$sql->gen('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1');
$qry = 'SHOW CREATE TABLE `'.$prefix.$table_name."`";
if (!($z = $sql->gen($qry)))
return FALSE;
$row = $sql->fetch('num');
$tmp = str_replace("`", "", stripslashes($row[1])).';'; // Add semicolon to work with our parser
$count = preg_match_all("#CREATE\s+?TABLE\s+?`?({$prefix}{$table_name})`?\s+?\((.*?)\)\s+?(?:TYPE|ENGINE)\s*\=\s*(.*?);#is", $tmp, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if ($count === FALSE)
return "Error occurred";
if (!$count)
return "No matches";
if(isset($matches[0][2]) && is_string($matches[0][2]))
$matches[0][2] = trim($matches[0][2]);
return $matches;
* Routine to do first-level parse of table structure
* Given the name of a file, returns an array, with each element being a table creation definition.
* Tracks the last file read - only reads it once
* If the file name is an empty string, uses a previously read/set buffer
* @param string $table_name - If specified, returns only that table's info; otherwise returns a list of all tables
* The table name must include a prefix where appropriate (although not required with standard E107 table definition files)
* @param string $file_name
* @return string|array
* - if error, returns a brief text message
* - if successful, returns an array of table definitions, each of which is itself an array:
* [0] - The complete string which creates a table (unless a prefix needs adding to the table name), including terminating ';'
* [1] - The table name. Any backticks are stripped
* [2] - Field definitions, with the surrounding (...) stripped
* [3] - The 'TYPE' field ('TYPE=' is stripped) and any AUTO-INCREMENT definition or other text.
function get_table_def($table_name = '', $file_name = "")
if ($file_name != '')
{ // Read in and buffer a new file (if we've not already got one)
if ($this->last_file != $file_name)
if (!is_readable($file_name))
return "No file";
$temp = file_get_contents($file_name);
// Strip any php header
$temp = preg_replace("#\<\?php.*?\?\>#mis", '', $temp);
// Strip any comments (only /*...*/ supported
$this->file_buffer = preg_replace("#\/\*.*?\*\/#mis", '', $temp);
$this->last_file = $file_name;
if (!$table_name)
$table_name = '\w+?';
// Regex should be identical to that in get_current_table (apart from the source text variable name)
$count = preg_match_all("#CREATE\s+?TABLE\s+?`?({$table_name})`?\s+?\((.*?)\)\s+?(?:TYPE|ENGINE)\s*\=\s*(.*?);#is", $this->file_buffer, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if ($count === false)
return "Error occurred";
if (!$count)
return "No matches";
return $matches;
// Parses the block of lines which make up the field and index definitions
// Returns an array where each entry is the definitions of a field or index
function parse_field_defs($text)
$text = (string) $text;
$ans = array(
$text = str_replace("\r", "\n", $text);
$field_lines = explode("\n", $text);
$defs = array();
foreach ($field_lines as $fv)
$fv = trim(str_replace(' ', ' ', $fv));
$fv = str_replace('`', '', $fv);
if (substr($fv, -1) == ',')
$fv = trim(substr($fv, 0, -1));
// echo "Line: ".$fv."
if ($fv)
$fd = explode(' ', $fv);
switch (strtoupper($fd[0]))
case 'PRIMARY':
if (strtoupper($fd[1]) == 'KEY')
$defs['type'] = 'pkey';
$defs['name'] = $fd[2];
case 'UNIQUE':
if (count($fd) < 3)
$this->errors[] = "Truncated definition after UNIQUE {$fv}: ".$fd[1]."
elseif (strtoupper($fd[1]) == 'KEY')
$defs['type'] = 'ukey';
$defs['name'] = $fd[2];
if (isset($fd[3])) $defs['keyfield'] = $fd[3];
else $defs['keyfield'] = '['.$fd[2].']';
$this->errors[] = "Unrecognised word after UNIQUE in definition {$fv}: ".$fd[1]."
