pathtologs = e_LOG; $this->date = date("z.Y", time()); $this->yesterday = date("z.Y",(time() - 86400)); // This makes sure year wraps round OK $this->date2 = date("Y-m-j", (time() -86400)); // Yesterday's date for the database summary $this->date3 = date("Y-m", (time() -86400)); // Current month's date for monthly summary (we're working with yesterday's data) $this->pfileprev = "logp_".$this->yesterday.".php"; // Yesterday's log file $this->pfile = "logp_".$this->date.".php"; // Today's log file $this->ifileprev = "logi_".$this->yesterday.".php"; $this->ifile = "logi_".$this->date.".php"; } function run() { $sql = e107::getDb(); $pref = e107::pref('core'); $pageInfo = array(); $domainInfo = array(); $screenInfo = array(); $browserInfo = array(); $osInfo = array(); $refInfo = array(); $searchInfo = array(); $monthlyInfo = array(); $mon_statBrowser = array(); $mon_statOs = array(); $mon_statScreen = array(); $mon_statDomain = array(); $mon_statQuery = array(); $statBrowser = array(); $statOs = array(); $statScreen = array(); $statDomain = array(); $statQuery = array(); $statReferer = array(); $statTotal = 0; $statUnique = 0; $siteTotal = 0; $siteUnique = 0; $MonthlyExistsFlag = false; if(file_exists($this->pathtologs.$this->pfile)) /* log file is up to date, no consolidation required */ { return false; } else if(!file_exists($this->pathtologs.$this->pfileprev)) // See if any older log files { if (($retvalue = $this->check_for_old_files($this->pathtologs)) === false) /* no logfile found at all - create - this will only ever happen once ... */ { $this->createLog(); return false; } list($this->pfileprev,$this->ifileprev,$this->date2,$tstamp) = explode('|',$retvalue); // ... if we've got files } unset($tstamp); // List of the non-page-based info which is gathered - historically only 'all-time' stats, now we support monthly as well $stats_list = array('statBrowser','statOs','statScreen','statDomain','statReferer','statQuery'); $qry = "`log_id` IN ('statTotal','statUnique'"; foreach ($stats_list as $s) { $qry .= ",'{$s}'"; // Always read the all-time stats if ($pref[$s] == 2) $qry .= ",'{$s}:{$this->date3}'"; // Look for monthlys as well as cumulative } $qry .= ")"; /* log file is out of date - consolidation required */ /* get existing stats ... */ //if($sql->select("logstats", "*", "log_id='statBrowser' OR log_id='statOs' OR log_id='statScreen' OR log_id='statDomain' OR log_id='statTotal' OR log_id='statUnique' OR log_id='statReferer' OR log_id='statQuery'")) if($sql->select("logstats", "*", $qry)) { // That's read in all the stats we need to modify while($row = $sql->fetch()) { if($row['log_id'] == "statUnique") { $statUnique = $row['log_data']; } elseif ($row['log_id'] == "statTotal") { $statTotal = $row['log_data']; } elseif (($pos = strpos($row['log_id'],':')) === false) { // Its all-time stats $$row['log_id'] = unserialize($row['log_data']); // $row['log_id'] is the stats type - save in a variable } else { // Its monthly stats $row['log_id'] = 'mon_'.substr($row['log_id'],0,$pos); // Create a generic variable for each monthly stats $$row['log_id'] = unserialize($row['log_data']); // $row['log_id'] is the stats type - save in a variable } } } else { // this must be the first time a consolidation has happened - this will only ever happen once ... $sql->insert("logstats", "0, 'statBrowser', ''"); $sql->insert("logstats", "0, 'statOs', ''"); $sql->insert("logstats", "0, 'statScreen', ''"); $sql->insert("logstats", "0, 'statDomain', ''"); $sql->insert("logstats", "0, 'statReferer', ''"); $sql->insert("logstats", "0, 'statQuery', ''"); $sql->insert("logstats", "0, 'statTotal', '0'"); $sql->insert("logstats", "0, 'statUnique', '0'"); $statBrowser =array(); $statOs =array(); $statScreen =array(); $statDomain =array(); $statReferer =array(); $statQuery =array(); } foreach ($stats_list as $s) { $varname = 'mon_'.