isInstalled('calendar_menu')) { header('Location: '.e_BASE.'index.php'); exit(); } if (isset($_POST['viewallevents'])) { // Triggered from NAV_BUT_ALLEVENTS Header('Location: '.e_PLUGIN_ABS.'calendar_menu/calendar.php?'.$_POST['enter_new_val']); exit(); } if (isset($_POST['doit'])) { // Triggered from NAV_BUT_ENTEREVENT Header('Location: '.e_PLUGIN_ABS.'calendar_menu/event.php?ne.'.$_POST['enter_new_val']); exit(); } if (isset($_POST['subs'])) { Header('Location: '.e_PLUGIN_ABS.'calendar_menu/subscribe.php'); exit(); } if (isset($_POST['printlists'])) { Header('Location: '.e_PLUGIN_ABS.'calendar_menu/ec_pf_page.php'); exit(); } include_lan(e_PLUGIN.'calendar_menu/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'.php'); define('PAGE_NAME', EC_LAN_80); require_once(e_PLUGIN.'calendar_menu/ecal_class.php'); if (!is_object($ecal_class)) $ecal_class = new ecal_class; $cal_super = $ecal_class->cal_super; require_once(e_PLUGIN.'calendar_menu/calendar_shortcodes.php'); $calSc = new event_calendar_shortcodes(); $cat_filter = intval(varset($_POST['event_cat_ids'],-1)); if ($cat_filter == -1) $cat_filter = '*'; $mult_count = 0; // Array links db field names to internal variables $ev_fields = array( 'event_id' => 'id', 'event_start' => 'ev_start', 'event_end' => 'ev_end', 'event_allday' => 'ev_allday', 'event_recurring' => 'recurring', 'event_title' => 'ev_title', 'event_location' => 'ev_location', 'event_details' => 'ev_event', // 'event_author' => 'ne_author', - not needed - its always the user creating the event 'event_contact' => 'ev_email', 'event_category' => 'ev_category', 'event_thread' => 'ev_thread' ); //-------------------------------------- // Event to add or update //-------------------------------------- if ((isset($_POST['ne_insert']) || isset($_POST['ne_update'])) && ($cal_super || check_class($ecal_class->pref['eventpost_admin']))) { $ev_start = $ecal_class->make_date($_POST['ne_hour'], $_POST['ne_minute'],$_POST['start_date']); if (($_POST['ne_event'] == '') || !isset($_POST['qs'])) { // Problem - tell user to go away - fields are blank (mostly checked by JS) header('location:event.php?'.$ev_start.'.0.m3'); } elseif (!isset($_POST['ne_category']) || (($ev_category = intval($_POST['ne_category'])) == 0)) { header('location:event.php?'.$ev_start.'.0.m6'); } else { if (!$cal_super) { if ($sql->db_Select('event_cat', 'event_cat_addclass', 'event_cat_id = '.$ev_category)) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC); if (!check_class($row['event_cat_addclass'])) { header('location:event.php?'.$ev_start.'.0.m8'); exit; } } else { // Invalid category - definitely go away! header('location:'.e_BASE.'index.php'); exit; } } $ev_end = $ecal_class->make_date($_POST['end_hour'], $_POST['end_minute'],$_POST['end_date']); $ev_title = $tp->toDB($_POST['ne_title']); $ev_location = $tp->toDB($_POST['ne_location']); $ev_event = $tp->toDB($_POST['ne_event']); $ev_email = $tp->toDB($_POST['ne_email']); $ev_thread = $tp->toDB($_POST['ne_thread']); $temp_date = $ecal_class->gmgetdate($ecal_class->make_date(0,0,$_POST['start_date'])); $ev_allday = intval($_POST['allday']); $recurring = intval($_POST['ec_recur_type']); if ($recurring >= 100) $recurring += intval($_POST['ec_recur_week']) - 100; // if ($_POST['recurring'] == 1) { $rec_m = $temp_date['mday']; // Day of month $rec_y = $temp_date['mon']; // Month number } else { $rec_m = ''; $rec_y = ''; } $report_msg = '.m3'; if (isset($_POST['ne_insert'])) { // Bits specific to inserting a new event $qs = preg_replace("/ne./i", "", $_POST['qs']); if ($_POST['ec_gen_multiple']) { $mult_count = $ecal_class->gen_recur($ev_start,$ev_end,$recurring,$ev_start,$ev_end); } if ($mult_count <= 1) { $qry = " 0, '".intval($ev_start)."', '".intval($ev_end)."', '".$ev_allday."', '".$recurring."', '".time()."', '$ev_title', '$ev_location', '$ev_event', '".USERID.".".USERNAME."', '".$ev_email."', '".$ev_category."', '".