addDebug('Deprecated XML Parser Used'); $log->addArray($data); $log->save('DEPRECATED',E_LOG_NOTICE,'',false, LOG_TO_ROLLING); } /** * @param $feed * @return void */ function setUrl($feed) { $this->setFeedUrl($feed); } /** * @param $address * @param $timeout * @return false|string */ function getRemoteXmlFile($address, $timeout = 10) { // $data = $this->getRemoteFile($address, $timeout); $fl = e107::getFile(); $data = $fl->getRemoteContent($address, ['timeout' => $timeout]); $this->xmlLegacyContents = $data; return $data; } /** * @return array|false */ function parseXmlContents () { $log = e107::getLog(); foreach($this -> xmlData as $key => $value) { unset($this -> xmlData[$key]); } foreach($this -> counterArray as $key => $value) { unset($this -> counterArray[$key]); } if(!function_exists('xml_parser_create')) { $log->addDebug("No XML source specified")->save('XML',E_LOG_WARNING); return FALSE; } if(!$this -> xmlLegacyContents) { $log->addDebug("No XML source specified")->save('XML'); return FALSE; } $this->parser = xml_parser_create(''); xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'startElement', 'endElement'); xml_set_character_data_handler( $this->parser, 'characterData' ); $array = explode("\n", $this -> xmlLegacyContents); foreach($array as $data) { if(strlen($data) == 4096) { $log->addDebug("The XML cannot be parsed as it is badly formed.")->save('XML'); return FALSE; } if (!xml_parse($this->parser, $data)) { $error = sprintf('XML error: %s at line %d, column %d', xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser),xml_get_current_column_number($this->parser)); $log->addDebug($error)->save('XML'); if(e_DEBUG === true) { $error .= "\n".$data; $error .= "\n--------------------------------------------\n\n"; $log->addDebug($error)->toFile('xmlErrors',"XML Error Log",true); } return FALSE; } } xml_parser_free( $this->parser ); return $this -> xmlData; } /** * @param $p * @param $element * @param $attrs * @return void */ function startElement ($p, $element, &$attrs) { $this -> start_tag = $element; $this -> current_tag = strtolower($element); if(!array_key_exists($this -> current_tag, $this -> counterArray)) { $this -> counterArray[$this -> current_tag] = 0; $this -> xmlData[$this -> current_tag][$this -> counterArray[$this -> current_tag]] = ""; } } /** * @param $p * @param $element * @return void */ function endElement ($p, $element) { if($this -> start_tag == $element) { $this -> counterArray[$this -> current_tag] ++; } } /** * @param $p * @param $data * @return void */ function characterData ($p, $data) { $data = trim ( rtrim ( $data )); $data = preg_replace('/&(?!amp;)/', '&', $data); if(!array_key_exists($this -> current_tag, $this -> xmlData)) { $this -> xmlData [$this -> current_tag] = array(); } if(array_key_exists($this -> counterArray[$this -> current_tag], $this -> xmlData [$this -> current_tag])) { $this -> xmlData [$this -> current_tag] [$this -> counterArray[$this -> current_tag]] .= $data; } else { $this -> xmlData [$this -> current_tag] [$this -> counterArray[$this -> current_tag]] = $data; } } } /** * Simple XML Parser * * @package e107 * @category e107_handlers * @version 1.1 * @author McFly * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009, e107 Inc. */ class xmlClass { /** * Loaded XML string * * @var string */ public $xmlFileContents = ''; /** * Set to FALSE if not enabled (default on initialisation) * Otherwise mirrors the required subset of the loaded XML - set a field FALSE to accept all * ...elements lower down the tree. e.g.: * * $filter = array( * 'name' => FALSE, * 'administration' => FALSE, * 'management' => array('install' => FALSE) * ); * * * @see setOptFilter() * @see parseXml() * @see xml2array() * @var mixed */ public $filter = false; // Optional filter for loaded XML /** * Set true to strip all mention of comments from the returned array (default); * FALSE to return comment markers (object SimpleXMLElement) * * @see setOptStripComments() * @see parseXml() * @see xml2array() * @var boolean */ public $stripComments = true; /** * Log of all paths replaced. * * @var array */ public $fileConvertLog = array(); public $convertFilePaths = FALSE; public $modifiedPrefsOnly = false; public $filePathDestination = FALSE; public $convertFileTypes = array("jpg", "gif", "png", "jpeg"); public $filePathPrepend = array(); public $filePathConvKeys = array(); public $errors; private $arrayTags; private $stringTags; private $urlPrefix = false; /** * Add root element to the result array * Exmple: * * * some value * * * * if * $_optAddRoot = true; * xml2array() result is array('root' => array('tag' => 'some value')); * * if * $_optAddRoot = false; * xml2array() result is array('tag' => 'some value'); * * @see xml2array() * @see setOptAddRoot() * @var boolean */ protected $_optAddRoot = false; /** * Always return array, even for single first level tag => value pair * Exmple: * * * some value * * * * if * $_optForceArray = true; * xml2array() result is array('tag' => array('value' => 'some value')); * where 'value' is the value of $_optValueKey * * If * $_optForceArray = false; * xml2array() result is array('tag' => 'some value'); * * @see xml2array() * @see setOptForceArray() * @var boolean */ protected $_optForceArray = false; /** * Key name for simple tag => value pairs * * @see xml2array() * @see setOptValueKey() * @var string */ protected $_optValueKey = '@value'; protected $_feedUrl = FALSE; /** * Constructor - set defaults * *//* function __construct() { $this->reset(); if(count($this->filePathConversions)) { $this->filePathConvKeys = array_keys($this->filePathConversions); } }*/ /** * Reset object * * @param boolean $xml_contents [optional] * @return xmlClass */ function reset($xml_contents = true) { if($xml_contents) { $this->xmlFileContents = ''; } $this->filter = false; $this->stripComments = true; $this->_optAddRoot = false; $this->_optValueKey = '@value'; $this->_optForceArray = false; return $this; } /** * Set addRoot option * * @param boolean $flag * @return xmlClass */ public function setOptAddRoot($flag) { $this->_optAddRoot = (boolean) $flag; return $this; } /** * Set Xml tags that should always return arrays. * * @param string $string (comma separated) * @return xmlClass */ public function setOptArrayTags($string) { $this->arrayTags = (array) explode(",", $string); return $this; } /** * @param $string * @return $this */ public function setOptStringTags($string) { $this->stringTags = (array) explode(",", $string); return $this; } /** * Set forceArray option * * @param boolean $flag * @return xmlClass */ public function setOptForceArray($flag) { $this->_optForceArray = (boolean) $flag; return $this; } /** * Set valueKey option * * @param string $str * @return xmlClass */ public function setOptValueKey($str) { $this->_optValueKey = trim((string) $str); return $this; } /** * Set strpComments option * * @param boolean $flag * @return xmlClass */ public function setOptStripComments($flag) { $this->stripComments = (boolean) $flag; return $this; } /** * Set strpComments option * * @param array $filter * @return xmlClass */ public function setOptFilter($filter) { $this->filter = (array) $filter; return $this; } /** * Set urlPrefix * * @param string $url * @return xmlClass */ public function setUrlPrefix($url) { $this->urlPrefix = $url; return $this; } /** * @param $feed * @return $this */ public function setFeedUrl($feed) { if($feed) { $this->_feedUrl = $feed; } return $this; } /** * Get Remote XML file contents * use setOptArrayTags above if you require a consistent array result by in 1 item or many. * @param string $address * @param integer $timeout [optional] seconds * @return string */ function getRemoteFile($address, $timeout = 10, $postData=null) { $_file = e107::getFile(); $this->xmlFileContents = $_file->getRemoteContent($address, array('timeout' => $timeout, 'post' => $postData)); $this->errors = $_file->getErrorMessage(); return $this->xmlFileContents; } /** * Parse $xmlFileContents XML string to array * * @param string $xmlData [optional] * @param boolean $simple [optional] false - use xml2array(), true - use xml_convert_to_array() * @return array|string */ function parseXml($xmlData = '', $simple = true) { if ($xmlData) { $this->xmlFileContents = $xmlData; } elseif ($this->xmlFileContents) { $xmlData = $this->xmlFileContents; } if (!