$s; if (!isset($$varname)) $$varname = array(); // Create monthly arrays if they don't exist } require($this->pathtologs.$this->pfileprev); // Yesterday's page accesses - $pageInfo array require($this->pathtologs.$this->ifileprev); // Yesterdays browser accesses etc foreach($browserInfo as $name => $amount) { $statBrowser[$name] += $amount; $mon_statBrowser[$name] += $amount; } foreach($osInfo as $name => $amount) { $statOs[$name] += $amount; $mon_statOs[$name] += $amount; } foreach($screenInfo as $name => $amount) { $statScreen[$name] += $amount; $mon_statScreen[$name] += $amount; } foreach($domainInfo as $name => $amount) { if(!is_numeric($name)) { $statDomain[$name] += $amount; $mon_statDomain[$name] += $amount; } } foreach($refInfo as $name => $info) { $statReferer[$name]['url'] = $info['url']; $statReferer[$name]['ttl'] += $info['ttl']; $mon_statReferer[$name]['url'] = $info['url']; $mon_statReferer[$name]['ttl'] += $info['ttl']; } foreach($searchInfo as $name => $amount) { $statQuery[$name] += $amount; $mon_statQuery[$name] += $amount; } $browser = serialize($statBrowser); $os = serialize($statOs); $screen = serialize($statScreen); $domain = serialize($statDomain); $refer = serialize($statReferer); $squery = serialize($statQuery); $statTotal += $siteTotal; $statUnique += $siteUnique; // Save cumulative results - always keep track of these, even if the $pref doesn't display them $sql->update("logstats", "log_data='{$browser}' WHERE log_id='statBrowser'"); $sql->update("logstats", "log_data='{$os}' WHERE log_id='statOs'"); $sql->update("logstats", "log_data='{$screen}' WHERE log_id='statScreen'"); $sql->update("logstats", "log_data='{$domain}' WHERE log_id='statDomain'"); $sql->update("logstats", "log_data='{$refer}' WHERE log_id='statReferer'"); $sql->update("logstats", "log_data='{$squery}' WHERE log_id='statQuery'"); $sql->update("logstats", "log_data='".intval($statTotal)."' WHERE log_id='statTotal'"); $sql->update("logstats", "log_data='".intval($statUnique)."' WHERE log_id='statUnique'"); // Now save the relevant monthly results - only where enabled foreach ($stats_list as $s) { if (isset($pref[$s]) && ($pref[$s] > 1)) { // Value 2 requires saving of monthly stats $srcvar = 'mon_'.$s; $destvar = 'smon_'.$s; $$destvar = serialize($$srcvar); if (!$sql->update("logstats", "log_data='".$$destvar."' WHERE log_id='".$s.":".$this->date3."'")) { $sql->insert("logstats", "0, '".$s.":".$this->date3."', '".$$destvar."'"); } } } /* get page access monthly info from db */ if($sql->select("logstats", "*", "log_id='{$this->date3}' ")) { $tmp = $sql->fetch(); $monthlyInfo = unserialize($tmp['log_data']); unset($tmp); $MonthlyExistsFlag = TRUE; } foreach($pageInfo as $key => $info) { $monthlyInfo['TOTAL']['ttlv'] += $info['ttl']; $monthlyInfo['TOTAL']['unqv'] += $info['unq']; $monthlyInfo[$key]['ttlv'] += $info['ttl']; $monthlyInfo[$key]['unqv'] += $info['unq']; } $monthlyinfo = serialize($monthlyInfo); if($MonthlyExistsFlag) { $sql->update("logstats", "log_data='{$monthlyinfo}' WHERE log_id='{$this->date3}'"); } else { $sql->insert("logstats", "0, '{$this->date3}', '{$monthlyinfo}'"); } $this->collatePageTotal($pageInfo); $this->collatePageInfo($pageInfo, $this->date2); $this->resetLogFiles(); /* and finally, we need to create new logfiles for today ... */ $this->createLog(); return true; } function createLog() { if(!is_writable($this->pathtologs)) { echo "
