clearPrefCache('emote'); require_once("auth.php"); $mes = e107::getMessage(); // Change the active emote pack if (isset($_POST['active'])) { if ($pref['smiley_activate'] != $_POST['smiley_activate']) { $pref['smiley_activate'] = (int) $_POST['smiley_activate']; e107::getLog()->add($pref['smiley_activate'] ? 'EMOTE_02' : 'EMOTE_03', $pref['emotepack'], E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); e107::getConfig()->set('smiley_activate', $pref['smiley_activate'])->save(true, true, true); $update = true; } else { $mes->addInfo(LAN_NO_CHANGE); } } //e107::getRender()->tablerender($caption, $mes->render() . $text); /* get packs */ $fl = e107::getFile(); $emote = new emotec; $one_pack = false; $filtered = e107::getParser()->filter($_POST); // Check for pack-related buttons pressed foreach ($filtered as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, "subPack_") !== false) { $subpack = str_replace("subPack_", "", $key); $emote->emoteConf($subpack); break; } if (strpos($key, "XMLPack_") !== false) { $subpack = str_replace("XMLPack_", "", $key); $emote->emoteXML($subpack); break; } if (strpos($key, "defPack_") !== false) { e107::getConfig()->set('emotepack', str_replace("defPack_", "", $key))->save(true, true, true); e107::getLog()->add('EMOTE_01', $pref['emotepack'], E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); break; } if (strpos($key, "scanPack_") !== false) { $one_pack = str_replace("scanPack_", "", $key); break; } } // $ns->tablerender($caption, $mes->render() . $text); $check = $emote->installCheck($one_pack); if ($check !== false) { $emote->listPacks(); } class emotec { var $packArray; // Stores an array of all available emote packs (as subdirectory names) function __construct() { /* constructor */ $fl = e107::getFile(); $this->packArray = $fl->get_dirs(e_IMAGE . "emotes"); if (isset($_POST['sub_conf'])) { // Update stored pack configuration $this->saveConf(); } } // List available emote packs function listPacks() { $pref = e107::getPref(); $frm = e107::getForm(); $fl = e107::getFile(); $ns = e107::getRender(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $text = "
" . EMOLAN_1 . "
" . EMOLAN_4 . ":
" . $frm->checkbox('smiley_activate', 1, varset($pref['smiley_activate'], 0)) . "
" . $frm->admin_button('active', 'active', 'update', LAN_UPDATE) . "
"; $text .= "
" . EMOLAN_13 . " "; $reject = '~^emoteconf|\.html$|\.php$|\.txt$'; // Files to exclude foreach ($this->packArray as $pack) { $can_scan = false; $emoteArray = $fl->get_files(e_IMAGE . 'emotes/' . $pack, $reject); $text .= " "; } $text .= "
" . LAN_NAME . " " . EMOLAN_3 . " " . LAN_STATUS . " " . LAN_OPTIONS . "
{$pack} "; foreach ($emoteArray as $emote) { if (strpos($emote['fname'], ".pak") !== false || strpos($emote['fname'], ".xml") !== false || strpos($emote['fname'], "phpBB") !== false) { $can_scan = true; // Allow re-scan of config files } //elseif (!strstr($emote['fname'], ".txt") && !strstr($emote['fname'], ".bak") && !strstr($emote['fname'], ".html") && !strstr($emote['fname'], ".php") ) else { // Emote file found (might get other non-image files, but shouldn't) $text .= " "; } } $text .= " " . ($pref['emotepack'] == $pack ? "" . LAN_ACTIVE . "" : "") . " "; $text .= $frm->admin_button('subPack_' . $pack, 'edit', 'default', LAN_CONFIGURE); if ($can_scan && ($pack != 'default')) { // $text .= ""; $text .= $frm->admin_button('scanPack_' . $pack, 'active', 'default', EMOLAN_26); } $text .= $frm->admin_button('XMLPack_' . $pack, 'submit', 'default', EMOLAN_28); $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender(EMOLAN_PAGE_TITLE, $mes->render() . $text); } // Configure an individual emote pack function emoteConf($packID) { global $e107, $sysprefs; $frm = e107::getForm(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $fl = e107::getFile(); $ns = e107::getRender(); $packID = $tp->filter($packID); $corea = "emote_" . $packID; $emotecode = $sysprefs->getArray($corea); $reject = '~^emoteconf|\.html$|\.php$|\.txt$|\.pak$|\.xml|\.phpBB'; // Files to exclude $emoteArray = $fl->get_files(e_IMAGE . "emotes/" . $packID, $reject); $eArray = array(); foreach ($emoteArray as $value) { $eArray[] = array('path' => $value['path'], 'fname' => $value['fname']); } //XXX Not sure if we need to know rhe number of files found - count($eArray) -
Total ".count($eArray)." files found
$text = "
" . LAN_EDIT . "
