array( 'controller' => 'news_admin_ui', 'path' => null, 'ui' => 'news_form_ui', 'uipath' => null, 'perm' => null ), 'cat' => array( 'controller' => 'news_cat_ui', 'path' => null, 'ui' => 'news_cat_form_ui', 'uipath' => null ), 'sub' => array( 'controller' => 'news_sub_ui', 'path' => null, 'ui' => 'news_sub_form_ui', 'uipath' => null, 'perm' => null ) ); protected $access = array(); // as below, but uses userclasses instead of admin perms eg. e_UC_* or numeric userclass value. //Route access. (equivalent of getperms() for each mode/action ) protected $perm = array( 'main/list' => 'H|H0|H1|H2', 'main/create' => 'H|H0', 'main/edit' => 'H|H1', // edit button and inline editing in list mode. 'main/delete' => 'H|H2', // delete button in list mode. 'cat/list' => 'H', 'cat/create' => 'H|H3|H4|H5', 'cat/edit' => 'H|H4', // edit button and inline editing in list mode. 'cat/delete' => 'H|H5', // delete button in list mode. 'main/prefs' => '0', 'sub/list' => 'N' ); protected $adminMenu = array( 'main/list' => array('caption'=> LAN_LIST, 'icon'=>'fa-list'), 'main/create' => array('caption'=> NWSLAN_45, 'icon'=> 'fa-plus'), // Create/Edit News Item // 'cat/list' => array('caption'=> NWSLAN_46, 'perm' => '7'), // Category List 'other' => array('divider'=> true), 'cat/list' => array('caption'=> LAN_CATEGORIES, 'icon'=> 'folder'), // Create Category. 'cat/create' => array('caption'=> LAN_NEWS_63, 'icon'=> 'fas-folder-plus'), // Category List 'other2' => array('divider'=> true), 'main/prefs' => array('caption'=> LAN_PREFS, 'icon'=>'fa-cog'), // Preferences // 'main/submitted' => array('caption'=> LAN_NEWS_64, 'perm' => 'N'), // Submitted News 'sub/list' => array('caption'=> NWSLAN_47, 'icon'=>'fa-user-edit'), // Submitted News // 'main/maint' => array('caption'=> LAN_NEWS_55, 'perm' => '0') // Maintenance ); protected $adminMenuIcon = 'e-news-24'; protected $adminMenuAliases = array( 'main/edit' => 'main/list', 'cat/edit' => 'cat/list' ); protected $menuTitle = ADLAN_0; function init() { if(!empty($_GET['sub']) && $_GET['action'] == 'create') { $this->adminMenu['sub/list']['selected'] = true; $this->getResponse()->setTitle(NWSLAN_47); } } } class news_cat_ui extends e_admin_ui { protected $pluginTitle = ADLAN_0; // "News" protected $pluginName = 'core'; protected $eventName = 'news-category'; protected $table = "news_category"; protected $pid = "category_id"; protected $perPage = 0; //no limit protected $batchDelete = false; protected $batchExport = true; protected $sortField = 'category_order'; protected $listOrder = "category_order ASC"; protected $tabs = array(LAN_GENERAL, LAN_ADVANCED); protected $fields = array( 'checkboxes' => array('title'=> '', 'type' => null, 'width' =>'5%', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'thclass'=>'center', 'class'=>'center'), 'category_id' => array('title'=> LAN_ID, 'type' => 'number', 'width' =>'5%', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'readonly'=>TRUE), 'category_icon' => array('title'=> LAN_ICON, 'type' => 'icon', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => '100px', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class'=>'center', 'readParms'=>array('legacy'=>'{e_IMAGE}icons/'), 'writeParms' => 'glyphs=1', 'readonly'=>FALSE, 'batch' => FALSE, 'filter'=>FALSE), // thumb=60&thumb_urlraw=0&thumb_aw=60 'category_name' => array('title'=> LAN_TITLE, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=>'str', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>FALSE, 'validate' => true, 'writeParms'=>array('size'=>'xxlarge')), 'category_meta_description' => array('title'=> LAN_DESCRIPTION, 'type' => 'textarea', 'data'=>'str', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left','readParms' => 'expand=...&truncate=150&bb=1', 'readonly'=>FALSE, 'writeParms'=>array('size'=>'xxlarge')), 'category_meta_keywords' => array('title'=> LAN_KEYWORDS, 'type' => 'tags', 'data'=>'str', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>FALSE), 'category_sef' => array('title'=> LAN_SEFURL, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=>'str', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'readonly'=>FALSE, 'writeParms'=>array('size'=>'xxlarge', 'sef'=>'category_name')), // Display name 'category_manager' => array('title'=> LAN_MANAGER,'type' => 'userclass', 'tab'=>1, 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'data' => 'int','batch'=>TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE), 'category_template' => array('title'=> LAN_TEMPLATE, 'type' => 'layouts', 'tab'=>1, 'width'=>'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'class'=> 'left', 'writeParms' => array(),'help'=>'Template to use as the default view' ), 'category_order' => array('title'=> LAN_ORDER, 'type' => 'text', 'tab'=>1, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'right', 'class'=> 'right' ), 'options' => array('title'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' => null, 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true, 'width' => '10%', 'forced'=>TRUE, 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class' => 'center', 'sort' => true) ); protected $fieldpref = array('checkboxes', 'category_icon', 'category_id', 'category_name', 'category_description', 'category_sef', 'category_manager', 'category_order', 'options'); // protected $newspost; function init() { $this->fields['category_template']['writeParms'] = array('plugin' => 'news', 'id' => 'news', 'merge' => false, 'default' => '('.LAN_OPTIONAL.')'); // $this->newspost = new admin_newspost; } // function createPage() // { // $this->newspost->show_categories(); // } public function beforeCreate($new_data, $old_data) { if(empty($new_data['category_sef'])) { $new_data['category_sef'] = eHelper::title2sef($new_data['category_name']); } else { $new_data['category_sef'] = eHelper::secureSef($new_data['category_sef']); } $sef = e107::getParser()->toDB($new_data['category_sef']); if(e107::getDb()->count('news_category', '(*)', "category_sef='$sef'")) { e107::getMessage()->addError(LAN_NEWS_65); return false; } if(empty($new_data['category_order'])) { $c = e107::getDb()->count('news_category'); $new_data['category_order'] = $c ? $c : 0; } return $new_data; } public function beforeUpdate($new_data, $old_data, $id) { if(isset($new_data['category_sef']) && empty($new_data['category_sef'])) { $new_data['category_sef'] = eHelper::title2sef($new_data['category_name']); } $sef = e107::getParser()->toDB($new_data['category_sef']); /* $message = "Error: sef: ".