$ev_thread."', '".intval($rec_m)."', '".intval($rec_y)."' "; $sql->db_Insert('event', $qry); $id = mysql_insert_id(); $data = array('method'=>'create', 'table'=>'event', 'id'=>$id, 'plugin'=>'calendar_menu', 'function'=>'dbCalendarCreate'); $e_event->triggerHook($data); $ecal_class->cal_log(1,'db_Insert',$qry, $ev_start); $report_msg = '.m4'; } } if (isset($_POST['ne_update'])) { // Bits specific to updating an existing event $qry = "event_start='".intval($ev_start)."', event_end='".intval($ev_end)."', event_allday='".$ev_allday."', event_recurring='".$recurring."', event_datestamp= '".time()."', event_title= '$ev_title', event_location='$ev_location', event_details='$ev_event', event_contact='".$ev_email."', event_category='".$ev_category."', event_thread='".$ev_thread."', event_rec_m='".intval($rec_m)."', event_rec_y='".intval($rec_y)."' WHERE event_id='".intval($_POST['id'])."' "; $sql->db_Update("event", $qry); $data = array('method'=>'update', 'table'=>'event', 'id'=>intval($_POST['id']), 'plugin'=>'calendar_menu', 'function'=>'dbCalendarUpdate'); $e_event->triggerHook($data); $ecal_class->cal_log(2,'db_Update',$qry, $ev_start); $qs = preg_replace("/ed./i", "", $_POST['qs']); $report_msg = '.m5'; } if ($mult_count <= 1) { // Now clear cache - just do the lot for now - get clever later $e107cache->clear('nq_event_cal'); header('location:event.php?'.$ev_start.'.'.$qs.$report_msg); } } } $action = ''; require_once(HEADERF); if ($mult_count > 1) { // Need to handle writing of multiple events - display confirmation form $message = str_replace('-NUM-', count($mult_count), EC_LAN_88); $text = "
"; if ($ev_allday) { $text .= " "; } else { $text .= " "; } $text .= " "; // Only display for forum thread/link if required. No point if not wanted if (isset($ecal_class->pref['eventpost_forum']) && $ecal_class->pref['eventpost_forum'] == 1) { $text .= ""; } $text .= "
".EC_LAN_173." ".$ecal_class->event_date_string($ev_start)." ".EC_LAN_175."
".EC_LAN_174." ".$ecal_class->event_date_string($ev_end)." ".EC_LAN_175."
".EC_LAN_173." ".$ecal_class->event_date_string($ev_start)." ".$ecal_class->time_string($ev_start)." "."
".EC_LAN_174." ".$ecal_class->event_date_string($ev_end)." ".$ecal_class->time_string($ev_end)." "."
".EC_LAN_58." ".$ev_thread."
"; foreach ($ev_fields as $k => $v) { $text .= ""; } $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender(EC_LAN_179, $text); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } // Calculate any action, plus start date/number of events, from query unset($dateArray); $ds = ''; // Gets set if viewing a single day if (isset($_POST['jump'])) { $dateArray = $ecal_class->gmgetdate(mktime(0, 0, 0, $_POST['jumpmonth'], 1, $_POST['jumpyear'])); } else { if (e_QUERY) { $qs = explode('.', e_QUERY); $action = trim($qs[0]); // Often a date if just viewing $ds = varset($qs[1],''); $eveid = intval(varset($qs[2], 0)); } if ($action == '') { $dateArray = $ecal_class->cal_date; // Use todays date } else { if (is_numeric($action)) { $dateArray = $ecal_class->gmgetdate($action); } else { $dateArray = $ecal_class->gmgetdate($ds); } } } $dateArray['ds'] = $ds; // Way to pass to shortcodes. $month = $dateArray['mon']; // Number of month being shown $year = $dateArray['year']; // Number of year being shown if ($cal_super || check_class($ecal_class->pref['eventpost_admin'])) { // Bits relating to 'delete event', and generation of multiple events if ($action == 'mc') { if (isset($_POST['mc_cancel'])) { $message = EC_LAN_179; } elseif (isset($_POST['mc_accept'])) { // Go for it! Write lots of events // Start by reading all the info from the hidden fields $wr_record = array(); foreach ($ev_fields as $k => $v) { $wr_record[$k] = $tp->toDB($_POST['ev_'.$k]); } $wr_record['event_author'] = USERID.".".USERNAME; $wr_record['event_datestamp'] = time(); $mult_count = $ecal_class->gen_recur($wr_record['event_start'],$wr_record['event_end'],$wr_record['event_recurring'],$wr_record['event_start'],$wr_record['event_end']); $wr_record['event_recurring'] = 0; // Individual events are non-recurring! // Now write all the entries $wc = 0; foreach ($mult_count as $mc) { $wr_record['event_start'] = $mc; $wr_record['event_end'] = merge_date_time($mc,$wr_record['event_end']); // echo "Write record: ".$wr_record['event_start']." to ".$wr_record['event_end']."