" . $tp->lanVars(EMOLAN_31, count($eArray)) . "
"; foreach ($eArray as $emote) { $ename = $emote['fname']; $evalue = str_replace(".", "!", $ename); $file_back = ''; $text_back = ''; if (!isset($emotecode[$evalue])) { $file_back = '  ' . EMOLAN_37 . ''; } elseif (!$emotecode[$evalue]) { $text_back = '  ' . EMOLAN_38 . ''; } $text .= " "; } $text .= "
" . EMOLAN_5 . " " . LAN_NAME . " " . EMOLAN_6 . " ( " . EMOLAN_7 . " )
" . $ename . "{$file_back} {$text_back}
"; $text .= $frm->admin_button('sub_conf', 'no-value', 'update', LAN_SAVE); $text .= $frm->admin_button('cancel', 'no-value', 'cancel', LAN_CANCEL); $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender(EMOLAN_PAGE_TITLE . SEP . LAN_EDIT . ": '" . $packID . "'", $text); } // Generate an XML file - packname.xml in root emoticon directory function emoteXML($packID, $strip_xtn = true) { global $sysprefs; $mes = e107::getMessage(); $fl = e107::getFile(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $packID = $tp->filter($packID); $fname = e_IMAGE . "emotes/" . $packID . "/emoticons.xml"; $backname = e_IMAGE . "emotes/" . $packID . "/emoticons.bak"; $corea = "emote_" . $packID; $emotecode = $sysprefs->getArray($corea); $reject = '~^emoteconf|\.html$|\.php$|\.txt$|\.pak$|\.xml|\.phpBB'; // Files to exclude $emoteArray = $fl->get_files(e_IMAGE . "emotes/" . $packID, $reject); $eArray = array(); foreach ($emoteArray as $value) { $eArray[] = $value['fname']; } $f_string = "\n\n\n\n"; foreach ($eArray as $emote) { // Optionally strip file extension $evalue = str_replace(".", "!", $emote); if ($strip_xtn) { $ename = substr($emote, 0, strrpos($emote, '.')); } $f_string .= "\n"; foreach (explode(' ', $tp->toForm($emotecode[$evalue])) as $v) { if (trim($v)) { $f_string .= "\t" . htmlentities($v) . "\n"; } } $f_string .= "\n"; } $f_string .= "\n\n"; if (is_file($backname)) { unlink($backname); } // Delete any old backup if (is_file($fname)) { rename($fname, $backname); } if (file_put_contents($fname, $f_string) === false) { $mes->addWarning('' . EMOLAN_30 . ':' . str_replace(e_IMAGE, e_IMAGE_ABS, $fname)); } else { $mes->addSuccess('' . EMOLAN_29 . ':' . str_replace(e_IMAGE, e_IMAGE_ABS, $fname)); } } // Save configuration for an emote pack that's been edited function saveConf() { $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $packID = $_POST['packID']; unset($_POST['sub_conf'], $_POST['packID']); $encoded_emotes = $tp->toDB($_POST); // $tmp = addslashes(serialize($encoded_emotes)); $tmp = e107::serialize($encoded_emotes); if ($sql->select("core", "*", "e107_name='emote_" . $packID . "'")) { e107::getMessage()->addAuto($sql->update("core", "`e107_value`='{$tmp}' WHERE `e107_name`='emote_" . $packID . "' "), 'update', LAN_SETSAVED, false, false); } else { e107::getMessage()->addAuto($sql->insert("core", "'emote_" . $packID . "', '$tmp' "), 'insert', LAN_SETSAVED, false, false); } } // Identify currently selected emote pack. Read in any new ones // Return false to disable listing of packs function installCheck($do_one = false) { global $e107; $sql = e107::getDb(); $fl = e107::getFile(); $ns = e107::getRender(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); // Pick up a list of emote packs from the database $pack_local = array(); if ($sql->select("core", "*", "`e107_name` LIKE 'emote_%'")) { while ($row = $sql->fetch()) { $pack_local[substr($row['e107_name'], 6)] = true; } } foreach ($this->packArray as $value) { if (strpos($value, ' ') !== false) { // Highlight any directory names containing spaces - not allowed $msg = " " . EMOLAN_17 . " " . EMOLAN_18 . ":
" . LAN_NAME . ": {$value}
" . EMOLAN_20 . ": " . e_IMAGE_ABS . "emotes/
"; $mes->addError($msg); $ns->tablerender(EMOLAN_PAGE_TITLE . ' - ' . EMOLAN_21, $mes->render()); return false; } if (array_key_exists($value, $pack_local)) { unset($pack_local[$value]); } if (($do_one == $value) || !$do_one && (!$sql->select("core", "*", "e107_name='emote_" . $value . "' "))) { // Pack info not in DB, or to be re-scanned $no_error = true; $File_type = EMOLAN_32 . ":"; // Array of all files in the directory of the selected emote pack $fileArray = $fl->get_files(e_IMAGE . "emotes/" . $value); // We actually want all the files in the directory $confFile = ''; foreach ($fileArray as $k => $file) { if (strpos($file['fname'], ".xml") !== false) { $confFile = array('file' => $file['fname'], 'type' => "xml"); } elseif (strpos($file['fname'], ".pak") !