$sef." id: ".$id."\n"; $message .= print_r($new_data,true); file_put_contents(e_LOG.'uiAjaxResponseInline.log', $message."\n\n", FILE_APPEND);*/ if(e107::getDb()->count('news_category', '(*)', "category_sef='$sef' AND category_id !=".intval($id))) { e107::getMessage()->addError(LAN_NEWS_65); return false; } return $new_data; } } class news_cat_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui { } // Submitted News Area. class news_sub_ui extends e_admin_ui { protected $pluginTitle = ADLAN_0; // "News" protected $pluginName = 'core'; protected $table = "submitnews"; protected $pid = "submitnews_id"; protected $perPage = 10; //no limit protected $batchDelete = true; protected $formQuery = "mode=main&action=create"; protected $listOrder = "submitnews_id desc"; // submitnews_id submitnews_name submitnews_email submitnews_title submitnews_category submitnews_item submitnews_datestamp submitnews_ip submitnews_auth submitnews_file protected $fields = array( 'checkboxes' => array('title'=> '', 'type' => null, 'width' =>'5%', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'thclass'=>'center', 'class'=>'center'), 'submitnews_id' => array('title'=> LAN_ID, 'type' => 'number', 'width' =>'5%', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'readonly'=>TRUE), 'submitnews_datestamp' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_32, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'submitnews_title' => array('title'=> LAN_TITLE, 'type' => 'method', 'width' => '35%', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>TRUE), 'submitnews_category' => array('title'=> LAN_CATEGORY, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>FALSE), 'submitnews_description' => array('title'=> LAN_DESCRIPTION, 'type' => 'textarea', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left','readParms' => 'expand=...&truncate=150&bb=1', 'readonly'=>TRUE), 'submitnews_name' => array('title'=> LAN_AUTHOR, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>TRUE), 'submitnews_ip' => array('title'=> LAN_IP, 'type' => 'ip', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>TRUE), 'submitnews_auth' => array('title'=> " ", 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'class'=> 'left', 'readParms'=>"link=1" ), 'options' => array('title'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' => "method", 'width' => '10%', 'forced'=>TRUE, 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class' => 'right') ); protected $fieldpref = array('checkboxes', 'submitnews_id', 'submitnews_datestamp', 'submitnews_title', 'submitnews_category', 'submitnews_name', 'options'); protected $newspost; protected $cats; function init() { $sql = e107::getDb(); $sql->gen("SELECT category_id,category_name FROM #news_category"); while($row = $sql->fetch()) { $cat = $row['category_id']; $this->cats[$cat] = $row['category_name']; } asort($this->cats); $this->fields['submitnews_category']['writeParms'] = $this->cats; // $this->newspost = new admin_newspost; } // function createPage() // { // $this->newspost->show_categories(); // } public function beforeCreate($new_data, $old_data) { } public function beforeUpdate($new_data, $old_data, $id) { } } class news_sub_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui { function submitnews_title($cur,$val) { $tp = e107::getParser(); $row = $this->getController()->getListModel(); $submitnews_id = $row->get('submitnews_id'); $submitnews_title = $row->get('submitnews_title'); $submitnews_file = $row->get('submitnews_file'); $submitnews_item = $row->get('submitnews_item'); // $text .= ""; $text = ""; $text .= $tp->toHTML($submitnews_title,FALSE,'emotes_off, no_make_clickable'); $text .= ''; $text .= ' '; return $text; } // Override the default Options field. function options($parms, $value, $id, $attributes) { if($attributes['mode'] == 'read') { $text = "
"; $approved = $this->getController()->getListModel()->get('submitnews_auth'); // approved; $row = $this->getController()->getListModel(); $submitnews_id = $row->get('submitnews_id'); $submitnews_title = $row->get('submitnews_title'); $submitnews_file = $row->get('submitnews_file'); $submitnews_item = $row->get('submitnews_item'); // $text .= ""; $text = "".defset('ADMIN_VIEW_ICON').""; if($approved == 0) { //$text = $this->submit_image('submitnews['.$id.']', 1, 'execute', NWSLAN_58); $text .= "".defset('ADMIN_EXECUTE_ICON').""; // NWSLAN_103; } $text .= $this->submit_image('etrigger_delete['.$id.']', $id, 'delete', LAN_DELETE.' [ ID: '.$id.' ]', array('class' => 'btn btn-default btn-secondary btn-large action delete')); $text .= "
"; return $text; } } } // Main News Area. class news_admin_ui extends e_admin_ui { protected $pluginTitle = ADLAN_0; // "News" protected $pluginName = 'core'; protected $eventName = 'news'; protected $table = "news"; protected $pid = "news_id"; protected $perPage = 10; //no limit protected $batchDelete = true; protected $batchExport = true; protected $batchCopy = true; protected $batchLink = true; protected $listQry = "SELECT n.*, nc.category_name, nc.category_sef, u.user_id,u.user_name FROM `#news` AS n LEFT JOIN `#news_category` AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id LEFT JOIN `#user` AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id "; // without any Order or Limit. protected $listOrder = "news_id desc"; protected $tabs = array(LAN_NEWS_52, 'SEO', LAN_NEWS_53); protected $url = array( 'route' => 'news/view/item', 'name' => 'news_title', 'description' => 'news_summary', 'vars'=> array('news_id' => true, 'news_sef' => true, 'category_id' => 'news_category', 'category_sef' => true) ); // 'link' only needed if profile not provided. protected $fields = array( 'checkboxes' => array('title' => '', 'type' => null, 'width' => '3%', 'thclass' => 'center first', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => true, 'toggle' => 'news_selected', 'forced' => TRUE), 'news_id' => array('title' => LAN_ID, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => false, 'readParms'=>'link=sef&target=blank'), 'news_thumbnail' => array('title' => NWSLAN_67, 