"; $input .= chr(60)."?php\n"; if ($old_kom == "") { // create CVS compatible description. $diz = chr(47)."*\n"; $diz .= " * e107 website system\n"; $diz .= " *\n"; $diz .= " * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 e107 Inc (e107.org)\n"; $diz .= " * Released under the terms and conditions of the\n"; $diz .= " * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)\n"; $diz .= " *\n"; $diz .= " * Language File\n"; $diz .= " *\n"; $diz .= " * ".chr(36)."Source: ".str_replace(array(e_LANGUAGEDIR, e_PLUGIN), array(e_LANGUAGEDIR_ABS, e_PLUGIN_ABS), $writeit)." ".chr(36)."\n"; $diz .= " * ".chr(36)."Revision: 1.0 ".chr(36)."\n"; $diz .= " * ".chr(36)."Date: ".date("Y/m/d H:i:s")." ".chr(36)."\n"; $diz .= " * ".chr(36)."Author: ".USERNAME." ".chr(36)."\n"; $diz .= " *\n"; $diz .= "*".chr(47)."\n\n"; } else { $diz = $old_kom; } $input .= $diz; $message .= str_replace("\n","
",$diz); for ($i=0; $i'.$notdef_end; $input .= $notdef_start."setlocale(".$defvar.",".$deflang.");".$notdef_end; } else { $message .= $notdef_start.$func.'('.$quote.htmlentities($defvar).$quote.',"'.$deflang.'");
'.$notdef_end; $input .= $notdef_start.$func."(".$quote.$defvar.$quote.", ".chr(34).$deflang.chr(34).");".$notdef_end; } } $message .="
"; $message .=""; $input .= "\n\n?>"; // Write to file. $fp = @fopen($writeit,"w"); if(!@fwrite($fp, $input)) { $caption = LAN_CHECK_PAGE_TITLE.' - '.LAN_ERROR; $message = ''; $mes->addError(LAN_CHECK_17); } else { $caption = LAN_CHECK_PAGE_TITLE.' - '.LAN_SUMMARY; $mes->addSuccess(sprintXXX(str_replace("[x]", "%s", LAN_CHECK_23), basename($writeit))); } fclose($writeit); $message .= "
".$frm->admin_button('language_sel', LAN_BACK)." ".$frm->hidden('language', $lan)."
"; $ns->tablerender($caption, $mes->render().$message); // require_once(e_ADMIN."footer.php"); exit; } // ============================================================================ // Edit the Language File. if($f != ""){ if (!$mode) { $dir1 = e_BASE.$LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY."English/"; $f1=$f; $dir2 = e_BASE.$LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY.$lan."/"; $f2=$f; } else { $fullpath_orig = $f; $fullpath_trans = str_replace("English",$lan,$f); $f1 = basename($fullpath_orig); $f2 = basename($fullpath_trans); $dir1 = dirname($fullpath_orig)."/"; $dir2 = dirname($fullpath_trans)."/"; } $lck->edit_lanfiles($dir1,$dir2,$f1,$f2); } // =========================================================================== $core_plugins = array( "alt_auth", "banner_menu", "blogcalendar_menu", "calendar_menu", "chatbox_menu", "clock_menu", "comment_menu", "content", 'download', "featurebox", "forum", "gsitemap", "links_page", "linkwords", "list_new", "log", "login_menu", "newforumposts_main", "newsfeed", "newsletter", "online", "other_news_menu", "pdf", "pm", "poll", "rss_menu", "search_menu", "siteinfo", "trackback", "tree_menu", "user_menu" ); $core_themes = array("bootstrap", $pref['sitetheme']); if(isset($_POST['language_sel']) && isset($_POST['language'])) { $text = $lck->check_core_lanfiles($_POST['language']).$lck->check_core_lanfiles($_POST['language'],"admin/"); $text .= "
".ADLAN_CL_7." "; foreach($core_plugins as $plugs) { if(is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$plugs)) { $text .= $lck->check_lanfiles('P',$plugs,"English",$_POST['language']); } } $text .= "
".LAN_PLUGIN." ".LAN_CHECK_16." ".$_POST['language']." ".LAN_OPTIONS."
"; $text .= "
".LAN_THEME." "; foreach($core_themes as $them) { if(is_readable(e_THEME.$them)) { $text .= $lck->check_lanfiles('T',$them,"English",$_POST['language']); } } $text .= "
".LAN_CHECK_21." ".LAN_CHECK_16." ".$_POST['language']." ".LAN_OPTIONS."