$xmlData) { return FALSE; } $extendedTypes = array( 'content:encoded' => 'content_encoded', ' ' ' ' 'errors = $this->getErrors($xmlData); return FALSE; } $xml = $simple ? $this->xml_convert_to_array($xml, $this->filter, $this->stripComments) : $this->xml2array($xml); return $xml; } /** * Advanced XML parser - handles tags with attributes and values * properly. * TODO - filter (see xml_convert_to_array) * FIXME can't handle multi-dimensional associative arrays (e.g. ...... to screenshots[image] = array(...)) * XXX New parser in testing phase - see e_marketplace::parse() * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml * @param string $rec_parent used for recursive calls only * @return array|string */ function xml2array($xml, $rec_parent = '') { $ret = array(); $tags = (array) $xml; //remove comments if($this->stripComments && isset($tags['comment'])) { unset($tags['comment']); } //first call if(!$rec_parent) { //$ret = $this->xml2array($xml, true); //repeating code because of the _optForceArray functionality if(!is_object($xml)) { return array(); } $tags = array_keys($tags); foreach ($tags as $tag) { if($tag === '@attributes') { $tmp = (array) $xml->attributes(); $ret['@attributes'] = $tmp['@attributes']; continue; } $count = count($xml->{$tag}); if($count > 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $ret[$tag][$i] = $this->xml2array($xml->{$tag}[$i], $tag); } continue; } $ret[$tag] = $this->xml2array($xml->{$tag}, $tag); } $ret = $this->parseArrayTags($ret); $ret = $this->parseStringTags($ret); return ($this->_optAddRoot ? array($xml->getName() => $ret) : $ret); } //Recursive calls start here if(self::is_assoc($tags)) { $tags = array_keys($tags); $count_tags = count($tags); //loop through tags foreach ($tags as $tag) { if(is_int($tag)) continue; switch($tag) { case '@attributes': $tmp = (array) $xml->attributes(); $ret['@attributes'] = $tmp['@attributes']; if($count_tags == 1 || ['@attributes', 0] === $tags) //only attributes & possible value { $ret[$this->_optValueKey] = trim((string) $xml); //return $ret; } break; case 'comment': $ret[$this->_optValueKey] = trim((string) $xml); $ret['comment'] = $xml->comment; break; //more cases? default: //FIXME - commented code breaks parsing of plugin.xml extended and userclass tags and possibly other xml files. /* // fix - empty SimpleXMLElement if(empty($xml->{$tag})) { if($this->arrayTags && in_array($tag, $this->arrayTags)) { $ret[$tag] = array(); } else $ret[$tag] = ''; break; } */ $count = count($xml->{$tag}); if($count >= 1) //array of elements - loop { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $ret[$tag][$i] = $this->xml2array($xml->{$tag}[$i], $tag); $ret[$tag][$i] = $this->parseStringTags($ret[$tag][$i]); } } else //single element { $ret[$tag] = $this->xml2array($xml->{$tag}, $tag); $ret[$tag] = $this->parseStringTags($ret[$tag]); } break; } } $ret = $this->parseStringTags($ret); return $ret; } //parse value only $ret = trim((string) $xml); return ($this->_optForceArray ? array($this->_optValueKey => $ret) : $ret); } // OLD /** * @param $xml * @param $localFilter * @param $stripComments * @return array */ function xml_convert_to_array($xml, $localFilter = FALSE, $stripComments = TRUE) { if (is_object($xml)) { $xml = (array) $xml; } if (is_array($xml)) { foreach ($xml as $k=>$v) { if ($stripComments && ($k === 'comment')) { unset($xml[$k]); continue; } $enabled = FALSE; if ($localFilter === FALSE) { $enabled = TRUE; $onFilter = FALSE; } elseif (isset($localFilter[$k])) { $enabled = TRUE; $onFilter = $localFilter[$k]; } if ($enabled) { if (is_object($v)) { $v = (array) $v; } $xml[$k] = $this->xml_convert_to_array($v, $onFilter, $stripComments); } else { unset($xml[$k]); } } if (count($xml) == 1 && isset($xml[0])) { $xml = $xml[0]; } } $xml = $this->parseArrayTags($xml); // $xml = $this->parseStringTags($xml); return $xml; } /** * Convert Array(0) to String based on specified Tags. * * @param array|string $vars * @return string */ function parseStringTags($vars) { if(!