Log directory is not writable - please CHMOD ".e_LOG." to 777"; echo '
Path to logs: '.$this->pathtologs; echo "
"; return false; } $varStart = chr(36); $quote = chr(34); $data = chr(60)."?php\n". chr(47)."* e107 website system: Log file: ".date("z:Y", time())." *". chr(47)."\n\n". $varStart."refererData = ".$quote.$quote.";\n". $varStart."ipAddresses = ".$quote.$quote.";\n". $varStart."hosts = ".$quote.$quote.";\n". $varStart."siteTotal = ".$quote."0".$quote.";\n". $varStart."siteUnique = ".$quote."0".$quote.";\n". $varStart."screenInfo = array();\n". $varStart."browserInfo = array();\n". $varStart."osInfo = array();\n". $varStart."pageInfo = array(\n"; $data .= "\n);\n\n?". chr(62); if(!touch($this->pathtologs.$this->pfile)) { return false; } if(!touch($this->pathtologs.$this->ifile)) { return false; } if(!is_writable($this->pathtologs.$this->pfile)) { $old = umask(0); chmod($this->pathtologs.$this->pfile, 0777); umask($old); // return false; } if(!is_writable($this->pathtologs.$this->ifile)) { $old = umask(0); chmod($this->pathtologs.$this->ifile, 0777); umask($old); // return false; } if ($handle = fopen($this->pathtologs.$this->pfile, 'w')) { fwrite($handle, $data); } fclose($handle); $data = ""; if ($handle = fopen($this->pathtologs.$this->ifile, 'w')) { fwrite($handle, $data); } fclose($handle); return true; } /** * Called if both today's and yesterday's log files missing, to see * if there are any older files we could process. Return false if nothing * Otherwise return a string of relevant information * @param $pathtologs * @return bool|string */ function check_for_old_files($pathtologs) { // $no_files = TRUE; if ($dir_handle = opendir($pathtologs)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir_handle))) { // Do match on #^logp_(\d{1,3})\.php$#i if (preg_match('#^logp_(\d{1,3}\.\d{4})\.php$#i',$file,$match) == 1) { // got a matching file $yesterday = $match[1]; // Day of year - zero is 1st Jan $pfileprev = "logp_".$yesterday.".php"; // Yesterday's log file $ifileprev = "logi_".$yesterday.".php"; list($day,$year) = explode('.',$yesterday); $tstamp = mktime(0,0,0,1,1,$year) + ($day*86400); $date2 = date("Y-m-j", $tstamp); // Yesterday's date for the database summary $temp = array($pfileprev,$ifileprev,$date2,$tstamp); return implode('|',$temp); } } } return false; } // for future use. private function collate($pfile) { if(is_readable(e_LOG.$pfile)) { require(e_LOG.$pfile); // contains $pageInfo; } else { return false; } return null; } /** * @param $url * @param bool $logQry * @param string $err_code * @return bool|mixed|string */ function getPageKey($url,$logQry=false,$err_code='', $lan=null) { $pageDisallow = "cache|file|eself|admin"; $tagRemove = "(\\\)|(\s)|(\')|(\")|(eself)|( )|(\.php)|(\.html)"; // preg_match("#/(.*?)(\?|$)(.*)#si", $url, $match); // $match[1] = isset($match[1]) ? $match[1] : ''; // $pageName = substr($match[1], (strrpos($match[1], "/")+1)); if(deftrue('e_DOMAIN')) { list($discard,$pageName) = explode(e_DOMAIN.'/',$url); // everything after the domain. } else // eg. local setup. { $pageName = str_replace(SITEURL,'',$url); } $pageName = urldecode($pageName); $pageName = preg_replace("/".$tagRemove."