"; $mes = e107::getMessage(); if($lck->error_count == 0) { e107::getConfig()->setPref('lancheck/'.$_POST['language'],1); e107::getConfig()->save(FALSE); $mes->addSuccess(LAN_CHECK_27.': '.$lck->error_count.''); } else { $mes->addWarning(LAN_CHECK_27.': '.$lck->error_count.''); } $ns->tablerender(LAN_THEMES, $mes->render(). $text); require_once(e_ADMIN."footer.php"); exit; } */ class lancheck { public $core_plugins = array(); public $core_themes = array("bootstrap3", "voux"); private $errorsOnly = false; private $coreImage = array(); private $transLanguage = ''; private $thirdPartyPlugins = true; private $deprecatedFiles = array('lan_download.php', 'lan_parser_functions.php', 'lan_prefs.php', 'admin/lan_download.php', 'admin/lan_modcomment.php'); private $installed_languages = array(); function __construct() { $this->core_plugins = e107::getPlugin()->getCorePlugins(); } public function thirdPartyPlugins($val) { $this->thirdPartyPlugins = $val; } public function errorsOnly($val) { $this->errorsOnly = $val; } public function init() { $mode = $_GET['sub']; $lan = $_GET['lan']; $file = $_GET['file']; $this->transLanguage = $lan; $ns = e107::getRender(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $pref = e107::getPref(); // Check current theme also (but do NOT add to generated zip) if(deftrue('e_DEBUG')) { $this->core_themes[] = $pref['sitetheme']; $this->core_themes = array_unique($this->core_themes); }/* if(E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) { print_a($this->core_plugins); }*/ $acceptedLans = explode(",",e_LANLIST); if(!empty($_POST['ziplang'])) { $lang = key($_POST['ziplang']); return $this->zipLang($lang); } // Verify if($mode == 'verify' && !empty($lan)) { // $_SESSION['lancheck-errors-only'] = ($_POST['errorsonly']==1 ) ? 1 : 0; // $this->errorsOnly = ($_POST['errorsonly']==1) ? TRUE : FALSE; return $this->check_all('render', $lan); } // Write the language file. if(isset($_POST['saveLanguageFile']) && vartrue($_POST['lan']) && in_array($_POST['lan'],$acceptedLans)) { $this->write_lanfile($_POST['lan']); return true; } // Edit the Language File. if($mode == 'edit' && vartrue($file) && !empty($lan) && in_array($lan, $acceptedLans)) { if (empty($_GET['type'])) { $dir1 = e_LANGUAGEDIR."English/"; $f1= $tp->toDB($file); $dir2 = e_LANGUAGEDIR.$lan."/"; $f2= $tp->toDB($file); } else { $fullpath_orig = $tp->toDB($file); $fullpath_trans = str_replace("English", $lan, $tp->toDB($file)); $f1 = basename($fullpath_orig); $f2 = basename($fullpath_trans); $dir1 = dirname($fullpath_orig)."/"; $dir2 = dirname($fullpath_trans)."/"; } return $this->edit_lanfiles($dir1,$dir2,$f1,$f2,$lan, varset($_GET['type'])); // return true; } return FALSE; } function countFiles($array) { foreach($array as $k=>$val) { if(is_array($val)) { $key = key($val); $this->coreImage[$key] = $val; } /* elseif($val) { $this->totalFiles++; } */ } } /** * @param $language * @return array|string */ function zipLang($language) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); /* NO LONGER USED $certVal = isset($_POST['contribute_pack']) ? 1 : 0; if(!varset($_COOKIE['e107_certified'])) { cookie('e107_certified',$certVal,(time() + 3600 * 24 * 30)); } else { $_COOKIE['e107_certified'] = $certVal; }*/ // $_POST['language'] = key($_POST['ziplang']); // If no session data, scan before zipping. if(!isset($_SESSION['lancheck'][$language]['total']) || $_SESSION['lancheck'][$language]['total']!='0') { $this->check_all('norender', $language); } $status = $this->makeLanguagePack($language); //print_a($status); if($status['error'] == FALSE) { $srch = array('[', ']'); $rpl = array("", ""); $text = str_replace($srch, $rpl, LANG_LAN_154); $text .= "
"; $text .= $status['message']; //$text .= $this->share($status['file']); // no longer notify by email, but only offer to download $mes->addSuccess($text); } else { $mes->addError($status['error']); } return array('text'=> $mes->render(), 'caption'=>''); } /** * Share Language File * * DEPRECATED - NO LONGER USED AS TRANSLATIONS ARE NOW MANAGED THROUGH GITHUB REPOSITORIES (https://github.com/e107translations) * * @param object $newfile * Usage of e107 is granted to you provided that this function is not modified or removed in any way. * @return */ private function share($newfile) { global $pref; if(!$newfile || E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) { return; } global $tp; $full_link = $tp->createConstants($newfile); $email_message = "
Site: ".SITENAME."
User: ".USERNAME."\n
Email: ".USEREMAIL."\n
Language: ".$_POST['language']."\n
...would like to contribute the following language pack for e107. (see attached)
Missing Files: ".$_SESSION['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]['file']."
Bom Errors : ".$_SESSION['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]['bom']."
UTF Errors : ".$_SESSION['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]['utf']."
Definition Errors : ".$_SESSION['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]['def']."
Total Errors: ".$_SESSION['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]['total']."

XML file: ".$_SESSION['lancheck'][$_POST['language']]['xml']; require_once(e_HANDLER."mail.php"); $send_to = (!$_POST['contribute_pack']) ? "languagepacks@e107inc.org" : "certifiedpack@e107inc.org"; $to_name = "e107 Inc."; $Cc = ""; $Bcc = ""; $returnpath=''; $returnreceipt=''; $inline =""; $subject = (!$_POST['contribute_pack']) ? "[0.7 LanguagePack] " : "[0.7 Certified LanguagePack] "; $subject .= basename($newfile); if(!@sendemail($send_to, $subject, $email_message, $to_name, '', '', $newfile, $Cc, $Bcc, $returnpath, $returnreceipt,$inline)) { $text = "
"; $text .= defined('LANG_LAN_EML') ? "".LANG_LAN_EML."" : "There was a problem sending the language-pack. Please email your verified language pack to:"; $text .= " ".$send_to.""; $text .= "
"; return $text; } elseif($_POST['contribute_pack']) { return "
Pack Sent to e107 Inc. A confirmation email will be sent to ".$pref['siteadminemail']." once it is received.
Please also make sure that email coming from ".$send_to." is not blocked by your spam filter.
