replaceConstants($link,TRUE); $tmp = explode("?",$link); $link_qry = (isset($tmp[1])) ? $tmp[1] : ""; $link_slf = (isset($tmp[0])) ? $tmp[0] : ""; $link_pge = basename($link_slf); $link_match = strpos(e_SELF,$tmp[0]); if(e_MENU == "debug" && getperms('0')) { echo "
link= ".$link; echo "
link_q= ".$link_qry; echo "
url= ".e_PAGE; echo "
url_query= ".e_QUERY."
"; } // ----------- highlight overriding - set the link matching in the page itself. if(defined("HILITE")) { if(strpos($link,HILITE)) { return TRUE; } } // --------------- highlighting for 'HOME'. ---------------- global $pref; list($fp,$fp_q) = explode("?",$pref['frontpage']['all']."?"); if(strpos(e_SELF,"/".$pref['frontpage']['all'])!== FALSE && $fp_q == $tmp[1] && $link == e_HTTP."index.php"){ return TRUE; } // --------------- highlighting for plugins. ---------------- if(stristr($link, $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY) !== FALSE && stristr($link, "custompages") === FALSE){ if($link_qry) { // plugin links with queries $subq = explode("?",$link); if(strpos(e_SELF,$subq[0]) && e_QUERY == $subq[1]){ return TRUE; }else{ return FALSE; } } else { // plugin links without queries $link = str_replace("../", "", $link); if(stristr(dirname(e_SELF), dirname($link)) !== FALSE){ return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // --------------- highlight for news items.---------------- // eg. news.php, news.php?list.1 or news.php?cat.2 etc if(substr(basename($link),0,8) == "news.php") { if (strpos($link, "news.php?") !== FALSE && strpos(e_SELF,"/news.php")!==FALSE) { $lnk = explode(".",$link_qry); // link queries. $qry = explode(".",e_QUERY); // current page queries. if($qry[0] == "item") { return ($qry[2] == $lnk[1]) ? TRUE : FALSE; } if($qry[0] == "all" && $lnk[0] == "all") { return TRUE; } if($lnk[0] == $qry[0] && $lnk[1] == $qry[1]) { return TRUE; } if($qry[1] == "list" && $lnk[0] == "list" && $lnk[1] == $qry[2]) { return TRUE; } } elseif (!e_QUERY && e_PAGE == "news.php") { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // --------------- highlight for Custom Pages.---------------- // eg. page.php?1 if (strpos($link, "page.php?") !== FALSE && strpos(e_SELF,"/page.php")) { list($custom,$page) = explode(".",$link_qry); list($q_custom,$q_page) = explode(".",e_QUERY); if($custom == $q_custom){ return TRUE; }else{ return FALSE; } } // --------------- highlight default ---------------- if(strpos($link, "?") !== FALSE){ $thelink = str_replace("../", "", $link); if((strpos(e_SELF,$thelink) !== false) && (strpos(e_QUERY,$link_qry) !== false)){ return true; } } if(!preg_match("/all|item|cat|list/", e_QUERY) && (strpos(e_SELF, str_replace("../", "",$link)) !== false)){ return true; } if((!$link_qry && !e_QUERY) && (strpos(e_SELF,$link) !== FALSE)){ return TRUE; } if(($link_slf == e_SELF && !link_qry) || (e_QUERY && strpos(e_SELF."?".e_QUERY,$link)!== FALSE) ){ return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // ---------------------------------------------------- function adnav_cat($cat_title, $cat_link, $cat_id=FALSE, $cat_open=FALSE) { global $tp; $cat_link = (strpos($cat_link, '://') === FALSE && strpos($cat_link, 'mailto:') !== 0 ? e_HTTP.$cat_link : $cat_link); if ($cat_open == 4 || $cat_open == 5){ $dimen = ($cat_open == 4) ? "600,400" : "800,600"; $href = " href=\"javascript:open_window('".$cat_link."',".$dimen.")\""; } else { $href = "href='".$cat_link."'"; } $text = "toHTML($cat_title,"","defs, no_hook").""; } else { $text .= ">".$tp->toHTML($cat_title,"","defs, no_hook").""; } return $text; } function render_sub($linklist, $id) { $text = ""; foreach ($linklist['sub_'.$id] as $sub) { // Filter title for backwards compatibility ----> if(substr($sub['link_name'],0,8) == "submenu.") { $tmp = explode(".",$sub['link_name']); $subname = $tmp[2]; } else { $subname = $sub['link_name']; } if (isset($linklist['sub_'.$sub['link_id']])) { // Has Children. $sub_ids[] = $sub['link_id']; $text .= "
  • ".adnav_main($subname, $sub['link_url'], $sub['link_id'],$sub['link_open']); $text .= " "; $text .= "
  • "; } else { $text .= "
  • ".adnav_main($subname, $sub['link_url'], null, $sub['link_open'])."
  • "; } } return $text; } function adnav_main($cat_title, $cat_link, $cat_id=FALSE, $cat_open=FALSE) { global $tp; $cat_link = (strpos($cat_link, '://') === FALSE) ? e_HTTP.$cat_link : $cat_link; $cat_link = $tp->replaceConstants($cat_link,TRUE); if ($cat_open == 4 || $cat_open == 5){ $dimen = ($cat_open == 4) ? "600,400" : "800,600"; $href = " href=\"javascript:open_window('".$cat_link."',".$dimen.")\""; } else { $href = "href='".$cat_link."'"; } $text = "toHTML($cat_title,"","defs, no_hook").""; return $text; } $text .= " "; $text .= ' '; ?>