'type' => 'method', 'data'=>'str', 'width' => '110px', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => "center", 'nosort' => false, 'readParms'=>'thumb=60&thumb_urlraw=0&thumb_aw=60', 'readonly'=>false), 'news_title' => array('title' => LAN_TITLE, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=>'safestr', 'filter'=>true, 'tab'=>0, 'writeParms'=> array('required'=> 1, 'size'=>'block-level'), 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_summary' => array('title' => LAN_SUMMARY, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=>'safestr', 'filter'=>true, 'tab'=>0, 'inline'=>true, 'writeParms'=>'size=block-level', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'class' => 'left', 'nosort' => false), 'news_body' => array('title' => "", 'type' => 'method', 'data'=>'str', 'tab'=>0, 'nolist'=>true, 'writeParms'=>'nolabel=1', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_extended' => array('title' => "", 'type' => null, 'data'=>'str', 'tab'=>0, 'nolist'=>true, 'noedit'=>true, 'writeParms'=>'nolabel=1', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_meta_title' => array('title' => LAN_META_TITLE, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=>'safestr', 'filter'=>true, 'tab'=>1, 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'help'=>'', 'writeParms'=>['size'=>'xxlarge', 'placeholder'=>'', 'counter'=>0, 'maxlength'=> 255], 'nosort' => false), 'news_meta_keywords' => array('title' => LAN_KEYWORDS, 'type' => 'tags', 'data'=>'safestr', 'filter'=>true, 'tab'=>1, 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'readParms'=>['maxlength'=>255,'maxItems'=>30], 'writeParms' => ['maxItems'=>30, 'maxlength'=>255]), 'news_meta_description' => array('title' => LAN_META_DESCRIPTION,'type' => 'textarea', 'data'=>'safestr','filter'=>true, 'tab'=>1, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'help'=>'', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'writeParms'=>array('size'=>'xxlarge', 'counter'=>0, 'maxlength'=>255, 'rows'=>2)), 'news_meta_robots' => array('title' => LAN_ROBOTS, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data'=>'safestr', 'tab'=>1, 'inline'=>true, 'readParms'=>array('type'=>'checkboxes'), 'writeParms'=>array('multiple'=>1), 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'class' => 'left', 'nosort' => false, 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true), 'news_sef' => array('title' => LAN_SEFURL, 'type' => 'text', 'batch'=>1, 'data'=>'str', 'tab'=>1, 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'writeParms'=>array('size'=>'xxlarge', 'show'=>1, 'sef'=>'news_title')), // 'news_ping' => array('title' => LAN_PING, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'tab'=>1, 'data'=>false, 'writeParms'=>'value=0', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_author' => array('title' => LAN_AUTHOR, 'type' => 'method', 'tab'=>2, 'readParms'=>'idField=user_id&nameField=user_name', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_datestamp' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_32, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'data'=>'int', 'tab'=>2, 'writeParms'=>'type=datetime', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'filter'=>true, 'batch'=>true), 'news_category' => array('title' => NWSLAN_6, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data'=>'int', 'tab'=>0, 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true), 'news_start' => array('title' => LAN_START, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'data'=>'int', 'tab'=>2, 'writeParms'=>'type=datetime', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_end' => array('title' => LAN_END, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'data'=>'int', 'tab'=>2, 'writeParms'=>'type=datetime', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_class' => array('title' => LAN_VISIBILITY, 'type' => 'userclass', 'tab'=>2, 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true), 'news_template' => array('title' => LAN_TEMPLATE, 'type' => 'method', 'data'=>'safestr', 'tab'=>2, 'inline'=>true, 'writeParms'=>array('plugin'=>'news', 'id'=>'news_view', 'area'=> 'front', 'merge'=>false), 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'class' => 'left', 'nosort' => false, 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true), 'news_render_type' => array('title' => LAN_LOCATION, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data'=>'safestr', 'tab'=>2, 'inline'=>true, 'readParms'=>array('type'=>'checkboxes'), 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'class' => 'left', 'nosort' => false, 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true), 'news_sticky' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_28, 'type' => 'boolean', 'data'=>'int', 'tab'=>2, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'center', 'inline'=>true, 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => false, 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true), 'news_modified' => array('title' => LAN_LAST_UPDATED, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'readonly'=>true, 'noedit'=>true, 'data'=>'int', 'tab'=>2, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'center', 'inline'=>false, 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => false, 'batch'=>false, 'filter'=>true), 'news_allow_comments' => array('title' => LAN_COMMENTS, 'type' => 'boolean', 'data'=>'int', 'tab'=>2, 'writeParms'=>'inverse=1', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => false,'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true,'readParms'=>'reverse=1'), 'news_comment_total' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_60, 'type' => 'number', 'data'=>'int', 'tab'=>2, 'noedit'=>true, 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), // admin_news_notify 'news_email_notify' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_103, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'tab'=>2, 'data'=>false, 'writeParms'=>array('show'=>1, 'tdClassRight'=>'form-inline'), 'help'=>LAN_NEWS_109), 'submitted_id' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_68, 'type' => 'hidden', 'tab'=>2, 'data'=>false, 'writeParms'=>'show=0'), 'options' => array('title' => LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' => null, 