"; } } /** * @param $language * @return bool|string */ private function findLocale($language) { if(!is_readable(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$language."/".$language.".php")) { return FALSE; } $code = file_get_contents(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$language."/".$language.".php"); $tmp = explode("\n",$code); $srch = array("define","'",'"',"(",")",";","CORE_LC2","CORE_LC",","); foreach($tmp as $line) { if(strpos($line,"CORE_LC") !== FALSE && (strpos($line,"CORE_LC2") === FALSE)) { $lc = trim(str_replace($srch,"",$line)); } elseif(strpos($line,"CORE_LC2") !== FALSE) { $lc2 = trim(str_replace($srch,"",$line)); } } if(!isset($lc) || !isset($lc2) || $lc=="" || $lc2=="") { return FALSE; } return substr($lc,0,2)."_".strtoupper(substr($lc2,0,2)); // } /** * @param $language * @return array */ private function makeLanguagePack($language) { $tp = e107::getParser(); $ret = array(); $ret['file'] = ""; if($_SESSION['lancheck'][$language]['total'] > 0 && !E107_DEBUG_LEVEL) { $ret = array(); $ret['error'] = TRUE; $message = LANG_LAN_115; $ret['message'] = str_replace("[x]",$_SESSION['lancheck'][$language]['total'],$message); return $ret; } if(!isset($_SESSION['lancheck'][$language])) { $ret = array(); $ret['error'] = TRUE; $ret['message'] = LANG_LAN_116; return $ret; } if(varset($_POST['contribute_pack']) && varset($_SESSION['lancheck'][$language]['total']) !='0') { $ret['error'] = TRUE; $ret['message'] = LANG_LAN_117; $ret['message'] .= "
"; $ret['message'] .= LANG_LAN_116; return $ret; } require_once(e_HANDLER.'pclzip.lib.php'); list($ver, $tmp) = explode(" ", e_VERSION); if(!$locale = $this->findLocale($language)) { $ret['error'] = TRUE; $file = "e107_languages/{$language}/{$language}.php"; $def = (defined('LANG_LAN_25')) ? LANG_LAN_25 : LANG_LAN_119; $ret['message'] = str_replace("[x]",$file,$def); // return $ret; } global $THEMES_DIRECTORY, $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY, $LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY, $HANDLERS_DIRECTORY, $HELP_DIRECTORY; if(($HANDLERS_DIRECTORY != "e107_handlers/") || ( $LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY != "e107_languages/") || ($THEMES_DIRECTORY != "e107_themes/") || ($HELP_DIRECTORY != "e107_docs/help/") || ($PLUGINS_DIRECTORY != "e107_plugins/")) { $ret['error'] = TRUE; $ret['message'] = (defined('LANG_LAN_26')) ? LANG_LAN_26 : LANG_LAN_120; return $ret; } $newfile = e_MEDIA_FILE."e107_".$ver."_".$language."_".$locale."-utf8.zip"; $archive = new PclZip($newfile); $file = $this->getFileList($language); $data = implode(",", $file); if ($archive->create($data,PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH,e_BASE) == 0) { $ret['error'] = TRUE; $ret['message'] = $archive->errorInfo(true); return $ret; } else { $fileName = e_FILE."public/".$language.".xml"; if(is_readable($fileName)) { @unlink($fileName); } $fileData = ' '; if(file_put_contents($fileName,$fileData)) { $addTag = $archive->add($fileName, PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, 'e107_languages/'.$language, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, e_FILE.'public/'); $_SESSION['lancheck'][$language]['xml'] = "Yes"; } else { $_SESSION['lancheck'][$language]['xml'] = "No"; } @unlink($fileName); $ret['file'] = $newfile; $ret['message'] = str_replace("../", "", e_MEDIA_FILE)."".basename($newfile).""; $ret['error'] = FALSE; return $ret; } } private function getFileList($language) { if(empty($language)) { return false; } $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY = e107::getFolder('plugins'); $THEMES_DIRECTORY = e107::getFolder('themes'); $HELP_DIRECTORY = e107::getFolder('help'); $HANDLERS_DIRECTORY = e107::getFolder('handlers'); $core = $this->getFilePaths(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$language."/", $language,''); // includes admin area. // $core_admin = $this->getFilePaths(e_BASE.$LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY.$language."/admin/", $language,''); $core_admin = array(); $plugs = $this->getFilePaths(e_BASE.$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY, $language, $this->core_plugins); // standardized path. $theme = $this->getFilePaths(e_BASE.$THEMES_DIRECTORY, $language, $this->core_themes); $docs = $this->getFilePaths(e_BASE.$HELP_DIRECTORY,$language); $handlers = $this->getFilePaths(e_BASE.