/si", "", $pageName); if($logQry == false) { list($pageName,$tmp) = explode("?",$pageName); } if($pageName == "") { $pageName = "index"; } if(preg_match("/".$pageDisallow."/i", $pageName)) { return false; } // if ($logQry) // { // $pageName .= '+'.$match[3]; // All queries match // } $pageName = $err_code.$pageName; // Add the error code at the beginning, so its treated uniquely // filter out any non-utf8 characters which could halt processing. $pageName = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//IGNORE', $pageName); $pageName = trim($pageName,' /'); if(!empty($lan)) { $pageName .= "|".$lan; } return $pageName; } /** * Process Raw Backup Log File. e. e_LOG."log/2015-09-24_SiteStats.log * This method can be used in the case of a database corruption to restore stats to the database. * @param string $file * @param bool $savetoDB * @return bool * @example processRawBackupLog('2015-09-24_SiteStats.log', false); */ function processRawBackupLog($file, $savetoDB=false) { $path = e_LOG."log/".$file; $mes = e107::getMessage(); if(!is_readable($path)) { $mes->addError( "File Not Found: ".$path); return false; } $handle = fopen($path, "r"); $pageTotal = array(); $line = 0; if ($handle) { while (($buffer = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== false) { if($vars = $this->splitRawBackupLine($buffer)) { if(substr($vars['eself'],0,7) == 'file://') { continue; } $lan = varset($vars['lan'],null); $key = $this->getPageKey($vars['eself'],false,'',$lan); if(empty($key)) { continue; } if(!isset($pageTotal[$key])) { $pageTotal[$key] = array('url'=>'', 'ttl'=>0, 'unq'=>0, 'lan'=>''); } $pageTotal[$key]['url'] = $vars['eself']; $pageTotal[$key]['ttl'] += 1; // echo "\n
line: ".$line." ------- ".$key; if(isset($vars['unique'])) { if($vars['unique'] == 1) { $pageTotal[$key]['unq'] += 1; } } else { $pageTotal[$key]['unq'] += 1; } $lan = varset($vars['lan'],''); $pageTotal[$key]['lan'] = $lan; } $line++; } if (!feof($handle)) { $mes->addError( "Error: unexpected fgets() fail."); } fclose($handle); if(e_DEBUG) { $mes->addDebug("


"); $mes->addDebug(print_a($pageTotal,true)); } } if($savetoDB === false) { $mes->addInfo( "Saving mode is off"); return true; } if(!empty($pageTotal)) { list($date,$name) = explode("_", $file, 2); unset($name); $unix = strtotime($date); $datestamp = date("Y-m-j", $unix); if(!empty($datestamp)) { $sql = e107::getDb(); if($sql->select('logstats','log_id',"log_id='".$datestamp."' ") && !$sql->select('logstats','log_id',"log_id='bak-".$datestamp."' ")) { $sql->update('logstats', "log_id='bak-".$datestamp."' WHERE log_id='".$datestamp."' "); } if($this->collatePageInfo($pageTotal, $datestamp)) { $mes->addSuccess( "Data saved to database with id: ".$datestamp); } else { $mes->addError( "Couldn't save data to database with id: ".$datestamp); } } } return true; } private function splitRawBackupLine($line) { list($datestamp,$bla,$data) = explode("\t",$line, 3); if(!empty($data)) { parse_str($data,$vars); return $vars; } unset($datestamp, $bla); // remove editor warnings. return false; } /** * Fix corrupted page data. * Re-calculate all page totals from all existing database information and save to DB as 'pageTotal'. . */ function collatePageTotalDB() { $sql = e107::getDb(); $qry = "SELECT * FROM `#logstats` WHERE `log_id` REGEXP '^[0-9]' AND LENGTH(log_id) > 7 AND `log_data` LIKE '%http%'"; $data = $sql->retrieve($qry,true); $pageTotal = array(); foreach($data as $values) { $tmp = explode(chr(1),$values['log_data']); unset($tmp[0],$tmp[1]); $thisTotal = array(); foreach($tmp as $val) { if(!empty($val)) { list($url,$ttl,$unq,$lan) = explode("|",$val); $lan = vartrue($lan,e_LAN); $key = $this->getPageKey($url,'','', $lan); $thisTotal[$key]['url'] = $url; $thisTotal[$key]['lan'] = $lan; $thisTotal[$key]['ttlv'] += $ttl; $thisTotal[$key]['unqv'] += $unq; $pageTotal[$key]['url'] = $url; $pageTotal[$key]['lan'] = $lan; $pageTotal[$key]['ttlv'] += $ttl; $pageTotal[$key]['unqv'] += $unq; } } // echo "