$this->stringTags || !is_array($vars)) { return $vars; } foreach($this->stringTags as $vl) { if(isset($vars[$vl]) && is_array($vars[$vl]) && isset($vars[$vl][0])) { $vars[$vl] = $vars[$vl][0]; } } return $vars; } /** * Return as an array, even when a single xml tag value is found * Use setArrayTags() to set which tags are affected. * * @param array $vars * @return array */ private function parseArrayTags($vars) { if(!$this->arrayTags) { return $vars; } foreach($this->arrayTags as $p) { if(strpos($p,"/")!==false) { list($vl,$sub) = explode("/",$p); } else { $vl = $p; $sub = false; } if($sub) { if(isset($vars[$vl][$sub]) && is_string($vars[$vl][$sub])) { $vars[$vl][$sub] = array($vars[$vl][$sub]); } continue; } if(isset($vars[$vl]) && is_array($vars[$vl]) && !varset($vars[$vl][0])) { $vars[$vl] = array($vars[$vl]); } } return $vars; } /** * Determine if the provided variable is an associative array * * This method is necessary because since PHP 7.2, get_object_vars() on * a SimpleXMLElement object began returning sequential arrays, and * xmlClass::xml2array() interpreted the sequence as XML tags. * * See for details. * * @param array $array The variable to check * @return boolean true if the provided variable is an associative array, * false if it's a sequential array or anything else */ private static function is_assoc($array) { if (!is_array($array) || array() === $array) return false; return array_keys($array) !== range(0, count($array) - 1); } /** * Load XML file and parse it (optional) * * @param string $fname local or remote XML source file path * @param boolean|string $parse false - no parse; * true - use xml_convert_to_array(); * in any other case - use xml2array() * * @param boolean $replace_constants [optional] * @return false|string */ function loadXMLfile($fname, $parse = false, $replace_constants = false) { $tp = e107::getParser(); if($this->_feedUrl !== false) { $fname = $this->_feedUrl; } if (empty($fname)) { return false; } $xml = false; if (strpos($fname, '://') !== false) { $this->getRemoteFile($fname); $this->_feedUrl = false; // clear it to avoid conflicts. } else { if ($xml = file_get_contents($fname)) { $this->xmlFileContents = $xml; } } if ($this->xmlFileContents) { if ($replace_constants == true) { $this->xmlFileContents = $tp->replaceConstants($this->xmlFileContents, '', true); } if ($parse) { return $this->parseXml('', ($parse === true)); } else { return $this->xmlFileContents; } } return false; } /** * Convert file path for inclusion in XML file. * @see e107ExportValue() * @param string $text - callback function * @return string converted file path */ private function replaceFilePaths($text) { $fullpath = e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($text[1]); $this->fileConvertLog[] = $fullpath; $file = basename($fullpath); return $this->filePathDestination.$file; } /** * Process data values for XML file. If $this->convertFilePaths is TRUE, convert paths * * @see replaceFilePaths() * @param mixed $val * @param string $key key for the current value. Used for exception processing. * @return mixed */ public function e107ExportValue($val, $key = '') { if($key && isset($this->filePathPrepend[$key])) { $val = $this->filePathPrepend[$key].$val; } if(is_array($val)) { $val = e107::serialize($val); if($val === null) { return ''; } } if($this->convertFilePaths) { $types = implode("|",$this->convertFileTypes); $val = preg_replace_callback("#({e_.*?\.(".$types."))#i", array($this,'replaceFilePaths'), $val); } if((strpos($val,"<")!==FALSE) || (strpos($val,">")!==FALSE) || (strpos($val,"&")!==FALSE)) { return ""; } $val = str_replace(chr(1),'{\u0001}',$val); return $val; } /** * Create an e107 Export File in XML format * Note: If $this->filePathDestination has a value, then the file will be saved there. * * @param array $xmlprefs - see e_core_pref $aliases (eg. core, ipool etc) * @param array $tables - table names without the prefix * @param array|null $plugPrefs * @param array|null $themePrefs * @param array $options [optional] debug, return, query * @return string text / file for download */ public function e107Export($xmlprefs, $tables, $plugPrefs=null, $themePrefs=null, $options = array()) { // error_reporting(0); // $e107info = array(); // require_once(e_ADMIN."ver.php"); $text = "\n"; $text .