$HANDLERS_DIRECTORY,$language); // standardized path. $file = array_merge($core,$core_admin, $plugs, $theme, $docs, $handlers); $file = array_unique($file); return $file; } /** todo */ /*function removeLanguagePack($language) { $files = $this->getFileList($language); }*/ /** * @param $path * @param $language * @param string $filter * @return array|bool */ public function getFilePaths($path, $language, $restrict=array()) { $fl = e107::getFile(); if ($lanlist = $fl->get_files($path, "", "standard", 4)) // (\.php|\.xml)$ { sort($lanlist); } else { return array(); } $pzip = array(); foreach ($lanlist as $p) { $fullpath = $p['path'].$p['fname']; if (strpos($fullpath, $language) !== false) { $pzip[] = $fullpath; } } if(!empty($restrict)) // strip the list according to inclusion list. { $newlist = array(); foreach($pzip as $k=>$p) { foreach($restrict as $accept) { if(strpos($p, '/'.$accept.'/')!==false) { $newlist[] = $p; } } } $pzip = $newlist; } return $pzip; } /** * Get Installed Language-Pack Meta Data. * @return array */ function getLocalLanguagePacks() { $this->installed_languages = e107::getLanguage()->installed(); $xml = e107::getXml(); $arr = array(); foreach($this->installed_languages as $language) { if($language == "English") { continue; } $metaFile = e_LANGUAGEDIR.$language."/".$language.".xml"; if(is_readable($metaFile)) { $rawData = $xml->loadXMLfile($metaFile,true); if($rawData) { $value = $rawData['@attributes']; } else { $value = array( 'date' => " ", 'compatibility' => ' ' ); } } else { $value = array( 'date' => " ", 'compatibility' => ' ' ); } $value['type'] = 'local'; $arr[$language] = $value; } return $arr; } /** * Get Online Language-Pack Meta Data. * @return array|bool */ public function getOnlineLanguagePacks() { $xml = e107::getXml(); $feed = 'https://e107.org/languagepacks.xml'; $version = e_VERSION; if(!empty($version)) { list($ver,$tmp) = explode("-", $version); $feed .= "?ver=". preg_replace('/[^\d\.]/','', $ver); } e107::getDebug()->log("Language Pack Feed: ".$feed); $languages = array(); if($rawData = $xml -> loadXMLfile($feed, true)) { if(empty($rawData['language'])) { return false; } foreach($rawData['language'] as $key => $att) { // issue #3059 in case array @attributes is in $att if (is_int($key) && is_array($att) && array_key_exists('@attributes', $att)) { $att = $att['@attributes']; } // issue #3059 Language list didn't load elseif ($key != '@attributes') { continue; } $id = $att['name']; // fix github double url bug... if (stripos($att['url'], 'https://github.comhttps://github.com') !== false) { $att['url'] = str_ireplace('https://github.comhttps://github.com', 'https://github.com', $att['url']); } if (stripos($att['infourl'], 'https://github.comhttps://github.com') !== false) { $att['infourl'] = str_ireplace('https://github.comhttps://github.com', 'https://github.com', $att['infourl']); } $languages[$id] = array( 'name' => $att['name'], 'author' => $att['author'], 'infoURL' => $att['infourl'], 'tag' => $att['tag'], // 'folder' => $att['folder'], 'version' => $att['version'], 'date' => $att['date'], 'compatibility' => $att['compatibility'], 'url' => $att['url'], 'type' => 'online' ); } } else { e107::getDebug()->log("Language Pack Feed Failed: ".$xml->getLastErrorMessage()); } return $languages; } function check_all($mode='render', $lan=null) { // global $ns,$tp; $mes = e107::getMessage(); $tp = e107::getParser(); if(empty($lan)) { echo "debug: ".__METHOD__." missing \$lan"; return false; } // $lan = key($_POST['language_sel']); $_SESSION['lancheck'][$lan] = array(); $_SESSION['lancheck'][$lan]['file'] = 0; $_SESSION['lancheck'][$lan]['def'] = 0; $_SESSION['lancheck'][$lan]['bom'] = 0; $_SESSION['lancheck'][$lan]['utf'] = 0; $_SESSION['lancheck'][$lan]['total'] = 0; $core_text = $this->check_core_lanfiles($lan); $core_admin = $this->check_core_lanfiles($lan,"admin/"); $plug_text = ""; $theme_text = ""; // Plugins ------------- $plug_header = ""; foreach($this->core_plugins as $plugs) { if(is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$plugs)) { $plug_text .= $this->check_lanfiles('P',$plugs,"English",$lan); } } $plug_footer = "
".LAN_PLUGIN." ".LAN_CHECK_16." ".$lan." ".LAN_OPTIONS."
"; // Themes ------------- $theme_header = ""; foreach($this->core_themes as $them) { if(is_readable(e_THEME.$them)) { $theme_text .= $this->check_lanfiles('T',$them,"English",$lan); } } $theme_footer = "
".LAN_THEME." ".LAN_CHECK_16." ".$lan." ".LAN_OPTIONS."
