display all icons
// $look = 1 --->display email icon only
// $look = 2 --->display print icon only
$text_emailprint = "";
//new method emailprint_class : (only news is core, rest is plugin: searched for e_emailprint.php which should hold $email and $print values)
if($mode == "news")
$email = "news";
$print = "news";
//load the others from plugins
$handle = opendir(e_PLUGIN);
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_dir(e_PLUGIN.$file))
$plugin_handle = opendir(e_PLUGIN.$file."/");
while (false !== ($file2 = readdir($plugin_handle)))
if ($file2 == "e_emailprint.php")
if ($look == 0 || $look == 1)
$ico_mail = (defined("ICONMAIL") && file_exists(THEME."images/".ICONMAIL) ? THEME_ABS."images/".ICONMAIL : e_IMAGE_ABS."generic/email.png");
//TDOD CSS class
$text_emailprint .= "
if ($look == 0 || $look == 2)
$ico_print = (defined("ICONPRINT") && file_exists(THEME."images/".ICONPRINT) ? THEME_ABS."images/".ICONPRINT : e_IMAGE_ABS."generic/printer.png");
//TODO CSS class
$text_emailprint .= "
return $text_emailprint;