db_Mark_Time('(Header Top)');
// *** Code sequence for headers ***
// IMPORTANT: These items are in a carefully constructed order. DO NOT REARRANGE
// without checking with experienced devs! Various subtle things WILL break.
// We realize this is a bit (!) of a mess and hope to make further cleanups in a future release.
// A: Admin Defines and Links
// B: Send HTTP headers that come before any html
// C: Send start of HTML
// D: Send JS
// E: Send CSS
// F: Send Meta Tags and Icon links
// G: Send final theme headers (theme_head() function)
// H: Generate JS for image preloading (setup for onload)
// I: Calculate onload() JS functions to be called
// J: Send end of html
and start of
// K: (The rest is ignored for popups, which have no menus)
// L: (optional) Body JS to disable right clicks
// M: Send top of body for custom pages and for news
// N: Send other top-of-body HTML
// Load order notes for devs
// * Browsers wait until ALL HTML has loaded before executing ANY JS
// * The last CSS tag downloaded supercedes earlier CSS tags
// * Browsers don't care when Meta tags are loaded. We load last due to
// a quirk of e107's log subsystem.
// * Multiple external file references slow down page load. Each one requires
// browser-server interaction even when cached.
// A: Admin Defines and Links
require_once (e_ADMIN.'ad_links.php');
if (isset($pref['del_unv']) && $pref['del_unv'] && $pref['user_reg_veri'] != 2)
$threshold = (time() - ($pref['del_unv'] * 60));
$sql->db_Delete("user", "user_ban = 2 AND user_join < '{$threshold}' ");
// B: Send HTTP headers (these come before ANY html)
// send the charset to the browser - overrides spurious server settings with the lan pack settings.
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8', TRUE);
echo(defined("STANDARDS_MODE") ? "" : "\n")."\n";
// B.2: Include admin LAN defines
if (!defined('ADMIN_WIDTH'))
define('ADMIN_WIDTH', "width: 95%");
if (!defined('ADMIN_TRUE_ICON'))
define("ADMIN_TRUE_ICON", " ");
define("ADMIN_TRUE_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/true_16.png");
if (!defined('ADMIN_FALSE_ICON'))
define("ADMIN_FALSE_ICON", " ");
define("ADMIN_FALSE_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/false_16.png");
if (!defined('ADMIN_EDIT_ICON'))
define("ADMIN_EDIT_ICON", " ");
define("ADMIN_EDIT_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/edit_16.png");
if (!defined('ADMIN_DELETE_ICON'))
define("ADMIN_DELETE_ICON", " ");
define("ADMIN_DELETE_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/delete_16.png");
if (!defined('ADMIN_UP_ICON'))
define("ADMIN_UP_ICON", " ");
define("ADMIN_UP_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/up_16.png");
if (!defined('ADMIN_DOWN_ICON'))
define("ADMIN_DOWN_ICON", " ");
define("ADMIN_DOWN_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/down_16.png");
if (!defined('ADMIN_WARNING_ICON'))
define("ADMIN_WARNING_ICON", " ");
define("ADMIN_WARNING_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/warning_16.png");
if (!defined('ADMIN_INFO_ICON'))
define("ADMIN_INFO_ICON", " ");
define("ADMIN_INFO_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/info_16.png");
if (!defined('ADMIN_CONFIGURE_ICON'))
define("ADMIN_CONFIGURE_ICON", " ");
define("ADMIN_CONFIGURE_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/configure_16.png");
if (!defined('ADMIN_ADD_ICON'))
define("ADMIN_ADD_ICON", " ");
define("ADMIN_ADD_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/add_16.png");
if (!defined('ADMIN_VIEW_ICON'))
define("ADMIN_VIEW_ICON", " ");
define("ADMIN_VIEW_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/admin_images/search_16.png");
if (!defined('ADMIN_URL_ICON'))
define("ADMIN_URL_ICON", " ");
define("ADMIN_URL_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/forums_16.png");
define("ADMIN_INSTALLPLUGIN_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/plugin_install_16.png");
define("ADMIN_UNINSTALLPLUGIN_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/plugin_unstall_16.png");
define("ADMIN_UPGRADEPLUGIN_ICON_PATH", e_IMAGE."admin_images/up_16.png");
// C: Send start of HTML
echo "
echo(defined("CORE_LC")) ? " \n" : "";
echo "".SITENAME." : ".LAN_head_4.(defined("e_PAGETITLE") ? ": ".e_PAGETITLE : (defined("PAGE_NAME") ? ": ".PAGE_NAME : ""))." \n";
// D: Send JS
echo "\n";
// Wysiwyg JS support on or off.
