isInstalled('rss_menu')) { header('Location: '.e_BASE.'index.php'); exit; } require_once(e_PLUGIN.'rss_menu/rss_shortcodes.php'); require_once(e_HANDLER.'userclass_class.php'); /* global $tp; if (!is_object($tp->e_bb)) { require_once(e_HANDLER.'bbcode_handler.php'); $tp->e_bb = new e_bbcode; } */ // Get language file include_lan(e_PLUGIN.'rss_menu/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'_admin_rss_menu.php'); // Get template if (is_readable(THEME.'rss_template.php')) { require_once(THEME.'rss_template.php'); } else { require_once(e_PLUGIN.'rss_menu/rss_template.php'); } // Query handler if (e_QUERY) { $tmp = explode('.', e_QUERY); $content_type = $e107->tp->toDB($tmp[0]); $rss_type = intval(varset($tmp[1],0)); $topic_id = $e107->tp->toDB($tmp[2],''); } // List available rss feeds if (!$rss_type) { // Display list of all feeds require_once(HEADERF); // require_once(e_PLUGIN.'rss_menu/rss_template.php'); Already loaded if(!$sql->db_Select('rss', '*', "`rss_class`=0 AND `rss_limit`>0 AND `rss_topicid` NOT REGEXP ('\\\*') ORDER BY `rss_name`")) { $ns->tablerender(LAN_ERROR, RSS_LAN_ERROR_4); } else { $text = $RSS_LIST_HEADER; while($row=$sql->db_Fetch()) { $text .= $e107->tp->parseTemplate($RSS_LIST_TABLE, FALSE, $rss_shortcodes); } $text .= $RSS_LIST_FOOTER; $ns->tablerender(RSS_MENU_L2, $text); } require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } // Returning feeds here // Conversion table for old urls ------- $conversion[1] = 'news'; $conversion[5] = 'comments'; $conversion[10] = 'bugtracker'; $conversion[12] = 'download'; //------------------------------------- // Convert certain old urls so we can check the db entries // Rss.php?1.2 (news, rss-2) --> check = news (check conversion table) // TODO: legacy stuff still required? if(is_numeric($content_type) && isset($conversion[$content_type]) ) { $content_type = $conversion[$content_type]; } $check_topic = ($topic_id ? " AND rss_topicid = '".$topic_id."' " : ""); if(!$sql -> db_Select('rss', '*', "rss_class!=2 AND rss_url='".$content_type."' ".$check_topic." AND rss_limit>0 ")) { // Check if wildcard present for topic_id $check_topic = ($topic_id ? " AND rss_topicid = '".str_replace($topic_id, "*", $topic_id)."' " : ""); if(!$sql -> db_Select('rss', '*', "rss_class!=2 AND rss_url='".$content_type."' ".$check_topic." AND rss_limit>0 ")) { require_once(HEADERF); $ns->tablerender('', RSS_LAN_ERROR_1); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } else { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); } } else { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if($rss = new rssCreate($content_type, $rss_type, $topic_id, $row)) { $rss_title = ($rss->contentType ? $rss->contentType : ucfirst($content_type)); $rss->buildRss ($rss_title); } else { require_once(HEADERF); $ns->tablerender(RSS_LAN_ERROR_0, RSS_LAN_ERROR_1); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } class rssCreate { protected $e107; var $contentType; var $rssType; var $path; var $parm; var $rssItems; var $rssQuery; var $topicid; var $offset; var $rssNamespace; var $rssCustomChannel; public function __construct($content_type, $rss_type, $topic_id, $row) { // Constructor $sql_rs = new db; global $sql, $pref, $rssgen; $this->e107 = e107::getInstance(); $this -> path = e_PLUGIN."rss_menu/"; $this -> rssType = $rss_type; $this -> topicid = $topic_id; $this -> offset = $pref['time_offset'] * 3600; $this -> limit = $row['rss_limit']; $this -> contentType = $row['rss_name']; if(!is_numeric($content_type)) { $path = e_PLUGIN.$row['rss_path'].'/e_rss.php'; } if(strpos($row['rss_path'],'|')!==FALSE) { $tmp = explode("|", $row['rss_path']); $path = e_PLUGIN.$tmp[0]."/e_rss.php"; $this -> parm = $tmp[1]; // Parm is used in e_rss.php to define which feed you need to prepare } switch ($content_type) { case 'news' : case 1: if($topic_id && is_numeric($topic_id)) { $topic = " AND news_category = ".intval($topic_id); } else { $topic = ''; } $path=''; $render = ($pref['rss_othernews'] != 1) ? "AND n.news_render_type < 2" : ""; $nobody_regexp = "'(^|,)(".str_replace(",", "|", e_UC_NOBODY).")