array('icon' => 'e-social-mail', 'title'=>"Email to someone", 'url' => "mailto:EMAIL_RECIPIENT?subject=[t]&body=".rawurlencode($emailMessage)."[u]"), 'facebook-like' => array('icon' => 'e-social-thumbs-up', 'title'=>"Like on Facebook", 'url' => "[u]"), 'facebook-share' => array('icon' => 'e-social-facebook', 'title'=>"Share on Facebook", 'url' => "[u]&t=[t]"), 'twitter' => array('icon' => 'e-social-twitter', 'title'=>"Share on Twitter", 'url' => "[u]&text=[t]"), 'google-plus1' => array('icon' => 'e-social-gplus', 'title'=>"+1 on Google", 'url' => "[u]"), // 'google-plus' => array('icon' => 'fa-google-plus', 'title'=>"On Google Plus", 'url' => "[u]"), 'linkedin' => array('icon' => 'e-social-linkedin', 'title'=>"Share on LinkedIn", 'url' => "[u]"), 'pinterest' => array('icon' => 'e-social-pinterest', 'title'=>"Share on Pinterest", 'url' => "[u]&description=[t]&media=[m]"), // 'thumblr' => array('icon' => 'fa-tumblr', 'title'=>"On Tumblr", 'url' => "[u]&name=[t]&description=[d]"), 'stumbleupon' => array('icon' => 'e-social-stumbleupon', 'title'=>"Share on StumbleUpon",'url' => "[u]&title=[t]"), 'reddit' => array('icon' => 'e-social-reddit', 'title'=>"Share on Reddit", 'url' => "[u]&title=[t]"), 'digg' => array('icon' => 'e-social-digg', 'title'=>"Share on Digg", 'url' => "[u]"), // // no fa icon available // // no fa icon available ); return $providers; } public $var; /** * {XURL_ICONS: size=2x} * {XURL_ICONS: type=facebook,twitter,vimeo} */ function sc_xurl_icons($parm='') { $social = array( 'rss' => array('href'=> (e107::isInstalled('rss_menu') ? e107::url('rss_menu', 'index', array('rss_url'=>'news')) : ''), 'title'=>'RSS/Atom Feed'), 'facebook' => array('href'=> deftrue('XURL_FACEBOOK'), 'title'=>'Facebook'), 'twitter' => array('href'=> deftrue('XURL_TWITTER'), 'title'=>'Twitter'), 'google-plus' => array('href'=> deftrue('XURL_GOOGLE'), 'title'=>'Google Plus'), 'linkedin' => array('href'=> deftrue('XURL_LINKEDIN'), 'title'=>'LinkedIn'), 'github' => array('href'=> deftrue('XURL_GITHUB'), 'title'=>'Github'), 'pinterest' => array('href'=> deftrue('XURL_PINTEREST'), 'title'=>'Pinterest'), 'flickr' => array('href'=> deftrue('XURL_FLICKR'), 'title'=>'Flickr'), 'instagram' => array('href'=> deftrue('XURL_INSTAGRAM'), 'title'=>'Instagram'), 'youtube' => array('href'=> deftrue('XURL_YOUTUBE'), 'title'=>'YouTube'), 'vimeo' => array('href'=> deftrue('XURL_VIMEO'), 'title'=>'Vimeo') ); $class = (vartrue($parm['size'])) ? 'fa-'.$parm['size'] : ''; $tooltipPos = vartrue($parm['tip-pos'], 'top'); if(isset($parm['tip'])) { $tooltip = ($parm['tip'] == 'false' || empty($parm['tooltip'])) ? '' : 'e-tip'; } else { $tooltip = 'e-tip'; } if(!empty($parm['type'])) { $newList = array(); $tmp = explode(",",$parm['type']); foreach($tmp as $v) { $newList[$v] = $social[$v]; } $social = $newList; } $text = ''; foreach($social as $id => $data) { if($data['href'] != '') { $text .= ''; $text .= "\n"; } } if($text !='') { return '


'; } } function sc_social_login($parm=null) { $pref = e107::pref('core', 'social_login_active'); if(empty($pref)) { return; } $sc = e107::getScBatch('signup'); $text = ''; if(!empty($parm['label'])) { $text .= "

Sign in with:

"; } $text .= $sc->sc_signup_xup_login($parm); $text .= "