// your code should run off e_WYSIWYG
if (varset($pref['wysiwyg'], FALSE) && check_class($pref['post_html']))
define("e_WYSIWYG", TRUE);
define("e_WYSIWYG", FALSE);
// [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 1 - Before Library
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 1);
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 1);
// Load Javascript Library consolidation script
// TODO - option to call libraries external (admin preferences)
$hash = md5(serialize(varset($pref['e_jslib'])).THEME.e_LANGUAGE.ADMIN).'_admin'; //FIXME - hash is wrong, move this to e_jsmanager?
echo "\n";
// [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 2 - After Library, before CSS
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 2);
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 2);
//DEPRECATED - use e107::getJs()->headerFile('{e_PLUGIN}myplug/js/my.js', $zone = 2)
if (isset($eplug_js) && $eplug_js)
echo "\n\n";
echo "\n";
//FIXME - theme.js/user.js should be registered/rendered through e_jsmanager
if (file_exists(THEME.'theme.js'))
echo "\n";
if (is_readable(e_FILE.'user.js') && filesize(e_FILE.'user.js'))
echo "\n";
// XXX - This shouldn't be here as well
if ((strpos(e_SELF, 'fileinspector.php') === FALSE) && getperms("0"))
echo "\n";
//iepngfix - IE6 only
if ((isset($pref['enable_png_image_fix']) && $pref['enable_png_image_fix'] == true) || (isset($sleight) && $sleight == true))
* The only problem is that the browser is REALLY,
* REALLY slow when it has to render more elements
* try e.g. "div, img, td, input" (or just *) instead only img rule
* However I hope this will force IE6 user to hate it :)
echo "\n";
// E: Send CSS
echo "\n";
if (isset($eplug_css) && $eplug_css)
echo "\n\n";
echo " \n";
echo "\n";
if (!isset($no_core_css) || !$no_core_css)
echo " \n";
//NEW - Iframe mod
if (!defsettrue('e_IFRAME') && isset($pref['admincss']) && $pref['admincss'] && file_exists(THEME.$pref['admincss']))
$css_file = file_exists(THEME.'admin_'.$pref['admincss']) ? THEME_ABS.'admin_'.$pref['admincss'] : THEME_ABS.$pref['admincss'];
echo " \n";
elseif (isset($pref['themecss']) && $pref['themecss'] && file_exists(THEME.$pref['themecss']))
$css_file = file_exists(THEME.'admin_'.$pref['themecss']) ? THEME_ABS.'admin_'.$pref['themecss'] : THEME_ABS.$pref['themecss'];
echo " \n";
$css_file = file_exists(THEME.'admin_style.css') ? THEME_ABS.'admin_style.css' : THEME_ABS.'style.css';
echo " \n";
// [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 3 - After Theme CSS, before e_meta and headerjs()
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 3);
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 3);
// F: Send Meta Tags and Icon links
echo "\n";
// --- Load plugin Meta files and eplug_ before others --------
if (vartrue($pref['e_meta_list']))
foreach ($pref['e_meta_list'] as $val)
if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$val."/e_meta.php"))
echo "\n";
require_once (e_PLUGIN.$val."/e_meta.php");
//XXX - do we still need it?
if (function_exists('headerjs'))
echo headerjs();
// [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 4 - After e_meta, headerjs
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 4);
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 4);
// ---------- Favicon ---------
if (file_exists(THEME."favicon.ico"))
echo " \n \n";
elseif (file_exists(e_BASE."favicon.ico"))
echo " \n \n";
// G: Send Theme Headers
if (function_exists('theme_head'))
echo "\n\n";
echo theme_head();
// FIXME: TEXTDIRECTION compatibility CSS (marj?)