"; if ($sql->db_Insert("event", $wr_record)) $wc++; } $ecal_class->cal_log(5,'db_Insert',$qry, $ev_start); $message = str_replace('-NUM-',$wc,EC_LAN_41); if ($wc != count($mult_count)) $message .= "

".(count($mult_count)-$wc)." ".EC_LAN_180; } $action = ''; } if (isset($_POST['confirm'])) { $qry = "event_id='".intval($_POST['existing'])."' "; if ($sql->db_Delete("event", $qry)) { $message = EC_LAN_51; //Event Deleted $data = array('method'=>'delete', 'table'=>'event', 'id'=>$_POST['existing'], 'plugin'=>'calendar_menu', 'function'=>'dbEventDelete'); $message .= $e_event->triggerHook($data); $ecal_class->cal_log(3,'db_Delete',$qry,$ev_start); } else { $message = EC_LAN_109; //Unable to Delete event for some mysterious reason } } if ($action == "de") { // Delete event - show confirmation form $text = "

"; $ns->tablerender(EC_LAN_46, $text); // Confirm Delete Event require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { // Delete Cancelled $message = EC_LAN_47; } } // End - if ($cal_super) // Messages acknowledging actions $poss_message = array('m1' => EC_LAN_41, 'm2' => EC_LAN_42, 'm3' => EC_LAN_43, 'm4' => EC_LAN_44, 'm5' => EC_LAN_45, 'm6' => EC_LAN_145, 'm7' => 'Could have saved -NUM- events', 'm8' => EC_LAN_181); if (isset($qs[2])) if (isset($poss_message[$qs[2]])) { $message = $poss_message[$qs[2]]; $ec = varset($qs[3],0); if ($ec) $message = str_replace('-NUM-',$ec,$message); } if (isset($message)) { $ns->tablerender("", "
"); } function merge_date_time($date, $time) { return ((86400*intval($date/86400)) + ($time % 86400)); } //------------------------------------- // enter new event form //------------------------------------- if ($action == 'ne' || $action == 'ed') { if ($ecal_class->cal_super || check_class($ecal_class->pref['eventpost_admin'])) { switch ($action) { case 'ed' : // Editing existing event - read from database $sql->db_Select('event', '*', 'event_id='.intval($qs[1])); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC); $ne_start = $row['event_start']; $ne_end = $row['event_end']; $allday = $row['event_allday']; $recurring = $row['event_recurring']; $ne_datestamp = $row['event_datestamp']; $ne_title = $row['event_title']; $ne_location = $row['event_location']; $ne_event = $row['event_details']; $ne_author = $row['event_author']; $ne_email = $row['event_contact']; $ne_category = $row['event_category']; $ne_thread = $row['event_thread']; $smarray = $ecal_class->gmgetdate($ne_start); $ne_hour = $smarray['hours']; $ne_minute = $smarray['minutes']; $ne_startdate = $ecal_class->full_date($ne_start); $smarray = $ecal_class->gmgetdate($ne_end); $end_hour = $smarray['hours']; $end_minute = $smarray['minutes']; $ne_enddate = $ecal_class->full_date($ne_end); $caption = EC_LAN_66; // edit Event break; case 'ne' : // New event - initialise everything $smarray = $ecal_class->gmgetdate($qs[1]); $month = $smarray['mon']; $year = $smarray['year']; $ne_startdate = $ecal_class->full_date($qs[1]); $ne_hour = $smarray['hours']; $ne_minute = $smarray['minutes']; $end_hour = $smarray['hours']; $end_minute = $smarray['minutes']; $ne_enddate = $ecal_class->full_date($qs[1]); $recurring = 0; $caption = EC_LAN_28; // Enter New Event default : $caption = EC_LAN_83; } $text = " "; $text .= "