= "\n"; $default = array(); $excludes = array(); if($this->modifiedPrefsOnly == true) { $xmlArray = e107::getSingleton('xmlClass')->loadXMLfile(e_CORE."xml/default_install.xml",'advanced'); $default = e107::getSingleton('xmlClass')->e107ImportPrefs($xmlArray,'core'); $excludes = array('social_login','replyto_email','replyto_name','siteadminemail','lan_global_list','menuconfig_list','plug_installed','shortcode_legacy_list','siteurl','cookie_name','install_date', 'wysiwyg'); } if(varset($xmlprefs)) // Export Core Preferences. { $text .= "\t\n"; foreach($xmlprefs as $type) { $theprefs = e107::getConfig($type)->getPref(); ksort($theprefs); foreach($theprefs as $key=>$val) { if($type === 'core' && $this->modifiedPrefsOnly == true && (($val == $default[$key]) || in_array($key,$excludes) || strpos($key, 'e_') === 0)) { continue; } elseif(!empty($options['debug'])) { echo "
Original/Modiied ".$key.""; var_dump($default[$key],$val); echo "
"; } if(isset($val)) { $text .= "\t\t<".$type." name=\"".$key."\">".$this->e107ExportValue($val)."\n"; } } } $text .= "\t
\n"; } if(!empty($plugPrefs)) { $text .= "\t\n"; foreach($plugPrefs as $plug) { $prefs = e107::getPlugConfig($plug)->getPref(); foreach($prefs as $key=>$val) { if(isset($val)) { $text .= "\t\t<".$plug." name=\"".$key."\">".$this->e107ExportValue($val)."\n"; } } } $text .= "\t\n"; } if(!empty($themePrefs)) { $text .= "\t\n"; foreach($themePrefs as $plug) { $prefs = e107::getThemeConfig($plug)->getPref(); foreach($prefs as $key=>$val) { if(isset($val)) { $text .= "\t\t<".$plug." name=\"".$key."\">".$this->e107ExportValue($val)."\n"; } } } $text .= "\t\n"; } if(!empty($tables)) { $text .= "\t\n"; foreach($tables as $tbl) { $primaryKey = ''; $eTable= str_replace(MPREFIX,"",$tbl); $eQry = (!empty($options['query'])) ? $options['query'] : null; // order by the primary-key if($pri = e107::getDb()->index($eTable, 'PRIMARY', null, true)) { $primaryKey = varset($pri[0]['Column_name']); } if(empty($eQry) && !empty($primaryKey)) { $eQry = " 1 ORDER BY ".$primaryKey." ASC"; } e107::getDb()->select($eTable, "*", $eQry); $text .= "\t\n"; // $count = 1; while($row = e107::getDb()->fetch()) { if($this->convertFilePaths == true && $eTable === 'core_media' && strpos($row['media_url'], '{e_MEDIA') !== 0) { continue; } $text .= "\t\t\n"; foreach($row as $key=>$val) { $text .= "\t\t\t".$this->e107ExportValue($val,$key)."\n"; } $text .= "\t\t\n"; // $count++; } $text .= "\t\n"; } $text .= "\t\n"; } $text .= "
"; if(!empty($options['return'])) { return $text; } if(!empty($options['debug'])) { echo "
"; return null; } else { if(!$text) { return FALSE; } $path = e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($this->filePathDestination); if($path) { $fileName= "install.xml"; if(file_exists($path.$fileName)) { $fileName = "install_".date('Y-m-d').".xml"; } file_put_contents($path.$fileName,$text,FILE_TEXT); return true; } $fileName = (!empty($options['file'])) ? $options['file'] : "e107Export_" . date("Y-m-d").".xml"; header('Content-type: application/xml', TRUE); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename= ".$fileName); header("Cache-Control: max-age=30"); header("Pragma: public"); echo $text; exit; } } /** * Return an Array of core preferences from e107 XML Dump data * * @param array $XMLData Raw XML e107 Export Data * @param string $prefType [optional] the type of core pref: core|emote|ipool|menu etc or plugin-folder name * @param string $mode core|plugin * @return array preference array equivalent to the old $pref global; */ public function e107ImportPrefs($XMLData, $prefType='core', $mode='core') { switch($mode) { case "plugin": $key = 'pluginPrefs'; break; case "theme": $key = 'themePrefs'; break; case "core": default: $key = 'prefs'; } // $key = ($mode === 'core') ? 'prefs' : 'pluginPrefs'; if(!vartrue($XMLData[$key][$prefType])) { return array(); } //$mes = eMessage::getInstance(); $pref = array(); foreach($XMLData[$key][$prefType] as $val) { $name = $val['@attributes']['name']; // if(strpos($val['@value'], 'array (') === 0) // { // echo '
				// echo "\n";
				// var_dump(e107::getArrayStorage()->ReadArray($val['@value']));
				// echo $val['@value'].'