case 'FULLTEXT':
if (count($fd) < 3)
$this->errors[] = "Truncated definition after FULLTEXT {$fv}: ".$fd[1]."
elseif (strtoupper($fd[1]) == 'KEY')
$defs['type'] = 'ftkey';
$defs['name'] = $fd[2];
if (isset($fd[3])) $defs['keyfield'] = $fd[3];
else $defs['keyfield'] = '['.$fd[2].']';
$this->errors[] = "Unrecognised word after FULLTEXT in definition {$fv}: ".$fd[1]."
case 'KEY':
$defs['type'] = 'key';
$defs['name'] = $fd[1];
if (isset($fd[2]))
$defs['keyfield'] = $fd[2];
$defs['keyfield'] = '['.$fd[1].']';
default: // Must be a DB field name
$defs['type'] = 'field';
$defs['name'] = $fd[0];
$defs['fieldtype'] = $fd[1];
$i = 2; // First unused field
if ((strpos($fd[1], 'int') === 0) || (strpos($fd[1], 'tinyint') === 0) || (strpos($fd[1], 'smallint') === 0) || (strpos($fd[1], 'bigint') === 0))
if (isset($fd[2]) && (strtoupper($fd[2]) == 'UNSIGNED'))
$defs['vartype'] = $fd[2];
while ($i < count($fd))
switch (strtoupper($fd[$i]))
case 'NOT':
if (isset($fd[$i + 1]) && strtoupper($fd[$i + 1]) == 'NULL')
$defs['nulltype'] = 'NOT NULL';
{ // Syntax error
$this->errors[] = "Unrecognised word in definition {$i} after 'NOT': ".$fd[$i + 1]."
case 'DEFAULT':
if (isset($fd[$i + 1]))
$defs['default'] = $fd[$i];
case 'COLLATE':
$i++; // Just skip over - we ignore collation
$defs['autoinc'] = TRUE;
$mes = e107::getMessage();
$mes->add("db_table_admin_class.php :: parse_field_defs() Line: 230 - Unknown definition {$i}: ".$fd[$i], E_MESSAGE_DEBUG);
if (count($defs) > 1)
$ans[] = $defs;
$this->errors[] = "Partial definition
if (!count($ans))
return FALSE;
return $ans;
// Utility routine - given our array-based definition, create a string MySQL field definition
function make_def($list)
switch ($list['type'])
case 'key':
return 'KEY '.$list['name'].' ('.str_replace(array( '(', ')' ), '', $list['keyfield']).')';
case 'ukey':
return 'UNIQUE KEY '.$list['name'].' ('.str_replace(array( '(', ')' ), '', $list['keyfield']).')';
case 'ftkey':
return 'FULLTEXT KEY '.$list['name'].' ('.str_replace(array( '(', ')' ), '', $list['keyfield']).')';
case 'pkey':
return 'PRIMARY KEY ('.$list['name'].')';
case 'field': // Require a field - got a key. so add a field at the end
$def = $list['name'];
if (isset($list['fieldtype']))
$def .= ' '.$list['fieldtype'];
if (isset($list['vartype']))
$def .= ' '.$list['vartype'];
if (isset($list['nulltype']))
$def .= ' '.$list['nulltype'];
if (isset($list['default']))
$def .= ' default '.$list['default'];
if (vartrue($list['autoinc']))
$def .= ' auto_increment';
return $def;
return "Cannot generate definition for: ".$list['type'].' '.$list['name'];
// Compare two field/index lists as generated by parse_field_defs
// If $stop_on_error is TRUE, returns TRUE if the same, false if different
// Return a text list of differences, plus an array of MySQL queries to fix
// List1 is the reference, List 2 is the actual
// This version looks ahead on a failed match, and moves a field up in the table if already defined - should retain as much as possible
function compare_field_lists($list1, $list2, $stop_on_error = FALSE)
$i = 0; // Counts records in list1 (required format)
$j = 0; // Counts records in $created_list (our 'table so far' list)
$error_list = array(
); // Free text list of differences
$change_list = array(
); // MySQL statements to implement changes
$created_list = array(
); // List of field defs that we build up (just names)
while ($i < count($list1))
if (count($list2) == 0)
{ // Missing field at end
if ($stop_on_error)
return FALSE;
$error_list[] = 'Missing field at end: '.$list1[$i]['name'];
$change_list[] = 'ADD '.$this->make_def($list1[$i]);
$created_list[$j] = $list1[$i]['name'];
elseif ($list1[$i]['type'] == $list2[0]['type'])
{ // Worth doing a compare - fields are same type
// echo $i.': compare - '.$list1[$i]['name'].', '.$list2[0]['name'].'
