substr($source,7); $text = ''; if(file_exists(e_PLUGIN.$plugin.'/e_emailprint.php')) { include_once(e_PLUGIN.$plugin.'/e_emailprint.php'); $text = email_item($parms); $emailurl = SITEURL; } if($text == '') { e107::redirect(); exit; } $message .= $text; } elseif($source == 'referer') { if(!isset($_POST['referer']) || $_POST['referer'] == '') { e107::redirect(); exit; } $message .= strip_tags($_POST['referer']); $emailurl = strip_tags($_POST['referer']); } else { $emailurl = strip_tags($_POST['referer']); $message = ''; if($sql->db_Select('news', 'news_title, news_body, news_extended', 'news_id='.((int)$parms))) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $message = "<h3 class='email_heading'>".$row['news_title']."</h3><br />".$row['news_body']."<br />".$row['news_extended']."<br /><br /><a href='{e_BASE}news.php?extend.".$parms."'>{e_BASE}news.php?extend.".$parms."</a><br />"; $message = $tp->toEmail($message); } if($message == '') { e107::redirect(); exit; } } if ($error == '') { // Load Mail Handler and Email Template. require_once(e_HANDLER.'mail.php'); $email_body = (trim($comments) != '') ? $tp->toEmail($comments).'<hr />' : ''; $email_body .= $tp->toEmail($message); if (sendemail($email_send, LAN_EMAIL_3.SITENAME,$email_body)) { $text = "<div style='text-align:center'>".LAN_EMAIL_10." ".$email_send."</div>"; } else { $text = "<div style='text-align:center'>".LAN_EMAIL_9."</div>"; } $ns->tablerender(LAN_EMAIL_11, $text); } else { $ns->tablerender(LAN_ERROR, "<div style='text-align:center'>".$error."</div>"); } } // --------------------- Form ------------------------------------------------- $text = "<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."'>\n <table>"; if (USER != TRUE) { $text .= "<tr> <td style='width:25%'>".LAN_EMAIL_15."</td> <td style='width:75%'> <input class='tbox' type='text' name='author_name' size='60' style='width:95%' value='$author' maxlength='100' /> </td> </tr>"; } $text .= " <tr> <td style='width:25%'>".LAN_EMAIL_8."</td> <td style='width:75%'> <textarea class='tbox' name='comment' cols='70' rows='4' style='width:95%'>".LAN_EMAIL_6." ".SITENAME." (".$emailurl.") "; if (USER == TRUE) { $text .= "\n\n".LAN_EMAIL_1." ".USERNAME; } $text .= "</textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style='width:25%'>".LAN_EMAIL_187."</td> <td style='width:75%'> <input class='tbox' type='text' name='email_send' size='60' value='$email_send' style='width:95%' maxlength='100' /> </td> </tr> "; if($use_imagecode) { $text .= "<tr><td>".LAN_EMAIL_190."</td><td>"; $text .= $sec_img->r_image(); $text .= " <input class='tbox' type='text' name='code_verify' size='15' maxlength='20' /> <input type='hidden' name='rand_num' value='".$sec_img->random_number."' /></td></tr>"; } $text .= " <tr style='vertical-align:top'> <td style='width:25%'></td> <td style='width:75%'> <input class='btn btn-default button' type='submit' name='emailsubmit' value='".LAN_EMAIL_4."' /> <input type='hidden' name='referer' value='".$referrer."' /> </td> </tr> </table> </form>"; $ns->tablerender(LAN_EMAIL_5, $text); require_once(FOOTERF); ?>