(,|$)'"; $this -> rssQuery = " SELECT n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_email, u.user_customtitle, nc.category_name, nc.category_icon FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id WHERE n.news_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") AND NOT (n.news_class REGEXP ".$nobody_regexp.") AND n.news_start < ".time()." AND (n.news_end=0 || n.news_end>".time().") {$render} {$topic} ORDER BY news_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,".$this -> limit; $sql->db_Select_gen($this -> rssQuery); $tmp = $sql->db_getList(); $this -> rssItems = array(); $loop=0; foreach($tmp as $value) { $this -> rssItems[$loop]['title'] = $value['news_title']; $this -> rssItems[$loop]['link'] = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].e_HTTP."news.php?item.".$value['news_id'].".".$value['news_category']; if($value['news_summary'] && $pref['rss_summarydiz']) { $this -> rssItems[$loop]['description'] = $value['news_summary']; } else { $this -> rssItems[$loop]['description'] = $value['news_body']; } $this -> rssItems[$loop]['author'] = $value['user_name']; $this -> rssItems[$loop]['author_email'] = $value['user_email']; $this -> rssItems[$loop]['category'] = "".$value['category_name'].""; if($value['news_allow_comments'] && $pref['comments_disabled'] != 1) { $this -> rssItems[$loop]['comment'] = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].e_HTTP."comment.php?".$value['news_id']; } $this -> rssItems[$loop]['pubdate'] = $value['news_datestamp']; if($pref['rss_shownewsimage'] == 1 && strlen(trim($value['news_thumbnail'])) > 0) { $this -> rssItems[$loop]['news_thumbnail'] = $value['news_thumbnail']; } $loop++; } break; case 2: $path=''; $this -> contentType = "articles"; break; case 3: $path=''; $this -> contentType = "reviews"; break; case 4: $path=''; $this -> contentType = "content"; break; case 'comments' : case 5: $path=''; $this -> rssQuery = "SELECT * FROM `#comments` WHERE `comment_blocked` = 0 ORDER BY `comment_datestamp` DESC LIMIT 0,".$this -> limit; $sql->db_Select_gen($this -> rssQuery); $tmp = $sql->db_getList(); $this -> rssItems = array(); $loop=0; foreach($tmp as $value) { $this -> rssItems[$loop]['title'] = $value['comment_subject']; $this -> rssItems[$loop]['pubdate'] = $value['comment_datestamp']; switch ($value['comment_type']) { case 0 : case 'news' : $this -> rssItems[$loop]['link'] = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].e_HTTP."comment.php?".$value['comment_item_id']; break; case 2 : case 'download' : $this -> rssItems[$loop]['link'] = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].e_HTTP."comment.php?".$value['comment_item_id']; break; case 4: case 'poll' : $this -> rssItems[$loop]['link'] = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].e_HTTP."comment.php?comment.poll.".$value['comment_item_id']; break; } $this -> rssItems[$loop]['description'] = $value['comment_comment']; $this -> rssItems[$loop]['author'] = substr($value['comment_author'], (strpos($value['comment_author'], ".")+1)); $loop++; } break; case 6: case 7: $path = e_PLUGIN."forum/e_rss.php"; break; case 8: if(!$this -> topicid) { return FALSE; } $path = e_PLUGIN."forum/e_rss.php"; break; // case 10 was bugtracker case 11: if(!$this -> topicid) { return FALSE; } $path = e_PLUGIN."forum/e_rss.php"; break; case download: case 12: $path = e_PLUGIN."download/e_rss.php"; break; } if(isset($path) && $path!='') { // New rss reader from e_rss.php in plugin folder if (is_readable($path)) { require_once($path); foreach($eplug_rss_data as $key=>$rs) { foreach($rs as $k=>$row) { $this -> rssItems[$k]['author'] = $row['author']; $this -> rssItems[$k]['author_email'] = $row['author_email']; $this -> rssItems[$k]['title'] = $row['title']; if($row['link']) { if(eregi("http",$row['link'])) { $this -> rssItems[$k]['link'] = $row['link']; } else { $this -> rssItems[$k]['link'] = SITEURLBASE.e_PLUGIN_ABS.$row['link']; } } $this -> rssItems[$k]['description'] = $row['description']; if($row['enc_url']) { $this -> rssItems[$k]['enc_url'] = SITEURLBASE.e_PLUGIN_ABS.$enc_url.