// TODO: probably better to externalise along with some other things above
// possibility to overwrite some CSS definition according to TEXTDIRECTION
// especially usefull for rtl.css
// see _blank theme for examples
if(defined('TEXTDIRECTION') && file_exists(THEME.'/'.strtolower(TEXTDIRECTION).'.css'))
echo '
// Unobtrusive JS, prevent 3rd party code overload
// H: Generate JS for image preloads [user mode only]
echo "\n\n";
// I: Calculate JS onload() functions for the BODY tag [user mode only]
$body_onload = "";
// J: Send end of and start of
* Admin LAN
* TODO - remove it from here
require_once (e_HANDLER.'js_helper.php');
echo "
// [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 5 - After theme_head, before e107:loaded trigger
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 5);
e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 5);
* Fire Event e107:loaded
* TODO - remove it from here, should be registered to e_jsmanager
* or better - moved to core init.js(.php)
echo "\n";
echo "
// Header included notification, from this point header includes are not possible
define('HEADER_INIT', TRUE);
$sql->db_Mark_Time("End Head, Start Body");
// K: (The rest is ignored for popups, which have no menus)
// require $e107_popup =1; to use it as header for popup without menus
if (!isset($e107_popup))
$e107_popup = 0;
if ($e107_popup != 1)
// L: (optional) Body JS to disable right clicks [reserved; user mode]
// M: Send top of body for custom pages and for news [user mode only]
// N: Send other top-of-body HTML
$ns = new e107table;
$e107_var = array();
* Build admin menus - addmin menus are now supporting unlimitted number of submenus
* TODO - add this to a handler for use on front-end as well (tree, sitelinks.sc replacement)
* $e107_vars structure:
* $e107_vars['action']['text'] -> link title
* $e107_vars['action']['link'] -> if empty '#action' will be added as href attribute
* $e107_vars['action']['image'] -> (new) image tag
* $e107_vars['action']['perm'] -> permissions
* $e107_vars['action']['include'] -> additional tag attributes
* $e107_vars['action']['sub'] -> (new) array, exactly the same as $e107_vars' first level e.g. $e107_vars['action']['sub']['action2']['link']...
* $e107_vars['action']['sort'] -> (new) used only if found in 'sub' array - passed as last parameter (recursive call)
* $e107_vars['action']['link_class'] -> (new) additional link class
* $e107_vars['action']['sub_class'] -> (new) additional class used only when sublinks are being parsed
* @param string $title
* @param string $active_page
* @param array $e107_vars
* @param array $tmpl
* @param array $sub_link
* @param bool $sortlist
* @return string parsed admin menu (or empty string if title is empty)
function e_admin_menu($title, $active_page, $e107_vars, $tmpl = array(), $sub_link = false, $sortlist = false)
global $E_ADMIN_MENU,$e107;
if (!$tmpl)
$tmpl = $E_ADMIN_MENU;
* Search for id
$temp = explode('--id--', $title, 2);
$title = $temp[0];
$id = str_replace(array(' ', '_'), '-', varset($temp[1]));
if ($sortlist == TRUE)
$temp = $e107_vars;
$func_list = array();
foreach (array_keys($temp) as $key)
$func_list[] = $temp[$key]['text'];
usort($func_list, 'strcoll');
foreach ($func_list as $func_text)
foreach (array_keys($temp) as $key)
if ($temp[$key]['text'] == $func_text)
$e107_vars[] = $temp[$key];
$kpost = '';
$text = '';
if ($sub_link)
$kpost = '_sub';
else $text = $tmpl['start'];
//FIXME - e_parse::array2sc()
$search = array();
$search[0] = '/\{LINK_TEXT\}(.*?)/si';
$search[1] = '/\{LINK_URL\}(.*?)/si';
$search[2] = '/\{ONCLICK\}(.*?)/si';
$search[3] = '/\{SUB_HEAD\}(.*?)/si';
$search[4] = '/\{SUB_MENU\}(.*?)/si';
$search[5] = '/\{ID\}(.*?)/si';
$search[6] = '/\{SUB_ID\}(.*?)/si';
$search[7] = '/\{LINK_CLASS\}(.*?)/si';
$search[8] = '/\{SUB_CLASS\}(.*?)/si';
$search[9] = '/\{LINK_IMAGE\}(.*?)/si';
foreach (array_keys($e107_vars) as $act)
if (vartrue($e107_vars[$act]['perm']) && !getperms($e107_vars[$act]['perm'])) // check perms first.