"; // ------------------------- if($mode != 'render') { return null; } $message = "
\n"; // $icon = ($_SESSION['lancheck'][$lan]['total']>0) ? ADMIN_FALSE_ICON : ADMIN_TRUE_ICON; $errors_diz = (deftrue('LAN_CHECK_23')) ? LAN_CHECK_23 : "Errors Found"; $message .= $errors_diz.": ".$_SESSION['lancheck'][$lan]['total']; $just_go_diz = (deftrue('LAN_CHECK_20')) ? LAN_CHECK_20 : "Generate Language Pack"; $lang_sel_diz = (deftrue('LAN_CHECK_21')) ? LAN_CHECK_21 : "Verify Again"; $lan_pleasewait = (deftrue('LAN_PLEASEWAIT')) ? $tp->toJS(LAN_PLEASEWAIT) : "Please Wait"; $message .= "

"; // print_a($_SESSION['lancheck'][$lan]); $plug_text = ($plug_text) ? $plug_header.$plug_text.$plug_footer : "
"; $theme_text = ($theme_text) ? $theme_header.$theme_text.$theme_footer : "
"; $mesStatus = ($_SESSION['lancheck'][$lan]['total']>0) ? E_MESSAGE_INFO : E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS; $mes->add($message, $mesStatus); // $ns -> tablerender(LAN_SUMMARY.": ".$lan,$message); $ret = array(); $ret['text'] = $mes->render(); $tabs = array( 'core' => array('caption'=> LAN_CHECK_26, 'text'=>$core_text), 'admin' => array('caption'=> LAN_ADMIN, 'text'=>$core_admin), 'plugin' => array('caption'=> ADLAN_CL_7, 'text'=>$plug_text), 'theme' => array('caption'=> LAN_THEMES, 'text'=>$theme_text), ); $ret['text'] .= e107::getForm()->tabs($tabs); $ret['caption'] = LAN_CHECK_2.SEP.$lan; return $ret; /* $ns -> tablerender(LANG_LAN_21.SEP.$lan.SEP.LAN_CHECK_2, $core_text); $ns -> tablerender(LAN_CHECK_3.": ".$lan."/admin", $core_admin); $ns -> tablerender(ADLAN_CL_7, $plug_text); $ns -> tablerender(LAN_THEMES, $theme_text); */ //TODO Add a return statement here. } function write_lanfile($lan='') { if(!$lan){ return; } global $ns; unset($input); $kom_start = chr(47)."*"; $kom_end = "*".chr(47); if(!empty($_SESSION['lancheck-edit-file'])) { $writeit = $_SESSION['lancheck-edit-file']; } else { e107::getMessage()->addError("There is a problem with sessions"); return; } $old_kom = ""; $in_kom=0; if(is_readable($writeit)) // File Exists; { $data = file($writeit); foreach($data as $line) { if (strpos($line,$kom_start) !== False && $old_kom == "") { $in_kom=1; } if ($in_kom) { $old_kom .= $line; } if (strpos($line,$kom_end) !== False && $in_kom) {$in_kom = 0;} } } $message = "

"; $input = chr(60)."?php\n"; if ($old_kom == "") { // create CVS compatible description. $diz = chr(47)."*\n"; $diz .= "+---------------------------------------------------------------+\n"; $diz .= "| e107 website content management system ".$lan." Language File\n"; $diz .= "| Released under the terms and conditions of the\n"; $diz .= "| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).\n"; $diz .= "| Last Modified: ".date("Y/m/d H:i:s")."\n"; $diz .= "|\n"; // $diz .= "| ".chr(36)."URL: $writeit ".chr(36)."\n"; // $diz .= "| ".chr(36)."Revision: 1.0 ".chr(36)."\n"; // $diz .= "| ".chr(36)."Id: ".date("Y/m/d H:i:s")." ".chr(36)."\n"; $diz .= "| ".chr(36)."Author: ".USERNAME." ".chr(36)."\n"; $diz .= "+---------------------------------------------------------------+\n"; $diz .= "*".chr(47)."\n\n"; } else { $diz = $old_kom; } $input .= $diz; $message .= str_replace("\n","
",$diz); for ($i=0, $iMax = count($_POST['newlang']); $i< $iMax; $i++) { $notdef_start = ""; $notdef_end = "\n"; $deflang = (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC === TRUE) ? stripslashes($_POST['newlang'][$i]) : $_POST['newlang'][$i]; $func = "define"; $quote = chr(34); if (strpos($_POST['newdef'][$i],"ndef++") !== FALSE ) { $defvar = str_replace("ndef++","",$_POST['newdef'][$i]); $notdef_start = "if (!defined(".chr(34).$defvar.chr(34).")) {"; $notdef_end = "}\n"; } else { $defvar = $_POST['newdef'][$i]; } if(empty($deflang)) { continue; } if($_POST['newdef'][$i] == "LC_ALL" && vartrue($_SESSION['lancheck-edit-file'])) { $message .= $notdef_start.'setlocale('.htmlentities($defvar).','.$deflang.');
'.$notdef_end; $input .= $notdef_start."setlocale(".$defvar.",".$deflang.");".$notdef_end; } else { $message .= $notdef_start.$func.'('.$quote.htmlentities($defvar).$quote.',"'.$deflang.'");
'.$notdef_end; $input .= $notdef_start.$func."(".$quote.$defvar.$quote.", ".chr(34).$deflang.chr(34).");".$notdef_end; } } $message .="
"; $message .="
"; /* $input .= "\n\n?>"; */ // Write to file. $writeit = str_replace("//","/",$writeit); // Quick Fix. $fp = @fopen($writeit,"w"); if(!@fwrite($fp, $input)) { $caption = LAN_ERROR; $message = LAN_CHECK_17; $status = e107::getMessage()->addError($caption)->render(); } else { // $caption = LAN_SAVED." ".$lan."/".$writeit.""; $caption = LAN_SAVED." ".$writeit.""; $status = e107::getMessage()->addSuccess($caption)->render(); } fclose($fp); /* $message .= "

"; $message .= "

";*/ unset($_SESSION['lancheck-edit-file']); $ns->tablerender($caption, $status. $message); } function check_core_lanfiles($checklan,$subdir='') { $tp = e107::getParser(); // $sql->db_Mark_Time('Start Get Core Lan Phrases English'); $English = $this->get_comp_lan_phrases(e_LANGUAGEDIR."English/".$subdir,"English"); // $sql->db_Mark_Time('End Get Core Lan Phrases English'); $check = $this->get_comp_lan_phrases(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$checklan."/".$subdir,$checklan); // print_a($check); // return; $text = ""; $header = ""; $keys = array_keys($English); sort($keys); $er = ""; foreach($keys as $k) { if($k == 'bom') { continue; } $lnk = $k; $k_check = str_replace("English",$checklan,$k); if(array_key_exists($k,$check)) { // $text .= ""; $subkeys = array_keys($English[$k]); $er=""; $utf_error = ""; $bomkey = str_replace(".php","",$k_check); if(!empty($check['bom'][$bomkey])) { $bom_error = "".$tp->lanVars(LAN_CHECK_15,array("'<?php'","'?>'"))."