$row['item_id']; } if($row['enc_leng']) { $this -> rssItems[$k]['enc_leng'] = $row['enc_leng']; } if($eplug_rss['enc_type']) { $this -> rssItems[$k]['enc_type'] = $this->getmime($eplug_rss['enc_type']); } elseif($row['enc_type']) { $this -> rssItems[$k]['enc_type'] = $row['enc_type']; } $this -> rssItems[$k]['category_name'] = $row['category_name']; if($row['category_link']) { if(eregi("http",$row['category_link'])) { $this -> rssItems[$k]['category_link'] = $row['category_link']; } else { $this -> rssItems[$k]['category_link'] = SITEURLBASE.e_PLUGIN_ABS.$row['category_link']; } } if($row['datestamp']) { $this -> rssItems[$k]['pubdate'] = $row['datestamp']; } } } } } } function buildRss($rss_title) { global $sql, $pref; header('Content-type: application/xml', TRUE); $rss_title = $this->e107->tp->toRss($pref['sitename']." : ".$rss_title); $rss_namespace = ($this->rssNamespace) ? "xmlns:".$this->rssNamespace : ''; $rss_custom_channel = ($this->rssCustomChannel) ? $this->rssCustomChannel : ''; $time = time(); switch ($this -> rssType) { case 1: // RSS 1.0 echo " ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($rss_title)." ".$pref['siteurl']." ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($pref['sitedescription'])." ".$itemdate = date("r", ($time + $this -> offset))."\n"; foreach($this -> rssItems as $value) { // Multi-language rss links. $link = (e_LANQRY) ? str_replace("?","?".e_LANQRY,$value['link']) : $value['link']; echo " ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($value['title'])." ".substr($this->e107->tp->toRss($value['description']),0,150); if($pref['rss_shownewsimage'] == 1 && strlen(trim($value['news_thumbnail'])) > 0) { $news_thumbnail = SITEURLBASE.e_IMAGE_ABS."newspost_images/".$this->e107->tp->toRss($value['news_thumbnail']); echo "<a href="".$link.""><img src="".$news_thumbnail."" height="50" border="0" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="right"></a>"; unset($news_thumbail); } echo " ".$value['author']."<".$this->nospam($value['author_email'])."> ".$link." "; } echo " "; break; case 2: // RSS 2.0 $sitebutton = (strstr(SITEBUTTON, "http:") ? SITEBUTTON : SITEURL.str_replace("../", "", SITEBUTTON)); echo " ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($rss_title)." ".$pref['siteurl']." ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($pref['sitedescription'])."\n"; echo $this->e107->tp->toRss($rss_custom_channel,TRUE)."\n"; echo "".CORE_LC.(defined("CORE_LC2") ? "-".CORE_LC2 : "")." ".preg_replace("#\
|\n|\r#si", "", SITEDISCLAIMER)."
".$this->nospam($pref['siteadminemail'])." (".$pref['siteadmin'].") ".$this->nospam($pref['siteadminemail'])." (".$pref['siteadmin'].") ".date("r",($time + $this -> offset))." ".date("r",($time + $this -> offset))." e107 ( 60"; if (trim(SITEBUTTON)) { echo " ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($rss_title)." ".(strstr(SITEBUTTON, "http:")!==FALSE ? SITEBUTTON : SITEURL.str_replace("../", "",SITEBUTTON))." ".$pref['siteurl']." 88 31 ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($pref['sitedescription'])." "; } // Generally Ignored by 99% of readers. /* echo " Search Search ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($pref['sitename'])." query ".SITEURL.(substr(SITEURL, -1) == "/" ? "" : "/")."search.php "; */ foreach($this -> rssItems as $value) { // Multi-language rss links. $link = (e_LANQRY) ? str_replace("?","?".e_LANQRY,$value['link']) : $value['link']; $catlink = (e_LANQRY) ? str_replace("?","?".e_LANQRY,$value['category_link']) : $value['category_link']; echo " ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($value['title'])."\n"; if($link) { echo "".$link."\n"; } echo "".$this->e107->tp->toRss($value['description'],TRUE); if($pref['rss_shownewsimage'] == 1 && strlen(trim($value['news_thumbnail'])) > 0) { $news_thumbnail = SITEURLBASE.e_IMAGE_ABS."newspost_images/".$this->e107->tp->toRss($value['news_thumbnail']); echo "<a href="".$link.""><img src="".$news_thumbnail."" height="50" border="0" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="right"></a>"; unset($news_thumbail); } echo "\n"; if($value['category_name'] && $catlink) { echo "".$this->e107->tp->toRss($value['category_name'])."\n"; } if($value['comment']) { echo "".$value['comment']."\n"; } if($value['author']) { echo "".$this->nospam($value['author_email'])." (".$value['author'].")\n"; } // Enclosure support for podcasting etc. if($value['enc_url'] && $value['enc_leng'] && $value['enc_type']) { echo "\n"; } echo "".date("r", ($value['pubdate'] + $this -> offset))."\n"; if($link) { echo "".$link."\n"; } echo ""; } // echo " contentType).".4.".$this -> topicId ."\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />"; echo "