// print_a($e107_vars[$act]);
$replace = array();
if ($active_page == $act || (str_replace("?", "", e_PAGE.e_QUERY) == str_replace("?", "", $act)))
$temp = $tmpl['button_active'.$kpost];
$temp = $tmpl['button'.$kpost];
$replace[0] = str_replace(" ", " ", $e107_vars[$act]['text']);
$replace[1] = varsettrue($e107_vars[$act]['link'], "#{$act}");
$replace[2] = '';
if (varsettrue($e107_vars[$act]['include']))
$replace[2] = $e107_vars[$act]['include'];
//$replace[2] = $js ? " onclick=\"showhideit('".$act."');\"" : " onclick=\"document.location='".$e107_vars[$act]['link']."'; disabled=true;\"";
$replace[3] = $title;
$replace[4] = '';
$rid = str_replace(array(' ', '_'), '-', $act).($id ? "-{$id}" : '');
$replace[5] = $id ? " id='eplug-nav-{$rid}'" : '';
$replace[6] = '';
$replace[7] = varset($e107_vars[$act]['link_class']);
$replace[8] = '';
$replace[9] = varset($e107_vars[$act]['image']);
if (varsettrue($e107_vars[$act]['sub']))
$replace[6] = $id ? " id='eplug-nav-{$rid}-sub'" : '';
$replace[7] = ' '.varset($e107_vars[$act]['link_class'], 'e-expandit');
$replace[8] = ' '.varset($e107_vars[$act]['sub_class'], 'e-hideme e-expandme');
$replace[4] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $tmpl['start_sub']);
$replace[4] .= e_admin_menu(false, $active_page, $e107_vars[$act]['sub'], $tmpl, true, (isset($e107_vars[$act]['sort']) ? $e107_vars[$act]['sort'] : $sortlist));
$replace[4] .= $tmpl['end_sub'];
$text .= preg_replace($search, $replace, $temp);
$text .= !$sub_link ? $tmpl['end'] : '';
if ($sub_link || empty($title))
return $text;
$e107->ns->tablerender($title, $text, array('id'=>$id, 'style'=>'button_menu'));
return '';
* DEPRECATED - use e_admin_menu()
if (!function_exists('show_admin_menu'))
function show_admin_menu($title, $active_page, $e107_vars, $js = FALSE, $sub_link = FALSE, $sortlist = FALSE)
//return e_admin_menu($title, $active_page, $e107_vars, false, false, $sortlist);
$id_title = "yop_".str_replace(" ", "", $title);
if (!isset($BUTTONS_START))
if (!isset($BUTTON))
$BUTTON = " \n";
if (!isset($BUTTON_OVER))
$BUTTON_OVER = " \n";
if (!isset($BUTTONS_END))
if (!isset($SUB_BUTTON))
if (!isset($SUB_BUTTON_OVER))
if (!isset($SUB_BUTTONS_START))
if ($sortlist == TRUE)
$temp = $e107_vars;
foreach (array_keys($temp) as $key)
$func_list[] = $temp[$key]['text'];
usort($func_list, 'strcoll');
foreach ($func_list as $func_text)
foreach (array_keys($temp) as $key)
if ($temp[$key]['text'] == $func_text)
$e107_vars[] = $temp[$key];
$search[0] = "/\{LINK_TEXT\}(.*?)/si";
$search[1] = "/\{LINK_URL\}(.*?)/si";
$search[2] = "/\{ONCLICK\}(.*?)/si";
$search[3] = "/\{SUB_HEAD\}(.*?)/si";
$search[4] = "/\{SUB_HEAD_ID\}(.*?)/si";
if ($sub_link)
$replace[0] = '';
$replace[1] = '#';
$replace[2] = '';
$replace[3] = $title;
$replace[4] = $id_title;
$text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $SUB_BUTTONS_START);
$text = $BUTTONS_START.'';
foreach (array_keys($e107_vars) as $act)
if (!isset($e107_vars[$act]['perm']) || !$e107_vars[$act]['perm'] || getperms($e107_vars[$act]['perm']))
if ($active_page == $act || (str_replace("?", "", e_PAGE.e_QUERY) == str_replace("?", "", $act)))
$replace[0] = str_replace(" ", " ", $e107_vars[$act]['text']);
$replace[1] = varset($e107_vars[$act]['link'], "#{$act}");