"; // print_a($thisTotal); } if(empty($pageTotal)) { return false; } $id = $sql->retrieve('logstats','log_uniqueid', "log_id='pageTotal'"); $insertData = array( 'log_uniqueid' => intval($id), 'log_id'=> 'pageTotal', 'log_data'=> serialize($pageTotal) ); // echo "


"; // print_a($pageTotal); return $sql->replace('logstats', $insertData); } /** * collate page total information using today's data and totals stored in DB. * @param $pageInfo - from today's file. * @return bool */ function collatePageTotal($pageInfo=array()) { $sql = e107::getDb(); if($sql->select("logstats", "*", "log_id='pageTotal' ")) { $tmp = $sql->fetch(); $pageTotal = unserialize($tmp['log_data']); $uniqueID = $tmp['log_uniqueid']; unset($tmp); } else { $pageTotal = array(); $uniqueID = 0; } // echo "

DB Totals

"; // print_a($pageTotal); // echo "

From File

"; // print_a($pageInfo); foreach($pageInfo as $key => $info) { $pageTotal[$key]['url'] = $info['url']; $pageTotal[$key]['ttlv'] += $info['ttl']; $pageTotal[$key]['unqv'] += $info['unq']; } // echo "


"; // print_a($pageTotal); if(empty($pageTotal)) { return false; } $insertData = array( 'log_uniqueid' => intval($uniqueID), 'log_id' => 'pageTotal', 'log_data' => serialize($pageTotal) ); return $sql->replace('logstats', $insertData); } /** * Collate individual page information into an array and save to database. * @param array $pageInfo * @param string $date - the value saved to log_id ie. Y-m-j , 2015-02-1, 2015-02-30 * @return bool */ function collatePageInfo($pageInfo, $date) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $data = ""; $dailytotal = 0; $uniquetotal = 0; foreach($pageInfo as $key => $value) { $data .= $value['url']."|".$value['ttl']."|".$value['unq'].'|'.varset($value['lan'],e_LAN).chr(1); $dailytotal += $value['ttl']; $uniquetotal += $value['unq']; } $data = $dailytotal.chr(1).$uniquetotal.chr(1) . $data; return $sql->insert("logstats", "0, '$date', '".$tp -> toDB($data, true)."'"); } /** * Reset (empty) yesterday's log files. * @return bool */ function resetLogFiles() { if(empty($this->pfileprev) || empty($this->ifileprev)) { return false; } /* ok, we're finished with the log file now, we can empty it ... */ if(!unlink($this->pathtologs.$this->pfileprev)) { $data = chr(60)."?php\n". chr(47)."* e107 website system: Log file: ".date("z:Y", time())." *". chr(47)."\n\n\n\n".chr(47)."* THE INFORMATION IN THIS LOG FILE HAS BEEN CONSOLIDATED INTO THE DATABASE - YOU CAN SAFELY DELETE IT. *". chr(47)."\n\n\n?". chr(62); if($handle = fopen($this->pathtologs.$this->pfileprev, 'w')) { fwrite($handle, $data); } fclose($handle); } if(!unlink($this->pathtologs.$this->ifileprev)) { $data = chr(60)."?php\n". chr(47)."* e107 website system: Log file: ".date("z:Y", time())." *". chr(47)."\n\n\n\n".chr(47)."* THE INFORMATION IN THIS LOG INFO FILE HAS BEEN CONSOLIDATED INTO THE DATABASE - YOU CAN SAFELY DELETE IT. *". chr(47)."\n\n\n?". chr(62); if($handle = fopen($this->pathtologs.$this->ifileprev, 'w')) { fwrite($handle, $data); } fclose($handle); } return true; } } ?>