if (strcasecmp($list1[$i]['name'], $list2[0]['name']) != 0)
{ // Names differ, so need to add or subtract a field.
// echo $i.': names differ - '.$list1[$i]['name'].', '.$list2[0]['name'].'
if ($stop_on_error)
return FALSE;
$found = FALSE;
for ($k = $i + 1, $kMax = count($list1); $k < $kMax; $k++)
// echo "Compare ".$list1[$k]['name'].' with '.$list2[0]['name'];
if (strcasecmp($list1[$k]['name'], $list2[0]['name']) == 0)
{ // Field in list2 found later in list1; do nothing
// echo " - match
$found = TRUE;
// echo " - no match
if (!$found)
{ // Field in existing DB no longer required
$error_list[] = 'Obsolete field: '.$list2[0]['name'];
$change_list[] = 'DROP '.($list2[0]['type'] == 'field' ? '' : 'INDEX ').$list2[0]['name'];
$found = FALSE;
for ($k = 0, $kMax = count($list2); $k < $kMax; $k++)
// echo "Compare ".$list1[$i]['name'].' with '.$list2[$k]['name'];
if (strcasecmp($list1[$i]['name'], $list2[$k]['name']) == 0)
{ // Field found; we need to move it up
// echo " - match
$found = TRUE;
// echo " - no match
if ($found)
$error_list[] = 'Field out of position: '.$list2[$k]['name'];
$change_list[] = 'MODIFY '.$this->make_def($list1[$i]).(count($created_list) ? ' AFTER '.$created_list[count($created_list) - 1] : ' FIRST');
array_splice($list2, $k, 1); // Finished with this element - delete it, and renumber the keys
$created_list[$j] = $list1[$i]['name'];
// The above also amends any parameters as necessary
{ // Need to insert a field
$error_list[] = 'Missing field: '.$list1[$i]['name'].' (found: '.$list2[0]['type'].' '.$list2[0]['name'].')';
switch ($list1[$i]['type'])
case 'key':
case 'ukey':
case 'ftkey':
case 'pkey': // Require a key
$change_list[] = 'ADD '.$this->make_def($list1[$i]);
$error_list[] = 'Missing index: '.$list1[$i]['name'];
$created_list[$j] = $list1[$i]['name'];
case 'field':
$change_list[] = 'ADD '.$this->make_def($list1[$i]).(count($created_list) ? ' AFTER '.$created_list[count($created_list) - 1] : ' FIRST');
$error_list[] = 'Missing field: '.$list1[$i]['name'].' (found: '.$list2[0]['type'].' '.$list2[0]['name'].')';
$created_list[$j] = $list1[$i]['name'];
{ // Field/index is present as required; may be changes though
// Any difference and we need to update the table
// echo $i.': name match - '.$list1[$i]['name'].'
foreach ($list1[$i] as $fi=>$v)
$t = $list2[0][$fi];
if (stripos($v, 'varchar') !== FALSE)
$v = substr($v, 3);
} // Treat char, varchar the same
if (stripos($t, 'varchar') !== FALSE)
$t = substr($t, 3);
} // Treat char, varchar the same
if (strcasecmp($t, $v) !== 0)
if ($stop_on_error)
return FALSE;
$error_list[] = 'Incorrect definition: '.$fi.' = '.$v;
$change_list[] = 'MODIFY '.$this->make_def($list1[$i]);
$created_list[$j] = $list1[$i]['name'];
{ // Field type has changed. We know fields come before indexes. So something's missing
// echo $i.': types differ - '.$list1[$i]['type'].' '.$list1[$i]['name'].', '.$list2[$k]['type'].' '.$list2[$k]['name'].'