"; // illegal chars $this->checkLog('bom',1);; } else { $bom_error = ""; } foreach($subkeys as $sk) { if($utf_error == "" && !empty($check[$k][$sk]) && !$this->is_utf8($check[$k][$sk])) { $utf_error = "".LAN_CHECK_19."
"; $this->checkLog('utf',1); } if($sk == "LC_ALL"){ $check[$k][$sk] = str_replace(chr(34).chr(34),"",$check[$k][$sk]); } $er .= $this->check_lan_errors($English[$k],$check[$k],$sk); } if($this->errorsOnly == TRUE && !$er && !$utf_error && !$bom_error) { continue; } $text .= ""; $style = ($er) ? "forumheader2" : "forumheader3"; $text .= ""; } else { $this->checkLog('file',1); // $this->newFile(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$checklan."/".$subdir.$lnk,$checklan); $text .= ""; // file missing. } // Leave in EDIT button for all entries - to allow re-translation of bad entries. $subpath = ($subdir!='') ? $subdir.$k : $k; $parms = $_GET; $parms['sub'] = 'edit'; $parms['file'] = $subpath; $parms['lan'] = $this->transLanguage; $parms['iframe'] = 1; $editUrl = e_REQUEST_SELF."?".http_build_query($parms,'&'); $text .=""; } $footer = "
".LAN_CHECK_16." ".$this->transLanguage." ".LAN_FILE." ".LAN_OPTIONS."
"; $text .= $bom_error . $utf_error; $text .= (!$er && !$bom_error && !$utf_error) ? ADMIN_TRUE_ICON : $er."
"; $text .= "
{$lnk} ".LAN_CHECK_4." ".LAN_EDIT.""; $text .="
"; if($text) { return $header.$text.$footer; } else { return "
"; } } function check_lan_errors($english,$translation,$def, $opts=array()) { $eng_line = $english[$def]; $trans_line = !empty($translation[$def]) ? $translation[$def] : ''; // return $eng_line."

"; $error = array(); $warning = array(); if((is_array($translation) && !array_key_exists($def,$translation) && $eng_line != "") || (trim($trans_line) == "" && $eng_line != "")) { $this->checkLog('def',1); return $def.": ".LAN_CHECK_5."
"; } if(empty($opts['no-warning']) && ($eng_line == $trans_line && !empty($eng_line))) { $warning[] = "".$def. ": ".LAN_CHECK_29.""; } if((strpos($eng_line,"[link=")!==FALSE && strpos($trans_line,"[link=")===FALSE) || (strpos($eng_line,"[b]")!==FALSE && strpos($trans_line,"[b]")===FALSE)) { $error[] = $def. ": ".LAN_CHECK_30; } elseif((strpos($eng_line,"[")!==FALSE && strpos($trans_line,"[")===FALSE) || (strpos($eng_line,"]")!==FALSE && strpos($trans_line, "]")===FALSE)) { $error[] = $def. ": ".LAN_CHECK_31; } if((strpos($eng_line,"--LINK--")!==false && strpos($trans_line,"--LINK--")===false)) { $error[] = $def. ": Missing --LINK--"; } if((strpos($eng_line,"e107.org")!==false && strpos($trans_line,"e107.org")===false)) { $error[] = $def. ": Missing e107.org URL"; } if((strpos($eng_line,"e107coders.org")!==FALSE && strpos($trans_line,"e107coders.org")===false)) { $error[] = $def. ": Missing e107coders.org URL"; } if(strip_tags($eng_line) != $eng_line) { $stripped = strip_tags($trans_line); if(($stripped == $trans_line)) { // echo "

".$def. "
".$trans_line; $error[] = $def. ": ".LAN_CHECK_32; } } $this->checkLog('def',count($error)); $text = ($error) ? implode("
" : ""; $text .= ($warning) ? implode("
" : ""; if($text) { return $text; } } function checkLog($type='error',$count=1) { $lan = $this->transLanguage; $_SESSION['lancheck'][$lan][$type] += $count; $_SESSION['lancheck'][$lan]['total'] += $count; } function get_lan_file_phrases($dir1,$dir2,$file1,$file2){ $ret = array(); $fname = $dir1.$file1; $type='orig'; if(is_file($fname)) { $data = file_get_contents($fname); $ret= $ret + $this->fill_phrases_array($data,$type); if(substr($data,0,5) != "fill_phrases_array($data,$type); if(substr($data,0,5) != ""); } return $ret; } function get_comp_lan_phrases($comp_dir,$lang,$depth=0) { if(!is_dir($comp_dir)) { return array(); } $fl = e107::getFile(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $ret = array(); if($lang_array = $fl->get_files($comp_dir, ".php$","standard",$depth)){ sort($lang_array); } foreach($lang_array as $k=> $f) { $path = str_replace(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$lang."