"; return $text; } private function getHashtags($extraTags='') { $hashtags = e107::pref('social','sharing_hashtags',''); $hashtags = str_replace(array(" ",'#'),"", $hashtags); $ret = explode(',',$hashtags); if(!empty($extraTags)) { $extraTags = str_replace(array(" ",'#'),"", $extraTags); $tmp = explode(',',$extraTags); foreach($tmp as $v) { $ret[] = $v; } } if(!empty($ret)) { return implode(',',$ret); } } /** * {SOCIALSHARE: url=x&title=y} * @example {SOCIALSHARE: type=basic} - Show only Email, Facebook, Twitter and Google. * @example {SOCIALSHARE: dropdown=1&type=basic} - Show only Email, Facebook, Twitter and Google in a drop-down button * @example for plugin developers: send 'var' values for use by the social shortcode. (useful for loops where the value must change regularly) * $socialArray = array('url'=>'your-url-here', 'title'=>'your-title-here'); e107::getScBatch('social')->setVars($socialArray); */ function sc_socialshare($parm='') // Designed so that no additional JS required. { $pref = e107::pref('social'); if(varset($pref['sharing_mode']) == 'off') { return ''; } // $hashtags = vartrue($pref['sharing_hashtags']); $defaultUrl = vartrue($this->var['url'], e_REQUEST_URL); $defaultTitle = vartrue($this->var['title'], deftrue('e_PAGETITLE'). " | ". SITENAME); $defaultDiz = vartrue($this->var['description'], e107::getUrl()->response()->getMetaDescription()); $defaultTags = vartrue($this->var['tags'],''); $tp = e107::getParser(); $providers = $this->getProviders(); if(empty($parm['providers'])) // No parms so use prefs instead. { $parm['providers'] = !empty($pref['sharing_providers']) ? array_keys($pref['sharing_providers']) : array_keys($providers); } else { $parm['providers'] = array_keys($providers); } if(empty($parm['dropdown'])) { $parm['dropdown'] = ($pref['sharing_mode'] == 'dropdown') ? 1 : 0; } $url = varset($parm['url'], $defaultUrl); $title = varset($parm['title'], $defaultTitle) ; $description = varset($parm['title'], $defaultDiz); $tags = varset($parm['tags'], $defaultTags); $media = ""; $label = varset($parm['label'], $tp->toGlyph('e-social-spread')); $size = varset($parm['size'], 'md'); $data = array('u'=> rawurlencode($url), 't'=> rawurlencode($title), 'd' => rawurlencode($description), 'm' => rawurlencode($media)); if(!vartrue($parm['dropdown'])) { $butSize = ($size == 'lg' || $size == 'sm' || $size == 'xs') ? 'btn-'.$size : ''; } else { $butSize = 'btn-social'; } $opt = array(); // $hashtags = ''; // $hashtags .= str_replace(array(" ",'#'),"", $hashtags); // "#mytweet"; $hashtags = $this->getHashtags($tags); if(isset($parm['tip'])) { $tooltip = ($parm['tip'] == 'false' || empty($parm['tooltip'])) ? '' : 'e-tip'; } else { $tooltip = 'e-tip'; } $twitterAccount = basename(XURL_TWITTER); // return print_a($hashtags,true); foreach($providers as $k=>$val) { if(!in_array($k,$parm['providers'])) { continue; } $pUrl = str_replace("&","&",$val['url']); $shareUrl = $tp->lanVars($pUrl,$data); if($k == 'twitter') { if(!empty($hashtags)) { $shareUrl .= "&hashtags=".rawurlencode($hashtags); } if(!empty($twitterAccount)) { $shareUrl .= "&via=".$twitterAccount; } } $opt[$k] = "".$tp->toIcon($val["icon"], array('fw'=>1)).""; } // Show only Email, Facebook, Twitter and Google. if(varset($parm['type']) == 'basic') { $remove = array('linkedi','pinterest', 'stumbleupon', 'digg', 'reddit', 'linkedin'); foreach($remove as $v) { unset($opt[$v]); } } elseif(!empty($parm['type'])) { $newlist = array(); $tmp = explode(",",$parm['type']); foreach($tmp as $v) { $newlist[$v] = $opt[$v]; } $opt = $newlist; // print_a($opt); } if(vartrue($parm['dropdown'])) { $dir = ($parm['dropdown'] == 'right') ? 'pull-right' : ''; $class = varset($parm['class'],'btn-group'); $text = '
'; return $text; } else { $class = varset($parm['class'],'btn-group social-share'); return '
"; } } /** * @example {TWITTER_TIMELINE: id=xxxxxxx&theme=light} */ function sc_twitter_timeline($parm) { $ns = e107::getRender(); $account = basename(XURL_TWITTER); //data-related="twitterapi,twitter" $text = 'Tweets by @'.$account.''; $text .= <<!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); TMPL; return (vartrue($parm['render'])) ? $ns->tablerender('',$text,'twitter-timeline',true) : $text; } } ?>