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => true, 'forced' => TRUE) ); protected $fieldpref = array('checkboxes','news_id', 'news_thumbnail', 'news_title', 'news_datestamp', 'news_category', 'news_class', 'options'); protected $preftabs = ['general'=>LAN_GENERAL,'admin'=>LAN_HEADER_04, 'subnews'=>LAN_NEWS_101]; protected $prefs = [ 'news_default_template' => ['title' => NWSLAN_127, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data'=>'safestr', 'help' => LAN_NEWS_88, 'tab' => 'general'], 'newsposts' => ['title' => NWSLAN_88, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data'=>'int', 'tab' => 'general'], 'news_list_limit' => ['title' => LAN_NEWS_91, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data'=>'int', 'help' => LAN_NEWS_92, 'tab' => 'general'], 'news_list_templates' => ['title' => LAN_NEWS_93, 'type' => 'checkboxes', 'help' => LAN_NEWS_94, 'tab' => 'general'], 'news_pagination' => ['title' => LAN_PAGINATION, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data'=>'safestr', 'help' => LAN_NEWS_112, 'tab' => 'general'], 'news_cache_timeout' => ['title' => LAN_NEWS_110, 'type' => 'number', 'data'=>'int', 'help' => LAN_NEWS_111, 'tab' => 'general'], 'news_cats' => ['title' => NWSLAN_86, 'type' => 'boolean', 'data'=>'int', 'tab' => 'general'], 'nbr_cols' => ['title' => NWSLAN_87, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data'=>'int', 'tab' => 'general'], 'newsposts_archive' => ['title' => NWSLAN_115, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data'=>'int', 'help' => NWSLAN_116, 'tab' => 'general'], 'newsposts_archive_title' => ['title' => NWSLAN_117, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=>'safestr', 'tab' => 'general'], 'news_newdateheader' => ['title' => NWSLAN_111, 'type' => 'boolean', 'data'=>'int', 'help' => NWSLAN_112, 'tab' => 'general'], 'news_unstemplate' => ['title' => NWSLAN_113, 'type' => 'boolean', 'data'=>'int', 'help' => NWSLAN_114, 'tab' =>'general'], 'news_editauthor' => ['title' => LAN_NEWS_51, 'type' => 'userclass', 'data'=>'int', 'tab' => 'admin', 'writeParms'=>['classlist'=>'nobody,main,admin,classes']], 'news_limit_to_self' => ['title' => LAN_NEWS_113, 'type' => 'userclass', 'data'=>'int', 'help'=>LAN_NEWS_114, 'tab' => 'admin', 'writeParms'=>['classlist'=>'nobody,classes,no-excludes']], 'subnews_class' => ['title' => NWSLAN_106, 'type' => 'userclass','data'=>'int', 'tab' => 'subnews', 'writeParms'=>['classlist'=>'nobody,public,guest,member,admin,classes'] ], 'subnews_htmlarea' => ['title' => NWSLAN_107, 'type' => 'boolean', 'data'=>'int', 'tab' => 'subnews'], 'subnews_attach' => ['title' => NWSLAN_100, 'type' => 'boolean', 'data'=>'int', 'tab' => 'subnews'], 'subnews_attach_minsize' => ['title' => LAN_NEWS_99, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'tab' => 'subnews'], 'subnews_resize' => ['title' => NWSLAN_101, 'type' => 'number', 'data'=>'int', 'tab' => 'subnews', 'writeParms' => ['maxlength'=>5] ], 'news_subheader' => ['title' => NWSLAN_120, 'type' => 'bbarea', 'tab' => 'subnews'] ]; protected $cats = array(); protected $newspost; protected $addons = array(); protected $news_renderTypes = array( // TODO Placement location and template should be separate. '0' => LAN_NEWS_69, '1' => LAN_NEWS_70, '4' => LAN_NEWS_71, '2' => LAN_NEWS_72, '3' => LAN_NEWS_73, '5' => LAN_NEWS_74, '6' => LAN_NEWS_97, //'5' => LAN_NEWS_75 ); public function beforeCreate($new_data, $old_data) { if(!empty($new_data['news_thumbnail']) && !empty($_GET['sub'])) // From SubmitNews. { $new_data['news_thumbnail'] = $this->processSubNewsImages($new_data['news_thumbnail']); } $new_data['news_thumbnail'] = $this->processThumbs($new_data['news_thumbnail']); if(empty($new_data['news_datestamp'])) { $new_data['news_datestamp'] = time(); } $new_data['news_modified'] = time(); $new_data['news_sef'] = empty($new_data['news_sef']) ? eHelper::title2sef($new_data['news_title']) : eHelper::secureSef($new_data['news_sef']); $this->checkSEFSimilarity($new_data); $tmp = explode(chr(35), $new_data['news_author']); $new_data['news_author'] = intval($tmp[0]); if(E107_DBG_SQLQUERIES) { e107::getMessage()->addInfo("

Raw _POST data

".print_a($_POST,true)); } return $new_data; } private function processSubNewsImages($row) { $new = array(); foreach($row as $k=>$v) { if(empty($v)) { continue; } $f = str_replace('{e_UPLOAD}','',$v); if($bbpath = e107::getMedia()->importFile($f,'news', e_UPLOAD.$f)) { $new[] = $bbpath; } } e107::getMessage()->addDebug("

Processing/importing SubNews Images

".print_a($new,true)); return implode(",",$new); } public function beforeUpdate($new_data, $old_data, $id) { if(!empty($new_data['news_thumbnail'])) { $new_data['news_thumbnail'] = $this->processThumbs($new_data['news_thumbnail']); } if(isset($new_data['news_datestamp']) && empty($new_data['news_datestamp'])) { $new_data['news_datestamp'] = time(); } if(isset($new_data['news_sef']) && empty($new_data['news_sef']) && !empty($new_data['news_title'])) { $new_data['news_sef'] = eHelper::title2sef($new_data['news_title']); } $new_data['news_modified'] = time(); $this->checkSEFSimilarity($new_data); if(!empty($new_data['news_author'])) { $tmp = explode(chr(35), $new_data['news_author']); $new_data['news_author'] = intval($tmp[0]); } if(E107_DBG_SQLQUERIES) { e107::getMessage()->addInfo("

Raw _POST data

".print_a($_POST,true)); } return $new_data; } /** * Display a warning if there is a mismatch with the SEF Url. * @param $new_data * @return void|null */ private function checkSEFSimilarity($new_data) { if(e_LANGUAGE === "Japanese" || e_LANGUAGE === "Korean") { return; } $expectedSEF = eHelper::title2sef($new_data['news_title']); similar_text($expectedSEF,$new_data['news_sef'],$percSimilar); if($percSimilar < 60) { e107::getMessage()->addWarning(LAN_NEWS_108); // The SEF URL is unlike the title of your news item. } } public function afterCreate($new_data, $old_data, $id) { if(!empty($_POST['news_email_notify'])) { $this->triggerNotify($new_data); } if(!empty($new_data['submitted_id'])) { e107::getDb()->update('submitnews', "submitnews_auth = 1 WHERE submitnews_id = ".intval($new_data['submitted_id'])." LIMIT 1"); } if(!empty($new_data['news_sef']) && ($existingSef = e107::getDb()->retrieve('news', 'news_sef', "news_sef = '".