if ($stop_on_error)
return FALSE;
switch ($list1[$i]['type'])
case 'key':
case 'ukey':
case 'ftkey':
case 'pkey': // Require a key - got a field, or a key of a different type
while ((count($list2) > 0) && ($list2[0]['type'] == 'field'))
$error_list[] = 'Extra field: '.$list2[0]['name'];
$change_list[] = 'DROP '.$list2[0]['name'];
if ((count($list2) == 0) || ($list1[$i]['type'] != $list2[0]['type']))
{ // need to add a key
$change_list[] = 'ADD '.$this->make_def($list1[$i]);
$error_list[] = 'Missing index: '.$list1[$i]['name'];
$created_list[$j] = $list1[$i]['name'];
case 'field': // Require a field - got a key. so add a field at the end
$error_list[] = 'Missing field: '.$list1[$i]['name'].' (found: '.$list2[0]['type'].' '.$list2[0]['name'].')';
$change_list[] = 'ADD '.$this->make_def($list1[$i]);
$error_list[] = 'Unknown field type: '.$list1[$i]['type'];
$change_list[] = ''; // Null entry to keep them in step
} // End - missing or extra field
$i++; // On to next field
if (count($list2))
{ // Surplus fields in actual table
// Echo count($list2)." fields at end to delete
foreach ($list2 as $f)
switch ($f['type'])
case 'key':
case 'ukey':
case 'ftkey':
case 'pkey': // Require a key - got a field
$error_list[] = 'Extra index: '.$list2[0]['name'];
$change_list[] = 'DROP INDEX '.$list2[0]['name'];
case 'field':
$error_list[] = 'Extra field: '.$list2[0]['name'];
$change_list[] = 'DROP '.$list2[0]['name'];
if ($stop_on_error)
return TRUE; // If doing a simple comparison and we get to here, all matches
return array(
$error_list, $change_list
function make_changes_list($result)
if (!is_array($result))
return "Not an array
$text = "
for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($result[0]); $i < $iMax; $i++)
$text .= "{$result[0][$i]} | ";
$text .= "{$result[1][$i]} | ";
$text .= "
$text .= "
return $text;
// Return a table of info from the output of get_table_def
function make_table_list($result)
if (!is_array($result))
return "Not an array
$text = "";
for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($result); $i < $iMax; $i++)
$text .= "{$result[$i][0]} | ";
$text .= "{$result[$i][1]} | ";
$text .= "{$result[$i][2]} | ";
$text .= "{$result[$i][3]} |
$text .= "
return $text;
// Return a table of info from the output of parse_field_defs()
function make_field_list($fields)
$text = "";
foreach ($fields as $f)
switch ($f['type'])
case 'pkey':
$text .= "PRIMARY KEY | {$f['name']} | |
case 'ukey':
$text .= "UNIQUE KEY | {$f['name']} | {$f['keyfield']} |
case 'ftkey':
$text .= "FULLTEXT KEY | {$f['name']} | {$f['keyfield']} |
case 'key':
$text .= "KEY | {$f['name']} | {$f['keyfield']} |
case 'field':
$text .= "FIELD | {$f['name']} | {$f['fieldtype']}";
if (isset($f['vartype']))
$text .= " ".$f['vartype'];
$text .= " | ";
if (isset($f['nulltype']))
$text .= "{$f['nulltype']} | ";
$text .= " | ";
if (isset($f['default']))
$text .= "default {$f['default']} | ";
elseif (isset($f['autoinc']))
$text .= "AUTO_INCREMENT | ";
$text .= " | ";
$text .= "
$text .= "!!Unknown!! | {$f['type']} | |
$text .= "
return $text;
// Update a table to required structure
// $newStructure is an array element as returned from get_table_def()
// If $mlUpdate is TRUE, applies same query to all tables of same language
// Return TRUE on success.
