'; echo ''; /** * if we are in comment.php page add "publish_to_facebook" checkbox to the form * */ if (((e_PAGE == "comment.php") || (stripos(e_QUERY, 'extend') !== FALSE)) && ($fb->fb_uid)) { echo ''; onloadRegister('facebook_show_feed_checkbox();'); /** * Simple Pure Javascript code , do same thing of prototype! * */ /* echo ' var commentbutton = document.getElementsByName("commentsubmit")[0]; var checkbox = document.createElement("input"); checkbox.type = "checkbox"; checkbox.name = "publish_to_facebook"; checkbox.defaultChecked = true; var txt = document.createTextNode("Publish Comment to Facebook"); var img = document.createElement("img"); img.setAttribute("src", "http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/images/icons/favicon.gif"); img.setAttribute("alt", ""); img.setAttribute("style", "padding-left:5px"); commentbutton.parentNode.insertBefore(img,commentbutton.nextSibling); img.parentNode.insertBefore(checkbox,img.nextSibling); checkbox.parentNode.insertBefore(txt,checkbox.nextSibling); '; */ /** * if we are in the signup page add the Facebook Connect Button * */ } elseif (e_PAGE == "signup.php") { echo ''; } } ?>