== false) { $confFile = array('file' => $file['fname'], 'type' => "pak"); } elseif (strpos($file['fname'], ".php") !== false) { $confFile = array('file' => $file['fname'], 'type' => "php"); } if ($confFile) { unset($fileArray[$k]); break; } } /* .pak file */ if ($confFile['type'] == "pak") { $filename = e_IMAGE . "emotes/" . $value . "/" . $confFile['file']; $pakconf = file($filename); $contentArray = array(); foreach ($pakconf as $line) { if (trim($line) && strpos($line, "=+") !== false && strpos($line, ".txt") === false && strpos($line, ".html") === false && strpos($line, "cvs") === false) { $contentArray[] = $line; } } $confArray = array(); foreach ($contentArray as $pakline) { $tmp = explode("=+:", $pakline); $confIC = str_replace(".", "!", $tmp[0]); $confArray[$confIC] = trim($tmp[2]); } // $tmp = addslashes(serialize($confArray)); $tmp = e107::serialize($confArray); $File_type = EMOLAN_22 . ":"; } /* end */ /* .xml file */ if ($confFile['type'] == "xml") { $filename = e_IMAGE . "emotes/" . $value . "/" . $confFile['file']; $contents = file_get_contents($filename); $confArray = array(); $xml_type = 0; if ((strpos($contents, "") !== false) && (strpos($contents, "") !== false)) { // xep-0038 format /* Example: :-) :) happy.png choir.wav */ preg_match_all("#\(.*?)\<\/icon\>#si", $contents, $match); $xml_type = 1; // $match[0] - complete emoticon entry // $match[1] - match string and object specification $item_index = 1; } elseif (strpos($contents, ""; preg_match_all("#\(.*?)\<\/emoticon\>#si", $contents, $match); $xml_type = 2; // $match[0] - complete emoticon entry // $match[1] - filename (may or may not not have file extension/suffix) // $match[2] - match string(s) representing emote $item_index = 2; } if ($xml_type) { for ($a = 0, $aMax = count($match[0]); $a < $aMax; $a++) { $e_file = ''; switch ($xml_type) { case 1 : // xep-0038 // Pull out a file name (only support first image type) - its in $fmatch[1] if (preg_match("#\(.*?)\<\/object\>#si", $match[1][$a], $fmatch)) { $e_file = $fmatch[1]; // echo "xep-0038 file: ".$e_file."
"; // Pull out all match strings - need to pick out any language definitions for posterity // but currently accept all language strings preg_match_all("#\|\s*?xml\:lang\=\"(.*?)\"\>)(.*?)\<\/text\>#si", $match[1][$a], $match2); // $match2[1] is the languages // $match2[2] is the match strings $codet = implode(" ", $match2[2]); } break; case 2 : $e_file = $match[1][$a]; // Now pull out all the 'match' strings preg_match_all("#\(.*?)\<\/string\>#si", $match[2][$a], $match2); $codet = implode(" ", $match2[1]); break; } // $e_file has the emote file name // $match2 has an array of substitution strings $file = ''; foreach ($fileArray as $emote) { // Check that the file exists if (strpos($e_file, ".") === false) { // File extension not specified - accept any file extension for match if (strpos($emote['fname'], $e_file . ".") === 0) { $file = str_replace(".", "!", $emote['fname']); break; } } else { // File extension specified - do simple match if ($emote['fname'] == $e_file) { $file = str_replace(".", "!", $emote['fname']); break; } } } // Only add if the file exists. OK if no definition - might want to be added if ($file) { $confArray[$file] = $codet; } } } else { //echo "Unsupported XML File Format

"; $mes->addWarning(EMOLAN_33); $no_error = false; } // Save pack info in the database // $tmp = addslashes(serialize($confArray)); $tmp = e107::serialize($confArray); $File_type = EMOLAN_23 . ":"; } if ($confFile['type'] == "php") { include_once(e_IMAGE . "emotes/" . $value . "/" . $confFile['file']); $File_type = EMOLAN_24 . ":"; $tmp = $_emoteconf; // Use consistent name } if ($no_error) { if ($do_one) // Assume existing pack { $update = array( 'e107_name' => 'emote_' . $value, 'e107_value' => $tmp, 'WHERE' => "e107_name = 'emote_" . $value . "'" ); $sql->update("core", $update); } else { // Assume new pack $insert = array( 'e107_name' => 'emote_' . $value, 'e107_value' => $tmp ); $sql->insert("core", $insert); } $mes->addInfo("{$File_type} '{$value}'"); } else { // Error occurred $mes->addError(EMOLAN_27 . ": '{$value}'"); } } } if (count($pack_local)) { foreach ($pack_local as $p => $d) { if ($p == '0') { $p = ''; } if ($sql->delete("core", "`e107_name` = 'emote_{$p}'")) { $mes->addInfo(EMOLAN_34 . ":" . $p . EMOLAN_35); } } } return true; } } require_once("footer.php");