// Return text string if $justCheck is TRUE and changes needed
// Return text string on most failures
// Return FALSE on certain failures (generally indicative of code/system problems)
function update_table_structure($newStructure, $justCheck = FALSE, $makeNewifNotExist = TRUE, $mlUpdate = FALSE)
global $sql;
// Pull out table name
$debugLevel = E107_DBG_SQLDETAILS;
$tableName = $newStructure[1];
if (!$sql->isTable($tableName))
if ($makeNewifNotExist === FALSE)
return 'Table doesn\'t exist';
if ($sql->gen($newStructure[0]))
return TRUE;
return 'Error creating new table: '.$tableName;
$reqFields = $this->parse_field_defs($newStructure[2]); // Required field definitions
if ($debugLevel)
echo "Required table structure:
if ((($actualDefs = $this->get_current_table($tableName)) === FALSE) || !is_array($actualDefs)) // Get actual table definition (Adds current default prefix)
return "Couldn't get table structure: {$tableName}
// echo $db_parser->make_table_list($actual_defs);
$actualFields = $this->parse_field_defs($actualDefs[0][2]); // Split into field definitions
if ($debugLevel)
echo 'Actual table structure:
$diffs = $this->compare_field_lists($reqFields, $actualFields); // Work out any differences
if (count($diffs[0]))
{ // Changes needed
if ($justCheck)
return 'Field changes rqd; table: '.$tableName.'
// Do the changes here
if ($debugLevel)
echo "List of changes found:
$qry = 'ALTER TABLE '.MPREFIX.$tableName.' '.implode(', ', $diffs[1]);
if ($debugLevel)
echo 'Update Query used: '.$qry.'
if ($mlUpdate)
$ret = $sql->db_Query_all($qry); // Returns TRUE = success, FALSE = fail
$ret = $sql->gen($qry);
if ($ret === FALSE)
return $sql->dbError(__METHOD__);
return TRUE; // Success even if no changes required
function createTable($pathToSqlFile = '', $tableName = '', $addPrefix = true, $renameTable = '')
// $e107 = e107::getInstance();
$tmp = $this->get_table_def($tableName, $pathToSqlFile);
$createText = $tmp[0][0];
$newTableName = ($renameTable ? $renameTable : $tableName);
if ($addPrefix)
$newTableName = MPREFIX.$newTableName;
if ($newTableName != $tableName)
$createText = preg_replace('#create +table +(\w*?) +#i', 'CREATE TABLE '.$newTableName.' ', $createText);
return e107::getDb()->gen($createText);
* Used by $sql->makeTableDef() to create an e_CACHE_DB.$tableName.'.php' file.
* @param array $fieldDefs
* @return array as returned by parse_field_defs()
public function make_field_types($fieldDefs=array())
$outDefs = array();
foreach ($fieldDefs as $k => $v)
switch ($v['type'])
case 'field' :
// if (!empty($v['autoinc']))
// {
//break; Probably include autoinc fields in array
// }
$baseType = preg_replace('#\(.*?\)#', '', $v['fieldtype']); // Should strip any length
switch ($baseType)
case 'int' :
case 'integer':
case 'smallint':
case 'shortint' :
case 'tinyint' :
case 'mediumint':
case 'bigint':
$outDefs['_FIELD_TYPES'][$v['name']] = 'int';
case 'char' :
case 'text' :
case 'varchar' :
case 'tinytext' :
case 'mediumtext' :
case 'longtext' :
case 'enum' :
$outDefs['_FIELD_TYPES'][$v['name']] = 'escape'; //XXX toDB() causes serious BC issues.
// if($v['name'])
if (isset($v['nulltype']) && !isset($v['default']))
$outDefs['_NOTNULL'][$v['name']] = '';
case 'pkey' :
case 'ukey' :
case 'key' :
case 'ftkey' :
break; // Do nothing with keys for now
default :
$this->errors[] = "Unexpected field type: {$k} => {$v['type']}
return $outDefs;