/", "", $f['path'].$f['fname']); if(in_array($path, $this->deprecatedFiles)) { unset($lang_array[$k]); } } if(strpos($comp_dir,e_LANGUAGEDIR) !== false) { $regexp = "#.php#"; $mode = 'core'; } elseif(strpos($comp_dir,e_THEME) !== false) { $regexp = "#".$lang."#"; $mode = 'themes'; // var_dump($lang_array); } else { $regexp = "#".$lang."#"; $mode = 'plugins'; } // $regexp = (strpos($comp_dir,e_LANGUAGEDIR) !== FALSE) ? "#.php#" : "#".$lang."#"; foreach($lang_array as $f) { if($mode == 'plugins') { $tmpDir = str_replace($comp_dir,'',$f['path']); // echo "
".$tmpDir; list($pluginDirectory, $other) = explode("/",$tmpDir, 2); if($mode == 'plugins' && ($this->thirdPartyPlugins !== true) && !in_array($pluginDirectory, $this->core_plugins)) { continue; } } if($mode == 'themes') { $tmpDir = str_replace($comp_dir,'',$f['path']); // echo "
".$tmpDir; list($themeDirectory, $other) = explode("/",$tmpDir, 2); if($mode == 'themes' && ($this->thirdPartyPlugins !== true) && !in_array($themeDirectory, $this->core_themes)) { continue; } } if(preg_match($regexp,$f['path'].$f['fname']) && is_file($f['path'].$f['fname'])) { $allData = file_get_contents($f['path'].$f['fname']); $data = explode("\n",$allData); // $data = file($f['path'].$f['fname']); $relpath = str_replace($comp_dir,"",$f['path']); $key = str_replace(".php","",$relpath.$f['fname']); if(substr($data[0],0,5) != "") { $end_of_file = 1; } } if($f['path'].$f['fname'] == e_LANGUAGEDIR.$lang."/".$lang.".php") { $f['fname'] = "English.php"; // change the key for the main language file. } if($f['path'].$f['fname'] == e_LANGUAGEDIR.$lang."/".$lang."_custom.php") { $f['fname'] = "English_custom.php"; // change the key for the main language file. } $ret=$ret + $this->fill_phrases_array($allData,$relpath.$f['fname']); } } return $ret; } // for plugins and themes - checkes what kind of language files directory structure we have function check_lanfiles($mode,$comp_name,$base_lan="English",$target_lan=null) { if (empty($target_lan)) throw new RuntimeException(__METHOD__ . ' requires non-empty $target_lan'); $tp = e107::getParser(); $folder['P'] = e_PLUGIN.$comp_name; $folder['T'] = e_THEME.$comp_name; $comp_dir = $folder[$mode]; $baselang = $this->get_comp_lan_phrases($comp_dir."/languages/","English",1); $check = $this->get_comp_lan_phrases($comp_dir."/languages/",$target_lan,1); $text = ""; $keys = array_keys($baselang); sort($keys); foreach($keys as $k) { if($k == 'bom') { continue; } $lnk = $k; //echo "klucz ".$k."
"; $k_check = str_replace("English",$target_lan,$k); if(array_key_exists($k_check,$check)) { $subkeys = array_keys($baselang[$k]); $er=""; $utf_error = ""; $bomkey = str_replace(".php","",$k_check); if($check['bom'][$bomkey]) { $bom_error = "".$tp->lanVars(LAN_CHECK_15,array("'<?php'","'?>'"))."
"; $this->checkLog('bom',1); } else { $bom_error = ""; } // $bom_error = ($check['bom'][$bomkey]) ? "".LAN_CHECK_15."
" : ""; // illegal chars foreach($subkeys as $sk) { if($utf_error == "" && !empty($check[$k_check][$sk]) && !$this->is_utf8($check[$k_check][$sk])) { $utf_error = "".LAN_CHECK_19."
"; $this->checkLog('utf',1); } /* if(!array_key_exists($sk,$check[$k_check]) || (trim($check[$k_check][$sk]) == "" && $baselang[$k][$sk] != "")) { $er .= ($er) ? "
" : ""; $er .= $sk." ".LAN_CHECK_5; } */ $er .= $this->check_lan_errors($baselang[$k],$check[$k_check],$sk); } if($this->errorsOnly == TRUE && !$er && !$utf_error && !$bom_error) { continue; } $text .= " ".$comp_name." ".str_replace("English/","",$lnk).""; $style = ($er) ? "forumheader2" : "forumheader3"; $text .= "
"; $text .= $bom_error . $utf_error; $text .= (!$er && !$bom_error && !$utf_error) ? ADMIN_TRUE_ICON : $er."