'; // } $value = strpos($val['@value'], 'array (') === 0 ? e107::unserialize($val['@value']) : $val['@value']; $pref[$name] = $value; // $mes->add("Setting up ".$prefType." Pref [".$name."] => ".$value, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } return $pref; } /** * Import an e107 XML file into site preferences and DB tables * * @param string $file - e107 XML file path * @param string $mode[optional] - add|replace * @param boolean $noLogs [optional] tells pref handler to disable admin logs when true (install issues) * @param boolean $debug [optional] * @return array with keys 'success' and 'failed' - DB table entry status. */ public function e107Import($file, $mode='replace', $noLogs = false, $debug=FALSE, $sql = null) { if($sql == null) { $sql = e107::getDb(); } $xmlArray = $this->loadXMLfile($file, 'advanced'); if($debug) { //$message = print_r($xmlArray); echo "
"; return null; } $ret = array(); // ----------------- Save Core Prefs --------------------- if(!empty($xmlArray['prefs'])) { foreach($xmlArray['prefs'] as $type=>$array) { $pArray = $this->e107ImportPrefs($xmlArray,$type); if($mode == 'replace') // merge with existing, add new { e107::getConfig($type)->setPref($pArray); } else // 'add' only new prefs { foreach ($pArray as $pname => $pval) { e107::getConfig($type)->add($pname, $pval); // don't parse x/y/z } } if($debug == FALSE) { e107::getConfig($type) ->setParam('nologs', $noLogs) ->save(FALSE,TRUE); } } } // --------------- Save Plugin Prefs --------------------- if(!empty($xmlArray['pluginPrefs'])) { foreach($xmlArray['pluginPrefs'] as $type=>$array) { $pArray = $this->e107ImportPrefs($xmlArray,$type, 'plugin'); if($mode == 'replace') // merge with existing, add new { e107::getPlugConfig($type)->setPref($pArray); } elseif($mode === 'add') // 'add' only new prefs { foreach ($pArray as $pname => $pval) { e107::getPlugConfig($type)->add($pname, $pval); // don't parse x/y/z } } if($debug == false) { e107::getPlugConfig($type) ->setParam('nologs', $noLogs) ->save(FALSE,TRUE); } } } // --------------- Save Theme Prefs --------------------- if(!empty($xmlArray['themePrefs'])) { foreach($xmlArray['themePrefs'] as $type=>$array) { $pArray = $this->e107ImportPrefs($xmlArray,$type, 'theme'); if($mode == 'replace') // merge with existing, add new { e107::getThemeConfig($type)->setPref($pArray); } elseif($mode === 'add') // 'add' only new prefs { foreach ($pArray as $pname => $pval) { e107::getThemeConfig($type)->add($pname, $pval); // don't parse x/y/z } } if($debug == false) { e107::getThemeConfig($type) ->setParam('nologs', $noLogs) ->save(FALSE,TRUE); } } } if(!empty($xmlArray['database'])) { foreach($xmlArray['database']['dbTable'] as $val) { $table = $val['@attributes']['name']; if(!isset($val['item'])) { continue; } if($mode === 'install' && !$sql->isEmpty($table)) // install mode - ignore import when table contains data. { continue; } foreach($val['item'] as $item) { $insert_array = array(); foreach($item['field'] as $f) { $fieldkey = $f['@attributes']['name']; $fieldval = (isset($f['@value'])) ? $this->e107ImportValue($f['@value']) : ""; $insert_array[$fieldkey] = $fieldval; } if(($mode === "replace") && $sql->replace($table, $insert_array)!==false) { $ret['success'][] = $table; } elseif($sql->insert($table, $insert_array)!