"; $text .= " "; switch ($ecal_class->pref['eventpost_editmode']) { case 1 : $insertjs = "rows='15' onselect='storeCaret(this);' onclick='storeCaret(this);' onkeyup='storeCaret(this);'"; break; case 2 : $insertjs = "rows='25' "; break; default : $insertjs = "rows='15' "; } $text .= " "; // Only display for forum thread/link if required. No point if not wanted if (isset($ecal_class->pref['eventpost_forum']) && $ecal_class->pref['eventpost_forum'] == 1) { $text .= " "; } // If the user is logged in and has their email set plus the field is empty then put in // their email address. They can always take it out if they want, its not a required field if (empty($ne_email) && ($action == "ne") && defined('USEREMAIL')) { $ne_email = USEREMAIL; } $text .= " "; //triggerHook $hid = ($action=='ed' ? intval($qs[1]) : ''); $data = array('method'=>'form', 'table'=>'event', 'id'=>$hid, 'plugin'=>'calendar_menu', 'function'=>'CalendarCreate'); $text .= $frm->renderHooks($data); $text .= "
".EC_LAN_72." ".EC_LAN_67." "; $text .= $ecal_class->makeCalendar("start_date",$ne_startdate)."   ".EC_LAN_73." ".$ecal_class->makeCalendar("end_date",$ne_enddate); $text .= "
".EC_LAN_71." ".EC_LAN_67; $text .= $ecal_class->makeHourmin("ne_",$ne_hour,$ne_minute)."  ".EC_LAN_73.$ecal_class->makeHourmin('end_',$end_hour,$end_minute); $text .= "
"; $text .= EC_LAN_64."
".EC_LAN_65.""; $text .= $ecal_class->recurWeekSelect($recurring)."  ".$ecal_class->recurSelect($recurring); $disp = $recurring && ($action == 'ne') ? '' : " style='display:none;'"; $text .= "".EC_LAN_86.""; $text .= "
".EC_LAN_70." *
".EC_LAN_57." * "; if ($ecal_class->pref['eventpost_editmode'] == 1) { // Show help require_once(e_HANDLER."ren_help.php"); $text .= "
".display_help("helpb", 'event'); } $text .= "
"; if ($action == "ed") { $text .= " "; } else { $text .= ""; } $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender($caption, $text); require_once(FOOTERF); exit(); } else { header('location:'.e_PLUGIN.'calendar_menu/event.php'); exit(); } } // End of "Enter New Event" //----------------------------------------------- // show events // $month, $year have the month required //----------------------------------------------- if (is_readable(THEME.'calendar_template.php')) { // Has to be require require(THEME.'calendar_template.php'); } else { require(e_PLUGIN.'calendar_menu/calendar_template.php'); } $calSc->ecalClass = &$ecal_class; // Give shortcodes a pointer to calendar class $calSc->setCalDate($dateArray); // Tell shortcodes the date to display $calSc->catFilter = $cat_filter; // Category filter $calSc->eventDisplayCodes = $EVENT_EVENT_DATETIME; // Templates for different event types $monthstart = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); $monthend = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 1, $year) -1 ; $nowmonth = $ecal_class->cal_date['mon']; $nowyear = $ecal_class->cal_date['year']; $text2 = ""; // time switch buttons $text2 .= $tp->parseTemplate($CALENDAR_TIME_TABLE, FALSE, $calSc); // navigation buttons $text2 .= $tp->parseTemplate($CALENDAR_NAVIGATION_TABLE, FALSE, $calSc); // ****** CAUTION - the category dropdown also used $sql object - take care to avoid interference! $ev_list = array(); if ($ds == 'event') { // Show single event - bit of a special case $ec_err = FALSE; $qry = " SELECT e.