$new_data['news_sef']."' AND news_id != ".$id))) { $existingLAN = e107::getParser()->lanVars(LAN_NEWS_95,$existingSef,true ); e107::getMessage()->addWarning($existingLAN); } e107::getEvent()->trigger('newspost',$new_data); // e107::getEvent()->trigger('admin_news_created',$new_data); $evdata = array('method'=>'create', 'table'=>'news', 'id'=>$id, 'plugin'=>'news', 'function'=>'submit_item'); e107::getMessage()->addInfo(e107::getEvent()->triggerHook($evdata)); $this->clearCache(); } public function afterUpdate($new_data, $old_data, $id) { // e107::getMessage()->addInfo(print_a($new_data,true)); if(!empty($_POST['news_email_notify'])) { $this->triggerNotify($new_data); } e107::getEvent()->trigger('newsupd', $new_data); // e107::getEvent()->trigger('admin_news_updated',$new_data); $this->clearCache(); if(!empty($new_data['news_sef']) && ($existingSef = e107::getDb()->retrieve('news', 'news_sef', "news_sef = '".$new_data['news_sef']."' AND news_id != ".$id))) { $existingLAN = e107::getParser()->lanVars(LAN_NEWS_95,$existingSef,true ); e107::getMessage()->addWarning($existingLAN); } //$ecache->clear("nq_news_"); - supported by cache::clear() now //$ecache->clear("nomd5_news_"); supported by cache::clear() now $evdata = array('method'=>'update', 'table'=>'news', 'id'=>$id, 'plugin'=>'news', 'function'=>'submit_item'); e107::getMessage()->addInfo(e107::getEvent()->triggerHook($evdata)); } // Trigger the news email notification trigger. (@see admin->notify ) private function triggerNotify($new_data) { $visibility = explode(",", $new_data['news_class']); if(in_array(e_UC_PUBLIC, $visibility)) { e107::getEvent()->trigger('admin_news_notify',$new_data); e107::getMessage()->addSuccess(LAN_NEWS_105); } else { e107::getMessage()->addWarning(LAN_NEWS_106); } } public function afterDelete($deleted_data, $id, $deleted_check) { $this->clearCache(); } function clearCache() { $ecache = e107::getCache(); $ecache->clear("news.php"); //TODO change it to 'news_*' everywhere $ecache->clear("news_", false, true); //NEW global news cache prefix $ecache->clear("othernews"); //TODO change it to 'news_other' everywhere $ecache->clear("othernews2"); //TODO change it to 'news_other2' everywhere //$ecache->clear("nq_news_"); - supported by cache::clear() now //$ecache->clear("nomd5_news_"); supported by cache::clear() now return $this; } /** * For future use: multiple-images. */ private function processThumbs($postedImage) { if(is_array($postedImage)) { return implode(",", $postedImage); } else { return $postedImage; } } // function ukfield($a, $b) // custom sort order on create/edit pags. { $newOrder = array ( 'checkboxes', 'news_id', 'news_category', 'news_title' , 'news_summary', 'news_template', 'news_render_type', 'news_body', 'news_extended', 'news_thumbnail', 'news_sef' , 'news_meta_title', 'news_meta_description' , 'news_meta_keywords', 'news_meta_robots' , 'news_email_notify', 'news_allow_comments' , 'news_start' , 'news_end' , 'news_author' , 'news_datestamp' , 'news_class', 'news_sticky', 'news_comment_total' , 'news_modified', 'submitted_id', 'options' ); foreach($this->addons as $plug=>$config) { if(!empty($config['fields'])) { foreach($config['fields'] as $field=>$tmp) { $newOrder[] = "x_".$plug."_".$field; // echo $field; } } } $order = array_flip($newOrder); if($order[$a] == $order[$b]) { return 0; } return ($order[$a] < $order[$b]) ? -1 : 1; } function handleListImageBbcodeBatch($selected, $field, $value) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $status = array(); $ids = implode(",", e107::getParser()->filter($selected,'int')); if($data = $sql->retrieve("news","news_id,news_body","news_id IN (".$ids.") ",true)) { foreach($data as $row) { $id = $row['news_id']; $update = array( 'news_body' => e107::getBB()->imgToBBcode($row['news_body'], true), 'WHERE' => 'news_id = '.$row['news_id'] ); $status[$id] = $sql->update('news',$update) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR; } } $mes = e107::getMessage(); foreach($status as $k=>$v) { $mes->add(LAN_UPDATED.": ".$k, $v); } $this->clearCache(); return true; } /** * Returns true when limit news post view/edit to self-authored content is active for the currently logged in administrator. * @return bool */ private function limitToSelfEnabled() { if((int) $limit = e107::getPref('news_limit_to_self', false)) { return (check_class($limit) && !getperms('0')); } return false; } function init() { $this->addons = e107::getAddonConfig('e_admin',null, 'config', $this); /* if(!empty($_POST['save_prefs'])) { $this->saveSettings(); }*/ if(deftrue('e_DEBUG')) // allowing manual fixing of comment total in DEBUG mode. { $this->fields['news_comment_total']['noedit'] = false; $this->fields['news_comment_total']['inline'] = true; } $this->fields['news_email_notify']['writeParms']['post'] = "".LAN_CONFIGURE.""; // e107::getMessage()->addDebug(print_a($_POST,true)); if($this->getAction() == 'create' || $this->getAction() == 'edit') { uksort($this->fields, array($this, 'ukfield')); // $fieldKeys = array_keys($this->fields); // print_a($fieldKeys); if(!empty($_GET['sub'])) { $this->loadSubmitted($_GET['sub']); } } if(deftrue('e_DEBUG')) { $this->batchOptions['Modify News body'] = array('image_bbcode'=>"Convert all images in news-body to [img] bbcodes."); } if(deftrue("ADMINUI_NEWS_VISIBILITY_MULTIPLE")) // bc workaround for those who need it. Add to e107_config.php . { $this->fields['news_class']['type'] = 'userclasses'; } // $mod = $this->getModel(); // $info = print_a($mod, true); // e107::getMessage()->addInfo($info); $sql = e107::getDb(); $sql->gen("SELECT category_id,category_name FROM #news_category"); while($row = $sql->fetch()) { $cat = $row['category_id']; $this->cats[$cat] = $row['category_name']; } asort($this->cats); $this->fields['news_category']['writeParms']['optArray'] = $this->cats; $this->fields['news_category']['writeParms']['size'] = 'xlarge'; $this->fields['news_render_type']['writeParms']['optArray'] = $this->news_renderTypes; // array(NWSLAN_75,NWSLAN_76,NWSLAN_77,NWSLAN_77." 