"; break; case 3: // RDF echo " ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($rss_title)." ".$pref['siteurl']." ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($pref['sitedescription'])." ".CORE_LC.(defined("CORE_LC2") ? "-".CORE_LC2 : "")." ".$this->get_iso_8601_date($time + $this -> offset). " ".$this->nospam($pref['siteadminemail'])." nospam($pref['siteadminemail'])."\" /> hourly 1 2000-01-01T12:00+00:00 "; foreach($this -> rssItems as $value) { // Multi-language rss links. $link = (e_LANQRY) ? str_replace("?","?".e_LANQRY,$value['link']) : $value['link']; echo " "; } echo " "; reset($this -> rssItems); unset($link); foreach($this -> rssItems as $value) { $link = (e_LANQRY) ? str_replace("?","?".e_LANQRY,$value['link']) : $value['link']; // Multi-language rss links. echo " ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($value['title'])." ".$link." ".$this->get_iso_8601_date($time + $this -> offset)." ".$value['author']." ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($value['category_name'])." ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($value['description']); if($pref['rss_shownewsimage'] == 1 && strlen(trim($value['news_thumbnail'])) > 0) { $news_thumbnail = SITEURLBASE.e_IMAGE_ABS."newspost_images/".$this->e107->tp->toRss($value['news_thumbnail']); echo "<a href="".$link.""><img src="".$news_thumbnail."" height="50" border="0" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="right"></a>"; unset($news_thumbail); } echo " "; } echo " "; break; // Atom case 4: echo "\n \n"; /* \n"; */ // Required echo " ".$pref['siteurl']."\n ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($rss_title)."\n ".$this->get_iso_8601_date($time + $this -> offset)."\n"; // Recommended echo " \n e107\n"; //\n echo "\n \n \n"; // Optional include(e_ADMIN."ver.php"); echo " \n \n e107\n \n e107\n"; ///icon.jpg\n echo " ".(strstr(SITEBUTTON, "http:") ? SITEBUTTON : SITEURL.str_replace("../", "", SITEBUTTON))."\n ".$pref['siteadmin']." - ".$this->nospam($pref['siteadminemail'])."\n"; if($pref['sitedescription']){ echo " ".$pref['sitedescription']."\n"; } foreach($this -> rssItems as $value) { echo " \n"; // Required echo " ".$value['link']."\n ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($value['title'])."\n ".$this->get_iso_8601_date($value['pubdate'] + $this -> offset)."\n"; // Recommended $author = ($value['author']) ? $value['author'] : "unknown"; echo " \n"; echo " ".$author."\n"; echo ($value['author_email']) ? "\t\t\t\t\t\t".$this->nospam($value['author_email'])."\n" : ""; echo "\n"; //complete story here\n echo " \n ".$this->e107->tp->toRss($value['description']); if($pref['rss_shownewsimage'] == 1 && strlen(trim($value['news_thumbnail'])) > 0) { $news_thumbnail = SITEURLBASE.e_IMAGE_ABS."newspost_images/".$this->e107->tp->toRss($value['news_thumbnail']); echo "<a href="".$value['link'].""><img src="".$news_thumbnail."" height="50" border="0" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="right"></a>"; unset($news_thumbail); } echo "\n"; // Optional if($value['category_name']){ echo "\n"; } // // Jane Doe // echo "".$this->get_iso_8601_date($value['pubdate'] + $this -> offset)."\n"; // // // Fourty-Two // 2003-12-13T18:30:02Z // © 2005 Example, Inc. // //&copy; 2005 John Doe echo " \n"; } echo " \n"; break; } } function getmime($file) { $ext = strtolower(str_replace(".","",strrchr(basename($file), "."))); $mime["mp3"] = "audio/mpeg"; return $mime[$ext]; } function get_iso_8601_date($int_date) { //$int_date: current date in UNIX timestamp $date_mod = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $int_date); $pre_timezone = date('O', $int_date); $time_zone = substr($pre_timezone, 0, 3).":".substr($pre_timezone, 3, 2); $date_mod .= $time_zone; return $date_mod; } function nospam($text) { $tmp = explode("@",$text); return ($tmp[0] != "") ? $tmp[0].RSS_LAN_2 : RSS_LAN_3; } } // End class rssCreate