*, ec.event_cat_name,ec.event_cat_icon FROM #event as e LEFT JOIN #event_cat as ec ON e.event_category = ec.event_cat_id WHERE e.event_id='".intval($eveid)."' {$ecal_class->extra_query} "; $sql2->db_Select_gen($qry); $thisEvent = $sql2->db_Fetch(); // Recurring events - $action has the actual date required (no time) - could be one of a potentially large number of dates it referred to if ($thisEvent['event_recurring']>='1') // Single event, selected by ID. So day/month must match { $temp_arr = $ecal_class->gen_recur($thisEvent['event_start'],$thisEvent['event_end'],$thisEvent['event_recurring'],$action,$action+86400); // Array of start times - hopefully just one! if (count($temp_arr) == 1) { $thisEvent['event_start'] = $temp_arr[0]; $thisEvent['event_end'] = merge_date_time($action,$thisEvent['event_end']); } else { // Error $ec_err = TRUE; } } $next10_start = $thisEvent['event_start'] +1; $calSc->event = $thisEvent; // Give shortcodes the event data $text2 .= $tp->parseTemplate($EVENT_EVENT_TABLE_START, FALSE, $calSc); if ($ec_err) $text2.= "Software Error
"; else $text2 .= $tp->parseTemplate($EVENT_EVENT_TABLE, FALSE, $calSc); $text2 .= $tp->parseTemplate($EVENT_EVENT_TABLE_END, FALSE, $calSc); } else { if ($ds == 'one') { // Show events from one day // $tmp = $ecal_class->gmgetdate($action); // $selected_day = $tmp['mday']; // $selected_mon = $tmp['mon']; $start_time = intval($action); $end_time = $action + 86399; $next10_start = $end_time + 1; } else { // Display whole of selected month $start_time = $monthstart; $end_time = $monthend; $next10_start = $end_time + 1; } // echo "Start: ".$start_time." End: ".$end_time." Cat_filter: ".$cat_filter."
"; // We'll need virtually all of the event-related fields, so get them regardless $ev_list = $ecal_class->get_events($start_time, $end_time, FALSE, $cat_filter, TRUE, '*', 'event_cat_name,event_cat_icon'); // Now go through and multiply up any recurring records $tim_arr = array(); foreach ($ev_list as $k=>$event) { if (is_array($event['event_start'])) { foreach ($event['event_start'] as $t) { $tim_arr[$t][] = $k; } } else { $tim_arr[$event['event_start']][] = $k; } } // Add a sort in here - time/date order ksort($tim_arr); // display event list for current month if(count($tim_arr)) { $text2 .= $tp->parseTemplate($EVENT_EVENTLIST_TABLE_START, FALSE, $calSc); //foreach ($tim_arr as $tim => $ptr) foreach ($tim_arr as $tim => $evList) foreach ($evList as $ptr) { $ev_list[$ptr]['event_start'] = $tim; $calSc->event = $ev_list[$ptr]; // Give shortcodes the event data $text2 .= $tp->parseTemplate($EVENT_EVENT_TABLE, FALSE, $calSc); } $text2 .= $tp->parseTemplate($EVENT_EVENTLIST_TABLE_END, FALSE, $calSc); } } // Now display next 10 events //echo "Next 10 start: ".$next10_start."
"; $ev_list = $ecal_class->get_n_events(10, $next10_start, $next10_start+86400000, $cat_filter, TRUE, 'event_id,event_start, event_title', 'event_cat_name, event_cat_icon'); $num = count($ev_list); if ($num != 0) { $calSc->numEvents = $num; // Give shortcodes the number of events to expect $archive_events = ''; foreach ($ev_list as $thisEvent) { $calSc->event = $thisEvent; // Give shortcodes the event data $archive_events .= $tp->parseTemplate($EVENT_ARCHIVE_TABLE, FALSE, $calSc); } } else { $archive_events = $tp->parseTemplate($EVENT_ARCHIVE_TABLE_EMPTY, FALSE, $calSc); } $text2 .= $tp->parseTemplate($EVENT_ARCHIVE_TABLE_START, FALSE, $calSc); $text2 .= $archive_events; $text2 .= $tp->parseTemplate($EVENT_ARCHIVE_TABLE_END, FALSE, $calSc); $ns->tablerender($tp->ParseTemplate('{EC_EVENT_PAGE_TITLE}', FALSE, $calSc), $text2); // Claim back memory no longer required unset($ev_list); unset($text2); unset($tim_arr); require_once(FOOTERF); ?>