2","Featurebox"); $this->fields['news_render_type']['writeParms']['multiple'] = 1; $this->fields['news_render_type']['writeParms']['empty'] = '0'; $this->fields['news_meta_robots']['writeParms']['optArray'] = e107::getSingleton('eResponse')->getRobotTypes(); $this->fields['news_meta_robots']['writeParms']['title'] = e107::getSingleton('eResponse')->getRobotDescriptions(); $this->fields['news_meta_robots']['writeParms']['multiple'] = 1; // $this->fields['news_meta_robots']['writeParms']['default'] = 'blank'; // $this->newspost = new admin_newspost; // $this->newspost->news_renderTypes = $this->news_renderTypes; // $this->newspost->observer(); } private function initSEOFields() { eHelper::syncSEOTitle('news-title', 'news-meta-title'); $seoTitleLimit = (int) e107::pref('core', 'seo_title_limit', 100); $seoDescriptionLimit = (int) e107::pref('core', 'seo_description_limit', 180); $this->fields['news_meta_title']['writeParms']['counter'] = $seoTitleLimit; $this->fields['news_meta_title']['help'] = e107::getParser()->lanVars(LAN_SEARCH_ENGINES_X_LIMIT, $seoTitleLimit); $this->fields['news_meta_description']['writeParms']['counter'] = $seoDescriptionLimit; $this->fields['news_meta_description']['help'] = e107::getParser()->lanVars(LAN_SEARCH_ENGINES_X_LIMIT, $seoDescriptionLimit); } function EditObserver() { parent::EditObserver(); $author = (int) $this->getModel()->get('news_author'); if($this->limitToSelfEnabled() && $author !== USERID) { $this->getRequest()->setAction('e403'); return false; } $this->initSEOFields(); } function ListObserver() { if($this->limitToSelfEnabled()) { $this->listQry .= " WHERE n.news_author = ".USERID; } parent::ListObserver(); } function ListAjaxObserver() { if($this->limitToSelfEnabled()) { $this->listQry .= " WHERE n.news_author = ".USERID; } parent::ListAjaxObserver(); } function CreateObserver() { parent::CreateObserver(); $this->initSEOFields(); } function beforePrefsSave($new_data, $old_data) { $new_data['news_default_template'] = preg_replace('#[^\w\pL\-]#u', '', $new_data['news_default_template']); return $new_data; } function afterPrefsSave() { $this->clearCache(); } function PrefsObserver() { parent::PrefsObserver(); $newsTemplates = array(); $pref = e107::getPref(); if($newInfo = e107::getTemplateInfo('news', 'news', null, 'front', true)) //TODO 'category'=>'Categories'? research 'Use non-standard template for news layout' and integrate here. { foreach($newInfo as $k=>$val) { $newsTemplates[$k] = $val['title']; } } else { $newsTemplates = array('default'=>LAN_DEFAULT, 'list'=>LAN_LIST); } $imageSizes = array( '400×300' => '400x300', '640×480' => '640x480', '800×600' => '800x600', '1024×768' => '1024x768', '1600×1200' => '2 MP (1600×1200)', '2272×1704' => '4 MP (2272×1704)', '2816×2112' => '6 MP (2816×2112)', '3264×2448' => '8 MP (3264×2448)', // 10 MP (3648×2736) // 12 MP (4096×3072) ); $this->prefs['news_default_template']['writeParms']['optArray'] = $newsTemplates; $this->prefs['newsposts']['writeParms']['optArray'] = $this->_optrange(50, false); $this->prefs['news_list_limit']['writeParms']['optArray'] = $this->_optrange(50, false); $this->prefs['news_list_templates']['writeParms'] = ['optArray' => $this->news_renderTypes, 'useKeyValues' => 1]; $this->prefs['news_pagination']['writeParms'] = ['optArray' => ['record'=> "Record", 'page'=>'Page'], 'value'=>varset($pref['news_pagination'],'record')]; $this->prefs['nbr_cols']['writeParms']['optArray'] = $this->_optrange(6, false); $this->prefs['newsposts_archive']['writeParms']['optArray'] = $this->_optrange(intval($pref['newsposts']) - 1); $this->prefs['subnews_attach_minsize']['writeParms']['optArray'] = $imageSizes; } /*function saveSettings() { if(!getperms('0')) { $this->noPermissions(); } $temp = array(); $temp['newsposts'] = intval($_POST['newsposts']); $temp['newsposts_archive'] = intval($_POST['newsposts_archive']); $temp['newsposts_archive_title'] = e107::getParser()->toDB($_POST['newsposts_archive_title']); $temp['news_cats'] = intval($_POST['news_cats']); $temp['nbr_cols'] = intval($_POST['nbr_cols']); $temp['subnews_attach'] = intval($_POST['subnews_attach']); $temp['subnews_resize'] = intval($_POST['subnews_resize']); $temp['subnews_attach_minsize'] = e107::getParser()->filter($_POST['subnews_attach_minsize']); $temp['subnews_class'] = intval($_POST['subnews_class']); $temp['subnews_htmlarea'] = intval($_POST['subnews_htmlarea']); $temp['news_subheader'] = e107::getParser()->toDB($_POST['news_subheader']); $temp['news_newdateheader'] = intval($_POST['news_newdateheader']); $temp['news_unstemplate'] = intval($_POST['news_unstemplate']); $temp['news_editauthor'] = intval($_POST['news_editauthor']); $temp['news_pagination'] = filter_var($_POST['news_pagination']); $temp['news_default_template'] = preg_replace('#[^\w\pL\-]#u', '', $_POST['news_default_template']); $temp['news_list_limit'] = intval($_POST['news_list_limit']); $temp['news_list_templates'] = e107::getParser()->toDB($_POST['news_list_templates']); $temp['news_cache_timeout'] = intval($_POST['news_cache_timeout']); e107::getConfig()->updatePref($temp); if(e107::getConfig()->save(false)) { e107::getLog()->logArrayDiffs($temp, e107::getPref(), 'NEWS_06'); $this->clearCache(); } }*/ function submittedPage() { $this->newspost->show_submitted_news(); } private function _optrange($num, $zero = true) { $tmp = range(0, $num < 0 ? 0 : $num); if(!$zero) unset($tmp[0]); return $tmp; } /* function settingsPage() { // return $this->newspost->show_news_prefs(); $pref = e107::getPref(); $frm = e107::getForm(); $sefbaseDiz = str_replace(array("[br]","[","]"), array("
","",""), NWSLAN_128 ); $newsTemplates = array(); if($newInfo = e107::getTemplateInfo('news', 'news', null, 'front', true)) //TODO 'category'=>'Categories'? research 'Use non-standard template for news layout' and integrate here. { foreach($newInfo as $k=>$val) { $newsTemplates[$k] = $val['title']; } } else { $newsTemplates = array('default'=>LAN_DEFAULT, 'list'=>LAN_LIST); } $text = "
"; $tab1 = " "; $paginationOpts = ['record'=> "Record", 'page'=>'Page']; $tab1 .= " "; $tab1 .= " "; $tab1 .= " "; $imageSizes = array( '400×300' => '400x300', '640×480' => '640x480', '800×600' => '800x600', '1024×768' => '1024x768', '1600×1200' => '2 MP (1600×1200)', '2272×1704' => '4 MP (2272×1704)', '2816×2112' => '6 MP (2816×2112)', '3264×2448' => '8 MP (3264×2448)', // 10 MP (3648×2736) // 12 MP (4096×3072) ); $tab2 = "
".NWSLAN_127.$frm->help(LAN_NEWS_88)." ".$frm->select('news_default_template', $newsTemplates, $pref['news_default_template'])."
