db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_path = 'content' AND plugin_installflag = '1' ")){ return; } require_once(e_PLUGIN."content/handlers/content_class.php"); $aa = new content; $datequery = " AND content_datestamp < ".time()." AND (content_enddate=0 || content_enddate>".time().") "; global $contentmode; //contentmode : content_144 (content_ + idvalue) if($contentmode){ $headingquery = " AND content_id = '".substr($contentmode,8)."' "; }else{ $headingquery = ""; } //get main parent types $sqlm = new db; if(!$mainparents = $sqlm -> db_Select("pcontent", "*", "content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND content_parent = '0' ".$datequery." ".$headingquery." ORDER BY content_heading")){ $LIST_DATA = "no valid content category"; }else{ while($rowm = $sqlm -> db_Fetch()){ $ICON = ""; $HEADING = ""; $AUTHOR = ""; $CATEGORY = ""; $DATE = ""; $INFO = ""; $LIST_CAPTION = $rowm['content_heading']; //global var for this main parent $mainparent = $rowm['content_id']; //get path variables $content_recent_pref = $aa -> getContentPref($mainparent); $content_recent_pref["content_icon_path"] = ($content_recent_pref["content_icon_path"] ? $content_recent_pref["content_icon_path"] : "{e_PLUGIN}content/images/icon/" ); $content_icon_path = $tp -> replaceConstants($content_recent_pref["content_icon_path"]); //prepare query string $array = $aa -> getCategoryTree("", $mainparent, TRUE); $validparent = implode(",", array_keys($array)); $qry = " content_refer !='sa' AND content_parent REGEXP '".$aa -> CONTENTREGEXP($validparent)."' AND content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' "; //check so only the preferences from the correct content_type (article, content, review etc) are used and rendered if(substr($contentmode,8) == $rowm['content_id']){ if($mode == "new_page" || $mode == "new_menu" ){ $lvisit = $this -> getlvisit(); $qry = $qry." AND content_datestamp>".$lvisit; }else{ $qry = $qry." ".$datequery; } $qry .= " ORDER BY content_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,".intval($arr[7]); //get recent content for each main parent $sqli = new db; if(!$resultitem = $sqli -> db_Select("pcontent", "*", $qry)){ $LIST_DATA = "no items in ".$rowm['content_heading']; }else{ $LIST_DISPLAYSTYLE = ($arr[2] ? "" : "none"); while($rowi = $sqli -> db_Fetch()){ $rowheading = $this -> parse_heading($rowi['content_heading'], $mode); $HEADING = "".$rowheading.""; //category if($arr[4]){ $crumb = ""; if(array_key_exists($rowi['content_parent'], $array)){ $newarr = $array[$rowi['content_parent']]; $newarr = array_reverse($newarr); $CATEGORY = "".$newarr[0].""; } } $DATE = ($arr[5] ? $this -> getListDate($rowi['content_datestamp'], $mode) : ""); //$ICON = $this -> getBullet($arr[6], $mode); $image_link_append = ""; if($rowi['content_icon'] && file_exists(e_PLUGIN."content/images/icon/".$rowi['content_icon'])){ $ICON = $image_link_append.""; }else{ $ICON = ""; } //get author details if($arr[3]){ $authordetails = $aa -> getAuthor($rowi['content_author']); if(USER && is_numeric($authordetails[0]) && $authordetails[0] != "0"){ $AUTHOR = "".$authordetails[1].""; }else{ $AUTHOR = $authordetails[1]; } }else{ $AUTHOR = ""; } $INFO = ""; $LIST_DATA[$mode][] = array( $ICON, $HEADING, $AUTHOR, $CATEGORY, $DATE, $INFO ); } } } } } ?>