if (! empty($e107_vars[$act]['include']))
$replace[2] = $e107_vars[$act]['include'];
$replace[2] = $js ? " onclick=\"showhideit('".$act."');\"" : " onclick=\"document.location='".$e107_vars[$act]['link']."'; disabled=true;\"";
$replace[3] = $title;
$replace[4] = $id_title;
$text .= preg_replace($search, $replace, $BUTTON_TEMPLATE);
$text .= $sub_link ? $SUB_BUTTONS_END : ''.$BUTTONS_END;
if ($title == "" || $sub_link)
return $text;
$ns->tablerender($title, $text, array('id'=>$id_title, 'style'=>'button_menu'));
if (file_exists(THEME.'admin_template.php'))
require_once (THEME.'admin_template.php');
require_once (e_BASE.$THEMES_DIRECTORY.'templates/admin_template.php');
if (!function_exists("parse_admin"))
function parse_admin($ADMINLAYOUT)
global $tp;
$adtmp = explode("\n", $ADMINLAYOUT);
for ($a = 0; $a < count($adtmp); $a++)
if (preg_match("/{.+?}/", $adtmp[$a]))
echo $tp->parseTemplate($adtmp[$a]);
echo $adtmp[$a];
* Automate DB system messages
* NOTE: default value of $output parameter will be changed to false (no output by default) in the future
* @param integer|bool $update return result of db::db_Query
* @param string $type update|insert|update
* @param string $success forced success message
* @param string $failed forced error message
* @param bool $output false suppress any function output
* @return integer|bool db::db_Query result
function admin_update($update, $type = 'update', $success = false, $failed = false, $output = true)
require_once (e_HANDLER."message_handler.php");
$emessage = &eMessage::getInstance();
if (($type == 'update' && $update) || ($type == 'insert' && $update !== false))
$emessage->add(($success ? $success : ($type == 'update' ? LAN_UPDATED : LAN_CREATED)), E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
elseif ($type == 'delete' && $update)
$emessage->add(($success ? $success : LAN_DELETED), E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS);
elseif (!mysql_errno())
if ($type == 'update')
elseif ($type == 'delete')
switch ($type)
case 'insert':
case 'delete':
$text = ($failed ? $failed : $msg." - ".LAN_TRY_AGAIN)." ".LAN_ERROR." ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error();
$emessage->add($text, E_MESSAGE_ERROR);
if ($output) echo $emessage->render();
return $update;
function admin_purge_related($table, $id)
global $ns,$tp;
$msg = "";
// Delete any related comments
require_once (e_HANDLER."comment_class.php");
$_com = new comment;
$num = $_com->delete_comments($table, $id);
if ($num)
$msg .= $num." ".ADLAN_114." ".LAN_DELETED." ";
// Delete any related ratings
require_once (e_HANDLER."rate_class.php");
$_rate = new rater;
$num = $_rate->delete_ratings($table, $id);
if ($num)
$msg .= LAN_RATING." ".LAN_DELETED." ";
if ($msg)
$ns->tablerender(LAN_DELETE, $msg);
$sql->db_Mark_Time('Parse Admin Header');
//NEW - Iframe mod
if (!defsettrue('e_IFRAME'))
//removed check strpos(e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY, 'menus.php?configure') === FALSE
$sql->db_Mark_Time('(End: Parse Admin Header)');
// XXX - we don't need this (use e107::getMessage()) - find out what's using it and remove it
if (!varset($emessage) && !is_object($emessage))
require_once (e_HANDLER."message_handler.php");
$emessage = &eMessage::getInstance();