» Feed Name:
The identifying name of the feed can be anything you like.
» URL to rss feed:
The address of the rss feed
» Path to image:
If the feed has an image defined in it, enter 'default' to use it. To use your own image, enter the full path to it. Leave blank to use no image at all.
» Description:
Enter a short description of the feed, or 'default' to use the description defined in the feed (if there is one).
» Update interval in seconds:
The amount of seconds that elapse before the feed is updated, for example, 1800: 30 minutes, 3600: an hour.
» Activation:
Where you want the feed results to be displayed, to see menu feeds you will need to activate the newsfeeds menu on the menus page.
For a good list of available feeds, see syndic8.com or feedster.com");
define("NFLAN_43", "Newsfeed help");
define("NFLAN_44", "click to view");
define("NFLAN_45", "Number of items to show in menu");
define("NFLAN_46", "Number of items to show on main page");
define("NFLAN_47", "0 or blank to show all");
//define("NFLAN_48", "Unable to save raw data in database.");
define("NFLAN_49", "Unable to unserialize rss data - uses non-standard syntax");
//define('NFLAN_50', 'Write to database failed: ');
// Admin log messages
define('LAN_AL_NEWSFD_01','News Feed created');
define('LAN_AL_NEWSFD_02','News Feed updated');
define('LAN_AL_NEWSFD_03','News Feed deleted');