==false) { $ret['success'][] = $table; } else { $error = $sql->getLastErrorText(); $lastQry = $sql->getLastQuery(); if(is_array($lastQry)) { $lastQry = $lastQry['PREPARE']; } $ret['failed'][] = $table. "\n[".$error."]\n".$lastQry."\n\n"; } } } } return $ret; } /** * @param $val * @return array|string|string[] */ function e107ImportValue($val) { $val = str_replace('{\u0001}', chr(1), $val); return $val; } /** * @param $xml * @return array|false */ function getErrors($xml) { libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $sxe = simplexml_load_string($xml); $errors = array(); if (!$sxe) { foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $errors[] = $error->message. "Line:".$error->line." Column:".$error->column; } return $errors; } return FALSE; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getLastErrorMessage() { return $this->errors; } } /** * DEPRECATED XML Class from v1.x */ class XMLParse { var $rawXML; var $valueArray = array(); var $keyArray = array(); var $parsed = array(); var $index = 0; var $attribKey = 'attributes'; var $valueKey = 'value'; var $cdataKey = 'cdata'; var $isError = false; var $error = ''; /** * @param $xml */ function __construct($xml = NULL) { $this->rawXML = $xml; $mes = e107::getMessage(); $mes->addDebug("Deprecated class XMLParse used. Please use 'xmlClass' instead"); } /** * @param $xml * @return array|false */ function parse($xml = NULL) { if (!is_null($xml)) { $this->rawXML = $xml; } $this->isError = false; if (!$this->parse_init()) { return false; } $this->index = 0; $this->parsed = $this->parse_recurse(); $this->status = 'parsing complete'; return $this->parsed; } /** * @return array */ function parse_recurse() { $found = array(); $tagCount = array(); while (isset($this->valueArray[$this->index])) { $tag = $this->valueArray[$this->index]; $this->index++; if ($tag['type'] == 'close') { return $found; } if ($tag['type'] == 'cdata') { $tag['tag'] = $this->cdataKey; $tag['type'] = 'complete'; } $tagName = $tag['tag']; if (isset($tagCount[$tagName])) { if ($tagCount[$tagName] == 1) { $found[$tagName] = array($found[$tagName]); } $tagRef =& $found[$tagName][$tagCount[$tagName]]; $tagCount[$tagName]++; } else { $tagCount[$tagName] = 1; $tagRef =& $found[$tagName]; } switch ($tag['type']) { case 'open': $tagRef = $this->parse_recurse(); if (isset($tag['attributes'])) { $tagRef[$this->attribKey] = $tag['attributes']; } if (isset($tag['value'])) { if (isset($tagRef[$this->cdataKey])) { $tagRef[$this->cdataKey] = (array)$tagRef[$this->cdataKey]; array_unshift($tagRef[$this->cdataKey], $tag['value']); } else { $tagRef[$this->cdataKey] = $tag['value']; } } break; case 'complete': if (isset($tag['attributes'])) { $tagRef[$this->attribKey] = $tag['attributes']; $tagRef =& $tagRef[$this->valueKey]; } if (isset($tag['value'])) { $tagRef = $tag['value']; } break; } } return $found; } /** * @return bool */ function parse_init() { $this->parser = xml_parser_create(); $parser = $this->parser; xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); if (!$res = (bool)xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $this->rawXML, $this->valueArray, $this->keyArray)) { $this->isError = true; $this->error = 'error: '.xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)).' at line '.xml_get_current_line_number($parser); } xml_parser_free($parser); return $res; } }