"; $text .= "
"; } else { $this->checkLog('file',1); $this->newFile($comp_dir."/languages/".$lnk,$target_lan); $text .= " ".$comp_name." ".str_replace("English/","",$lnk)." ".LAN_CHECK_4.""; } $text .=""; // $text .= " "; $parms = $_GET; $parms['sub'] = 'edit'; $parms['file'] = $comp_name."/languages/".$lnk; $parms['lan'] = $this->transLanguage; $parms['iframe'] = 1; $parms['type'] = $mode; $editUrl = e_REQUEST_SELF."?".http_build_query($parms,'&'); $text .= "".LAN_EDIT." "; // href='".e_REQUEST_URI."&f=".$comp_dir."/languages/".$lnk."&lan=".$target_lan."&type={$mode}' // ".LAN_EDIT.""; $text .=""; } // if (!$known) {$text = LAN_CHECK_18." : --> ".$fname." :: ".$dname;} return $text; } function newFile($lnk,$target_lan) { if($target_lan == 'English') { return; } $newfile = str_replace("English",$target_lan,$lnk); $dir = dirname($newfile); if($dir != '.' && !is_dir($dir)) { // echo "
dir: ".$dir; mkdir($dir,0755); } if(!file_exists($newfile)) { // echo "
file: ".$newfile; $data = chr(60)."?php\n\n// define(\"EXAMPLE\",\"Generated Empty Language File\");"; file_put_contents($newfile,$data); } } function edit_lanfiles($dir1, $dir2, $f1, $f2, $lan, $type=null) { if($lan == '') { echo "Language selection was lost. "; return null; } if($type === 'P') { $dir1 = e_PLUGIN.$dir1; $dir2 = e_PLUGIN.$dir2; } if($type === 'T') { $dir1 = e_THEME.$dir1; $dir2 = e_THEME.$dir2; } // $ns = e107::getRender(); $sql = e107::getDb(); /* echo "
dir1 = $dir1"; echo "
file1 = $f1"; echo "
dir2 = $dir2"; echo "
file2 = $f2";*/ if($dir2.$f2 == e_LANGUAGEDIR.$lan."/English.php") // it's a language config file. { $f2 = $lan.".php"; $root_file = e_LANGUAGEDIR.$lan."/".$lan.".php"; } else { $root_file = $dir2.$f2; } if($dir2.$f2 == e_LANGUAGEDIR.$lan."/English_custom.php") // it's a language config file. { $f2 = $lan."_custom.php"; $root_file = e_LANGUAGEDIR.$lan."/".$lan."_custom.php"; } $this->newFile($dir2.$f2,$lan); $writable = is_writable($dir2); $trans = $this->get_lan_file_phrases($dir1,$dir2,$f1,$f2); if(empty($trans)) { //return array('caption'=>"Error", 'text'=>"Unable to open file", 'mode'=>'edit', 'file'=>$capFile); } $keys = array_keys($trans); sort($keys); $text = "
"; $subkeys = array_keys($trans['orig']); foreach($subkeys as $sk) { $rowamount = round(strlen($trans['orig'][$sk])/34)+1; $hglt1=""; $hglt2=""; if ($trans['tran'][$sk] == "" && $trans['orig'][$sk]!="") { $hglt1="";//Missing $hglt2=""; } elseif($trans['tran'][$sk] == $trans['orig'][$sk]) { $hglt1="";//Identical $hglt2=""; } $text .=""; $text .= ""; } unset($_SESSION['lancheck-edit-file']); //Check if directory is writable $text .= "
LAN English ".$lan."
".$hglt1.htmlentities($sk).$hglt2." ".htmlentities(str_replace("ndef++","",$trans['orig'][$sk])) .""; $text .= ($writable) ? "" : ""; //echo "orig --> ".$trans['orig'][$sk]."
"; if (strpos($trans['orig'][$sk],"ndef++") !== False) { //echo "+orig --> ".$trans['orig'][$sk]." <> ".strpos($trans['orig'][$sk],"ndef++")."
"; $text .= ""; } else { $text .= ""; } $text .="
"; if($writable) { $text .="
"; if($root_file) { $_SESSION['lancheck-edit-file'] = $root_file; } } $text .= "
"; $text .= "

"; $text .= (!$writable) ? "
".$dir2.$f2.LAN_NOTWRITABLE : ""; // $text .= "

"; $text .= "
"; $capFile = str_replace("../","",$dir2.$f2); $caption = LANG_LAN_21.SEP.$lan.SEP.LAN_CHECK_2.SEP.LAN_EDIT.SEP.$capFile; return array('caption'=>$caption, 'text'=>$text, 'mode'=>'edit', 'file'=>$capFile); // $ns->tablerender($caption, $text); } function fill_phrases_array($data,$type) { $retloc = array(); if(preg_match_all('/(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)/i',$data, $multiComment)) { $data = str_replace($multiComment[1],'',$data); // strip multi-line comments. } if(preg_match('/^\s*?setlocale\s*?\(\s*?([\w]+)\s*?,\s*?(.+)\s*?\)\s*?;/im',$data,$locale)) // check for setlocale(); { $retloc[$type][$locale[1]]= $locale[2]; } if(preg_match_all('/^\s*?define\s*?\(\s*?(\'|\")([\w]+)(\'|\")\s*?,\s*?(\'|\")([\s\S]*?)\s*?(\'|\")\s*?\)\s*?;/imu',$data,$matches)) { $def = $matches[2]; $values = $matches[5]; foreach($def as $k=>$d) { $retloc[$type][$d]= $values[$k]; } } return $retloc; /* echo "

Raw Data ".$type."

		echo htmlentities($data);
		echo "
"; */ } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- function is_utf8($str) { /* * @see http://hsivonen.iki.fi/php-utf8/ validation.php */ if(strtolower(CHARSET) != "utf-8" || $str == "") { return TRUE; } return (preg_match('/^./us',$str,$ar) == 1); } /** * Clean-up definitions in a language file removed closing php tags and strip specific html.. * @param array $defKeys array of constants to comment out. * @param string $path path to the language file to edit. */ function cleanFile($path, $defKeys=null) { if(empty($path) || !file_exists($path) || stripos($path,'English')!==false) { return null; } $content = file_get_contents($path); $lines = explode("\n",$content); $srch = array(); $repl = array(); $srch[] = ''; $srch[] = ''; $repl[] = '[b]'; $repl[] = '[/b]'; if(!empty($defKeys)) { foreach($defKeys as $const) { $srch[] = "define('".$const."'"; $srch[] = 'define("'.$const.'"'; $repl[] = "// define('".$const."'"; $repl[] = '// define("'.$const.'"'; } } $new = ''; foreach($lines as $ln) { if(strpos($ln,'?>') !==false) { continue; } if(strpos($ln, '""') !== false || strpos($ln, "''") !== false) // empty { continue; } if(strpos($ln,'//') !==false) { $new .= $ln."\n"; continue; } if(!empty($srch)) { $new .= str_replace($srch,$repl,$ln)."\n"; } else { $new .= $ln."\n"; } } if(file_put_contents($path,$new)) { return true; } return false; } }