".NWSLAN_88." ".$frm->select('newsposts', $this->_optrange(50, false), $pref['newsposts'])."
".LAN_NEWS_91.$frm->help(LAN_NEWS_92)." ".$frm->select('news_list_limit', $this->_optrange(50, false), $pref['news_list_limit'])."
".LAN_NEWS_93.$frm->help(LAN_NEWS_94)." ".$frm->checkboxes('news_list_templates', $this->news_renderTypes, varset($pref['news_list_templates'],0), array('useKeyValues' => 1))."
".LAN_PAGINATION.$frm->help(LAN_NEWS_112)." ".$frm->select('news_pagination',$paginationOpts, varset($pref['news_pagination'],'record'))."
".LAN_NEWS_110.$frm->help(LAN_NEWS_111)." ".$frm->number('news_cache_timeout',varset($pref['news_cache_timeout'],0), 6)."
".NWSLAN_86." ".$frm->radio_switch('news_cats', $pref['news_cats'])."
".NWSLAN_87." ".$frm->select('nbr_cols', $this->_optrange(6, false), $pref['nbr_cols'])."
".NWSLAN_115.$frm->help(NWSLAN_116)." ".$frm->select('newsposts_archive', $this->_optrange(intval($pref['newsposts']) - 1), intval($pref['newsposts_archive']))."
".NWSLAN_117." ".$frm->text('newsposts_archive_title', $pref['newsposts_archive_title'])."
".LAN_NEWS_51." ".$frm->uc_select('news_editauthor', vartrue($pref['news_editauthor']), 'nobody,main,admin,classes')."
".NWSLAN_106." ".$frm->uc_select('subnews_class', $pref['subnews_class'], 'nobody,public,guest,member,admin,classes')."
".NWSLAN_107." ".$frm->radio_switch('subnews_htmlarea', $pref['subnews_htmlarea'])."
".NWSLAN_100." ".$frm->radio_switch('subnews_attach', $pref['subnews_attach'])."
".LAN_NEWS_99." ".$frm->select('subnews_attach_minsize', $imageSizes, varset($pref['subnews_attach_minsize'], null), null, LAN_NEWS_100)."
".NWSLAN_101." ".$frm->number('subnews_resize', $pref['subnews_resize'], 5, 'size=6&class=tbox')." ".$frm->help(NWSLAN_102, 'after')."
".NWSLAN_120." ".$frm->bbarea('news_subheader', stripcslashes(vartrue($pref['news_subheader'])), null, 'helpb')."
"; $tab1 .= " ".NWSLAN_111.$frm->help(NWSLAN_112)."
".$frm->radio_switch('news_newdateheader', $pref['news_newdateheader'])."
".$frm->radio_switch('news_unstemplate', vartrue($pref['news_unstemplate']))." ".$frm->help(NWSLAN_114, 'after')."
"; $text .= $frm->tabs(array( 'general' => array('caption'=>LAN_GENERAL, 'text'=>$tab1), 'subnews' => array('caption'=>LAN_NEWS_101, 'text'=>$tab2) )); $text .= "
".$frm->admin_button('save_prefs', LAN_UPDATE, 'update')."
"; return e107::getMessage()->render().$text; // e107::getRender()->tablerender(NWSLAN_90, e107::getMessage()->render().$text); }*/ private function processSubmittedMedia($data) { if(empty($data)) { return false; } $row = json_decode($data,true); $text = ''; foreach($row as $k) { if(!empty($k)) { $text .= $k."\n\n"; } } return $text; } function loadSubmitted($id) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); if ($sql->select("submitnews", "*", "submitnews_id=".intval($id))) { $row = $sql->fetch(); $data['news_title'] = $tp->filter($row['submitnews_title']); $data['news_body'] = $row['submitnews_item']; $data['news_category'] = intval( $row['submitnews_category']); $data['news_body'] .= "\n[[b]".NWSLAN_49." {$row['submitnews_name']}[/b]]"; if($mediaData = $this->processSubmittedMedia($row['submitnews_media'])) { $data['news_body'] .= "\n\n---\n\n".$mediaData; } if(e107::getPref('wysiwyg',false)!==false) { $data['news_body'] = nl2br($data['news_body']); } $data['news_author'] = $row['submitnews_user']; $data['news_thumbnail'] = $row['submitnews_file']; // implode(",",$thumbs); $data['news_sef'] = eHelper::dasherize($data['news_title']); $data['news_meta_keywords'] = $row['submitnews_keywords']; $data['news_summary'] = $row['submitnews_summary']; $data['news_meta_description'] = $row['submitnews_description']; $data['submitted_id'] = $id; foreach($data as $k=>$v) { $this->getModel()->setData($k, $v); // Override Table data. } if(e_DEBUG) { e107::getMessage()->addDebug(print_a($data,true)); } } } function preCreate() { if($_GET['action'] == "edit" && !$_POST['preview']) { if(!isset($_POST['submit_news'])) { if(e107::getDb()->select('news', '*', 'news_id='.intval($_GET['id']))) { $row = e107::getDb()->fetch(); // if(!isset($this->news_categories[$row['news_category']])) { // $this->noPermissions(); } $_POST['news_title'] = $row['news_title']; $_POST['news_sef'] = $row['news_sef']; $_POST['news_body'] = $row['news_body']; $_POST['news_author'] = $row['news_author']; $_POST['news_extended'] = $row['news_extended']; $_POST['news_allow_comments'] = $row['news_allow_comments']; $_POST['news_class'] = $row['news_class']; $_POST['news_summary'] = $row['news_summary']; $_POST['news_sticky'] = $row['news_sticky']; $_POST['news_datestamp'] = ($_POST['news_datestamp']) ? $_POST['news_datestamp'] : $row['news_datestamp']; $_POST['cat_id'] = $row['news_category']; $_POST['news_start'] = $row['news_start']; $_POST['news_end'] = $row['news_end']; $_POST['comment_total'] = e107::getDb()->count("comments", "(*)", " WHERE comment_item_id={$row['news_id']} AND comment_type='0'"); $_POST['news_render_type'] = $row['news_render_type']; $_POST['news_thumbnail'] = $row['news_thumbnail']; $_POST['news_meta_keywords'] = $row['news_meta_keywords']; $_POST['news_meta_description'] = $row['news_meta_description']; } } else // on submit { if(!empty($_POST['news_meta_keywords'])) $_POST['news_meta_keywords'] = eHelper::formatMetaKeys($_POST['news_meta_keywords']); } } } } class news_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui { function news_template($curVal,$mode) { if($mode === 'read') { return $curVal; } if($mode === 'write') { if($tmp = e107::getTemplate('news', 'news', 'view')) { return LAN_DEFAULT; } if($tmp = e107::getLayouts('news', 'news_view', 'front', null, false, false)) { return $this->select('news_template', $tmp, $curVal, array('size'=>'xlarge')); } return LAN_DEFAULT; } } function news_author($curVal, $mode) { $pref = e107::pref(); $sql = e107::getDb(); if($mode == 'read') { $row = $this->getController()->getListModel()->getData(); // $att = $this->getController()->getFieldAttr('news_author'); // $att = array('readParms'=> array(['__idval']=>$row['user_id'idField=user_id&nameField=user_name'); return $row['user_name']; } $text = ""; if(!getperms('0') && !check_class($pref['news_editauthor'])) { $auth = ($curVal) ? intval($curVal) : USERID; $sql->select("user", "user_name", "user_id=$auth LIMIT 1"); $row = $sql->fetch(); $text .= ""; $text .= "".$row['user_name'].""; } else // allow master admin to { $text .= $this->select_open('news_author', array('size'=>'xlarge')); $qry = "SELECT user_id,user_name,user_admin FROM #user WHERE user_perms = '0' OR user_perms = '0.' OR user_perms REGEXP('(^|,)(H)(,|$)') "; if(!empty($curVal)) { $qry .= " OR user_id = ".intval($curVal); // make sure existing author is included. } if($pref['subnews_class'] && $pref['subnews_class']!= e_UC_GUEST && $pref['subnews_class']!= e_UC_NOBODY) { if($pref['subnews_class']== e_UC_MEMBER) { $qry .= " OR user_ban != 1 ORDER BY user_class DESC, user_name";// limit to avoid long page loads. } elseif($pref['subnews_class']== e_UC_ADMIN) { $qry .= " OR user_admin = 1 ORDER BY user_name"; } else { $qry .= " OR FIND_IN_SET(".intval($pref['subnews_class']).", user_class) ORDER BY user_name"; } } // print_a($pref['subnews_class']); $sql->gen($qry); while($row = $sql->fetch()) { if(vartrue($curVal)) { $sel = ($curVal == $row['user_id']); } else { $sel = (USERID == $row['user_id']); } $username = $row['user_name']; if(!empty($row['user_admin'])) { $username .= " *"; } $text .= $this->option($username, $row['user_id'].chr(35).$row['user_name'], $sel); } $text .= " "; } return $text; } function news_body($curVal,$mode) { $frm = e107::getForm(); $tp = e107::getParser(); if($mode == 'read') { return '...'; } $curValExt = $this->getController()->getModel()->get('news_extended'); $text = '
'; $val = strpos($curVal, "[img]http") !== false ? $curVal : str_replace("[img]../", "[img]", $curVal); $text .= "
"; $text .= $frm->bbarea('news_body', $val, 'news', 'news'); $text .= "
"; $text .= "
"; $val = (strpos($curValExt, "[img]http") !== false ? $curValExt : str_replace("[img]../", "[img]",$curValExt)); $text .= $frm->bbarea('news_extended', $val, 'extended', 'news'); $text .= "
"; return $text; } function news_thumbnail($curval,$mode) { if($mode == 'read') { if(strpos($curval, ",")!==false) { $tmp = explode(",",$curval); $curval = $tmp[0]; } if(empty($curval)) { return ''; } $vparm = array('thumb'=>'tag','w'=> 80); if($thumb = e107::getParser()->toVideo($curval,$vparm)) { return $thumb; } if($curval[0] != "{") { $curval = "{e_IMAGE}newspost_images/".$curval; } $url = e107::getParser()->thumbUrl($curval,'aw=80'); $link = e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($curval); return "".basename($curval).""; } if($mode == 'write') { $paths = array(); if(!empty($_GET['sub'])) { $thumbTmp = explode(",",$curval); foreach($thumbTmp as $key=>$path) { $url = ($path[0] == '{') ? $path : e_TEMP.$path; $paths[] = e107::getParser()->thumbUrl($url,'aw=800'); } } $tp = e107::getParser(); $frm = e107::getForm(); // $text .= $frm->imagepicker('news_thumbnail[0]', $curval ,'','media=news&video=1'); $thumbTmp = explode(",",$curval); $text = "
"; $text .= $frm->imagepicker('news_thumbnail[0]', varset($thumbTmp[0]), varset($paths[0]), array('media' => 'news+', 'video' => 1, 'legacyPath' => '{e_IMAGE}newspost_images')); $text .= $frm->imagepicker('news_thumbnail[1]', varset($thumbTmp[1]), varset($paths[1]), array('media' => 'news+', 'video' => 1, 'legacyPath' => '{e_IMAGE}newspost_images')); $text .= $frm->imagepicker('news_thumbnail[2]', varset($thumbTmp[2]), varset($paths[2]), array('media' => 'news+', 'video' => 1, 'legacyPath' => '{e_IMAGE}newspost_images')); $text .= $frm->imagepicker('news_thumbnail[3]', varset($thumbTmp[3]), varset($paths[3]), array('media' => 'news+', 'video' => 1, 'legacyPath' => '{e_IMAGE}newspost_images')); $text .= $frm->imagepicker('news_thumbnail[4]', varset($thumbTmp[4]), varset($paths[4]), array('media' => 'news+', 'video' => 1, 'legacyPath' => '{e_IMAGE}newspost_images')); $text .= "
"; // $text .= "
Insert image/video into designated area of template.
"; return $text; } } function news_title($value, $mode) { if($mode == 'read') { $news_item = $this->getController()->getListModel()->toArray(); $url = e107::getUrl()->create('news/view/item', $news_item); return "".$value.""; } return $value; } } new news_admin(); require_once(e_ADMIN."auth.php"); e107::getAdminUI()->runPage(); if(!e_AJAX_REQUEST) { require_once("footer.php"); }