request = e107::getRegistry('core/page/request'); $action = varset($this->request['action']); if(($action == 'listPages' || $action == 'listChapters') && vartrue($this->request['id'])) { $this->var = e107::getDb()->retrieve('page_chapters','chapter_name, chapter_meta_description, chapter_sef','chapter_id = '.intval($this->request['id']).' LIMIT 1'); } if($action == 'showPage' && vartrue($this->request['id'])) // get chapter and description from current. { $query = "SELECT p.page_id,c.chapter_name,c.chapter_meta_description FROM #page AS p LEFT JOIN #page_chapters AS c ON p.page_chapter = c.chapter_id WHERE p.page_id = ".intval($this->request['id'])." LIMIT 1 "; $rows = e107::getDb()->retrieve($query,true); $this->var = $rows[0]; } } /** * Page Navigation * @example {PAGE_NAVIGATION: template=navdoc&auto=1} in your Theme template. */ function sc_page_navigation($parm='') // TODO when No $parm provided, auto-detect based on URL which book/chapters to display. { // $parm = eHelper::scParams($parm); $tmpl = e107::getCoreTemplate('chapter', vartrue($parm['template'],'nav'), true, true); // always merge $template = $tmpl['showPage']; $request = $this->request; if($request && is_array($request)) { switch ($request['action']) { case 'listBooks': $parm['cbook'] = 'all'; $template = $tmpl['listBooks']; if(e107::getPref('listBooks',false) == false) // List Books has been disabled. { return false; } break; case 'listChapters': $parm['cbook'] = $request['id']; $template = $tmpl['listChapters']; break; case 'listPages': $parm['cchapter'] = $request['id']; $template = $tmpl['listPages']; break; case 'showPage': $parm['cpage'] = $request['id']; break; } } if($parm) { $parm = http_build_query($parm, null, '&'); } else { $parm = ''; } $links = e107::getAddon('page', 'e_sitelink'); $data = $links->pageNav($parm); if(isset($data['title']) && !vartrue($template['noAutoTitle'])) { // use chapter title $template['caption'] = $data['title']; $data = $data['body']; } if(empty($data)){ return; } return e107::getNav()->render($data, $template) ; } function sc_page_chapter_name($parm='') { return e107::getParser()->toHtml($this->var['chapter_name']); } function sc_page_chapter_description($parm='') { return e107::getParser()->toHtml($this->var['chapter_meta_description'],true); } /** * New in v2.x. eg. {CMENU=feature-1} Renders a menu called 'feature-1' as found in the e107_page table See admin Pages/Menus . */ function sc_cmenu($parm='') { return e107::getMenu()->renderMenu($parm, false, false, true); } }